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    • August 8, 2011 3:38 PM CDT

      I love this one


      Balamory isn't really garage but kids should love it and it has a lot of musical references in, I know I used to and that was back when I was 19.


      and Spooks of Bottle Bay I actually used to love when I was the target audience, again not garage but the puppets rule.


    • August 8, 2011 3:00 PM CDT
    • Cherry, here's the intro to the episode of that Kiddie-a-Go-Go with the New Colony Six.

    • August 8, 2011 2:53 PM CDT
    • I've never watched Backyardigans, but I'm going to be checking it out! I think a few times now, I've wondered who did art direction for kids things, such as Spongebob Square pants. It has such a retro tiki look in the interiors, it wouldn't shock me at all to learn it was someone with a gig poster / lowbrow art backround.


      Here's the Neanderthals on Ghoul a Go Go!


    • August 8, 2011 2:44 PM CDT
    • For the younger tots, the Backyardigans TV show episodes usually feature some great garage-style kids music (with Farfisa and everything). I was really impressed with the music on that show when my son was still interested in watching it. But now that's he's a bit older, he wants no part of it.

      It always made me wonder who was in charge of writing and performing the music for that show.


    • August 8, 2011 2:37 PM CDT
    • Thanks to you amazing folks, I now have been tipped off to some amazing Kid a go go tv shows! I was wondering if anyone else had any suggestions or favorites on garage rock tv shows or albums for children. My daughter and I LOVE Ghoul a Go Go, and Yo Gabba Gabba of course.

    • August 8, 2011 2:35 PM CDT
    • Toothless George from Philadelphia, PA

    • August 8, 2011 1:31 PM CDT
    • I do a one man band thing where I play guitar, do vocals and play drums with my feet. I just use a kick and a high-hat with a tambourine attached to it. You'd be surprised how many different sounds and beats you can get out of it with just a little practice. Even just having a kick going throughout all your songs will sound infinitely better than having no pure rhythm source whatsoever. Good luck!

    • August 8, 2011 1:20 PM CDT
    • first thing I heard that sounding anything remotely garage or surf was the Walk Don't Run single by The Ventures. I was hooked.

    • August 6, 2011 5:47 AM CDT
    • I liked garage rock before I even knew what garage rock was. Before I even know what rock really was.


      I was about 8 years old and my favorite tv show was 'Tour of Duty' and I just loved a lot of the music from that show.

      My parents and grandparents picked up on that and I got several compilation records.

      The first I got was by the Rolling Stones featuring 'Paint It Black'

      Tour of Duty was very popular in Holland & Belgium. Paint It Black actually became a number #1 hit record again in 1990 because of it. 


      I also got the offical Tour of Duty compilation albums as wel as other "Vietnam" themed compilations. These featured the more well known garage rock hits like Psychotic Reaction, Wooly Bully, etc

      I liked those songs the most, although I just thought of it als rock 'n roll. I cared less about the 'softer' songs on those records.


      I seriously got into music years later during the punk revival of the nineties. I got into punk rock, especially Bad Religion. I started checking out more from Epitaph Records. Back than they had a lot of garage punk bands on their roster like New Bomb Turks & The Humpers.

    • August 4, 2011 10:15 PM CDT
    • Ditto

      Hank Cockpit said:

      Mummies - Never Been Caught

    • August 4, 2011 10:02 PM CDT
    • Dirty Water was a complete family favorite!  But I love the Flamin Groovies as well......

    • August 4, 2011 7:46 PM CDT
    • I was born in 1967 and I know how you feel.  I hate that I missed out on the garage rock and British Invasion era (but my luck , I would have been drafted).  But you started off with some good items.  EVERY GOOD BOY DESERVES FUDGE (plus anything related like She's Just 15 and Paperback Life) and HEADCOATS DOWN are my two favorites by those groups.  The other Headcoats albums are great but they really just follow the formula set by that first album (which is kind of just following in the footsteps of other Childish items) but Thee Headcoats were my first purchases of Billy Childish records and I had to work my way backwards as well as keep up on anything else that followed . 

      Zentralheizung of Death said:

      Born in 1987 i was always pissed i couldnt catch some of the so called grunge movement - but anyways i liked it - and i always got specially hooked by MUDHONEY (i prefere EVERY GOOD BOY DESERVES FUDGE & MARCH TO FUZZ b sides) - they had something in their sound that made them different to the other "grunge" bands - but i couldn´t say what it was - something more rough and "we don´t give a shit" kind of feeling.

      Another point was they where using the word FUZZ quite a lot - and the songs which included that word happened to be my favourites - so i started researching - and it all started for me -

      they also did a supercool cover of just 15 by the headcoats, their HEADCOATS DOWN lp actually was my next step into the garagewonderland...

      I gotta say i really miss that feeling of following a hidden track into the deep swamps of music-history - and feeling like the first to discover hidden treasures, even to discover whole new genres just by reading those little informations on the LP covers .......KICKS JUST GOT EASIER TO FIND!

    • August 4, 2011 5:46 PM CDT
    • Sonics have love will travel got me when I heard it on a late night rock show in Belgium called Stercock ,  I was 11 and was not aware this kind of cool even existed.  life changing tune.

    • August 8, 2011 9:06 AM CDT
    • i'll give you a list of decent clubs in nashville-none of which will make your rich and you likely will need to bring your own beer; it's that kinda town:  the end-across the street from the exit in, the basement-call grimeys record store upstairs and ask for mike....super enthusiastic manager of the basement; mercy lounge, large like the exit in; sprinwater, completely inept toilet of a club buy plenty of garage bands play here...even BOC's old drummer; foobar, nothing special but they do have bands, same for the 5 spot.

      check out the blog, nashville's dead for more info.  there is a pretty good scene here but goddamn, tighten up cause even the worst nashville band's are super-tight and rehearsed!

    • August 7, 2011 6:24 PM CDT
    • I just read the line up and I think I peed my pants a little bit.

    • August 6, 2011 7:59 AM CDT
    • Not yet, but it should be soon. If you could just be there Friday and Saturday you'd be golden. It's a great time.

    • August 6, 2011 12:34 AM CDT
    • Is the calendar with who-plays-when out yet?
      I can't go all the four days, so I'd like to plan my Memphis trip a little bit. I've never been to Memphis nor to the goner fest of course. I'm excited about both.

    • August 7, 2011 10:18 AM CDT
    • How about Cat Butt. They weren't around very long, and were very tongue-in-cheek. If you have seen the movie "Hype," where they showed you the family tree, and the incestuous cross-overs to other bands, this group is what they were talking about. There are too many cross-overs to list. On the spine of the lp "Journey To The Center Of," where the name of the album would be, it says "Special thanks to the girlfriends of Swallow, Mudhoney, Tad, & Nirvana." I like that they put an inside joke on the spine of the record. Classic!!

      Besides Dead Moon, who has already been mentioned, one of my favorites was Gravel. They had two albums on Estrus, and were a favorite of Dave Crider's wife. He got non-stop shit from the garage rock "purists" for putting out their records and having them, and Dead Moon, play at Garage Shock. Gravel sounds like driving on a highway through the woods, in the great northwest. I highly recommend getting the two albums, or any of the five singles, they are all great!!!

      KK Dirty Money said:

      I think Mudhoney was probably one of my favorites from that era/location (even though they were pretty much just your typical garage rock band, but they got labeled "grunge"). 

      Does anyone have any "obscure" bands worth mentioning that got that "grunge" label (obscure meaning not Nirvana, Soundgarden, Melvins, Pearljam, Alice In Chains, etc. or any other well-known 90's Seattle bands; they were all pretty good, but they are household names, whereas I'm looking for bands a little more under the radar.)


    • August 6, 2011 2:00 PM CDT
    • The Lost Souls Volume 3 CD is out now.  This compilation digs deeper than ever before into the vault of obscure Arkansas rock 'n' roll from the 1960s and early 70s. Lost Souls Volume 3 includes uncomped and unknown gems from small regional studios in the form of acetates, 45s, and recently discovered reel to reel tapes. More info HERE

    • August 6, 2011 2:56 AM CDT
    • Show #335: "The 100th Eggman Collection Special: The Top 100 Of The First 100, Part 1" playlist:

      The Beatles - "A Day In The Life"
      J.K. & Co. - "Break Of Dawn/Fly"
      The Electric Light Orchestra - "10538 Overture"
      Genesis - "Harold The Barrel"
      The Pandamonium - "The Sun Shines From His Eyes"
      The Savage Rose - "Dear Little Mother"
      Bob Dylan - "Positively 4th Street"
      Bachdenkel - "An Appointment With The Master/The Settlement Song"
      The Chocolate Watchband - "In The Past"
      Masters Apprentices - "Because I Love You"
      Your Mother - "Cryptic Subterfuge"
      Ash Ra Tempel - "Light: Look At Your Sun"
      Bubble Puppy - "Hot Smoke And Sassafras"
      The Kinks - "Days"
      Sands - "Listen To The Sky"
      Trapeze - "Another Day"
      The Knickerbockers - "I Must Be Doing Something Right"
      The Byrds - "What's Happening?!?!"
      Faust - "Why Don't You Eat Carrots"
      Silver Apples - "Ruby"
      Supersister - "No Tree Will Grow (On Too High A Mountain)"
      My Solid Ground - "The Executioner"
      Amon Duul II - "Dem Guten, Schonen, Wahren"
      The Move - "Kilroy Was Here"
      The Turtles - "The Last Thing I Remember (The First Thing I Knew) [demo version]"
      Tim Buckley - "Once I Was"
      Bee Gees - "Please Read Me"
      Hearts And Flowers - "Ode To A Tin Angel"
      The Tidal Wave - "Spider Spider"
      Gong - "A PHP's Advice/Magick Mother Invocation/Master Builder"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!


    • August 5, 2011 1:56 PM CDT
    • Show #335: "The 100th Eggman Collection Special: The Top 100 Of The First 100, Part 1"

      Every 3 weeks I leave an open slot to do random themes and whatnot. This week I am celebrating the 100th Eggman Collection show on The Metaphysical Circus. If you've heard my show before, you probably already know that every three weeks I do a special series called The Eggman Collection, which is a big potpourri of every song I've ever liked for the past 20 years of my life. 15,000 songs in a big mixing bowl that I randomly draw out one by one and play in no particular order. If I like it, I play it, with no repeats of the same song ever. Last show was the 100th Eggman Collection, and this week I'm celebrating with the top 100 of the first 100 shows. I'll be playing all my VERY favorites of the first 100 shows in no particular order for the next three weeks. A three part show, so keep tuning in! Tune in tonight to hear the first 30 songs of the top 100 by bands & artists like: The Beatles, J.K. & Co, The Electric Light Orchestra, The Savage Rose, Bob Dylan, Bachdenkel, Masters Apprentices, Ash Ra Tempel, Bubble Puppy, The Kinks, Trapeze, The Knickerbockers, The Byrds, Faust, Amon Duul II, The Move, The Turtles, Tim Buckley, Gong, and many many more!!!

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!

      Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:


    • August 5, 2011 10:01 AM CDT
    • @ Barry, lol! good one. He's a tour manager from Glasgow & he's currently working for the Undertones. @ Dave, you made that??? WOW! How do you bend the wood?

    • August 4, 2011 10:30 PM CDT
    • I've looked at that Burns closely a few different times and I still have trouble knowing for sure if John uses all 12 strings while he plays it.

      Anthony Beemer said:

      John Dwyer from Thee Oh Sees plays that model. He makes it sound easy.