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    • December 18, 2011 1:36 AM CST
    • ^Holy crap! I want that guy for my Xmas party! I really miss the Daily Show, don't get that in Japan.

    • December 17, 2011 6:10 PM CST
    • ^^at first I thought you were talking about Benny Hinn

    • December 17, 2011 9:54 AM CST
    • I actually have Ben Hinds' Christmas gem on a pristine 45rpm record and will be making good use of it at the SWANK Rock'n Yule record hop in Tokyo later this week! But thanks for the tip cause I'm always looking for more trash to add to my dustbin!

      I really wish I could find something on that viking Santa splatter B-movie cause from what I remember of the preview it was pretty wild!

      joey fuckup said:

      Not sure if this would interest you, Marty, but over on the "Podunk Holler" group on here, Mr. A the Barber who hosts the "You Got Good Taste" podcast has a link to download a nifty comp called "Country Trash". And, lo and behold, that little dittie is on there. (Just in case you don't have it, and would like it.)

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      Lyrically it's great! I can totally picture this country yokel pining for a chic 60's go go girl from the big city. I just wish it had some Xmassy embellishments!

      joey fuckup said:

      I've got that Ben Hinds song in my itunes, love it!

    • December 17, 2011 9:34 AM CST
    • Not sure if this would interest you, Marty, but over on the "Podunk Holler" group on here, Mr. A the Barber who hosts the "You Got Good Taste" podcast has a link to download a nifty comp called "Country Trash". And, lo and behold, that little dittie is on there. (Just in case you don't have it, and would like it.)

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      Lyrically it's great! I can totally picture this country yokel pining for a chic 60's go go girl from the big city. I just wish it had some Xmassy embellishments!

      joey fuckup said:

      I've got that Ben Hinds song in my itunes, love it!

    • December 17, 2011 9:26 AM CST
    • Yeah, Marty, there's been quite a few "splatter Santa" movies made, but I can't remember the name to any of them. "Silent Night Deadly Night" could be one? And wasn't there a "Tales From the Crypt" movie back in '74 that had a homicidal Santa in one of the segments with Joan Collins? If I'm not mistaken, that was redone for the HBO series years later.

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      I love Alexie Sayle from his Young Ones appearances! Just looked up that Xmas bit, is it the Polar Czar one you mean? Hysterical!

      When I first came to Japan I remember seeing a preview on some movie I rented for a demented Santa Claus B-movie where some family wishes on Santa to come but they call up some evil marauding viking version instead and he goes on a rampage. I tried desperately to find more about it on the web but can find anything at all.

      Chris Henniker said:

      Charles E. Cullen was signed to Thee Sheffield Phonographic Corporation, up in Yorkshire. He did songs like "Young Gay Monkey on Roller Skates", which I heard on their radio programme.

      I've always thought Father Christmas was somewhat sinister. He breaks into your house and leaves stuff in your living room, for fuck sake. Go on Youtube and look up Alexei Sayle's Father Christmas sketch.

      joey fuckup said:

      For those of you that like your Santa to be a homicidal maniac (as has been done before), a local indie filmmaker/musician/public access TV personality here in my hometown has put together this low-budget bloodfest "Slaughter Claus":


    • December 17, 2011 8:51 AM CST
    • I love Alexie Sayle from his Young Ones appearances! Just looked up that Xmas bit, is it the Polar Czar one you mean? Hysterical!

      When I first came to Japan I remember seeing a preview on some movie I rented for a demented Santa Claus B-movie where some family wishes on Santa to come but they call up some evil marauding viking version instead and he goes on a rampage. I tried desperately to find more about it on the web but can find anything at all.

      Chris Henniker said:

      Charles E. Cullen was signed to Thee Sheffield Phonographic Corporation, up in Yorkshire. He did songs like "Young Gay Monkey on Roller Skates", which I heard on their radio programme.

      I've always thought Father Christmas was somewhat sinister. He breaks into your house and leaves stuff in your living room, for fuck sake. Go on Youtube and look up Alexei Sayle's Father Christmas sketch.

      joey fuckup said:

      For those of you that like your Santa to be a homicidal maniac (as has been done before), a local indie filmmaker/musician/public access TV personality here in my hometown has put together this low-budget bloodfest "Slaughter Claus":


    • December 17, 2011 8:26 AM CST
    • Lyrically it's great! I can totally picture this country yokel pining for a chic 60's go go girl from the big city. I just wish it had some Xmassy embellishments!

      joey fuckup said:

      I've got that Ben Hinds song in my itunes, love it!

    • December 15, 2011 8:02 PM CST
    • That's impressive for a hometown boy! My grandmother was good friends with his parents, and when he outgrew his monster models, jarred dead animals, and other kooky items, I was given them. Of course, I don't have them now. "Young Gay Monkey On Roller Skates" appears on the album "Grandaddy Bought Me A Copperhead" which I have. I've played numerous songs of his on my old podcast "Whiskey 'N' Waterbeds" and my "Hayride To Hell". He's had several different public access TV shows involving music, crossdressing, prank calls, puppets, and barnyard animal info. He's done scores of ultra low-budget films which he's filmed in and around here in Roanoke, VA. I'm not sure how many albums he's recorded, but they're all intentionally supposed to be "bad, demented country". I emailed him a couple of times about being a guest on my shows, but he never answered back. From what I've heard, he's a total dick that thinks he's hot Hollywood shit now. He did turn MTV down who had offered to give him his own show, but he didn't want to forfeit total artistic control over what he did. I know the magazine "Alternative Cinema" did an article on him, and his shows are being shown in different markets all over the country and even in Hawaii.

      Chris Henniker said:

      Charles E. Cullen was signed to Thee Sheffield Phonographic Corporation, up in Yorkshire. He did songs like "Young Gay Monkey on Roller Skates", which I heard on their radio programme.

      I've always thought Father Christmas was somewhat sinister. He breaks into your house and leaves stuff in your living room, for fuck sake. Go on Youtube and look up Alexei Sayle's Father Christmas sketch.

      joey fuckup said:

      For those of you that like your Santa to be a homicidal maniac (as has been done before), a local indie filmmaker/musician/public access TV personality here in my hometown has put together this low-budget bloodfest "Slaughter Claus":


    • December 15, 2011 5:09 PM CST
    • Charles E. Cullen was signed to Thee Sheffield Phonographic Corporation, up in Yorkshire. He did songs like "Young Gay Monkey on Roller Skates", which I heard on their radio programme.

      I've always thought Father Christmas was somewhat sinister. He breaks into your house and leaves stuff in your living room, for fuck sake. Go on Youtube and look up Alexei Sayle's Father Christmas sketch.

      joey fuckup said:

      For those of you that like your Santa to be a homicidal maniac (as has been done before), a local indie filmmaker/musician/public access TV personality here in my hometown has put together this low-budget bloodfest "Slaughter Claus":


    • December 18, 2011 4:14 PM CST
    • Check out "The Three Little Elves" or "Hardrock , Koko and Joe". THAT IS ONE SCARY SANTA !!!        There's a guy in my neighborhood , a much older Leatherman , probably in his 70's. My girlfriend and I used to think he was cool. We'd call him "The Leather Santa" , because he has a long white beard to his waist , and old fashioned wire frame glasses. But , a friend of mine , who looked 12 when he was 22 , could'nt help it , said Leather Santa used to make lewd comments when they'd cross paths - CREEPY !!! EWWWWW!!!!!!

    • December 17, 2011 3:10 PM CST
    • We all know he was canonised by the Catholic Church, but he's just so creepy. The church has canonised a bishop who's burglar, who breaks into houses and leaves stuff. Worse, he appears in shopping malls and gets children to sit on his lap. No wonder why the Catholic church is in an ideological and cultural mess. 


      Not only that, he is a tyrant. I've always though there is something sinister about him.



      Anyone got any sinister Santas?

    • December 18, 2011 9:13 AM CST
    • Thanks Cathy!!

      Cath said:

      Love it!! 

      Corinne Odermatt said:

      Here's my newest piece. Fresh off the silkscreen press, still smoking. 

    • December 17, 2011 2:14 PM CST
    • haha, thanks... i guess...

    • December 17, 2011 11:29 AM CST

    • December 17, 2011 5:17 AM CST
    • Cheers... as I have three old BMWs one has got to go. It's sad but so it is.

      From 1968, S-gearbox, it Runs great, matching numbers, original great untouched state of grace! The siderig is included. New tires & battery.

      Feel free to ask for more details & pictures & filmclips.

    • December 17, 2011 9:31 AM CST
    • I bet this would have been a nightmare to drive! (No pun intended, or is it? Ha!) If I owned one, I'd be a nervous wreck to take it out on the open road, due to idiot drivers in their "fine tuned rice burner" pieces of shit. Insuring this vehicle would be pretty steep, I would imagine!

      FREDDI said:

    • December 17, 2011 7:59 AM CST
    • Could be that John Carradine just happened to be wandering around Vegas hammered & is in the film by chance XD.

      John Battles said:

      ....."The Mummy and The Curse of The Jackal" , SO bad , it's hilarious. A great big guy in a bad , padded mummy costume , is aided by his Jackal Man assistant who looks Soooo bad ...

      (How bad did he look?!!!) Well , I'll tell ya , worse than the Jackal Man in "Dracula , The Dirty Old Man", also one of the worst. LET'S EXHUME MORE TRULY BAD SCI FI , HORROR , AND JD FILMS , HERE . I mean , we all know "The Titanic" is a turd. I saw about 10 minutes of it , and knew it was a ship that God did'nt HAVE to sink.

      Anyway , The Mummy and The Jackal Man (Who looks more like an adorable doggie than a monster.) are cursed to walk the earth , until , well , you know , they're no long under a curse , and protect the reanimated Egyptian Princess. The best scenes were shot around a casino in Las Vegas (They obviously did'nt have permission). So , when The Mummy wreaks havoc on the innocent bystanders (None of whom were paid extras.), there's virtually no response ! One or two people laugh , others do absolutely nothing. And people want to bust the Late , Great Ed Wood and The Late , Great Al Adamson's balls , when turkeys like this are plentiful...and await your enjoyment.  The also Late and Great John Carradine turns in a brief , superfluous appearance as a wino. Carradine was known to work for $500 a day , while his Son , David , WAS RAKING IN THE BUCKS ON "KUNG - FU" , which explains his MANY cameos in Trash - Horror FILMS LIKE THIS.

    • December 15, 2011 5:01 PM CST
    • ....."The Mummy and The Curse of The Jackal" , SO bad , it's hilarious. A great big guy in a bad , padded mummy costume , is aided by his Jackal Man assistant who looks Soooo bad ...

      (How bad did he look?!!!) Well , I'll tell ya , worse than the Jackal Man in "Dracula , The Dirty Old Man", also one of the worst. LET'S EXHUME MORE TRULY BAD SCI FI , HORROR , AND JD FILMS , HERE . I mean , we all know "The Titanic" is a turd. I saw about 10 minutes of it , and knew it was a ship that God did'nt HAVE to sink.

      Anyway , The Mummy and The Jackal Man (Who looks more like an adorable doggie than a monster.) are cursed to walk the earth , until , well , you know , they're no long under a curse , and protect the reanimated Egyptian Princess. The best scenes were shot around a casino in Las Vegas (They obviously did'nt have permission). So , when The Mummy wreaks havoc on the innocent bystanders (None of whom were paid extras.), there's virtually no response ! One or two people laugh , others do absolutely nothing. And people want to bust the Late , Great Ed Wood and The Late , Great Al Adamson's balls , when turkeys like this are plentiful...and await your enjoyment.  The also Late and Great John Carradine turns in a brief , superfluous appearance as a wino. Carradine was known to work for $500 a day , while his Son , David , WAS RAKING IN THE BUCKS ON "KUNG - FU" , which explains his MANY cameos in Trash - Horror FILMS LIKE THIS.

    • December 16, 2011 11:28 AM CST
    • I'm always afraid to attempt unpainted models, since I have 0 experience doing that. I'd personally rather go with snap-togethers! I think these figures came out around 2 years ago, but I never saw them anywhere. Like I said in this thread earlier, they are being sold in a clearance, discount-type store, which means once they're gone, that's it. I would like to get my hands on some of the older, more classic items, along with some Rat Fink collectibles. Funny you mention Kay Bee, I thought the whole chain went under. We had them here, but they were closed down after years of operating.

      John Battles said:

       i DID'NT KNOW ABOUT THESE NEW (?) WEIRD - OH's toys.....I'd buy 'em. I'm not as big on 'em as I am on Rat Fink , but , they're cool. I bought a couple of the models , several years ago , when they were reissued again...But , I think you have to be an ace painter to make them look worth a damn. I'm actually a pretty good model painter , and my Weird - Oh's MODELS LOOK CRAPPY. Then I saw my Godchild's Grandpa's work on one of the same models , and I had to eat crow, IT LOOKED BRILLIANT. But , just small , three - dimensional toys (They've done the same with Ratfink.), I can "Ride " with that. I'll look for 'em . Of course , all we have left is Toys'R'Us ,which was great in the 90's , but should be called "Toys Based on Mega Blockbuster Movies You'll Forget , Soon ' R' Us." , today. And a smaller chain called Kay Bee that sometimes , not often , gets some cool stuff in.

    • December 16, 2011 9:56 AM CST
    • Bail-out Bombshell: Fed "Emergency" Bank Rescue Totaled $29 Trillion Over Three Years

      While the 99% suffered hardship, a new study shows that the Fed propped up buddies in the banking industry and a vast shadow banking system far beyond what anyone has guessed.

      "These figures accurately reflect the cumulative totals over the approximately three years actually used by the Fed to prop-up domestic and international banks, shadow banks, central banks, and even some non-financial institutions."


    • December 16, 2011 2:50 AM CST
    • Though question. In some way a hung troll is, I believe.

      Spite Classic said:

      Trolls are people too?

    • December 15, 2011 5:26 PM CST
    • ...i CAME THIS CLOSE TO MEETING kenneth anger.

      He made an unpublicized appearance at a screening of the 20's Silent version of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" , starring John Barrymore. He was just introduced from the stage , and he waved at the audience. I saw him in the lobby , but , he was talking to someone , and I did'nt want to interrupt their conversation , so , I waited.....I became impatient , and said "What if Fatty Arbuckle had used a 2 Litre Coke bottle?" . I kid. I did'nt talk to him.

      Here's one I forgot , earlier , "The Suicide Club" (El Club Suicida) was a Mexican Action / Drug Exploitation movie starring Enrique Guzman ( Former Lead Singer with Los Teen Tops , one of the first Major Rock'n'Roll bands in Mexico , and later , an immensely popular (Still !)  Pop singer in his own right .) . Guzman starred in several light - hearted vehicles in the 60's , much like Elvis Presley , and managed to slip some decent Rock 'n'Roll songs on the soundtracks.  But ,"El Club Suicida" was an early non - singing role  (Perhaps his first.) , in which he plays a Secret Agent , hired to investigate a mysterious Hippie cult , whose members have been killing themselves. If you think you detect something of a paralell , this movie was actually made about a year before the Manson murders. Whenever the charismatic cult leader is shown , way - out "Sitar" music apppears on the soundtrack (Played on a detuned Acoustic Guitar . I used to do that ). He conducts all of his dirty business from his fantastic , psychedelic bachelor pad. He gives his followers dope , and they're all too happy to commit suicide. Guzman is pretty good in a serious role. I don't even know how well - remembered this movie is in Mexico. I found it at a flea market , it was part of a "Rock'n'Roll" series released maybe 10 years ago (Though there's no Rock'n'Roll music IN this picture !).

    • December 15, 2011 4:48 PM CST
    • Yes, Topher Grace was a good Eddie/Venom, but having that character involved in #3 was just too much. Again, too many plots going on at the same time, and I still think that the third was just wrong wrong wrong...I think, yes, Harry Osborne should have taken revenge on Peter, but there should not have been a place made for Gwen Stacy and her father, nor the Sandman. Venom is too complex of a storyline to have tried to insert as a side plot. He should have just been saved for a #4, which Sam Raimi and Toby McGuire would have done if it hadn't been for the meddling of Columbia Pictures (I think). Fans of the franchise were robbed of having Curt Connors as the Lizard, didn't happen, so why in the fuck even introduce him at all? He should have been the main villain in #3, and due to the fact that he could really work Spiderman over in the comics, could explain Peter convincing Harry to help him combat a formidable foe.

      I will be one of the first to admit that when I heard that N Cage was going to be the Ghost Rider, I thought "No fucking way". But I guess they didn't want somebody to actually look like Johnny Blaze from the comics, who after all, kinda resembled Will Katt (ha ha). But he desperately wanted to be in a superhero film, and after having the Superman deal go sour (Kevin Smith and Tim Burton were collaborating on that), he proved he should be Ghost Rider because he had a tatoo of him. So the story goes. Peter Fonda was a cool touch as Mephisto, but I was always used to that character being a full blown, fearsome demon. It was also a neat touch to have the '40's Ghost Rider be a part of the plot as well. The sequel looks pretty wild from what I've seen. You can check out a trailer for it on You Tube.

      John Battles said:

       Retraction : I recently saw the two Spiderman movies . Not in their entirety , but , enough to geta feet for 'em , and I have to admit , I did'nt think they were bad at all. Actually some pretty good performances. Zooey Glockenshpeil  , or whoever , was'nt a bad pick for  Mary Jane, tho' I guess I'd have preferred seeing someone who looked and acted more like her ,  Laura Prepon , maybe. But , that's not even a complaint. I never knew why they did'nt paint Willem DaFoe green _- BING ! - instant Green Goblin , instead of using all these appliances to detract from his already reptilian features. I realize ,if they were all lined up for a date with him or me , there'd be ONE line , but , I always thought he was creey looking. Sorry.

      I thought , whatshisname , Eric from "That 70's Show" played a right bastard of a rival , but , he might have been even better as Peter Parker . Seriously. Anyway , I should'nt have said I would'nt have liked it , due to my rare aversion to CGI (Sorry . I wish Harryhausen did'nt have to live to see it happen , but , he's been a sport about it.). I liked 'em both. What I saw.

      "Ghost Rider" had some nice touches . It was'nt as awful as I expected. I mean , come on , Nicholas Cage. I don't think I've liked anything of his since "Valley Girl" , and he was too young to know how badly he was acting ! I guess I like a few things...The Ghost Rider looked bad ass with his "Eternal flame"skull , and Peter Fonda as Lucifer was the icing on the cake. Otherwise , it's hardly challenging , but , I liked it all right. No use of Suicide's "Ghost Rider" , though ? CRIME !