My take on it , Disco was introduced to the US , from Western Europe , when demand for live music was at an all time low. Of course , that , very slowly , changed with Punk. Regardless of what Spike Lee would have us believe ( Like New York Punkers in 1977 WITH GIANT GREEN GBH MOHAWKS !) , a lot of people went to Studio 54 AND Max's and CBGB's.
The idea was , that it was easier to pick someone up and take them home for some anonymous sex at a Disco , even if you DID hate the music , than at a Rock club.
Of course , the music only got worse with time , but , by and large , you did'nt have to hear much of it if you did'nt go to the Discos. Not unless you listened to whatever stations were playing the innocuous garbage. But , the Rock stations that fought back were'nt playing MUCH better music , in hindsight. Disco just made people complacent , most people must have known it was a fad. Still , things have'nt changed THAT much. IF I GO OUT FOR THE DAY , AND I ONLY HAVE THREE HIP HOP SONGS PLAYED AT ME , AT FULL VOLUME , it has'nt been a bad day. I'VE BEEN TOLD I WAS "CLOSED MINDED" FOR NOT EMBRACING RAP AND HIP HOP , BUT I'D RATHER HEAR INSTRUMENTS PLAYED BADLY , AND SONGS SUNG POORLY , THAN SOMEONE WHO LETS MACHINES DO EVERYTHING FOR THEM. I WON'T DENY OTHER PEOPLE THEIR RIGHT TO LISTEN TO IT , BUT , WHY DO I HAVE TO? DANCE MUSIC , HOUSE MUSIC , INDUSTRIAL DANCE MUSIC , HIP HOP , RAP , is there THAT big a difference between that and Disco? I know musicians who lug their guitars and drums and amps to their gigs , often for no pay , are not as "Revolutionary" as some DJ with an orange parlor tan , chains , and a fresh fingernail polish who gets $500 and $100 IN TIPS , AT LEAST , but , if you love it , stick with it , because sometime that's all there is that's left , is the love of it.
sleazy said:
I have heard many young people thnk the only danceable music is crappy "disco music" (crappy, esp the late 70s disco duck, YMCA-oriented wimpy stuff........as if dancing started oin the late 70s and early 80s, hahahahhahahahahhahahah...what creeps:):)!!!! What does the word "disco music" even mean??! Beats me :):)!!!! Young people have been dancing since the dawn of ages....."discos" or discoteques were created in the late 50s and the chix and teens really went wild unlike the plastic, sterile dancing to the Lady Gagas of today :):):)!!!