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    • February 28, 2011 10:07 AM CST
    • Has anyone here ever seen that movie "Wild Zero," which stars Guitar Wolf?  We used to have this monthly event here in Pittsburgh called the Rock'n'Roll Spook Show, in which a B horror movie would be shown at the Thunderbird Cafe, followed by a couple of bands.  That was my first glimpse of Guitar Wolf.

    • February 28, 2011 9:34 AM CST
    • We shall rock AGAIN KK :)  Can't wait.

    • February 28, 2011 9:12 AM CST
    • Thee Ms. Stixx and I will be travelling together to Guitar Wolf's Detroit show. 

      If any of you GaragePunkers out there want to meet up with us and/or carpool, let us know.

      I can probably get us back stage to hang with them.


      Lock & Lolllll !!!

    • February 27, 2011 5:21 PM CST
    • anyone know who does their booking??

    • February 27, 2011 3:28 AM CST
    • Yeah, they ought to have that filmed, haha. It would be the movie of the year.

      Recordgrooves said:

      Ooh, that would be a definite Road Trip!

      IDON MINE said:
      Good to hear, I wonder if they will cut into Memphis at some point and mess stuff up with the Oblivians.

    • February 27, 2011 1:23 AM CST
    • Ooh, that would be a definite Road Trip!

      IDON MINE said:

      Good to hear, I wonder if they will cut into Memphis at some point and mess stuff up with the Oblivians.

    • February 27, 2011 1:22 AM CST
    • I wasn't in STL then, Never made it to any Miss Nights shows, I saw them in S.F. with the Dwarves ( Dwarves if I remember correctly?)

      kopper said:

      Yeah, no shit. Were you at the Mississippi Nights show? If I remember correctly, they were with the Oblivians, or at least I remember seeing Eric O backstage with them. I think I had a backstage pass or something and got to meet them. It's been so freakin' long ago I can't remember! Argh.

      Recordgrooves said:

      Ugh, been almost 14years since I've seen them!



    • February 26, 2011 2:27 PM CST
    • I saw them in NYC at Santos Party House in September 2010.  Crazy loud, totally awesome.

    • February 26, 2011 12:38 PM CST
    • Yeah, no shit. Were you at the Mississippi Nights show? If I remember correctly, they were with the Oblivians, or at least I remember seeing Eric O backstage with them. I think I had a backstage pass or something and got to meet them. It's been so freakin' long ago I can't remember! Argh.

      Recordgrooves said:

      Ugh, been almost 14years since I've seen them!



    • February 26, 2011 4:04 AM CST
    • Good to hear, I wonder if they will cut into Memphis at some point and mess stuff up with the Oblivians.

    • February 25, 2011 10:22 PM CST
    • Ugh, been almost 14years since I've seen them!



    • February 25, 2011 8:18 PM CST
    • Wanted to be sure to give my folks on the Hideout a heads up since they are playing small places and dont get over here all that much.  You know where my heart is.  :)  have a great weekend

    • February 25, 2011 8:17 PM CST
    • Dude, agreed.  However, when I noticed that they suddenly added Detroit today on top of 3 others..well, it's a tour as you go kind of thing probably or however that works these days!~   My gut tells me more will be added as time goes as they talk to clubowners and bookers, etc......  IMHO of course

    • February 25, 2011 8:13 PM CST
    • Harumph. Playing a few dates is hardly a "tour." Just my humble opinion, mind you.

    • February 25, 2011 5:57 PM CST
    • Yes, it's true..Guitar Wolf is on tour, limited dates right now. Chicago and Detroit, couple of others ...check ticketmaster, fiends.  Cant wait.

    • February 27, 2011 4:16 PM CST
    • I run a radio show called "The Smart Set" 8.00pm to 10.00pm Fridays in the UK. . 60s Garage and related for the first hour then 60s Psych and related for the second hour. The show has been featured in "Shindig" magazine and has an advert in the current issue.

      I welcome new bands in the garage and psych / mod scene to send mateial on mp3 to

      With you...its a happening !

      Marrs Bonfire

    • February 27, 2011 12:13 PM CST
    • thank you all guys!

    • February 27, 2011 11:09 AM CST
    • wild billy childish and the musicians of the british empire*the sound of white columns* 12' by smart guy records

      the anomalys*s/t *LP by slovenly records

      atomic suplex*rock n roll must die* 7' from frantic city


      GO GO GO!



    • February 27, 2011 7:55 AM CST
    • I forgot the Fear of Lipstick ST LP  Fucking amazing !!!  I came out early in the year, really good stuff, sorta pop punk but not embarrassing "wha-a-oh" shit.



    • February 26, 2011 3:34 PM CST
    • Teenanger says 'Hey' back to you Tommy!!

      Tommy Careless said:

      Ha ha, What a hoser I've become.  Really though I can't think of a whole lot more note worthy things... And I'm thinking Daniel Fred & Julie might have been oh nine.  

      Do say "hey" for me. They stayed at my place and were too polite to say my dog was being a jerk.


      Post Script Hoser itself is worth some Cancon cred, am I right ?  


      whatwave dave said:

      Hey Tommy, that's a lot of cool Cancon there....LOL...and i'm off to see Teenanger tomorrow nite!!! I'll say HEY for you!


    • February 26, 2011 2:13 PM CST
    • I've had lots of difficulty getting through to Craig (The Barman) about his podcast, but it doesn't appear he's that interested in doing it much anymore, anyway, as he hasn't posted an episode since last September and only did a total of two episodes all of last year. So I'm looking for someone new to do an all-Aussie/Kiwi podcast with new monthly episodes to include on the GaragePunk Podcast Network that originates here on the Hideout. In fact, you can even use "Antipodean Attack!" as the name if you'd like (it'd be nice to tie it in with this group). If you've ever thought about doing a podcast, maybe now is your opportunity. I'd prefer someone with some prior public speaking and/or radio/podcasting experience, as it's pretty difficult for someone who's never spoken into a mic before to do a show that captures their personality and displays a lot of spirit that you need to have a really great show that people will want to listen to. The music should also be a good mix of old vs. new stuff, and I'd expect to hear some great '60s garage/surf along with the cutting-edge new garage/punk/surf acts from the region. If you think you have what it takes, then let me know and get to work!

    • February 25, 2011 1:52 PM CST
    • They don't float my boat. Too indie rock for my blood, I guess. Sound like T.Rex meets Hunx & His Punx.

      Nick X said:

      I wanted to punch that Smith Westerns kid in his stupid pretentious face. The song sounded like a T. Rex tune, though. Are they worth listening to, 'cause I'm kind of turned off to them now.

    • February 25, 2011 1:32 PM CST
    • I wanted to punch that Smith Westerns kid in his stupid pretentious face. The song sounded like a T. Rex tune, though. Are they worth listening to, 'cause I'm kind of turned off to them now.