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    • February 25, 2011 12:31 PM CST
    • I really enjoy The Shadows and think their version of Apache is terrific but I wonder who started putting that sort of sound effect (pick scratch with delay) in there that wasn't on The Shadows single, the Ventures?  I love that bit!

    • February 23, 2011 1:44 PM CST
    • Bobby Fuller's live version of Miserlou is pretty killer diller.  I think it was on the Cowabunga box.

    • February 25, 2011 8:56 AM CST
    • Hahah :)

      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      And I won't !

      Coz I love that girl !

      IDON MINE said:

      You can't mess with KO.

    • February 24, 2011 8:10 AM CST
    • Yep, I'm afraid you must be right...

      Still, this corporated thing trying to sneak in Rock'n'Roll makes me uneasy...and bored !

      Besides, I may ask too much, but I always expect to be bouncing off the walls !!! Each and every instant of my stupid nonsense life !!!
      kopper said:

      I don't find it strange at all. It's Scion's thing, obviously, so I don't think it's strange at all that they invited members of their own sponsored bands. It's not like this is the SXSW music conference, it's a Scion conference. Those guys would obviously have an expert opinion on the subject since they're being marketed/promoted in this way, and this gives them the opportunity to discuss it. It makes more sense than inviting someone from some other band, I think.

      Also, whether or not you found it interesting or not, it does directly answer some of the questions raised in this very thread on the subject. I don't think anyone expected to be bouncing off the walls after watching it.


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      ...just boring in my humble warped opinion...fell asleep before the end...

      (Am I mistaking or Sean Spits seemed to be as bored being there as I was, trying to keep my eyes open watching this ???)

      Besides, I find it kinda "strange" that the only bands appearing in this pseudo-conference organized by Scion are bands "sponsored" by Scion. Talking about Integrity and Selling Out ? Really ??? 

      kopper said:

      Check this out... Integrity and Selling Out in 2010 from the Scion Music(less) Music Conference.

    • February 24, 2011 7:48 AM CST
    • I don't find it strange at all. It's Scion's thing, obviously, so I don't think it's strange at all that they invited members of their own sponsored bands. It's not like this is the SXSW music conference, it's a Scion conference. Those guys would obviously have an expert opinion on the subject since they're being marketed/promoted in this way, and this gives them the opportunity to discuss it. It makes more sense than inviting someone from some other band, I think.

      Also, whether or not you found it interesting or not, it does directly answer some of the questions raised in this very thread on the subject. I don't think anyone expected to be bouncing off the walls after watching it.


      The screamin' Soul Preacher said:

      ...just boring in my humble warped opinion...fell asleep before the end...

      (Am I mistaking or Sean Spits seemed to be as bored being there as I was, trying to keep my eyes open watching this ???)

      Besides, I find it kinda "strange" that the only bands appearing in this pseudo-conference organized by Scion are bands "sponsored" by Scion. Talking about Integrity and Selling Out ? Really ??? 

      kopper said:

      Check this out... Integrity and Selling Out in 2010 from the Scion Music(less) Music Conference.

    • February 24, 2011 7:42 AM CST
    • And I won't !

      Coz I love that girl !

      IDON MINE said:

      You can't mess with KO.

    • February 24, 2011 5:36 AM CST
    • You can't mess with KO.

    • February 25, 2011 3:34 AM CST
    • Yup, we already scheduled cassette and CD release here, but wanted to have european CD or 7inch release too : )

      Probably, we will try to send some of it to distros outside the border. Yesterday i wrote tonns of letters, but still nothing :)


      Thank you for your minds, guys! : )

    • February 24, 2011 7:57 AM CST
    • Most labels only work with bands they know, or are familiar with, have seen live and can work with easily. I wouldn't hold your breath on some obscure American or European label coming forward to release your stuff. Not that's it not good enough, mind you, but because there are a ton of bands out there already, and these labels are operating on shoestring budgets as it is. You'd probably be better off finding a local label or just releasing it yourself and finding a distributor or mailorder outfit that will take it.

    • February 24, 2011 3:31 AM CST
    • Thanks, i'll duplicate my message up there! : )

    • February 24, 2011 8:16 PM CST
    • damned damned damned !! how could i forget?!  although i think machine gun ettiquette is a better album, it was this one that started the journey... and the "New Wave" compilation that vertigo put out - that was my first real taste of punk and living in a country town it was like setting a fire! deadboys, hell, new york dolls...

      Nick X said:

      The Clash's first two albums were both great.
      X - Los Angeles
      Richard Hell and the Voidoids - Blank Generation
      Teenage Head - Teenage Head
      The Damned - Damned Damned Damned
      Dead Boys - Young, Loud and Snotty
      The Saints - (I'm) Stranded
      X-Ray Spex - Germfree Adolescence
      Buzzcocks - Singles goin Steady
      The Jam - In the City

      I want to include the Zero Boys but they were second wave.

    • February 24, 2011 6:57 PM CST
    • Ha ha, What a hoser I've become.  Really though I can't think of a whole lot more note worthy things... And I'm thinking Daniel Fred & Julie might have been oh nine.  

      Do say "hey" for me. They stayed at my place and were too polite to say my dog was being a jerk.


      Post Script Hoser itself is worth some Cancon cred, am I right ?  


      whatwave dave said:

      Hey Tommy, that's a lot of cool Cancon there....LOL...and i'm off to see Teenanger tomorrow nite!!! I'll say HEY for you!

      Tommy Careless said:

      Demon's Claws - the Defrosting of...

      Teenanger - Give me Pink

      Jail Wedding - Love is Lawless

      Dead Ghost - ST

      Liquid Vapours - DeVilla 

      Daniel Fred & Julie - ST  (  3 part country harmonies, not at all garage rock, very Carter family. A perfect Sunday morning record. ) 




    • February 24, 2011 6:33 PM CST
    • Los Peyotes "Garage o Muerte" on Dirty Water.

    • February 24, 2011 6:00 PM CST
    • Hey Tommy, that's a lot of cool Cancon there....LOL...and i'm off to see Teenanger tomorrow nite!!! I'll say HEY for you!

      Tommy Careless said:

      Demon's Claws - the Defrosting of...

      Teenanger - Give me Pink

      Jail Wedding - Love is Lawless

      Dead Ghost - ST

      Liquid Vapours - DeVilla 

      Daniel Fred & Julie - ST  (  3 part country harmonies, not at all garage rock, very Carter family. A perfect Sunday morning record. ) 




    • February 23, 2011 4:26 PM CST
    • Demon's Claws - the Defrosting of...

      Teenanger - Give me Pink

      Jail Wedding - Love is Lawless

      Dead Ghost - ST

      Liquid Vapours - DeVilla 

      Daniel Fred & Julie - ST  (  3 part country harmonies, not at all garage rock, very Carter family. A perfect Sunday morning record. ) 




    • February 23, 2011 3:45 PM CST
    • Strange Boys - Be Brave
      Bare Wires - Seeking Love 
      Thee Oh Sees - Warm Slime
      Wheels On Fire - Liar, Liar
      The Black Angels - Phosphene Dream 

    • February 23, 2011 3:44 PM CST
    • the Anomalys s/t album on Slovenly

      Moonhearts s/t album on Tic Tac Totally

      Myelin Sheaths "Get On Your Nerves" album on Southpaw Records

      Parting Gifts "Strychnine Dandelion" lp on In The Red Records

      Black Time "More Songs About Motorcycles And Death" on Wrench Records

      anything on Burger Records

      Melvin Davis "Detroit Soul Ambassador" lp on Vampisoul


      for starters....

    • February 23, 2011 3:08 PM CST
    • (i had seen a list with the best alboums of 2010, but i can't remember now and i want to see it again)


      the new alboum by ty segall is great....

    • February 24, 2011 9:19 AM CST
    • yeah! & here's our pedalboard setup:

    • February 24, 2011 8:51 AM CST
    • I am not a believer in distortion pedals - too friggin' metal and rawk. Overdrive your amp - that's the only distortion you need. Or loosen a tube like Link Wray. Slash your speaker cone with a razor blade (that's how Dave Davies did it and I swear by it but I have several amps) and it's not that expensive to put in a new cone.  Get an amp with tremolo or, most importantly, REVERB! DON'T GET A REVERB PEDAL!! Nothing sounds worse... A tremolo unit is ok if you can't get an amp with both but reverb pedals are the seed of Stan's nutsack. Nobody in the 50s or 60s were using pedals and you don't need 'em. Get a fuzz for solos or single note riffs but distortion pedals - bleh. People rely WAY too much in pedals these days (that and fucking modeling amps - LOSER) and they don't sound organic - they sound fake and sterile and shitty (and not in the way you want it to sound shitty). Cheap guitars aren't really necessary but they will work well. My main guitar these days is a Kent Americana.


      Listen to records you like and learn the songs and then STEAL THEM! You'll learn everything you need to know. Lessons, books, etc are overrated and a waste of money.

    • February 23, 2011 8:13 PM CST
    • maybe I can write a song about the problem of writing songs in my head and forgetting them ten minutes later :)