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    • December 11, 2011 10:10 AM CST
    • 12/9/11

      Download or stream the entire Dec. 9 show right here. Find Zero Hour on Facebook here.

      Holiday Cheer – The Martinis
      Don’t Believe in Christmas – The Sonics
      Will the Coffin Be Your Santa Claus – Rev. J.M. Gates
      Christmas Eve Can Kill You – The Everly Brothers
      We Got the Eggnog If You Got the Whiskey – The Hickoids

      Jealous Heart – Jack Oblivian
      Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On – Timmy Thomas
      Gimme That Wine – The Rats
      Take Up the Slack Daddy-O – The Sabres
      Showman Twang Tiki Gods – The Dustaphonics
      It May be The Last Time (live) – James Brown

      Bad Girl – South Filthy
      Surrender Road – Wheels on Fire
      Teenage Girls – The Bad Sports
      Vendidi Fumar – Churchwood
      I Hear Somebody Cry – The Tandoori Knights
      Milk Intrigue – Curlee Wurlee
      Spazztastic – Johnny Throttle
      Choc Ice – Janey & The Ravemen

      Local Lunchbox
      Ryan King interview
      Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme – Ramma Lamma
      Rock ‘n Roll Lady – Ramma Lamma 
      Cheatin’ Blues – Rabble Rabble

      Meltdown – The Shotglass Killers
      Indiana Girls – The Happy Thoughts
      You’re So Strange – The Zippers
      Hold on Me – Mikal Cronin
      Let’s Do a Slow Dance – Dave “Baby” Cortez

      Another Man’s Eyes – Delaney Davidson
      Scout-A-Boo – The Spartan Dreggs
      Cowboys & Indians – Thee Spivs
      Too Many Docile Minds – Sir Douglas Quintet
      Everything You Took – Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires
      Bottom to Top – Henry’s Funeral Shoe
      Yearn 'n Burn 'n Heart – DM Bob & the Deficits
      Ain’t Got a Thing – Sonny Burgess

      I Walked All Night – The Embers
      Far, Far Away – The Dukes of Hamburg
      Phantom Dragster – The Neanderthals
      Serve the Man – The Revelators
      Let There Be Drums – Thee Gravemen
      Don’t Start Crying Now – Hasil Adkins

      We Had Love – The Scientists
      A+ - Figures of Light
      River Knows Me – Vernon Selavy
      Ramona – The Alarm Clocks
      That Time of Day – Eddy Current Suppression Ring

      Blow Um Mau Mau – The Monsters
      That’s All She Wrote – The Hollywood Sinners
      I Don’t Love You – The Montesas
      Crawl – The Cynics
      Saturday Let Me Down Again – Muck & the Mires
      Gambled & Lost – Terry Anderson & The Olympic Ass-Kickin’ Team
      Comedianne – The Tripwires

    • December 11, 2011 9:41 AM CST
    • The NME C86 tape was one of the ones I didn't send off for (can't figure out how,'cos I sent off for loads of them) but recently I got a d/l of it...people seem to think it was all 'jangle pop' but there were some bands on it playing a sort of 'angular' Beefheart/Pere Ubu/Gang of Four inspired post punk style of music as well...I liked both kinds of sound...listening to John Peel several nights a week on the radio nurtured a 'no boundaries' attitude in me...I wasn't one of those who complained 'cos the whole show every night wasn't their own personal playlist...I can't take people who support a band or a style of music like a football team,to the exclusion of everything else.

    • December 11, 2011 9:30 AM CST
    • The fitted “musicians” ear plug work well.  Get a filter at about -15db.  Anymore and you may as well be using foam plugs.

    • December 11, 2011 9:25 AM CST
    • Yardbirds era Jeff Beck is optimal.  The gear is locatable but they only made two of his hands.

    • December 11, 2011 9:22 AM CST
    • The elusive search for "tone". This is such a subjective topic. I'm proud to say that regardless of what kind of night I've had on stage, for someone to come up after a show and say "man, I love your tone" me that's the best compliment I can get all night!

      Depending on my mood, I run my rig two different ways. 

      1. Reverend Club King w/ P90s through a modded Boss Super Overdrive into my Vox AC30 (Celestion Greenbacks)

      2. Reverend Club King w/ TV Jones pickups through a Keely modded TS9 into a Peavy Classic 50 with 4x10" speakers. 

      I use TAD (Tube Amp Doctor) EL84s in both my rigs. On the preamp side, it's such a hodge podge, I've no idea what's in there anymore...but I know I like it. 

    • December 11, 2011 5:54 AM CST
    • I saw this discussion get closed on pschotic reaction, so, here it is again.

      what do consider a great guitar tone and how could you achieve it

      ie you really got me/all day and all of the night: did some research and it appears its a harmony meteor through an eplico amp (either 8 or 20 watts) with "a single slach from the bottom to the center of the speaker so it was all torn up but still attatched" (acording to dave davies) you could recreate this with a harmony or similar hollowbody through the vox ac4 with either a slashed speaker or a torn bag streatched over the speaker.

    • December 11, 2011 4:10 AM CST
    • Yeah, maybe 5% of the people viewing the commercial actually recognize the song, but isn't it a good opportunity to exposure the remaining 95% to some decent music? Especially since the commercial isn't going to affect that 5%...

    • December 10, 2011 2:34 AM CST
    • Saw that 'Human Fly' commercial here in Finland, too. But it's not the Cramps original. It's some lame coverversion.

    • December 11, 2011 3:48 AM CST
    • Got two 'new' episodes squared away and a new page as well:

      "ZR Exhumed Ep 57: Angie and the Car Wrecks" This is an episode that was lost in the robot abyss for a while (like EP 56), but featured an interview and live performance from local act Angie and the Car Wrecks. We also gave away tickets to a Nekromantix gig that night.

      "Zorch Radio Episode 75: For Adults Only" Valentin from Rockin Psycho Records called in to talk about his California Psychobilly compilation and some upcoming releases from the label. I also found some Adult themed records on a recent wax hunt and took them out for their first real night out.

      Figured things might get a bit chronologically confusing with all the old episodes being uploaded, mixed in with the new, so I set up an "Archive" tab which is a quick directory to all of the uploaded episodes.

      Plus we're on Twitter now. Wa-fuggin-hoo. @ZorchRadio

    • December 11, 2011 3:40 AM CST
    • Fantastic...un-bloody believable!

    • December 11, 2011 3:34 AM CST
    • An early favourite for me was Verden Allen's organ sound in Mott the Hoople...Garth Hudson in  The Band...Ian Maclagan's piano in The Faces...

    • December 10, 2011 5:05 PM CST
    • There'll be repeats , here. It's hard to nail it down to just one.

      Rock'n'Roll / R'n'B Piano - Little Richard , Jerry Lee Lewis , Fats Domino , Esquerita , Screamin' Jay Hawkins , Amos Milburn , Ray Charles , Charlie Rich , Paul Revere , etc.


      "Garage" - Daryl Hooper (Seeds) , "Little Frank" Rodriguez ( ? and The Mysterians) , Augie Meyer (Sir Douglas Quintet ) , Ned Torney ( Chocolate Watchband , Syndicate of Sound , etc.) , OTHERS , i'M SURE....


      None of the above - Alan Price , Ian MacLagan , Jon Lord , Dave Greenfield (Stranglers) , Ian Stewart , Doug Ingle (Iron Butterfly) , The guy(s) from THEM. Forgot their names , sorry  , Kris Cummings (Joe King Carrasco and The Crowns) .


      Best Keyboard Player that You May Not Know Ever Played Keyboards.-

      Roky Erickson. Listen to the keyboard solo on "Hurricane Fighter Plane" by Red Krayola.

      Roky now enjoys playing the organ at home.


    • December 10, 2011 11:05 PM CST
    • Maybe it never got reissued or put way on the back burner. I saw in the bins today while shopping, their "Never Mind The Sex Pistols, Here's The Gizmos" 45 selling for $40. I reluctantly passed on it for that price.

    • December 10, 2011 4:23 PM CST
    •  I have'nt heard about this , but , thanks for the heads up. I have a couple of Gizmos reissues. They played here , in Chicago , once ,  maybe 6 to 8 years ago. It was the very early 80's lineup ,  I was told. Sounded great. People were actually dancing , and I don't mean MOSH - SHIT nonsense. It is'nt Kosher to dance to Rock'n'Roll , anymore , but it happened.

    • December 10, 2011 10:40 PM CST
    • I love every show on here, but I've noticed that there are a few programmes we don't have. Namely, a weekly/monthly  music magazine format programme, radio documentary or even gigs recorded live, among others. I'd give my right arm to hear The Monks recorded live exclusively on here, before BBC 6 Music get it.

    • December 10, 2011 8:46 PM CST
    • Favorite? Networking with awesome bands that are on the same page as you, awesome podcasts to have in the background while you do random work, and the people are funny sometimes

      Least favorite is the fact that the group for Canucks is extremely slow. I'd love to see a super bustling Canadian group. I'd get some buddies on there, but my friends for the most part are top 40 fans.

    • December 10, 2011 4:40 PM CST
    • I had a tape from this tour , in Dallas. Most of these tunes (Plus "Fridays" on "I'm The Man") sounded better than the album ! Jackson's good natured contempt (Which sounds like a contradiction , I know.) shines thru. " You could be someplace worse . You could be watching Bad Company.) , "You can't have bought the new album , cos you don't know much about looking sharp. I mean , you are pretty scruffy..."   Then , there's later examples I heard , myself - "I love Texas. It's great , a guy can go into a bar , and get called a fag." , " A guy walks into a bar with a duck under his arm. The bartender says , "What is this, a joke?". He could've done standup. I had all his early records , traded them in , and , years later , when I began to miss them , they were still readily availble , cheap. I saw the reformed Joe Jackson band , twice . Sounded great.
      Sam Sinister said:

      An oldie but a goodie, Joe Jackson's Look Sharp album is another big time favorite. If you've never heard it, I suggest you give it a listen!


    • December 10, 2011 3:59 PM CST
    •  It's true that Tate's whereabouts were unknown , or little known , for decades. I remember reading an interview with David Johansen (I believe , when he was still in The Dolls . But maybe not. ) , where he said there was a great Soul singer that he liked , named Howard Tate , who "Died of a Heroin overdose a few years ago.". Now , in those pre - internet days , Johansen might have heard that , second hand , and took it to be true.


      OKAY , some of you might not like what you're about to read , but , I saw Howard Tate , once. It was GOOD , no denying , but , I left about halfway thru. I'm just not much of a fan of that medium to slow tempo Soul , of the love song variety....Does'nt mean I don't like any of it , but it's not not my personal preference , which , I know , puts me in a minority.

      I also was'nt feeling very well that night , so I opted to leave. He did do a couple of uptempo numbers , just not enough for my taste. He was on a bill with whatshername , the really acrobatic performer who has NO business looking as good as she does , but ,

      I like it High  Energy , which a lot of people disagree with , and she fit the bill. Nothing to do with his singing , though , Tate was a fine singer.

    • December 10, 2011 10:16 AM CST
    • Yeah, it's sad. That generation is going fast now, just like the WWII veterans.

    • December 10, 2011 3:09 AM CST
    • Bad week for the blues. A few days before Howard died, Hubert Sumlin, Howlin' Wolf's old guitarist, passed to.

    • December 10, 2011 3:07 AM CST

    • Soul singer Howard Tate died last week at the age of 72 following a bout with cancer.

      I loved the man's music.

      I'm not sure what it was back in the summer of 1975 that led me to buy that LP by a soul singer I'd never heard before in the bargain bin of some Albuquerque discount store. The singer's cool pompadour probably had something to do with it. And the 79-cent price tag sealed the deal.

      But I bought that album by Howard Tate and it quickly became a favorite. At the time I didn't even realize that this was original version of Janis Joplin's swan song, "Get it While You Can." There was no copyright date, so I mistakenly assumed he was covering Janis.

      There were some songs I associated with B.B. King — “Every Day I Have the Blues, ” “How Blue Can You Get?” and “Ain’t Nobody Home” as well as other electric blues like the song “Part Time Lover.”

      But the basic sound was horn-driven, gospel-rooted soul. The Georgia-born, Philadelphia-raised singer had more in common with Sam Cooke than B.B. There were funny tunes like “How Come My Bulldog Don’t Bark” and “Look at Granny Run Run." And there were powerful soul-on-fire pleas like “I Learned It All the Hard Way” and the title song.

      The primary songwriter, as well as producer, was Jerry Ragovoy, whose songwriting credits include the classic tunes “Time Is on My Side” and “Piece of My Heart” as well as “Get It While You Can.” (Ragovoy died earlier this year.)

      Around the same time I discovered Tate in the cut-out bin, Tate had said goodbye to the music industry and was about to embark on a decades-long descent into the shadows.

      Here's what I wrote about that in my review of his 2003 comeback album Rediscovered:

      Frustrated with his lack of success, Tate turned to selling insurance for a living about that time. For years none of his old friends in the music industry knew what had happened to him. Ragovoy tried to locate Tate in the early ’80s because European promoters wanted to book him.

      As recently as 1995, a CD reissue of Get It While You Can put it this way: “Sometime in the 1970s, he disappeared into legend.”

      Disappeared into hell is more like it. Tragedy struck the Tate family in 1976. There was a fire at his home, and his 13-year-old daughter was killed.

      A few years later he was divorced and, in his own words, “started hanging out with the wrong crowd.” Years of drugs, drink and destitution followed.

      Those hellish years continued until 1994, when Tate found religion. Eventually he started his own ministry in Philadelphia, The Gift of the Cross Church.

      It wasn’t until 2001 that Howard Tate was rediscovered. Ron Kennedy, one of Harold Melvin’s Blue Notes, saw Tate at a supermarket in New Jersey. Seems that a local DJ, Phil Casden, inspired by the CD release of Get It While You Can, had periodically been asking listeners to help find Tate. This fortunate encounter led to the new album. Tate hooked up with Casden and reunited with Ragovoy, and the Internet helped spread the good news.

      So Howard got his comeback. He never became a household word like Otis Redding or Wilson Pickett, he  made some fine records in his final years. I'll play some of those on a tribute Sunday on Terrell's Sound World.

      Here's a nice piece in the great Funky 16 Corners blog.

      And enjoy the videos below.


    • December 10, 2011 10:05 AM CST
    • Show #352: "The Eggman Collection #106" playlist:

      Matching Mole - "Starting In The Middle Of The Day We Can Drink Our Politics Away/Marchides/Nan True's Hole/Righteous Rhumba/Brandy As In Benj"
      Los Vidrios Quebrados - "Introduction To Life As Told By Uncle John"
      Glass Harp - "Child Of The Universe"
      High Tide - "Futilist's Lament"
      The Rock Shop - "State Of Your Mind"
      The Beatles - "Flying"
      The Others - "My Friend The Wizard"
      The 31st Of February - "Porcelain Mirrors"
      Zior - "New Land"
      National Health - "Borogoves (Part One)"
      The Gods - "Lovely Anita"
      Jackie De Shannon - "Live"
      Jon - "Is It Love"
      Faine Jade - "People Games Play"
      The Yo Yo's - "Crack In My Wall"
      Eclection - "Mark Time"
      The Twilights - "The Way They Play"
      Them - "Square Room"
      Leonard Cohen - "So Long, Marianne"
      John Cale - "Gideon's Bible"
      Thomas & Richard Frost - "If I Can't Be Your Lover"
      Kensington Market - "Looking Glass"
      The Flame - "I'm So Happy"
      The 5th Dimension - "Another Day, Another Heartache"
      The Zombies - "I Love You"
      Rick Nelson - "Only The Young"
      Funkadelic - "Baby I Owe You Something Good"
      Les Mogol - "Sunset In Golden Horn"
      Spontaneous Combustion - "Leaving"
      Saint Just - "Il Fiume Inondo"
      Mr. Bungle - "Goodbye Sober Day"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show on facebook: ... 50?sk=wall … or check out my website (to be updated someday):
      Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!
