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    • June 14, 2011 12:41 PM CDT
    • The UK version Aftermath is a list topper.

    • June 14, 2011 11:50 AM CDT
    • I understand your point.  I myself get tired of hearing "Happy" and "Tumbling Dice."  However, there are some overlooked gems on the albums I just mentioned, such as "Stray Cat Blues" from "Beggars' Banquet," "Live With Me" from "Let It Bleed" and "Soul Survivor" from "Exile."


      As far as their early stuff goes, I only have "England's Newest Hitmakers" and "12x5."  I might be getting "Aftermath" and "Their Satanic Majesties Request" in the near future.

      joey fuckup said:

      This has always been a debate that I would have with other Stones fans...Everybody I know considers "Exile" to be the best album in their whole discography, which I'm not disagreeing at all on that. For me personally, I'll take "pre-1970" Stones anyday. I have nothing against '70's era Stones music, but it's so overplayed, especially on most any rock station (it definately is here). The '60's era Stones gets so overlooked nowadays, with only a huge hit, like say "Satisfaction" getting airplay on said radio stations. And whatever oldies stations that even do exist anymore, choose to overlook many of their gems that us garageheads really dig. So overexposure of their catalogue has definately influenced my tastes on such a great band, however, being that I love '60's garage rock 'n' roll, I find their "1st Wave" to be more of a fit for me...

    • June 14, 2011 11:30 AM CDT
    • This has always been a debate that I would have with other Stones fans...Everybody I know considers "Exile" to be the best album in their whole discography, which I'm not disagreeing at all on that. For me personally, I'll take "pre-1970" Stones anyday. I have nothing against '70's era Stones music, but it's so overplayed, especially on most any rock station (it definately is here). The '60's era Stones gets so overlooked nowadays, with only a huge hit, like say "Satisfaction" getting airplay on said radio stations. And whatever oldies stations that even do exist anymore, choose to overlook many of their gems that us garageheads really dig. So overexposure of their catalogue has definately influenced my tastes on such a great band, however, being that I love '60's garage rock 'n' roll, I find their "1st Wave" to be more of a fit for me...

    • June 14, 2011 10:39 AM CDT
    • I've been getting reacquainted with the Stones since reading Keith Richards' autobiography, and I bought used copies of "Beggars' Banquet,"  "Let It Bleed," and "Sticky Fingers."  Personally, I thought those three albums, along with "Exile on Main Street," were their best.  Do you agree, or do you prefer the Brian Jones' era Stones?


      BTW, my interest in the Beatles and Stones tends to wax and wane as the years go by, so that's why I've been making those recent purchases. 

    • June 14, 2011 12:05 PM CDT
    • + Sixties Rebellion...

    • June 13, 2011 2:21 PM CDT
    • + Northwest Battle of the Bands... Strummin' Mental...

    • June 13, 2011 10:36 AM CDT
    • Girls with Guitars, Girls in the Garage & Songs the Cramps Taught Us!

    • June 11, 2011 11:58 AM CDT
    • The Psychedelic States comps are great, if not overwhelming due to the volume of, uh, volumes.  Plus, I've only been able to find them as downloads, not on cd and I don't know if they were even released on vinyl.

    • June 14, 2011 10:36 AM CDT
    • That is so farout man :):):)

    • June 13, 2011 6:06 PM CDT


      Watcha Weirdos I’m Mr A the Barber and this is vol. 35 of YOU GOT GOOD TASTE.

      Streeet Fighter - Robert Johnson and the Punchdrunks
      Switchblade - The Mono Men
      Run Chicken Run - The Belmont Playboys
      Lowdown - Link Wray

      Garabageman - The Bloody Tomahawks
      Human Fly - Dead Brothers
      Goo Goo Muck - Big John Bates
      El Monstruo - Los Shains
      You Got Good Taste - Tijuana Bibles
      Shakedown - Lincoln Trio

      Hoo Doo the Voo Doo - Darrell Glen
      The Voo-Doo Man - Johnny Perry
      Voodoo Walking - Mama Rosin and Hipbone Slim and the Kneetremblers
      The Voodoo Man - The Del Vikings
      Voodoo Doll - Glenda and Glen
      Forbidden City - John Buck and his Blazers

      Chicken Shit Farmer - Southern culture on the Skids
      Chicken Rock - Fat Daddy Holmes
      Wicked Chicken - Duck Flowers
      Chicken - Ronnie Cells Continentals
      Chicken Back part 1 - The Curios

      Give Me A Break (man) - Bo Diddley
      A Love Like Mine - The Routes
      Pine Box Ritual - The Guilty Hearts
      Who Rattled Your Cage? - The Coyote Men
      Run Wolf Run - Guitar Wolf

      Get YOU GOT GOOD TASTE T-Shirt here
      Till next time Weird Ohs

    • June 14, 2011 10:33 AM CDT
    • I just bought "The Capitol Albums" volume one by the Beatles, and the CDs include both the stereo and mono versions of the songs from the first four American releases.  I'm just wondering what do people here prefer, mono or stereo?  Personally, I like the mono versions better.



    • June 13, 2011 11:20 AM CDT
    • Did anybody mention Pussy Galore or other Jon Spencer stuff?
      (sorry if these were already mentioned... this thread is getting lengthy...)

    • June 11, 2011 1:21 PM CDT
    • Well? HELLO JOHNNY GOODBYE??! - I'm interested in what you have taken from this discussion since you started it. What have you learned? What do you think about the feedback you've received? Let us know.

    • June 10, 2011 6:01 AM CDT
    • cool... Somebody once mentioned a band called the Nomads with Damned members in it to me and I wasn't sure for about that one. Did they do a full album or just a single?

      Mike said:

      Don't know if the Del Monas were mentioned. And maybe doesn't really count, but the Damned as Naz Nomad & the Nightmares.

    • June 10, 2011 2:18 AM CDT
    • yeah - anything by greg cartwright :)

      Jay Ryder said:

      The Compulsive Gamblers!

    • June 9, 2011 10:39 PM CDT
    • Don't know if the Del Monas were mentioned. And maybe doesn't really count, but the Damned as Naz Nomad & the Nightmares.

    • June 11, 2011 8:35 PM CDT
    • That's awesome hahaha.

      electrocute your cock said:

      Veni Vidi Vici's being used to advertise one of those top model shows on UK tv at the moment.

    • June 11, 2011 1:52 AM CDT
    • Show #329: "Psychedelic Sweets" playlist:

      The Lollipop Shoppe - "Underground Railroad"
      The Lemon Drops - "It Happens Everyday"
      Almond Marzipan - "Summer Love"
      Captain Groovy & His Bubblegum Army - "Bubblegum March (Or Blowing Bubbles Through Rose Colored Glasses)"
      The Sweet Acids - "That Creature"
      The Mint [US] - "Can't Be Free"
      Cherry Smash - "Fade Away Maureen"
      Cinnamon Quill - "Candy"
      The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - "It's A Happening Thing"
      The Peppermint Trolley Company - "9 O'Clock Business Man"
      The Candymen - "Go And Tell The People"
      Heavy Jelly - "I Keep Singing That Same Old Song"
      Frisco Mint - "Which End Is Up"
      The Cinnamon Ship - "October Rain"
      The 1910 Fruitgum Company - "Reflections From The Looking Glass"
      Peppermint Circus - "Keeping My Head Above Water"
      Sugarloaf - "West Of Tomorrow"
      The Mint [UK] - "Luv"
      The Cherry Slush - "I Cannot Stop You"
      The Chocolate Watchband - "Gone And Passes By"
      Kandy Kolored Konspiracy - "1,000,000 People"
      Licorice Schtick - "Flowers, Flowers"
      The Apple Pie Motherhood Band - "Flight Path"
      Marshmellow Steamshovel - "Steamshovel"
      The Waphphle - "Goin' Down"
      Honeybus - "The Breaking Up Scene"
      The Chocolate Telephone Pole - "Let's Tranquilize With Color"
      Fresh Blueberry Pancake - "Clown On A Rope"
      The Chocolate Tunnel - "Ostrich People"
      Marmalade - "There Ain't No Use In Hanging On"
      The Sweet - "The Spider" -
      Humble Pie - "The Light Of Love"
      Indian Puddin' & Pipe - "Water Or Wine"
      Crocheted Doughnut Ring - "Two Little Ladies (Azalea And Rhododendron)"
      The Lemonade Charade - "Hideaway Of Your Love"
      The Peppermint Rainbow - "Pink Lemonade"
      Bit 'A Sweet - "Speak Softly"
      Sweet Smoke - "The Great Evacuation Of Haight Ashbury"
      Carmel Covered Popcorn - "Looking For A Place"
      The Chocolate Moose - "Take A Ride"
      The Jelly Bean Bandits - "Salesman"
      Vanilla Fudge - "The Sky Cried-When I Was A Boy"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!


    • June 10, 2011 2:48 PM CDT
    • Show #329: "Psychedelic Sweets"

      Every 3 weeks I leave an open slot to do random themes and whatnot. This week's theme is Psychedelic Sweets! A splendid mix of psychedelic rock, acid punk, hippie rock, and pop-sike by bands with a "sweet" name. Tune in tonight and satisfy your psychedelic sweet tooth with bands like: The Lollipop Shoppe, The Lemon Drops, The Sweet Acids, The Peanut Butter Conspiracy, The Peppermint Trolley Company, Heavy Jelly, The 1910 Fruitgum Company, Sugarloaf, The Cherry Slush, The Chocolate Watchband, The Apple Pie Motherhood Band, Marshmellow Steamshovel, Honeybus, The Chocolate Telephone Pole, Marmalade, The Sweet, Humble Pie, Indian Puddin' & Pipe, Crocheted Doughnut Ring, The Bit A Sweet, Vanilla Fudge, and many many more!!!

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!

      Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:


    • June 10, 2011 4:18 PM CDT
    • And that's a GREAT one !!!

      Foxhole said:

      Easy to say which one's my favourite since i only have one...

      the Seeds & Sky Saxon - can't seem to make you mine/daisy mae

    • June 10, 2011 12:03 PM CDT
    • Easy to say which one's my favourite since i only have one...

      the Seeds & Sky Saxon - can't seem to make you mine/daisy mae

    • June 10, 2011 3:07 PM CDT
    • hey bomber your blog is legit.  lots of rare music, photos, linear notes, curiosities from the lost world.



    • June 9, 2011 4:53 PM CDT
    • 1484s are awesome.  i've had two.  unfortunately amp techs in town are clueless and i couldn't get them correctly service.  so i traded them in.  i now use a early 60s bandmaster head with the 2 x 12 silvertone cab.  not the same at all, but great tone and control nonetheless.  

      Ryan Thomas LeGere said:

      I prefer my Silvertone 1484. The amp is from the 1960s and breaks up real nice. I went to Nashville some months back and on the way back I found her in a Cleveland guitar shop. Ever since I got her, my Fender Twin has been all by her lonesome.