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    • June 6, 2011 5:44 PM CDT
    • The one (almost) fitting the Garage category I'm thinking of right now is :

      "The Hump" by The Invictas

      I'd been lucky enough to pick this one for less than 5 $ and this KILLER is a long time favorite of mine !!!


      The ones I wouldn't even dream of would be right now :

      "Can't tame me" by The Benders

      "Lorna" by Adrian Lloyd

      "Bad little woman" by The Wheel-a-Ways

      and a few thousands more...




    • June 5, 2011 5:20 PM CDT
    • alley oop b/w sho know a thing about love, not garage really but close enuff. Just got it for under a buck. Why spend more than a dollar, be cheap. The crackles save you$

    • June 3, 2011 9:19 PM CDT
    • Niiiiccce! Both sides are killers. I don't think I've ever seen the picture sleeve for it though!

      Dana V. Hatch said:

      The Shadows of Knight "Bad Little Woman/Gospel Zone" with picture sleeve!

    • June 6, 2011 4:32 PM CDT
    • Ouch !!! 

      Come on grumpy old Mike !!! First Radioblivion, then Mojo Workout...I wish I could listen to your voice on the GPPN again someday man ! (And that is also true for you Mr Matt, so please hurry back with a brand new juicy'n'tasty episode of the SOUTH BAY PORK podcast !!!)

      Was I really the only listener here ??? Oh, and I use to leave comments/likes for MOJO WORKOUT !

      Ok, I'm not a big deal, but...I always hate it when my favorite podcasters leave the boat !

      Especially when they are historical ones !

      kopper said:

      I asked Michael about this a few weeks ago and here's what he told me:

      "We aren't posting Mojo Workout on the Hideout, or adding it to the GPPN feed because it is not wanted by the listeners."

      Michael was basically upset/bummed/pissed/whatever that Mojo Workout wasn't getting many comments/likes/downloads/whatever here on the Hideout. He took that to mean "the people on the Hideout don't like Mojo Workout." Yep, that's a direct quote.

      So there you have it.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      By the way : WHY ????

      Any scientific or politic explanations ?

      kopper said:

      Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!

    • June 5, 2011 11:01 AM CDT
    • I asked Michael about this a few weeks ago and here's what he told me:

      "We aren't posting Mojo Workout on the Hideout, or adding it to the GPPN feed because it is not wanted by the listeners."

      Michael was basically upset/bummed/pissed/whatever that Mojo Workout wasn't getting many comments/likes/downloads/whatever here on the Hideout. He took that to mean "the people on the Hideout don't like Mojo Workout." Yep, that's a direct quote.

      So there you have it.

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      By the way : WHY ????

      Any scientific or politic explanations ?

      kopper said:

      Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!

    • June 3, 2011 4:14 PM CDT
    • Hey, that would be GREAAAAAAT news Matt !!! Please make it happen !

      South Bay PORK Podcast said:

      I know I keep saying this, but really, I'm working on a new South Bay PORK now. Just trying to get some time set aside to mess with changing file hosting around and get my turntable up and running again!



      Thanks for all the compliments! 

    • June 3, 2011 4:12 PM CDT
    • By the way : WHY ????

      Any scientific or politic explanations ?

      kopper said:

      Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!

    • June 3, 2011 2:18 PM CDT
    • I know I keep saying this, but really, I'm working on a new South Bay PORK now. Just trying to get some time set aside to mess with changing file hosting around and get my turntable up and running again!



      Thanks for all the compliments! 

    • June 3, 2011 11:33 AM CDT
    • Yeah, I really miss South Bay PORK, too. Now that Mojo Workout isn't podcasting on the GPPN anymore, I haven't heard his voice in months!

    • June 6, 2011 4:32 PM CDT
    • Check out Laney's Lionheart range!..

    • June 4, 2011 12:03 AM CDT
    • Well Now Im looking more around the 800 to a thousand buck range. My friend is also getting really into this and hes brought me into rocket from the tombs and more stuff like that.

      A lot of reverb and fuzz combined with the natural breakup of a tube amp is the best thing in the world for me.
      Ill pay anything to have that sound in my own house that I can play with.

    • June 6, 2011 3:38 PM CDT
    • Wow, very sad news. I have several Creatures of the Golden Dawn albums. Great stuff. He will be missed.

    • June 5, 2011 6:09 PM CDT
    • Way too young...really sad news. We put a few of The Creatures songs on cassettes that came with our old zine, What Wave back in the 80's and early 90's. One of those songs was on the LP Thee Cave Comes Alive on Action Records.

      Mark used to keep us up to date on the constantly revolving membership of The Creatures via letters and we used to trade audio cassettes back then...he's gonna be missed!!!


      Here's some pics from around 1987 of Mark in action with The Creatures, dunno who took them but he sent them to us back then.

    • June 5, 2011 5:39 PM CDT
    • It huts when you lose someone who you were a big fan of their music. It hurts even more when that person was a good friend and confidant. Creatures gigs at the Funhouse in Bethlehem were a staple of my mid-20's. We'd often go to his house and talk excitedly until the birds started chirping. Once we drove 8 hours to Charleston, WV to see Hasil Adkins. 

      Here's what was recently posted on a Lehigh Valley News site:

      ... Mark Smith passed away due to being in a room with insufficient air conditioning which possibly interfered with medication he was on. Mark Smith for 2 plus decades was the lead singer of the Creatures Of The Golden Dawn. There were many members throughout the years including the pre deceased Mike Smitreski and still alive and thriving John terlesky and Ken Bussiere who were in legendary band The Original Sins. It was through the involvement with Mark Smith's Creatures that set these two on a path of greatness with the Sins. In recent years JT as he prefers to be known started playing again with current Creatures line up. 

      The Creatures were huge favorites on Bethlehem's South side and were sadly ignored everywhere else in the Valley. They made a few albums, toured the states and Europe amassing a cult following. The band's music was played on Little Steven's syndicated garage rock show. 

      Read more:

    • June 5, 2011 11:20 AM CDT
    • + Lest I forget,  FREE Podcasts of all sorts, hehe. ;)

    • June 5, 2011 11:15 AM CDT
    • Yep, exactly.


      Of course exposure is good, bringing new folks in is great. Fans should just dig a little deeper and not buy the bullshit wrapped in a neat package on their porch, but go out and check things out on their own. See where those hip bands got their stuff and work from that, not simply snatch their already watered down styles and live easy on that.


      Here, we have that thing where a radiostation called FM4 supports young bands like any other big ass station does: Play the alt hits when they are hot, drop them when something new comes along. Problem is: Much of what they play is given to them by labels owend by Sony or BMG Universal, so it's basically the same stuff all over again with a different get up.

      They support the bands for one hot selling record, if they fail to sell enough, it's bye bye again. I have hardly ever seen them play Garage stuff or support dates on their show announcements. There was some slight Jon Spencer Blues Explosion playing way back in the early 2000's but only after they had put out several albums. They only talked about Jay Retard when he was dead and whoo, played his last album for a hot minute. Pretty gross.

      All you'd hear on that when people asked was: "We have our programming standards and can not play music like that on a regular, daily basis." Standards my ass.  


      They called themselves "alternative" all thru that early 2000's period but totally overlooked labels like Crypt and In the Red, Matator or Estrus (just name any other smaller/larger Trash labels), which is a LOT to overlook. The most they picked up was the stuff that was already approved by everyone else. Nirvana and the late Grunge hype and the resulting media interest in said alternative music. 

      Now what I'm getting at with all that ranting: Where that turns goofy, is when you have a large part of the countrie's (Austria) kids believe in that fake analogy they portrait in their programming and take it for music history canon.

      Kids could turn that thing upside down, showing that stuff the finger, show up at some rad show, keep the scene alive in a good way and not cram their skinny asses into already packed hype venue.


      It never was that easy finding stuff, you don't have the money, download it somewhere. Hell go look on Amazon even, you'll find a Hideout Comp + you'll find so many great records you can download fair and square if you're of the iPod generation. It's not as lost as it was, it's all out in peoples faces now.

    • June 4, 2011 2:32 PM CDT
    • C'est la vie Idon Mine. I remember in about 2003 there was a cool punk scene that was about in Britain mixing punk with a British take on hiphop. Not to everyone's taste but it never got big and so apart from KingPrawn, Capdown and then Sonic Boom 6 it all remained pretty underground. But the bands that they played with generally stuck to whatever they felt like, until Funeral for a Friend and Thursday.


      Then suddenly ever fucking band had black hair over one eye and squealed into a microphone while the guitarist would jump around in circles. It started to really kill the scene because you wouldn't be seeing a fresh British approach to punk anymore but just the regurgitated crap based on Thursday and Funeral for a Friend.


      I think when this kind of stuff gets popular it's cool that new people get brought into the scene but it can actually ruin them as well when people start turning it into music by numbers. Experimental stuff doesn't get awarded because it isn't cool, the same stuff as what the others are doing is what sells and reinforces a scene.

    • June 4, 2011 1:57 PM CDT
    • The thing that irks me with some bands (if you can call them that) that are snatching the Garage label (or Garagepunk therefor) these days, are the ones filled with people that would have started a band named after what ever trend that came in the years before. They make one album and get burned out fast when their second album isn't making the hype machine buzz. Is that lack of fire or what?


      I mean what's the criteria for hyping this shit, but fitting the imagination of some fashion editor what a cool band has to sound like (or better look like only). There's not much to ask if people that have no musical drive whatsoever are making some band big that is not in for the music anyhow.


      A couple a years back it was all Franz Ferdinand aka Gang of Four and The Smiths stuff, now it is Black Lips. And these kids playing after that, with looks to match the ones of their idols, are like those second rate 1969 hippies that became the next generation CEO's. 


      I am behind everyone without character, but hell, these people are so shallow they don't even know who they really rip off. No one can know all the good shit that is the original Rock'N'Roll we all love, but at least TRY and dig a little deeper then some mention of MC5 or the Stooges in a Mando Diao interview.


      Where I live, there are nearly no Garagebands if you compare them to the numbers of - sorry - new hipster start up bands. And that leads right up to an audience that, by all means of the internet, won't go far in checking for what is really great in bands and records, but stop at whatever the major labels feed them. Same old, same old. And it pisses me off to hear people say: "Hey man, it's only a matter of marketing you know. Just gotta sell it right."


      I guess what I'm trying to say is, said neo hipster bands can't even sell out cuz they got nothing to make them raw or original to start with. Eh?

    • June 5, 2011 10:53 AM CDT
    • Oh, my fave and memorable was the Cramps in 1980 in LA on Halloween, gold speedos was all I remember and excellent showmanship, loved Ivy. I was just 16, was great. I saw so many bands back then, but more memorable would be X, they were always good. Dead Kennedys too.  Miss those days, wish I had a camera back then.

    • June 5, 2011 3:37 AM CDT
    • The Prisoners-100 Club eerrrrrr....early/mid 80's? (seem to remember one of the other band's were The Magic Roundabout)

      The Playn Jayn-Psalter Lane/Sheffield eerrrrrr......... warm up for The Fleshtones.

      The Ya Ya's-Faces/Sheffield early 80's.

    • June 4, 2011 6:48 AM CDT
    • Good to know because I had no clue how many there were.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      There's 15 of them.  The serial number on the spine points out which volume it is i.e. TS-01 or TS-15.

      Duke Of Earl said:
      So, how many Teenage Shutdown volumes are there, they dont even have #s. Anybody got a list?

    • June 3, 2011 9:30 PM CDT
    • I really love You Treated Me Bad. It's got The JuJus, Plagues, the Quest's, Little John and the Sherwoods, and the Sound Extraction. Those are just the main rockers. The whole comp is perfect I think.

    • June 4, 2011 1:41 AM CDT
    • Show #328: "The Eggman Collection #98" playlist:

      Ash Ra Tempel - "Schwingungen: a) Suche, b) Liebe"
      The Battered Ornaments - "My Love's Gone Far Away"
      Roy Orbison - "In Dreams"
      Creedence Clearwater Revival - "Wrote A Song For Everyone"
      The Electric Light Orchestra - "Poker"
      Satya Sai Maitreya Kali - "Color Fantasy"
      Stephen Sargent & The Pride - "Grey Eyes Watching"
      Les Sauterelles - "Hong Kong [live]"
      Paul Ryan - "Natural Gas"
      Tommy James & The Shondells - "Sugar On Sunday"
      The Poppy Family - "Which Way You Goin', Billy"
      Embryo - "Dreaming Girls"
      Tim Hardin - "Reason To Believe"
      Clouds - "Watercolour Days"
      Brigitte Bardot & Serge Gainsbourg - "Bonnie And Clyde"
      The Plastic Cloud - "You Don't Care"
      The Lyrics - "Wait"
      The Johnny Otis Show - "Willie And The Hand Jive"
      The Aerovons - "The Years/Everything's Alright/The Children"
      Q 65 - "You're The Victor"
      B.B. Blunder - "Rise/Moondance/New Day"
      Renaissance - "Song Of Scheherazade: i) Fanfare, ii) The Betrayal, iii) The Sultan, iv) Love Theme, v) The Young Prince And Princess As Told By Scheherazade, vi) Festival Preparations, vii) Fugue For The Sultan, viii) The Festival, ix) Finale"

      Click here to stream this show now:
      or to download:

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or (click on "listen live") Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!


    • June 3, 2011 3:31 PM CDT
    • Show #328: "The Eggman Collection #98"

      Every 3 weeks I do a series of shows called The Eggman Collection, which originally was an old tape/cd collection of songs that I like. Now since I have little time due to work and stuff, I made it into a radio program. It's a big mix of songs I like, no matter what they are, what genre, style, or era...whatever...If I like it, I play it. This provides a big potpourri of music from all sorts of different artists, and also brings out several guilty pleasures you wouldn't expect me to listen to. Tune in tonight (Friday) at 10pm EST for the 98th installment of The Eggman Collection and hear bands and artists like: Ash Ra Tempel, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Satya Sai Maitreya Kali, Stephen Sargent & The Pride, Tommy James & The Shondells, The Poppy Family, Embryo, Tim Hardin, Clouds, Brigitte Bardot & Serge Gainsbourg, The Plastic Cloud, The Lyrics, The Aerovons, Q 65, B.B. Blunder, Renaissance, and many many more!!!

      ***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live, listen to past shows, view playlists, etc…check out my website: or (click on "listen live") Friday nights at 10pm EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!

      Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:
