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    • July 15, 2010 1:25 AM CDT
    • I don't know why so many Americans insist on calling BP British Petroleum when it is a multinational that hasn't been called that in over 10 years. And the Obama administration and media has been careful not to let much blame fall on any of the home grown US contractors despite it being Haliburton Energy Services who should be taking a large preportion of the blame for leasing out faulty rigs.

      But either way looking at the destruction of marine life, it's heart breaking to think how long it will take again for the fishing industry there to pick up. I mean does anyone know how long the contamination might last?

    • July 14, 2010 8:38 PM CDT
    • I don't know that it has much of a reputation, but The Bandit Queen (1994) based on a true story about a real female bandit (Thuggie?) in India....when it comes to rape and the revenge. Hard to watch at points and a bit a natural tearjerker, but one of my favorites.

    • July 13, 2010 3:17 PM CDT
    • As far as blood and guts goes... DEAD ALIVE [aka BRAIN DEAD here in the UK] is probably the goriest film I think i've seen. I probably wouldn't say "camp" but the tongue in cheek tone stops it from being sadistic ala Bloodsucking Freaks. The same would go for EVIL DEAD 2 - which was the first adult movie I snuck into as a youngster. I'd agree with you Sam - EVIL DEAD 2 is definitely up there with the over-the-top classics. I'd put it in the top 3. "SWALLOW YA' SOUL... SWALLOW YA' SOUL..." "SWALLOW THIS!" Sam said:

      Possibly kinda camp, maybe, but Peter Jackson's "Dead Alive", and to a lesser extent "Bad Taste", are undeniable insane movie classics. "Evil Dead 2" is probably my favorite over-the-top horror movie of all time, though.

      "Bloodsucking Freaks" is indeed pretty out there, and certainly filled with enough exploitation to make you feel a little dirty for watching it - I hear ya, Zach B. But ever since then, I have wanted to name something Ralphus, that is just one of the most awesome names I've heard.

    • July 13, 2010 2:52 PM CDT
    • Possibly kinda camp, maybe, but Peter Jackson's "Dead Alive", and to a lesser extent "Bad Taste", are undeniable insane movie classics. "Evil Dead 2" is probably my favorite over-the-top horror movie of all time, though.

      "Bloodsucking Freaks" is indeed pretty out there, and certainly filled with enough exploitation to make you feel a little dirty for watching it - I hear ya, Zach B. But ever since then, I have wanted to name something Ralphus, that is just one of the most awesome names I've heard.

    • July 14, 2010 5:08 PM CDT
    • Hi there! #10 of El Diablo Magazine is now available! A bad-ass e-zine with 300 pages of impressive hot-rods, bikes, artwork and Kustom Kulture made in Barcelona by Alex Patrocinio and friends. In this number: - Jano Bikes from Longmont, Colorado, - More stunning bikes by Wrench Monkees ( Dk), - Amazing Hot rods by Von Skip, Holland - Hardy Butts event in Lloret de Mar, Sp - Classic bikes races in Jarama, Sp And more things that you'll like for sure. Take a look here:

    • July 14, 2010 3:16 PM CDT
    • Triple karmeliet

    • July 14, 2010 7:41 AM CDT
    • Well I'll be sure and buy you a pint if you ever make it town! :) roberto milic said:

      Great story, I agree, but I'm thirsty now and St. Louis is far far away :(

    • July 14, 2010 7:39 AM CDT
    • Favorite mixer? That's easy: Ice cream.

    • July 14, 2010 6:41 AM CDT
    • Favorite mixer? No real favorites, as I will experiment and use a variety of sodas and juices for variety's sake. Most often used is Sprite with Captain Morgan coconut flavored rum. I have some Captain Morgan Private Stock that gets nothing but Coke (or Coke Zero--us old guys have to start watching caloric intake!), as Coke is the most proper mixer for quality rum. Recently, I have had success with Bacardi and cranberry juice. Summertime is rumtime!

    • July 13, 2010 6:58 PM CDT
    • rum goes good w/ anything!.......try a rum sunrise....... (orange juice and grenadene).......yum!

    • July 13, 2010 6:32 PM CDT
    • Little ol' boring me always just asked for coke. I can't drink rum anymore unfortunately.

    • July 13, 2010 11:41 AM CDT
    • A current fave is Sailor Jerry with ginger beer. Sometimes when my wife is feeling fancy, she crushes in fresh mint leaves, a sprinkle of sugar and a lime wedge: a drunken sailor version of the Mojito. Goin' down real easy now that the weather is hot.

    • July 13, 2010 5:16 AM CDT
    • what is your favorite mixer????

    • July 14, 2010 6:55 AM CDT
    • "could never possibly drink it all"? Must be a truckload to make such a statement! Though I would love to share my most adventurous tequila story, pure shame precludes it. Suffice it to say that there were no victims at the end of the morning.
      While living in germany, I discovered a tiny authentic Mexican restaurant in my village owned by a California transplant who kept tiny bottles of tequila with the worm inside, and a large book containing the roster of those brave enough to "eat the worm" compiled over many years. I had to get my name in that book, and did so one night during after-hours poker playing with said owner and another friend of mine (also a Californian). Unfortunately, that night ended with my friend losing a rather large pot (to me, on a bluff) and going bananas, getting thrown out, and then dragging several pieces of lumber into the street to form a barricade in front of the man's restaurant/home. At 3 in the morning. Lesson: don't start drinking large quantities of tequila after having drunk large quantities of wine throughout the day. Also, Hillbillies can outdrink Californians, so Californians shouldn't gamble with Hillbillies after drinking!

    • July 14, 2010 6:03 AM CDT
    • my good friend simon  has, over the past couple of years has  been given rather a lot of tequila.

      so much so that he could never possibly drink it all, so  he has called in the assistance  a few friends to help him see it off.
      now i have had many a tequila frenzy in my time, it sends me utterly batshit mental.
      its effects seem to be unlike any other alcohol to me and i love it, but there is one downside.
      the hangovers, oh my god, the hangovers, they are so bad, 

      so if you have any good stories, know any good  hangover prevention techniques/cures, let me know.


    • July 13, 2010 6:55 PM CDT
    • Long Live Pekar. Long Live Mr. Boats! Pekar wrote a lotta stories about jukin' people in an effort to gain or sell records. We can all relate to that shit!

    • July 13, 2010 1:40 AM CDT
    • Spain wins!
      World cup over.
      Thread closed!

    • July 11, 2010 4:49 PM CDT
    • Ridley Scott didn't even read Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep before he directed Blade Runner.

    • July 11, 2010 6:19 AM CDT
    • Hey Hollywood! Do The Threee Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch. I dare ya!


    • July 11, 2010 2:39 PM CDT
    • Sounds like some unprofessional bum-outs. Sorry to hear that. Joe Sidney said:


      Artist No. 1 went back home for the summer and took a few weeks to get a scanner fixed, never got back to us, and six weeks later apologized for being busy. I think she's crazy.

      Aritst No. 2 didn't bail as much as fail, put together the worst rough draft anyone has ever seen. Bailed creatively.

      Mr.Cross said:
      I'd be interested in doing some art. My portfolio is at .
      I'm curious to know why two artists bailed on you.

    • July 11, 2010 2:13 PM CDT
    • Heyy Artist No. 1 went back home for the summer and took a few weeks to get a scanner fixed, never got back to us, and six weeks later apologized for being busy. I think she's crazy. Aritst No. 2 didn't bail as much as fail, put together the worst rough draft anyone has ever seen. Bailed creatively. Mr.Cross said:

      I'd be interested in doing some art. My portfolio is at .
      I'm curious to know why two artists bailed on you.

    • July 11, 2010 2:04 PM CDT
    • I'd be interested in doing some art. My portfolio is at . I'm curious to know why two artists bailed on you.