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    • July 31, 2011 2:52 AM CDT
    • something by :The Sonics

      i think

      still one of my fave bands

    • July 30, 2011 10:43 PM CDT
    • Yeah, that was really a good one too.

      the Record Detective said:

      I was listening to Southern Culture on the Skids, Link Wray and maybe the Mono Men but the Woggles "Teen Dance Party" on estrus records really wound me up. Mad Dog 20/20, My Baby Likes to Bugaloo and Raining Teardrops got me focused.

    • July 30, 2011 10:42 PM CDT
    • That's definitely a rumor and one I never heard.  I saw them in San Francisco and in Portland last year and they were even better than they were in the 90s.  If you youtube Mummies Dante's you can find some of that performance.  the San francisco stuff is under Budget Rock 2009.

      joey fuckup said:

      I think I'd give my left nut to see the Mummies live...But rumor has it that they don't put on as good a show anymore...I can't agree nor disagree on that, since I've never caught them live...

      Max Reverb said:

      hard to say listening to oldies radio when i was a kid probably more than any one record
      then i was into punk bands which alot of the stuff i liked was very garage rock influenced before i knew what that meant

      i first became aware of the modern garage scene when i bought a Mummies lp "never been caught" because of the awesome cover from bullmoose music in brunswhick maine when i was 17 circa 1996. that was def a big linking record for me putting together rock n roll and punk n surf all while dressed like bad ass mummies and acting like they completely did not give a fuck. how do you not love the shit out of that?

    • July 30, 2011 10:39 PM CDT
    • Never Been Caught was my second favorite record of 1992.  Actually I liked it better in its Hangman version FUCK CDs, IT'S THE MUMMIES!  I bought both. and the "MUMMIES PLAY THEIR OWN RECORDS despite having all the 7 inches at that point.

      Max Reverb said:

      hard to say listening to oldies radio when i was a kid probably more than any one record
      then i was into punk bands which alot of the stuff i liked was very garage rock influenced before i knew what that meant

      i first became aware of the modern garage scene when i bought a Mummies lp "never been caught" because of the awesome cover from bullmoose music in brunswhick maine when i was 17 circa 1996. that was def a big linking record for me putting together rock n roll and punk n surf all while dressed like bad ass mummies and acting like they completely did not give a fuck. how do you not love the shit out of that?

    • July 30, 2011 9:19 PM CDT
    • I was listening to Southern Culture on the Skids, Link Wray and maybe the Mono Men but the Woggles "Teen Dance Party" on estrus records really wound me up. Mad Dog 20/20, My Baby Likes to Bugaloo and Raining Teardrops got me focused.

    • July 30, 2011 7:36 PM CDT

    • I love "The Wayback Machine"! I've listened to quite a few episodes of it, and you do know that you can listen to a lot of them online? Kopper's got them archived...
      John Clemens said:

      I don't recall exactly what record it was but it was Kopper's radio show in St. Louis that got me hooked on Garage Punk. Thanks Kopper! I used to catch the second hour of the show every week.

    • July 30, 2011 7:34 PM CDT

    • I think I'd give my left nut to see the Mummies live...But rumor has it that they don't put on as good a show anymore...I can't agree nor disagree on that, since I've never caught them live...

      Max Reverb said:

      hard to say listening to oldies radio when i was a kid probably more than any one record
      then i was into punk bands which alot of the stuff i liked was very garage rock influenced before i knew what that meant

      i first became aware of the modern garage scene when i bought a Mummies lp "never been caught" because of the awesome cover from bullmoose music in brunswhick maine when i was 17 circa 1996. that was def a big linking record for me putting together rock n roll and punk n surf all while dressed like bad ass mummies and acting like they completely did not give a fuck. how do you not love the shit out of that?

    • July 30, 2011 7:33 PM CDT
    • A local rock station (now defunct) used to air his show, and I actually liked it for the most part. He played lots of good old and new garage, but he would also play stuff that wasn't garage...Not that it was that huge a deal, the good stuff far outweighed the shit that didn't belong on there. Definately the positive was the classic stuff he would play...

      Old School Hero said:

      I was listening to Little Steven's Underground Garage with a friend and we heard a lot of old stuff and new stuff we had never heard before that sounded old (Hey...sounds like my podcast....). Well I heard ''Put The Clock Back On The Wall'' by The E-Types and I was hooked (Originally I actually thought they were a newer band haha). Except then, I didn't even know what I was hooked on until I read about The E-Types and then from there read about what exactly Garage was. I started downloading tons of songs by bands like The Chocolate Watchband and Electric Prunes (nuggets type bands) and eventually got the Nuggets Box Set. All downhill from there! It actually took over a year for me to get into the Revival stuff and new Garage Punk as a whole because I guess I was shy about it and didn't know what to think about it. Can't live without it now!

    • July 30, 2011 11:57 PM CDT
    • My girlfriend's mom dropped by from Ireland.  She's 87 years old, but a former swing dancer and quite a hipster in and out of her time.  OMG!  What the hell do I play for cocktail music to this very cool older woman?!  Well this REALLY worked, she loved it! may not be anyone that doesn't love this!

    • July 30, 2011 12:44 PM CDT
    • This is my drummer / bongo player.

    • July 30, 2011 11:50 AM CDT
    • Sorry John, the only Dino I know popped his head thru the roof of Fred Flintstone's car at the drive in!

    • July 30, 2011 6:31 AM CDT
    • Cool stuff! Love the baby blue Phantom & Really dig the red Hagstrom bass @ Barry, thanks for the compliment. I remember Glasgow it was freakin cold!!!! Do you know Dino?

    • July 29, 2011 8:53 PM CDT

    • Here's my drum kit, which I built out of scrap beautiful hardwood from the dump, and put together stave style. (Except the rocky mountain juniper one which I went out and got chunks of wood in the bush for)

      It may not sound like a commercial kit, but it rocks. These aren't  violins, they're drums, all I have to do is bash on them and they sound great!

      Any sources of old hardware appreciated.

    • July 29, 2011 6:43 PM CDT
    • The '66 Decca DMI-203 guitar I got free from Craigslist last month. It was in rough shape but I cleaned it up, cleaned out the pots, and gave it a set up. It sounds splendid.


      The bass guitar is a '71 Hagstrom HIIBN I got free from my friend's dad with a hardcase. It was given to him by a relative who played in a bar band. Again, this guitar was in rough shape. The finish on the neck was in really bad shape & there was a ground wire coming out from under the pick guard to the bridge. I replaced the pots, fixed the ground wire, sanded the neck, cleaned it, and gave it a set up.


      The Shure VA-300 mixer I got free from my same friend's father. I use this for micing instruments when recording to get a lo-fi sound. I really like the crappy reverb sound from this unit.


      The amp I made from a stereo console. I seen a RCA Victor console out for trash while biking so I went home, got my car, and stuffed it in the back seat. It was a basic unit with just a turntable. The turntable was in bad shape so I took the amp and speakers out of it and made an amp with it. The amp cabinet I made from the lid of the console & I used the rest of the console as a box for my bbq supplies/ tools. The RCA tubes appear to be original. The amp isn't very loud but it is good for the living room. 




    • July 30, 2011 5:03 AM CDT

    • July 30, 2011 3:44 AM CDT
    • Bloodshot Bill, saw him in London with Heavy Trash. Top fella.

    • July 29, 2011 8:25 PM CDT
    • In my mind Bloodshot Bill is the current king & Hasil Adkins is the godfather.  I really love Abner Jay too as far as old timers go...although he is more a blues player.  Some of his tunes are real far out though!   His recording are being re-released by Mississippi Records if your interested.  Great stuff!  Oh also..there is this cat from Brazil named O Lendario Chucrobillyman ' mono banda orquestra' which is pretty cool too (...current stuff...check it out)  I am a one man band as well.  Stoked to stumble across this discussion... Ive got a few tunes up If you wanna listen.

    • July 30, 2011 1:15 AM CDT
    • Wow !!! Great super rockin' vacations in view for you Bob !!!

      SWAHILI BOB said:

      we're finishing off our vacation (from Australia) with this show and starting it off with the Las Vegas Shakedown - and try to jam as much rock & roll as we can into the weeks in between!!

    • July 29, 2011 5:03 PM CDT
    • we're finishing off our vacation (from Australia) with this show and starting it off with the Las Vegas Shakedown - and try to jam as much rock & roll as we can into the weeks in between!!

    • July 29, 2011 11:37 PM CDT
    • Thanks for the replies, they are playing AZ in August with some local bands, I think I'll go!

    • July 29, 2011 2:38 PM CDT
    • I've seen them twice in Boston - every time I've seen Dex he's been great, solo, duo or Flat Duo Jets.


    • July 29, 2011 7:55 PM CDT
    • Man, I do not like Hank III. I've tried to listen to that stuff. Just doesn't do anything for me.


      Now, Hank IV, on the other hand... ;)

    • July 29, 2011 6:12 PM CDT
    • Ya for the chicks! My band The Suicide Notes blows my own mind. 60's surf-y, rock-y and singin' about death-y.

    • July 29, 2011 1:48 PM CDT
    • A great band covering a great song!