Who's going? (I am)
Who's playing? (I've seen the list http://sxsw.com/music/shows/bands but it's really incomplete so far.) Any good bands in , say, the GaragePunk style?
Who's going? (I am)
Who's playing? (I've seen the list http://sxsw.com/music/shows/bands but it's really incomplete so far.) Any good bands in , say, the GaragePunk style?
I got not one, but two Rhino Records boxed sets: NUGGETS (amazing!) and the eight-volume Atlantic R&B 1947-74 boxed set (haven't listened yet, but with Otis Redding, Laverne Baker, Solomon Burke et al. you can't really go wrong).
John Battles said:
Got a lot of Norton booty - The new Figures of Light LP , "Drop Dead"(Recommended.). The new Dave "Baby" Cortez (W/Lonnie Younglood and Mick Collins.) LP (TWICE AS RECOMMENDED), The Adny Shernoff/Dave "Baby" Cortez Stones single , The Ltd. ed. Bloodshot Bill 45 , Non - Norton swag - A 3 LP SPIKE JONES LIVE RADIO SET. The self - produced fine as wine live LP by The Alarm Clocks , THE VERY GOOD - BUT - WE - NEED - MORE - GERRY AND "THE WITCH " AND "HE'S WAITIN" LIVE SONICS 10"....That's more than I deserve , already.
That Acid Baby Jesus LP is one of my favorites of the year.
Guillaume Monchaux said:
I got the Acid Baby Jesus LP and the Magnetix "Drogue Electrique" LP. It was a very good Christmas.
Got a lot of Norton booty - The new Figures of Light LP , "Drop Dead"(Recommended.). The new Dave "Baby" Cortez (W/Lonnie Younglood and Mick Collins.) LP (TWICE AS RECOMMENDED), The Adny Shernoff/Dave "Baby" Cortez Stones single , The Ltd. ed. Bloodshot Bill 45 , Non - Norton swag - A 3 LP SPIKE JONES LIVE RADIO SET. The self - produced fine as wine live LP by The Alarm Clocks , THE VERY GOOD - BUT - WE - NEED - MORE - GERRY AND "THE WITCH " AND "HE'S WAITIN" LIVE SONICS 10"....That's more than I deserve , already.
I got the Acid Baby Jesus LP and the Magnetix "Drogue Electrique" LP. It was a very good Christmas.
I love my new The Feeling of Love album. What did you get for Christmas?
a few
the heat tapes raccoon valley recordings
The Slow Death Born Ugly Got Worse
Stratosonics Sonic Boom Boogie
The Monsters Pop Up Yours
Left Lane Cruisers Junkyard Speedball
plus more
The Dyes' first CD , That's probably from 2010 , but it was such a lousy year for new releases , we'll make it two .... The Stones 2 CD "sOME gIRLS " reissue set , Alarm Clocks -Live , Stooges -Raw Power Live (Does'nt even touch on what they're now capable of , but , nice to have. ) , "Destroy That Boy " (COMP.) , DAVE BERRY 2 cd retrosopective , Rationals (Same), Ray Charles Live (re -issue , bonus cuts.), Jerry Lee Lewis "Mean Old Man" , Fever Tree Live , Human Beinz - Live in Japan , Stones - Exile re-ish. Kind of a gyp , widely bootlegged tracks , with new vocals , hyped as "Lost outtakes" , but , fuck me , they still sound good. DON WAS HAS MADE THE STONES RELEVANT AGAIN. I mean , in THIS day and age.
Hope you enjoyed the Xmas special for 2011 - tune in next week, same time, same channel for the Annual Wrekking Hours Anthology 2011!!!! Featuring all the new releases and best of the Wrekking Hours from 2011.
See you next year!!!
This week (12-26-11) is the 2nd half of the annual Wrekking Hrs Xmas special - finishing up some of the xmas requests & unusual neo-rockabilly xmas songs...
Then during the Psychobilly portion will be feature some xmas appropriate Psycho tunes followed up by BRAND NEW koffin Kats & 12 Step Rebels - Hot Off the Presses!!!
Tune in today from 4-6pm -
Wire - I am the fly
Floyd Dakil - dance Franny dance
Tony Clarke - landslide
Charlie Feathers - can't hardly stand it
Twilight Ritual - I never called you a dream
the Soft Moon - when it's over
David Vanderdelde - nothin' no
Flamin' Groovies - ups and downs
(Dutch) Outsiders - I've been loving you so long
Wallace Collection - daydream
Random 10 songs I enjoy:
"Blue Moon" - Elvis
"Jetboy" - New York Dolls
"You Tore Me Down" - Flamin' Groovies
"Free Money" - Patti Smith
"These Days" - Nico
"Eton Rifles" - The Jam
"Warrior In Woolworths" - X-Ray Spex
"Bastards of Young" - The Replacements
"Bad Reputation" - Joan Jett
"A Pillar of Salt" - the Thermals
Thee Mighty Caesars are a personal fave.
They are all pretty great! I wish the MBEs would have lasted a bit longer. Though the Spartan Dreggs seem pretty cool as well. Also there were the Blackhands..
I liked Thee Headcoat Sect , if only because Keith Grant and Don Crane were in it.
It's funny you should say that , an old ex - friend and I were listening to "Alternative Ulster " , and he heard it as "A tail of RED LOBSTER " ! Jake Burns is , or was , living here in town...I wonder if anyone ever told him that.
SarahJayne said:
"a tale of a lobster" ~ an old friends mom's rendition of Stiff Little Fingers 'alternative ulster'
The Devil Dogs "Saturday Night Fever" LP has that party background noise going on... "Big Fuckin' Party!"
I know I've heard many others over the years, too, but that's the only one coming to my mind at the moment.
Chuck Barris ? HA HA. Good call , but , no , I think it's that one guy , one of The "Action" Dancers. Don't know , but , he was one of two , MAYBE three nonwhite Dancers/Emcees on the show. I think he was East Indian .....Dick Clark fought racial/ethnic mixing on his show for years , while Alan Freed was crucified for doing the opposite. By the mid - 60's , I think , Clark had to bend a little. But , I re-checked. That's not Barris. Dug his two - layered Mod haircut ,tho'. Sorry to get on the soapbox. I just resent hearing Clark get all the credit , when Freed , Dewey Phillips , Hoss Allen and others held big neon signs around their necks that read "BEAT MY ASS AND SET MY HOUSE ON FIRE !!", while Clark was washed clean by the blood of the lamb , by neutering R'n'R AT EVERY GIVEN OPPORTUNITY.
Gringo Starr said:
Wow. Was that Chuck Barris (Gong Show etc.) at the end of the clip coming up to the band!!!??
John Battles said:
Amazing. Never seen that clip. Sean looking like Basi Rathbone as King Richard III.
kopper said:
Wow. Was that Chuck Barris (Gong Show etc.) at the end of the clip coming up to the band!!!??
John Battles said:
Amazing. Never seen that clip. Sean looking like Basi Rathbone as King Richard III.
kopper said:
This first volume is priceless, the stuff following it doesn't do as much for me, but just the fact that this music *exists* is pure magic. Parallel World, indeed...
Dude, just use the "media" embed button. This site doesn't use some kinda funky BBcode.
Dario Western said:
Little White Berry by Roy Castle.
Please move jack to the blues/punk thing...don't see the garage rock thing with him
Greg Cartwright...with the oblivian boys..amen....OK. there is the beatman
Definitely Jay Reatard
Thanks for all the advice. We're not playing for another month or so, so plenty of time to get them checked properly. Cheers again folks.