Dre' once asked some of the people in the audience what they paid to get in , they all said "8 Dollars , Andre"...But , he did'nt believe one woman , and , he finally said , "EIGHT DOLLARS? ASS LIKE THAT , YOU SHOULD HAVE GOT IN FREE !"
Another time , well , I don't think she'd mind , but I won't mention her name w/o her permission. Andre's ogling this , admittedly beautiful , woman , and he says , "There she is ! Sally Goodpussy !". The place goes silent , and , she replies , "YOU could'nt handle it , Andre !"".....
Mike said:
Once saw Andre Williams at the Viper Room here in Los Angeles. Lux & Ivy were in the audience and Andre acknowledging them as kindred spirits said "We may not be the same color, but we came from the same pussy"