Wow, while I kinda saw this coming...I didn't actually think it would happen so soon. I own way more records than I do CD's, but CD's have become convenient for me regarding box sets, imported comps, etc. I've been collecting records since I was 8 when I got my first turntable for Christmas and I've gained a collection of over 12,000 records which include 12'', 10'', 7'' and even some 5'' records and some even smaller ones from cereal boxes, magazines (MAD Magazine being one) and whatnot. While I only have about 300 CD's, and they're not usually pursued often by me, I will miss the extensive multi-disc box sets that came in handy. Like the awesome Memories Of Times Square Record Shop double box set of 11 CD's total. I hope they don't plan on using this treatment toward vinyl since it's recently been making a huge comeback. I absolutely LOVE the fact 99% of the underground Rock & Roll bands are putting their albums out on vinyl, for a lil' while there I thought they were a goner and I'd only be able to buy classic records of the past. And yes, I had a few eight-tracks, but never had a player, they were given to me by my uncle as a kid. Cassettes on other hand, I still take the time to make mix tapes for people, it's a shit-ton of fun. Also, the last digital LP I purchased online was The Booze - Rebirth Of The Cool.