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    • October 3, 2011 12:17 PM CDT
    • making it a top 5, I MUST add:


      Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet


      The Aqua Velvets

      Steve said:

      My favorite band of all time would have to be the Tiki Men from Sacramento. Probably because I saw them so much and wore out the grooves on 12 Dust Diamonds

      Top three bands:
      Tiki Men

      Top three Songs:
      Close To Champagne
      Beauty is the Mind
      Peach Fuzz

    • October 3, 2011 11:17 AM CDT
    • OK. nice to know – thanks for the info... pinpointing original versions ain't always easy :)

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Soul Inc. is probably the easiest to find but even THEY aren't the originators of Stronger than Dirt.  That honor goes to Ajax and the Cleansers who recogonized that a commercial for Ajax soap was identical to the Kinks' You Really Got Me.  One other sixties band did it as well.  They were called Jimmy and the Offbeats.

    • October 3, 2011 11:03 AM CDT
    • 'this place sucks', the queers. new bomb turks did a decent cover of this too.

    • October 3, 2011 8:51 AM CDT
    • Sorry.  I haven't seen...  My fave indie pop bands are the Monochrome Set, Felt, and TV Personalities (are they indie pop band?).  And I like some tunes of (early and mid) the Creation Records' bands.  Biff Bang Pow!, the Loft, early JAMC, early Primal Scream etc...

      Hmm, "Liar" was released on 1990. :(

      Chris Henniker said:

      Yes, that's the one.  

    • October 2, 2011 3:16 PM CDT
    • Yes, that's the one.

      Dead Boy said:

      Is it "Upside Down"?

      Chris Henniker said:

      When I was in Rough Trade on Brick Lane, I heard these awesome songs. Going over to the counter, I asked what it was. The girl on the counter said it was the new compliation of the Creation Records documentary soundtrack. Anyone seen the film yet?

    • October 3, 2011 7:59 AM CDT
    • new bomb turks- defiled.... yeah i love the sonics, but the scream after the instrumental bit before the last chorus on defiled does it for me every time! the "hooting" as the feedback fades away just tops it off!!!!

    • October 3, 2011 6:38 AM CDT
    • Bit out on a limb here but John Lennon's primal screams at the end of 'Mother' are fairly heartfelt.

    • October 3, 2011 4:44 AM CDT
    • Well the obvious answer is Bunker Hill!:



      Also, it might not have been quite nearly as feral as Iggy but I always liked the sound of Dave Davies voice when he pushed his limit on those early tunes.

    • October 2, 2011 10:34 PM CDT
    • Cool . I was reading where Alice Bag was regarded as a Minority , twice , for being Latina in the L.A. Punk scene. That did make her unique , but she was'nt alone. There was Kid Congo Powers , Ron Reyes , Robert Morales (aka El Vez.), Jeffrey Lee Pierce (mixed.) , Javiero and Alejandro Escovedo , Chris D. (?) , Karlos Kabalerro (?) , Rosie Flores (ex - Punk Rocker.) and many others....But , I'm drawing a blank. Lo siento mucho.

    • October 2, 2011 9:58 PM CDT
    • She was mine by the Beaux Jens (at 2:44). 



      Gets me every time!

    • October 2, 2011 5:15 PM CDT
    • Kurt Cobain's scream in his cover of KISS' "Do You Love Me."

    • October 2, 2011 5:09 PM CDT
    • This is a great post. All of my favorites screamers were mentioned, though I think Little Richard was the true master.


      One of my all time favorite screams is ultra primitive 60's garage punker from The Shandells - Go Go Gorilla! Makes me smile every time I hear this one: 




    • October 2, 2011 3:33 PM CDT
    • It definitely counts , but , The Phantom's original scream on "Love Me" mk 1 , is utterly horrifying , as is all of "Paralyzed" by The Legendary Stardust Cowboy , as much as I love it !

      Andy Climax said:

      Does Lux Interiors Bloodcurdler at the start of 'Love Me' count??? Me'thinks it does, people!

    • October 2, 2011 10:21 PM CDT
    • "Batman in The Launderette" , that's great . Link Wray's version of "The Batman Theme" , WITH THE FUNNY VOICE - OVERS (NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHO THEY WERE.)spawned at least two covers - of -covers , by Link Protrudi and The Jaymen (Fuzztones offshoot.) , with a couple of LOCKER ROOM - vintage Gay JOKES ("YOU MEAN PETER PARKER IS A PETER PARKER ?!"). IGGY POP ALSO SHOWED GOOD TASTE IN REFERENCING LINK (WHOM HE'D CITED AS AN INSPIRATION MANY YEARS AGO.) , BUT , good taste in his Batman impersonation? "You're FUCKIN' - A RIGHT , ROBIN , start the goddamned NUCLEAR POWER FOR THE GODDAMNED BATMOBILE !!!" . C'MON ! IT'S HILARIOUS.

      REZILLOS - "2000 AD" ( Judge Dredd to my countrymen.) , Elton John -" Dan Dare , Pilot of The Future" ( I can tolerate about three ELTON JOHN songs , more if you count VERY early tracks like "Ballad of a Well - Known Gun" , but this IS a comic book song. Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg "Comic Strip" ("Plop , whiz , pow! ) . Beatles - "Continuing Saga of Bungalow Bill "(Captain Marvel reference.). Johnny "Guitar" Watson - "Superman Love". Lurkers - "I Don't Need To Tell Her" ( Not about a specific superhero , just being one.).

      Album covers that are sort of Comic Books...The Groundhogs - "Who'll Save The World? The Mighty Groundhogs.".
      Jethro Tull "Too Old To Rock'n'Roll , Too Young To Die." Mo - Dettes "The Story So Far". Elton John "Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy" (Maybe they'd call that a "Graphic Novel " , today. )
      George Thorogood and The Destroyers "( Get a ) Haircut " (Great comic strip art by Peter Bagge , but , I could'nt bring myself to buy it , when I knew I'd never listen to it.) .

    • October 2, 2011 5:16 PM CDT
    • I recently saw The Dickies. And though it wasn't technically a concert, I saw Jack Grisham of T.S.O.L. give a reading from his new book An American Demon.

    • October 2, 2011 4:11 PM CDT

      Mina said:

      I guess so haha. Too bad sometimes tickets cost so much money... other wise I'd probably attend more concerts. :)

      John Battles said:
       Mina , I did'nt make it to alot of shows , this summer. I saw Black Oak Arkansas , Southern Culture on The Skids , Reverend Horton Heat , Kid Congo with The Jim Jones Revue (Kid was second billed , but ,not in my mind.) , and  ? and The Mysterians.... Next week is Mike Monroe from Hanoi Rocks , and The Cynics. The Damned are playing later this month. That's about it , for now. I guess that's plenty.

    • October 2, 2011 4:08 PM CDT
      John Battles said:

       When my Brothers , and our friends , and I , were kids , we used to listen to 45s down in our basement playroom. We'd turn the lights out , and listen to "Fire". It'D scare the piss out of us ! I thought he was a Black man at the time. He had a lot of Soul and R'n'B in his voice. Somebody called him a cross between Tom Jones , James Brown and Screamin' Jay Hawkins. I'D GO ALONG  WITH THAT , PLUS SOMETHNG OF HIS OWN THAT NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO TOUCH , SINCE..... I had the pleasure of seeing Brown perform in Dallas in 1986. He was living in Austin at the time , recording and painting houses with his good friend , the late Jimmy Carl Black. I learned , much later , that Black was there , but , not performing with the band. The very poorly promoted gig was attended by about 30 people. A good percentage of them left after he did "Fire" . Morons. Brown dragged himself across the stage , in a straight - jacket , one eye blacked out , and proceeded to sing the opener ,  "The Tell - Tale Heart" , probably the only reason you need to own an Alan Parsons album. Nahhhh , there were some other good songs on that Poe "Tribute" album ("Tales of Mystery and Imagination"). The macabre mood was already set , and , while he did nearly all of his first album , he was quick to point out , "This is not a nostalgic night. It is a creative one". He also performed some of his later "Speaknotech" - era Electronic music , possibly some Kingdom Come , and a powerful "Eyesight To The Blind " , which should have been given entirely to him ,the vocal spot , I mean , in "Tommy".

      He proved a masterful dancer , as well as singer , and , yes , when he did do "Fire" , he stood on stage in a top hat , no longer a helmet , that burst into flames. Can't do that , today. The Fire Marshalls would probably ban him for his singing , alone , today. Bear in mind that midway thru the set there were probably 12 or 15 people in the audience. But , he delivered an unforgettable show. A few months later , Arthur Brown did another , lowkey , show , at a much  smaller venue in a complex called The Dallas Alley. The assembled jocks , rednecks and yuppies that had basically claimed that territory for their own put me off the idea of ever going there again. I did'nt mind them being there , if they left me the Hell alone , but , that , in itself , was an impossibility. Rumors of tolerance in that town in the 80's , in particular , are greatly exaggerated.

    • October 2, 2011 3:47 PM CDT
    • I agree. Great photos. Looks like Arthur has returned to the traditional fire helmet. He's one of those people , like Little Richard , for instance , who uses his voice as an instrument. A weapon of mass destruction.

      Check out The Pretty Things' 40th Anniversary DVD , if you can . Arthur and Phil May toast each other , each trying to outdo the other , not bragging about themselves , but , each other , on the otherwise done to death "Hoochie Coochie Man".  When Arthur goes into his Evil Tom Jones bit , telling you just how bad this man , Phil May , really is , he looks like he's about to go up in flames.....The Glastonbury Fayre film features his underrated Space Rock BAND , Kingdom Come , playing a top a steep hill. Three crosses (Representing Christ and the two thieves.) are literally set on FIRE !!!!!

      It did'nt mean what it would have , here.        The cancelled Pretty Things / Arthur Brown /Malchicks US tour was such a vast , vast disappointment. I did'nt even return my ticket . I HOPED IT'D SERVE AS A REMINDER THAT THE TOUR WOULD HAPPEN , SOMEDAY.

      sleazy said:

      I can safely say, after listening to music for eons, that take any Arthur Brownsong and you won't be disppointed with his personal brand of psychedelic music:). But you must be vry open-mnded whn listening to AB!!!):)


    • October 2, 2011 1:42 PM CDT
    • Nightmare...the song that started this discussion is pretty great.

      Ben Simon said:

      What would you say are his best songs other than "Fire?"

    • October 2, 2011 3:55 PM CDT
    • Rockin' Rod , You're right about that , but , so many peoople still think The Kingsmen's version is saturated with four - letter words. Even when I first heard it , I was going "Where are all the dirty words?!".

      On a related note , Paul Revere and The Raiders had the outrageous "Crisco" , which did'nt have and did'nt NEED dirty words. George Washington and The Cherry Bombs covered it as "Crisco Party " (The actual chorus) , with giggled , spoken , references to "Get the large economy size...sells for 69 CENTS!" "wHAT'S cRISCO? iT'S THIS STUFF i GOT , VASELINE !" and so on....But , again , PR and Thee R's were there , first , on national radio , making the musical statement : I AIN'T SEEN A WOMAN IN SIXTY - NIIIIINE YEARS , BAYBEH !!!" on "Steppin' Out".

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      I've never bothered to listen to the Raiders version with headphones but now I'm gonna have to.  But the Kingsmen's version did indeed have the f word (the drummer yells Fuck! for thinking he messed up during the take) and it's really plain as day once you realize that's what he yells.

    • October 2, 2011 12:30 PM CDT
    • New October shows have started streaming - on the Pete Jackson show this month there's psych and garage from The Lucid Dream, The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies, Cave, Eternal Tapestry and Sun Araw, The Human Trash, GG King and so much more!

      Next play is midnight tonight (BST) - see for details.

      Let me know if you get the chance to hear it!


    • October 2, 2011 11:34 AM CDT
    • I've got a 67 Gibson EB2 bass. It's essentially the same instrument as the Epiphone Rivoli. They were made in the same factory in Kalamazoo Michigan.  When Gibson first acquired Epiphone, they had to honor distribution contracts with certain National music stores that had signed agreements with Epiphone, so they made the same models & some were badged as Gibson & some as Epiphone.

      It is a great bass, but keep in mind, it's very limited. The pickups are very boomy & often you can feel the bass more easily then hear it. It works best in a band that does not play very loud, & you really need strong speakers for these. I blew out a lot of speakers with my EB2. I used mine in The Fuzztones because I was going after the Yardbirds/Animals sound.  But I soon switched to Rickenbackers.  I found the best use for my EB2 was in a low volume, Chicago Style Blues band. That's when it sounded the best.


      John Spokus said:

      Epiphone Rivoli Bass, sunburst finish
      Fender Duo Sonic
      Farfisa Compact Duo organ