wicked thanks to those who contributed. Ill bee sending stuff on...
Itd be great if this list could be further developed and made sticky or something though.
wicked thanks to those who contributed. Ill bee sending stuff on...
Itd be great if this list could be further developed and made sticky or something though.
A way to listen to the podcast and to check your profile/discussions is all you need.
Did you ever make any headway with this, Andy? Just curious...
Andyuzz said:
No worries - I'm not promising anything at the mo (and if no-one wants one I won't waste my time!), and yes, RSS feed would be the way forward
Jackie Wilson and LaVern Baker-Think Twice
Andre Williams-Poor Mr. Santa (Naughty Version)
Swingin Neckbreakers-Live for Buzz
"When the rumors went around that I did it to my girl last night , when all we did , that time , was watch the movies and go home and fight"
"When I take a sip of cocoa , and pretty soon , I'm feelin' free. And when I asked him how he made it , he made it out of LSD!"
If this record had sold more than 40 copies , lines like these , and the title , might have kept it from being released at all. I still think it's one of the better later "Grave " songs.
The Frankenstein Five said:
"That's Queer" by The NEw Fugitives (Back From the Grave) : "My father calls me black boy, but really I'm as white as a ghost". Jeesh!
Yeah , you're right . This was from the late 50's , when "Davy Crockett" was like God , and Joe Tex was one of the better Little Richard proteges.
swt said:
Ona recent episode of The Big Enchilada, I played "Davy, You Upset My Home" by Joe Tex. It's about a guy who's jealous because his girl is really into Davy Crockett. (I think this is from the late '50s when Davy Crockett was a very popular TV show.)
The girl even buys Davy Crockett false teeth because, Joe sings, "I punched her in the mouth last night."
Another line: "I whipped her so until she went insane. And now she wants to buy herself a Davy Crockett brain."
I heard about the time GG Allin came back from the dead at a Goblins show , at The Empty Bottle in Chicago. The singer , Phantom Creeper , was aghast. "OH , NO! HE'S POOPING ON THE AUDIENCE ! OH , THE HUMANITY!".....It was only chocolate puddin'.
Andrew Malcolm said:
Well... anything by GG Allin. This video is very tame, compared to what normally goes on at one of his shows.
Loved the Shirts -- great live.
Boston: The New Models (Casey Lindstrom guitarist -- he's the guy playing the lead on "Something to Grab For" (Ocasek). If you ever heard Casey play, you'd recognize it immediately. Fabulous live. Their record, if you like that sorta thang, is worth a listen. Really obscure: The Lifters.
Chicago: powerpop/punk/whatever would be Epicycle. I've got a copy of a pretty good article 'bout them but link is gone now. Good thing I saved that. Because of their age, the crowd could sometimes be pretty wild.
Also, Screaming Rachel Cain and the Remote (they were fun live)
Who is currently hot in you hometown? Plug your favorite local surf/garage/psych weirdo/punk/power poppers here. I live in Atlanta:
Hip To Death
Ghost Bikini
Thank you that man!
kopper said:
That is pretty much a fromage bleu stinker.... the lyrics are fantastique though.
Funny, ol' mate I ave two copies of this too. Real fab, top notch cheese n' onion, ready salted dance floor filler. And no I have not 'eard the PG Tips freakbeat.
Bry Nylon said:
ha ha you're the boss ... that's the ticket !!! - well done & too right !!! - I have duplicate copies of this one so as when I DJ [ albeit far too occassionally now...] I can seg 'em spin 'em out forever - fab-gear A1 top class rubbish !!! ; )... have you ever heard the Brooke Bond PG tips freakbeat 45 ? ... if not I'll try and dig it out and upload it here ( although it may take me a while to find again in this teetering trashmount ; ) - anyway... it's guaranteed 100% floor killer ... [green label / gold writing / and i think it just says BROOKE BOND PG TIPS on the label / possibly one of those lyntone style 45's - whatever next eh ? ] ssssssssssssh
Dance the Slurp - a 7-Eleven promotional thing.
Kopper posted some great Ramones beer jingles in the Rhythm & Booze group:
This one is waaay up there on the HOLY SHIT! Really? List:
Here is one of two Advertising flexi's I own, I seem to remember the flip is pretty cool too but can't find a version from this one.
Ok, now I really really wish I still had these. I think my sis and I had a fight over who got the record off the box. Ok, I'm cheating, cuz the song isn't an advert, but damn, this exercise was all about SELLING SHITE TO KIDS. That is the real trash if you ask me.
This def. counts as pop trash. Literally, played to death, then, binned. I think ours came in a diff. version -- off the Sugar Pops box. Anyway, the records aren't as supercool at Shadows of Knight... but good memories! Thanks for the thread. Mel
Nice link here.
OK... let's all play TRASHY ADVERTS - the basic idea here is to post up sound files / images etc... and so on... of your favourite groovy advert crud ...so that nerds like me and my mate si-mon can frug about to some real hip sounds ...one of my fave groovy trashy adverts is - The Shadows of Knight 'potato chip' - it was as I understand a freebie in some or other brand potato chips* box in the US ( *or as we prefer to call them over here 'crisps' ) - here's a pic of the one that I like to spin
and here's what it sounds like -
and here's another typically top-fab 'n' groovy example ...
weh hey.. off y'go then ;)
22th february 2012 - REVES DE CUIR / LEATHER DREAMS |
Tracklist : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
15th february 2012 - DANSEZ LE SIRTATWIST - 99% greek garage bands !!! |
Tracklist : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
1rst february 2012 - QUESTION ? |
Tracklist : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
25 january 2012 - la machine is back !! |
Tracklist : |
I dunno , The Brood , The Sirens (They've since grown a pair , actually , two , and I like 'em just as well.) ,The Friggs , Barbie Army , mmmmmMo-Dettes , Mescaline Drive , The Pleasure Seekers , The Pandoras , Girlschool ,The Runaways , Las Mosquitas , Wanton Looks , Sit'n'Spin , others.....
So OK already [ this string ain't about perving to video's - so why not get over it and check out the music instead ]... I'm surely biased, as m'Lady was in a whole heap of girl bands in the 80's / 90's... but we've seen this band play live... and they are still way out ahead as our A1 number 1 top-fab favourite all girl band so far -
What's yours ?
Tits of Death - Iron Nipples
Yep..right on!
As Ray Davies put it so brilliantly in song, I'm not like everybody else.
Ghislaine Korb / THE PUSH-BACKS said:
i was born punk.Honest.So the first time i heard a punk song it was like a shock it was so new yet so familiar!!