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    • December 6, 2011 11:40 AM CST
    • "Moonrunners" is a new website venture from Shooter Jennings, along with Adam Sheets (No Depression) and Josh Nutting (host of "Outlaw Radio Chicago"). The site's focus is on music, culture, heritage, current affairs, and reviews from a Southern perspective. I was honored to be asked to be a part of the site and be included as a contributing writer. The guys felt like I could bring a lot to it, so now the pressure's on! (Hahaha) I have just submitted my first article which is a review on the book "Hick Flicks: The Rise and Fall Of Redneck Cinema" by Scott Von Doviak. I reviewed this book here on the Hideout in the "Bookshelf" group, but this is a little more of a broader article. For those of you interested in the site, here's the website:

      And for those of you on Facebook, here's that page address:


    • December 6, 2011 11:27 AM CST
    • It's not anywhere near constant. Just flew in and out the other day (blood pressure is perfick though) and made me think about all the battering I've given my ears over the last decade. Cheers for the tips though.

    • December 6, 2011 9:27 AM CST
    • they just drown out the music too much

      Mine don't, they just lower the volume

    • December 6, 2011 9:22 AM CST
    • That constant ringing in your ears is called tinnitus and I have it, too. It started a few years ago and really bothers me when it's especially quiet (like lying in bed at night). I can't stand wearing ear plugs at shows... they just drown out the music too much. I wear them anyway (too late, obviously), but lately I just don't go see live bands as much as I used to. Having kids kinda gets in the way of that, too.

    • December 6, 2011 7:49 AM CST
    • Make sure it's actually due to noise exposure, and not high blood pressure or something! The occasional ringing out of nowhere is a tip-off...

    • December 6, 2011 7:22 AM CST
    • Depends a bit on the noise you make I guess but I think -15 to -20 dB does the trick. In any case you'll need to consult with one of those specialist. They'll test your hearing, see what they're needed for and once decided they'll fill your ears with Goo to make a mold for a perfect fit....

    • December 6, 2011 7:09 AM CST
    • Thanks. What filter would you recommend? Am kindda new to this side of things.

    • December 6, 2011 3:58 AM CST
    • After the last ten years of non-stop playing I'm starting to get a (very very occassional) bit of ringing from nowhere so I guess it's time to protect the ol' lug holes. Can anyone recommend some decent earplugs (not too pricey though). I can't use the bog standard, kind-of-like-reiforced-cotton-wool ones. I sing and play the guitar and when I use the cheap ones all I can hear is the voice inside my head when singing. Any advice would be great.


    • December 6, 2011 10:06 AM CST
    • Frustration from Paris on Born Bad Records

    • December 5, 2011 11:08 AM CST
    • The Beautiful Daze - City Jungle

    • December 5, 2011 10:55 AM CST
    • Awe thank you sir! Will do this very moment! x

      Lucas Best Schmit said:

      DEFINITELY recommend the Hex Dispensers. I myself am a big fan of Murder City Devils and Black Eyes & Neckties.

      kopper said:

      I'd recommend the Hex Dispensers, Lost Sounds, Thee Oh Sees, Ty Segall... stuff like that.

    • December 6, 2011 9:48 AM CST
    • Yeah....just to point it out again...Man or Astro-man? have MANY vocal songs. There is nearly a complete list a few posts up. You could probably pull together about 3 full-length albums from the vocal material they have done.

      jinx n scooter said:

      are you askin' bout man or astro-man ? just to make sure that is the band/question... lol

      i have just bout everything they have put out - love'em to bits and try to make every show the do round here - there haven't bin that many but still -shrug- most of the vocals i know can think of are sound bits off b movies - like "the lizard king attacks" love that track -  or off is it.... man or astro-man? "nitrous burnout"  project infinity cd/album has a few more vocals/sound bites  like - "transmission from venus" but "manta ray" is full/has full vocals on deluxe me in space  ep. there is the track named u-uranus and that also has full vocal - hope this help you out - and again this band RAWKS!!! lol keep kewl/keep warm/keep it garage!

      just noticed that this question is from way back in nov. 2010 so not sure if your still on this site or what but feel free to answer me back and or too tell me to piss off - lmfao up to you

      oh yeah here is an mp3 of them you might just dig it's one of the track i mentioned to yeah


    • December 5, 2011 4:38 PM CST
    • are you askin' bout man or astro-man ? just to make sure that is the band/question... lol

      i have just bout everything they have put out - love'em to bits and try to make every show the do round here - there haven't bin that many but still -shrug- most of the vocals i know can think of are sound bits off b movies - like "the lizard king attacks" love that track -  or off is it.... man or astro-man? "nitrous burnout"  project infinity cd/album has a few more vocals/sound bites  like - "transmission from venus" but "manta ray" is full/has full vocals on deluxe me in space  ep. there is the track named u-uranus and that also has full vocal - hope this help you out - and again this band RAWKS!!! lol keep kewl/keep warm/keep it garage!

      just noticed that this question is from way back in nov. 2010 so not sure if your still on this site or what but feel free to answer me back and or too tell me to piss off - lmfao up to you

      oh yeah here is an mp3 of them you might just dig it's one of the track i mentioned to yeah


    • December 6, 2011 1:57 AM CST
    • Cheers for the tips. All great stuff. We had the Gigolo Aunts pass through here a few months back and I've been on a powerpop trip ever since.


    • December 6, 2011 6:42 AM CST
    • we were close to have one of our song for a car commercial but they took Dick dale instead ! haha

    • December 6, 2011 3:44 AM CST
    • The Young Werewolves from Philadelphia are friends of mine, they've been at it a long time and put on a great show.

    • December 6, 2011 1:38 AM CST
    • Hi dying,

      It's a 1967 KAPA Minstrel teardrop.  KAPA was a small guitar company in Silver Spring, Maryland, near Washington DC.  KAPA made the bodies, bridges and tremolo units, and assembled everything; the necks, pickups and electronics originally came from Hofner (though later KAPA made their own), and the tuners came from Schaller.  KAPAs were were relatively cheap guitars, which meant that garage bands could afford them. I think KAPA ceased to exist in 1970 (bought out by Mosrite -- another great garage rock guitar maker).


      THEE DIRTYBEATS - 100% pure maximum vintage garage


      dying slowly said:

      what is that guitar?

      THEE DIRTYBEATS use mostly period instruments from the mid-60's, including KAPA, Mosrite, Rickenbacker and Fender guitars, Fender and Ampeg amps, Big Muff fuzzes, and Morley wahs.  It helps us better recreate the awful/glorious racket made by the original garage bands of the day.   

      My '67 KAPA Minstrel teardrop (see attached pic) is a good example.  It was a cheap guitar way back when, and today the pickups are particularly touchy... but the sound, as unpredictable as it is, is so wonderfully gritty, it's just glorious.  I ended up using it on all the solos I played on our debut ep.


      THEE DIRTYBEATS - 100% pure maximum vintage garage

    • December 5, 2011 10:12 PM CST
    • The Bowery Electric is a really cool place.

      MikeL said:

      I like the Bowery Electric in NYC, along with the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, OH, and Skully's in Columbus, OH.  Here in Pittsburgh, I like the 31st Street Pub and Gooski's.


      I like the Bowery Electric because it's just a couple doors down from where CBGB used to be, and it has something of a CBGB vibe.  


      I saw two of the three Rolling Rock tours at the Beachland Ballroom, and I saw Manda and the Marbles during their CD release party for "Angels with Dirty Faces" at Skully's (One of my all time favorite gigs).  I also saw MATM for the last time at Skully's.


      I like the Pub because it is like a home grown version of CBGB, without any of the history or prestige.  Gooski's has a great jukebox, full of garage, glam, punk, and post punk bands.

    • December 5, 2011 7:04 PM CST
    • Very cool... many thanks...

    • December 5, 2011 8:02 AM CST
    • I bet the car company itself has very little to do with it. It's marketing, and whoever their marketing agency is (I think it's ATTIK or Rogers and Cowan) most likely came up with the whole plan/strategy to conquer the young, trendsetting hipster market (think 18-24 year olds) by getting them involved with Vice, and Vice just happens to be vesting a lot of promotion into garage rock these days. Scion has done some pretty unique things in marketing its brand that other car makers haven't tried. Watch the video on this article to see what I mean.

      About Scion

      Scion, from Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), U.S.A., Inc., was developed with a new generation of youthful buyers in mind.  Scion's mission is to provide distinctive products, the opportunity to personalize, and an innovative, consumer-driven process at the retail level.  The Scion brand features three ground-breaking models with a wide array of standard features: the xD urban subcompact five-door, the iconic xB urban utility vehicle, and the tC sports coupe.  The brand often applies new practices in all aspects of its business and pushes the creativity envelope with non-traditional advertising and marketing to engage young consumers. For more information, visit

      joey fuckup said:

      Yep, downloaded mine a couple of weeks ago...Ha, sorry I didn't post something about it on here (Thanks Steve). There's also a free download from King Khan on there too! I was really impressed with Scion's music site, but honestly haven't had the time to check out their online 'zine. Very cool (and odd) that a car company would put this much effort and support into music, though, but I'm not complaining at all! Hopefully I'll make one of their garage musicfests one day (granted they continue to do one every year).

    • December 5, 2011 3:19 PM CST
    • Wrekking Hrs is ON THE AIR! Mon. Dec. 5th episode-tune in @ or 89.3fm in Detroit

      This week featuring  Paul Paterson, Nicky Kay & His Fabulous Kay-Tones, Nervous Breakdown, and The Paladins.

      For the Psychobilly & Neo-Rockabilly hour -  Russian Psycho's The Peacocks, Nekromantix, old skool w/ The Klingonz & Batmobile!!!

      Tune in now for the live broadcast online at