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    • January 31, 2012 2:57 AM CST
    • You've set the trap, now just wait...

      ...what the sea of Rock'n'Roll will spit out.

    • January 30, 2012 5:06 PM CST
    • Thx for the info kopper....been thinking about doing this for a while now....time is not my friend at the moment, but I might be able to take a stab at it

    • January 30, 2012 4:53 PM CST
    • Anyone out there want to take a stab at doing a podcast for GaragePunk Pirate Radio? Get Drunk & Play Records will no longer be part of the network/station, so I'd like someone new to replace it in the lineup. I'm specifically looking for a show that isn't stuck in the '50s/'60s rut, too. Nothing wrong with playing some stuff from that era, but I'd like a show that really mixes up the genres, and, especially, the ERAS, and isn't afraid to feature a good chunk of CURRENT bands from the Hideout as well as those making waves around the world. The show should be high-energy and fun to listen to. If you think you've got what it takes, read over the guidelines, put together a short pilot (test) show and shoot me message with a link so I can check it out.


    • January 31, 2012 1:17 AM CST
    •  I'm not a fan of the genre , BUT , when I was in Mexico , I saw a band called Los Gorditos. They were INSANE ! I think they're pretty popular in Mexico , so finding you tubes or CDs you can order from outside of Mexico should'nt be a problem.

    • January 30, 2012 9:34 AM CST
    • Checkout the Swedish band: The Liptones. They have a couple of good releases.

    • January 30, 2012 9:08 PM CST
    • Even after almost thirty years of doing a radio show, I never really got around to "officially" naming it. My friends just call it by my name, "The Jeff of the Future Show."

    • January 30, 2012 8:19 PM CST
    • What's the name of your show?

    • January 30, 2012 9:01 PM CST
    • You should post links to new episodes/playlists here. No one's going to remember to visit your Facebook page. ;)

    • January 30, 2012 8:46 PM CST
    • Pretty obvious, isn't it? What we have now are a series of podcasts. Static podcasts. Not streaming audio where there's a different song playing each time you tune in. A Shoutcast server basically dips into a pool of songs (MP3s) and plays them in a random order. It's not a bunch of hosted, pre-recorded programs (podcasts) being played back-to-back.

      Jeff of the Future said:

      How is this different from the podcasts that you are already hosting?


    • January 30, 2012 8:44 PM CST
    • 64kbps stereo, yes. Mono, not so bad. A 64kbps MP3 ripped in mono is equivalent to a 128kbps stereo MP3 at half the size. This is why all GPPR podcasts are ripped at 80kbps mono... same audio (compression) quality of a 160kbps stereo MP3.

      jon_the_id said:

      mp3s at 64kbps sound absolutely horrible too, even to the thickest of ears

    • January 30, 2012 8:43 PM CST
    • This was a very good 2 LP (Colored vinyl) bootleg , then I got a VHS copy from a friend (It did'nt have the Joey Ramone intro.) , and even made one for Cheetah a few years back. I'm glad the DVD came out.It's much better than the tape I had.

      In Dead Boys - related news , John Belushi's 1965 Garage band , The Ravens , just had their 45 re- released by Reckless REcords' vanity pressing label.   Give up why that's Dead Boys related ?

    • January 30, 2012 8:40 PM CST
    • Lots of these kinds of shows have discussion topics posted right here in this very group forum, Cap'n.

      Also, while it might seem like a good idea to try and mail your stuff out to individual shows/programs, sometimes a station may have multiple shows/programs that would give your stuff airplay, so sending two or three promos to the station may kill two or three birds with one stone, rather than trying to send this stuff out individually to each show host. Make sense?

      In St. Louis, you should send your stuff to KDHX and KWUR.

      KDHX FM 88.1
      3504 Magnolia Ave
      St. Louis, MO 63118

      KWUR 90.3 FM
      Campus Box 1205
      One Brookings Dr.
      St. Louis, MO 63130

    • January 30, 2012 8:35 PM CST
    • That's the problem , The JAMC's early , pre - LP single sides , particularly "Vegetable Man" and "Ambition" , are really hard to find. I lost interest after their first LP , so I would'nt buy a box set for 8 songs , personally. They earned a terrible reputation after a short tour of the states in about 1986....I saw them in '87 , and they SOUNDED LIKE THEY SHOULD HAVE , EXCEPT THEY DID'NT EVEN HAVE A DRUMMER ! GIMME A BREAK.  Jim Reid was collapsing to the floor , then recomposing himself at least every 30 seconds. You could have set your watch by it ! I heard , later , that the band demanded a case of Russian Vodka that's so rare , you probably could'nt find it in Russia , except on The Black Market. Someone found it, tho' , and the pre -show getting pissed commenced. I STILL ENJOYED THE SHOW , DESPITE THE ANNOYING DRUM MACHINE . i'VE GOT A TAPE WITH A FEW SONGS FROM AN EARLY UK TOUR , THEY DO SOUND PRETTY FUCKED UP , MAYBE NOT IF YOU DID'NT HOLD IT UP AGAINST THEIR RECORDS , THOUGH.    I did'nt think they'd get anywhere , here , and that's a compliment. Something that abrasive should'nt have gotten over in the states , not with The Cure and The Smiths to save us.

    • January 30, 2012 2:06 PM CST
    • I've re-discovered Robert Johnson im my record collection recently and have been stuck on him now for a good month. While he really isn't paisley pop it's still great stuff, it's more Beach Boys sounding power-pop than anything. It's worth checking out, you can usually find his 2 lps on e-bay fairly cheap ( Memphis demos and Close Personal Friend ). If you get a chance check out his 1st 45 with the Bell Heirs. I think  both albums were re-released on cd a while back, it's worth looking into. Also you might want to check out The Leopards ( re-released on SingSing records ) and the Sex Clark Five, both are 60s British invasion influenced.

    • January 30, 2012 12:41 PM CST
    • Thanks Gringo! What a Great band! I got turned on to them back in '85 and have listened to 'Colored Heaven' millions of times!I will search out a vinyl copy of all their records. I like Redd Kross also. I agree, the playing and songwriting is awesome! Trying to find some more on Youtube.

      Thanks again!

      Gringo Starr said:

      Saw them many times at the Cavern Club in Los Angeles in the '80s. These guys were really great players! I think they were from La Habra - I remember that because I have relatives from that city. The front man was called Steve Crabtree who wrote all the songs. The drummer, Roy McDonald went on to play with Redd Kross. Colored Heaven was there first record and I think it must have been on Voxx records. I believe they did two records after this one - 'Outside My Window' and then 'The Things'. I was always in awe of these guys because their musical ability/songwriting skills were leaps above lots of other bands on the scene.

    • January 30, 2012 9:23 AM CST
    • Saw them many times at the Cavern Club in Los Angeles in the '80s. These guys were really great players! I think they were from La Habra - I remember that because I have relatives from that city. The front man was called Steve Crabtree who wrote all the songs. The drummer, Roy McDonald went on to play with Redd Kross. Colored Heaven was there first record and I think it must have been on Voxx records. I believe they did two records after this one - 'Outside My Window' and then 'The Things'. I was always in awe of these guys because their musical ability/songwriting skills were leaps above lots of other bands on the scene.

    • January 30, 2012 8:41 AM CST
    • Anybody heard of a band called The Things 'Colored Heaven' album released in 1984? Great record and want to find out more about the band's other realeases.



    • January 30, 2012 10:48 AM CST
    • ive just read (twice) and loved 'a riot of our own' by john green its the account of the former clash rodie who left there entorage in america 82 or so due to exaustion great read

    • January 30, 2012 10:37 AM CST
    • thanks for the feedback not done yet but i would like to include amps in this low to mid price tube ideally:

      fender (blackface idealy but some silverface can be got on the cheap)

      vox (ive seen some 60s us ones go cheap worth it?)

      also power im 14 i play with a band ower rehersal space is bedrooms and unfortunatly our drum kit is electric but its power cable is broken (it can be replaced but d rather we didnt) and by the end of the year or next i want to play live ,i dont want a clean sound but not a distorted sound ,that thin line of trash beetween sparkling (ie abit gritty) clean and crunch likley involving a treble booster to increce the lo fi trashness

      but keep the guitars coming also

    • January 30, 2012 10:01 AM CST
    • What's it like to be immortal Howie? Congratulations.