Yeah, this trailer can elicit a giggle or two, but on a serious note, this is actually a very good film. Well "good" as far as drive-in movies go. If you get a chance, check this out, I think you'll be entertained. I have this on dvd, as it came packaged with a bunch of other exploitation films in a "bargain priced" boxed set. But you may be able to find it online (streaming on Netflix?), or your local dvd mart.
John Battles said:
OMFG ! I don't think I've even heard of this !!! The roughest bunch since..."The boys in the band". HA HA HAAAAA.....THERE'S GAY CAR CLUBS , THERE'S PROBABLY GAY MOTOCYCLE "CLUBS" , TOO . THERE'S THE EXTREMELY BUTCH BIKER NOVELTY SONG "I'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWISH".....
joey fuckup said:I know this is technically a music discussion, but I had to include this trailer from an often overlooked classic, "The Pink Angels". Personally, I like some of the tunes included in this film: