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    • December 15, 2011 4:40 PM CST
    •  i DID'NT KNOW ABOUT THESE NEW (?) WEIRD - OH's toys.....I'd buy 'em. I'm not as big on 'em as I am on Rat Fink , but , they're cool. I bought a couple of the models , several years ago , when they were reissued again...But , I think you have to be an ace painter to make them look worth a damn. I'm actually a pretty good model painter , and my Weird - Oh's MODELS LOOK CRAPPY. Then I saw my Godchild's Grandpa's work on one of the same models , and I had to eat crow, IT LOOKED BRILLIANT. But , just small , three - dimensional toys (They've done the same with Ratfink.), I can "Ride " with that. I'll look for 'em . Of course , all we have left is Toys'R'Us ,which was great in the 90's , but should be called "Toys Based on Mega Blockbuster Movies You'll Forget , Soon ' R' Us." , today. And a smaller chain called Kay Bee that sometimes , not often , gets some cool stuff in.

    • December 13, 2011 11:28 AM CST
    • Here's my latest purchase for my collection, "Wade A. Minut", and I'm still on the fence about taking them out of their packaging. Any thoughts?

    • December 15, 2011 4:27 PM CST
    •  Retraction : I recently saw the two Spiderman movies . Not in their entirety , but , enough to geta feet for 'em , and I have to admit , I did'nt think they were bad at all. Actually some pretty good performances. Zooey Glockenshpeil  , or whoever , was'nt a bad pick for  Mary Jane, tho' I guess I'd have preferred seeing someone who looked and acted more like her ,  Laura Prepon , maybe. But , that's not even a complaint. I never knew why they did'nt paint Willem DaFoe green _- BING ! - instant Green Goblin , instead of using all these appliances to detract from his already reptilian features. I realize ,if they were all lined up for a date with him or me , there'd be ONE line , but , I always thought he was creey looking. Sorry.

      I thought , whatshisname , Eric from "That 70's Show" played a right bastard of a rival , but , he might have been even better as Peter Parker . Seriously. Anyway , I should'nt have said I would'nt have liked it , due to my rare aversion to CGI (Sorry . I wish Harryhausen did'nt have to live to see it happen , but , he's been a sport about it.). I liked 'em both. What I saw.

      "Ghost Rider" had some nice touches . It was'nt as awful as I expected. I mean , come on , Nicholas Cage. I don't think I've liked anything of his since "Valley Girl" , and he was too young to know how badly he was acting ! I guess I like a few things...The Ghost Rider looked bad ass with his "Eternal flame"skull , and Peter Fonda as Lucifer was the icing on the cake. Otherwise , it's hardly challenging , but , I liked it all right. No use of Suicide's "Ghost Rider" , though ? CRIME !

    • December 15, 2011 4:10 PM CST
    • A Young Dan Pussey movie , that would've been funny. I was just glad that Clowes finally got ANY movie out , based on his comics (NOT GRAPHIC FUCKING NOVELS. COMIC BOOKS.).  I knew he's been trying to get a TV or Movie deal since the 80's. The first , obvious , choice would've been "Lloyd Llewellyn" , and , much later , "Like a Velvet Glove Cast In Iron" , but , "Ghost World" was written like a movie , too. I loved the movie , and I liked "Art School Confidential", which was based on a , what? 4 page comic ? I like it better when I watch it again , other people have told me the same .  I am glad for Dan Clowes' success , but , I have to wonder , when the Hell is Peter Bagge gonna get his ? Admittedly , the animated cartoons he did online are hilarious , but , I could see a Buddy Bradley half - hour series or full length film. It's an idea who's time may have well passed and gone....He might have struck gold in the 90's-oughts when some the best TV shows not called "The Sopranos" WERE cartoons (King of The Hill , Beavis and Butthead , South Park , even The Simpsons were still holding their own.).
      DammitDave said:

      I forgot about the Mystery Men!  Great fun.  Maybe for the sequel, they'll have the Flaming Carrot, too.  I'll hold my breath.


      Ghost World?  I'd rather have seen a Young Dan Pussey movie (Alpha Bots?  Omega Mission?)

    • December 15, 2011 11:41 AM CST
    • For those of you that like your Santa to be a homicidal maniac (as has been done before), a local indie filmmaker/musician/public access TV personality here in my hometown has put together this low-budget bloodfest "Slaughter Claus":


    • December 14, 2011 11:29 AM CST
    • I've got that Ben Hinds song in my itunes, love it!

      Marty Shane, Pacifiction Records said:

      Jeez, I was stuck in a fastfood jont in Tokyo the other day where I guess they had a comp of this kinda junk on repeat.

      On a similar note, a pet peeve of my is Xmas songs that don't have any Christmassy dressings. For example, the Shonen Knife "Space Christmas" song is fun but it sounds just like any other random Shonen Knife song (that's a live vid, so I really need to hear the studio track to judge). But when someone cuts a Xmas song I wanna hear some jingle bells, ho ho hos, horse clops, whatever, just not singing a chorus with the word Christmas in it. There are a number of songs I actually like that have this fault like a country gogo rarity I found by Ben Hinds titled "All I Want For Christmas is a Go Go Girl" (wish I could find a vid for sharing!) or even one of my favorites, Carla Thomas' "Gee Whiz, It's Christmas":

      I posted this one before, but I found a different vid that's XMASmerizing and has all of the proper trimmings!

      trashman said:

      Dear Music Performer, particularly you the country performer,

           All of the xmas classics have been written and performed.  You will not create the next "must have" xmas song.  No matter how hard you try Ms. Faith Hill, Mr. Kenny Chesney, Mr Alan "Honky Tonk Christmas" Jackson your xmas music will dissapear into obscurity.  So please save the environment and stop printing your CDs with plastic covers, wasting gasoline to ship them to Wal Marts, and paper for the receipts customers receive when buying your useless xmas album.  Same goes for you Maria Carey and Vibeke Sausage (or whatever your name is); I don't need to have a jinglejangle christmas, I already have Bing Crosby.

    • December 14, 2011 7:58 AM CST
    • Jeez, I was stuck in a fastfood jont in Tokyo the other day where I guess they had a comp of this kinda junk on repeat.

      On a similar note, a pet peeve of my is Xmas songs that don't have any Christmassy dressings. For example, the Shonen Knife "Space Christmas" song is fun but it sounds just like any other random Shonen Knife song (that's a live vid, so I really need to hear the studio track to judge). But when someone cuts a Xmas song I wanna hear some jingle bells, ho ho hos, horse clops, whatever, just not singing a chorus with the word Christmas in it. There are a number of songs I actually like that have this fault like a country gogo rarity I found by Ben Hinds titled "All I Want For Christmas is a Go Go Girl" (wish I could find a vid for sharing!) or even one of my favorites, Carla Thomas' "Gee Whiz, It's Christmas":

      I posted this one before, but I found a different vid that's XMASmerizing and has all of the proper trimmings!

      trashman said:

      Dear Music Performer, particularly you the country performer,

           All of the xmas classics have been written and performed.  You will not create the next "must have" xmas song.  No matter how hard you try Ms. Faith Hill, Mr. Kenny Chesney, Mr Alan "Honky Tonk Christmas" Jackson your xmas music will dissapear into obscurity.  So please save the environment and stop printing your CDs with plastic covers, wasting gasoline to ship them to Wal Marts, and paper for the receipts customers receive when buying your useless xmas album.  Same goes for you Maria Carey and Vibeke Sausage (or whatever your name is); I don't need to have a jinglejangle christmas, I already have Bing Crosby.

    • December 13, 2011 9:28 PM CST
    • i teach at a college that is still on the quarter system--for some reason. i admit, our holiday/xmas break is long. i admit to getting cadin fever.

    • December 13, 2011 9:18 PM CST
    • Here, kids get two weeks at Christmas and Easter, six weeks in the summer (July until early September) and half terms of a week long.

      joey fuckup said:

      Yeah, usually around 2 weeks for Christmas, but Easter, no. Easter is celebrated here on the Sunday that's designated it. Which, with all the commercialism and religious beliefs (depending on the person), it's almost like Christmas. As you know, kids having their picture taken with the Easter Bunny, baskets chopped full of candy and toys, going to church (again, depending on the persons' religion, if any), a big meal with the family, etc. Now, school kids do get out for a week for Spring break, but that has nothing to do with Easter at all.

      Chris Henniker said:

      I thought it would be fairly standardised. Here, it varies from borough, district or county council (I've studied local government for England and Wales and the LEA is the same as the county, district or borough council, but are legally separate entities. It's a dog's dinner), but it's normally two weeks for Christmas and Easter.

      joey fuckup said:

      Well, can't speak for all the other cities/towns/counties in the US, but my son is in a county high school and he gets out this Friday and won't go back until Jan. 2. My daughter goes to a city elementary school and she won't get out until Dec. 21, but won't return until after New Year's as well.

      Chris Henniker said:

      How long do the school holidays in America last? Here, it's currently the last Monday of Advent to the first Monday after New Years day (unless that's a bank holiday, so the little shits go back on tuesday).  Christmas and New Years week (19/12/11-3/1/12).

      Shake Revard said:

      black christmas--and olivia hussy--can't be beat.


      and los straitjackets do my fave version of "feliz navidad."


      also, not having to teach/work from thanksgiving until jan 3rd or so is rad.


      other than that, i don't really get into the spirit. i'm an atheist as well (enough about that; no soapbox needed here). i do wonder how i will handle the holiday thing when/if i ever have kids. kopper's xmas traditions sound like a good model.

    • December 13, 2011 8:56 PM CST
    • Yeah, usually around 2 weeks for Christmas, but Easter, no. Easter is celebrated here on the Sunday that's designated it. Which, with all the commercialism and religious beliefs (depending on the person), it's almost like Christmas. As you know, kids having their picture taken with the Easter Bunny, baskets chopped full of candy and toys, going to church (again, depending on the persons' religion, if any), a big meal with the family, etc. Now, school kids do get out for a week for Spring break, but that has nothing to do with Easter at all.

      Chris Henniker said:

      I thought it would be fairly standardised. Here, it varies from borough, district or county council (I've studied local government for England and Wales and the LEA is the same as the county, district or borough council, but are legally separate entities. It's a dog's dinner), but it's normally two weeks for Christmas and Easter.

      joey fuckup said:

      Well, can't speak for all the other cities/towns/counties in the US, but my son is in a county high school and he gets out this Friday and won't go back until Jan. 2. My daughter goes to a city elementary school and she won't get out until Dec. 21, but won't return until after New Year's as well.

      Chris Henniker said:

      How long do the school holidays in America last? Here, it's currently the last Monday of Advent to the first Monday after New Years day (unless that's a bank holiday, so the little shits go back on tuesday).  Christmas and New Years week (19/12/11-3/1/12).

      Shake Revard said:

      black christmas--and olivia hussy--can't be beat.


      and los straitjackets do my fave version of "feliz navidad."


      also, not having to teach/work from thanksgiving until jan 3rd or so is rad.


      other than that, i don't really get into the spirit. i'm an atheist as well (enough about that; no soapbox needed here). i do wonder how i will handle the holiday thing when/if i ever have kids. kopper's xmas traditions sound like a good model.

    • December 13, 2011 8:43 PM CST
    • I thought it would be fairly standardised. Here, it varies from borough, district or county council (I've studied local government for England and Wales and the LEA is the same as the county, district or borough council, but are legally separate entities. It's a dog's dinner), but it's normally two weeks for Christmas and Easter.

      joey fuckup said:

      Well, can't speak for all the other cities/towns/counties in the US, but my son is in a county high school and he gets out this Friday and won't go back until Jan. 2. My daughter goes to a city elementary school and she won't get out until Dec. 21, but won't return until after New Year's as well.

      Chris Henniker said:

      How long do the school holidays in America last? Here, it's currently the last Monday of Advent to the first Monday after New Years day (unless that's a bank holiday, so the little shits go back on tuesday).  Christmas and New Years week (19/12/11-3/1/12).

      Shake Revard said:

      black christmas--and olivia hussy--can't be beat.


      and los straitjackets do my fave version of "feliz navidad."


      also, not having to teach/work from thanksgiving until jan 3rd or so is rad.


      other than that, i don't really get into the spirit. i'm an atheist as well (enough about that; no soapbox needed here). i do wonder how i will handle the holiday thing when/if i ever have kids. kopper's xmas traditions sound like a good model.

    • December 13, 2011 8:29 PM CST
    • Well, can't speak for all the other cities/towns/counties in the US, but my son is in a county high school and he gets out this Friday and won't go back until Jan. 2. My daughter goes to a city elementary school and she won't get out until Dec. 21, but won't return until after New Year's as well.

      Chris Henniker said:

      How long do the school holidays in America last? Here, it's currently the last Monday of Advent to the first Monday after New Years day (unless that's a bank holiday, so the little shits go back on tuesday).  Christmas and New Years week (19/12/11-3/1/12).

      Shake Revard said:

      black christmas--and olivia hussy--can't be beat.


      and los straitjackets do my fave version of "feliz navidad."


      also, not having to teach/work from thanksgiving until jan 3rd or so is rad.


      other than that, i don't really get into the spirit. i'm an atheist as well (enough about that; no soapbox needed here). i do wonder how i will handle the holiday thing when/if i ever have kids. kopper's xmas traditions sound like a good model.

    • December 13, 2011 5:03 PM CST
    • How long do the school holidays in America last? Here, it's currently the last Monday of Advent to the first Monday after New Years day (unless that's a bank holiday, so the little shits go back on tuesday).  Christmas and New Years week (19/12/11-3/1/12).

      Shake Revard said:

      black christmas--and olivia hussy--can't be beat.


      and los straitjackets do my fave version of "feliz navidad."


      also, not having to teach/work from thanksgiving until jan 3rd or so is rad.


      other than that, i don't really get into the spirit. i'm an atheist as well (enough about that; no soapbox needed here). i do wonder how i will handle the holiday thing when/if i ever have kids. kopper's xmas traditions sound like a good model.

    • December 13, 2011 4:44 PM CST
    • black christmas--and olivia hussy--can't be beat.


      and los straitjackets do my fave version of "feliz navidad."


      also, not having to teach/work from thanksgiving until jan 3rd or so is rad.


      other than that, i don't really get into the spirit. i'm an atheist as well (enough about that; no soapbox needed here). i do wonder how i will handle the holiday thing when/if i ever have kids. kopper's xmas traditions sound like a good model.

    • December 13, 2011 11:57 AM CST
    • ^My sister learned it from somewhere more recently so have only been doing it for about 7 years.

    • December 13, 2011 11:54 AM CST
    • Never heard of that before. Is this something you guys created for yourselves, or is it an obscure custom? Unique!

      trashman said:

      we have the pickle in the tree.  We all travel back to my parents house for xmas.  My sister hides a plastic pickle in the tree and the finder gets the pickle gift.  Sounds easy but each year we forget to look until the day after xmas and the person who finds it is usually the only person that remembers.  My sister held her guns, one year no one remembered so the pickle gift travelled back home with her family until next year.

    • December 13, 2011 11:52 AM CST
    • we have the pickle in the tree.  We all travel back to my parents house for xmas.  My sister hides a plastic pickle in the tree and the finder gets the pickle gift.  Sounds easy but each year we forget to look until the day after xmas and the person who finds it is usually the only person that remembers.  My sister held her guns, one year no one remembered so the pickle gift travelled back home with her family until next year.

    • December 13, 2011 11:43 AM CST
    • Well, here's a new tradition that's started at my house, my daughter's early Christmas gift from her aunt and uncle, the "Elf On the Shelf." Kinda creepy, but my wife and I have to move him to a different location each night after my daughter has gone to bed. Apparently this makes him more "real"...

    • December 15, 2011 6:00 AM CST
    • Jerk bar fly customers aside (and I KNOW there are more than plenty, so consider that 'for you shoot back anyone, ok?), that thing is just more than a bit petty. Who does that address? The "Frat Boy Society of America" or what? The "Bar troublers of the south west" club? The "Hey this bar is made for my freakout!" kind of folks?

      So you bartenders have a hard time, eh? Suppose you just serve your stupid customer just like the good one, it won't hurt your feelings. It's a stressful job alright, I'll give you that.

      Good thing they always follow those rules, cause when I act accordingly, tip like a moneysack, I still get the jerk-tender treatment. But oh, it must be me, eh?

      God, bartenders and egos, two things that don't mix well.

      PS: "Be an attractive female." That just makes it. Haahaha. Can't wait to read this guys book on "Attractive females, the bartenders guide!" A sure fire hit among folks of his class of smart.

      Would this actually be more thought through and worded in a better way, I'd consider giving it a thought there.

    • December 13, 2011 11:26 PM CST
    • YES!  It's all very true!  A favourite customer of any bartender is ANOTHER person that works in service!  Not the rich guy, or the guy with the hot girlfriend so learn to play nice and share the sandbox with the other kids....or risk embarrassment on threat of being turfed!

    • December 13, 2011 3:32 PM CST
    • Found this one on Craigslist, of all places:

      Someone once pointed out to me the fact that there seems to be a micro-economy in the service industry. Restaurant workers take their tip money out to bars and clubs at night and give it to the bartenders, who promptly return it to the waiters and waitresses the next day at lunch. The cycle is almost self-sufficient and is mutually beneficial. Knowing the pain of waiting on customers, each group tips the other well and never raises a fuss. These people do not need to be educated. The rest of you do. 

      Many of us have stood in a noisy, crowded bar and asked, "What's a guy got to do to get a drink around here?" Well, you're about to find out. Here are some Do's and Don'ts that will keep the relationship between the bartender and bar patron running smoothly. 

      Fail to have your money ready 
      We're waiting on you. Everyone else is waiting on us. Therefore, by the Transitive Property of Equality, everyone is waiting on you. Rule #1: Have your shit together. Not only will following Rule #1 get you served quicker in a bar, it's a good general rule to adopt in life and is especially helpful in Central American border crossing scenarios. 

      This is an absolute No-No. You whistle at dogs and pretty ladies, not people. 

      Wave money 
      Oh, you've got a dollar!! I'll be right over!! Hopefully I won't break an ankle in my fevered rush to get you your "curz lite." Well, at least you're not breaking the next rule. 

      Yell out the bartender's first name 
      There's something deeply psychologically disturbing about hearing your name called out, turning around and seeing a complete stranger. That's one of the reasons strippers use stage names. Bartender's do too. Mine is Pixie. 

      Say "make it strong!" or "put a lot of liquor in it" 
      Oh, you're one of the rare drinkers that like their drink strong! When you say this, you're assuming I make weak drinks (which is insulting) and you're assuming that I'll stiffen this one up for my new best buddy, you. This is the best way to get a weak drink. 

      Give the ever-expanding drink order 
      You want a Bud. I go get it. I come back and now you want a Margarita. Okay, no prob. I come back, and (oh yeah!) now you want a shot of Tequila, too. You really could have told us this all at once. See Rule #1. 

      Pull the redirect (or the bait 'n' switch) 
      Usually used after the money wave or the whistle, this is when the gentlemen passes his turn to the lady behind him. Yeah, um, don't do that, okay? Chances are she's not ready, and your weak attempt at chivalry just cost you your turn. See you in 30 minutes. 

      Try the confused, lost look 
      This is usually accompanied by the question "What kind of beer y'all got?" while looking at all the beers we have. You did know you were in a bar, right? You didn't just appear here, did you? Refer to Rule #1. 

      Order High-Maintenance shooters 
      Example: "Lemme get an Alabama Slammer, a Red Snapper, two Kamikazes, a Buttery Nipple and a Lemon Drop." Usually followed by a small tip. People, these shooters are fine by themselves, but there are multiple steps involved with each one. Translation: Time Sink. You may get them this time, but you'll probably be waited on last the next time we see your face. Here's a clue as to whether or not you're high maintenance; if two bartenders are working and they see you, and they flip a coin and the loser comes over to take your order, pretty good chance you're high maintenance. 

      Assume we know you're in the band 
      We know, we know, you're gonna be really famous, but you're not there yet, tiger. Tell us you're in the band and which band you're in. By the way, if you are in a band and get free/reduced drink prices, feel free to tip, as most bartenders are also in bands! It's not like we don't know how it is. Oh, and our bands will smoke your band. 

      Assume we know you, period 
      Unless you've followed the first "Do" rule below, we don't remember you. You are one of a thousand faces for us, and when you point at an empty glass or a beer bottle that's invariably facing away from us, your attempt at a shortcut backfires. Tell us what you want. 

      Apologize for sucking 
      Don't apologize for not tipping. Acknowledging that you suck is not the same as not sucking. Oh, and don't say "I'll get ya next time." We know all about you. 

      Assume soft drinks are free 
      Are they free at McDonald's? Are they free at Walmart? Are they free anywhere? I blame M.A.D.D. for this myth. 

      Put pennies and nickels in the tip jar 
      We don't want that crap in our pockets any more than you do. We don't have anything smaller than quarters. Have you ever ordered a drink that cost $3.17? 

      Be "The Microbrew Aficionado" 
      Usually a pseudo-hippy who can't tip a quarter but can't bring himself to drink "schwag," and who has to sample some new berry-wheat-harvest-ale that he heard about at Burning Man. "Do you have the new Vernal-Equinox Special Welcome-Fest?" "Does Anyone?" Here's your Newcastle. Go. 

      Be "The Daddy Warbucks" 
      Dressed in classic day-trader wear, this loud, boisterous guy smokes cigars and orders Martinis and generally exudes an air of money. Until the tip. We hate you. 

      Be a "Whiney Baby" 
      Under no circumstances should you ever whine to a bartender when asked to see your ID. Our jobs depend on them, and when we spot a fake/expired ID, don't argue; we've seen and heard it all a million times before, and it will get you absolutely nowhere. If you "don't have one" or "forgot it," forget it; you don't belong out on the town in the first place. That's the law, plain and simple. If we don't have the law, the terrorists win. You don't want the terrorists to win, do you? Bring your ID. Remember Rule #1, from a minute ago? 

      Tip heavy right off the bat, and you're the first person we aim for every time you come up to the bar. Did you get that? Go back and read it again. The word will spread to the other bartenders and you'll be treated like a prince. It will pay off in better drinks and the occasional free one. 

      Be patient 
      All you really need to do to get waited on is make eye contact. We see you, and we'll get to you before the guy right next to you waving money and whistling. Remember, this isn't insulin we're passing out here. If you really need the drink that bad, you've got a problem to address, Jack. The meek shall inherit the bar. 

      Be an attractive female 
      As in life, this goes far. 

      If this comes across as a little petty, remember: bartenders are a jaded lot. 

    • December 14, 2011 11:57 AM CST
    • Found the online version of this one and Its so good! Great classic horror game. The 80s arcade vibe makes it so cool. Great Find!

      Ben Simon said:

      I'd have to recommend Maniac Mansion, from where I get my avatar. Good old Green Tentacle.

    • December 14, 2011 11:51 AM CST
    • I'd love to have it! In hobby shops around here, they sell the 1/18 scale die-cast metal collectible of this. I'd like to have it, but it's way out of my price range. I'm hoping to find a Matchbox size version at the flea market. George Barris (creator of it, of course) was here in my city a few years back for our annual downtown car show.

    • December 13, 2011 11:56 PM CST
    • Did you finish the season? I don't know if your watching the first or the second season but the second season so far has moved really slow. If you're into comics or graphic novels I recommend reading the graphic novel the show was based off of. It'd definitely worth it It's so good.

    • December 13, 2011 11:38 PM CST
    • Old Flicks:



      Texas Chainsaw Massacre

      The Wizard of Gore

      Something Weird

      Plan 9 From Outer Space

      Biker Chicks From Hell

      Night of the Living Dead

      Modern Flicks:

      Super 8

      The Blair Witch Project

      Silent Hill


      Tales From The Crypt (80's series)

      The Twighlite zone


      Fringe is okay