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    • January 16, 2010 4:53 PM CST
    • Rants?!

      Like when you order your favourite booze in a glass with ice in some trendy bar and they fill the glass to the brim with those shitty little ice cubes that melt way to fast? and then they do some kind of fucked up trendy pouring technique that doesn't give you a full pour? and your all "wtf is this ?" and they're like "that's what you ordered", and then your going "don't you have any proper ice cubes? what have got against this booze?" and they go "what do you call that stuff in your glass?" and under your breath you mumble "that fucking emo haircut is stopping you seeing how to do your job properly" and they're going "what?" and you go "oh, nothing" and then they threaten to throw you out for trying to throw the excess ice into the sink behind the bar and then charge $10-$15 for the privilege??

    • January 16, 2010 1:01 PM CST
    • Huzzah!!

    • January 16, 2010 11:07 AM CST

    • January 16, 2010 12:58 AM CST
    • Ok, I'll try to click a thousand times on it then !
      I love "Two-Lane Blacktop", one of my favorites too.
      Warren Oates is wonderful as usual, the non-professional actors are great and Monte Hellman is one of my favorites director. By the way, I'd highly recommend to watch "The Shooting" and "Ride the whirlwind" where he treats the western movies quite the same way he treats here the race movies.
      And if you love low budget sci-fi movies (and I know do), I guess you'd probably already watched the cool "Beast from the Haunted Cave", his first movie, produced by Roger Corman.

      @Kopper : Yeah, I love "Vanishing Point" too ! As you said, two GREAT race movies, if not the GREATESTS !
      (By the way, did you know I found my stupid pseudo after a projection of "Vanishing Point"... Remember Super Soul the Dj ? You got it !)

    • January 16, 2010 12:09 AM CST
    • Thanks, High Lord! High Lord Mardy Pune said:

      lol for real? I just read it! and then I tweeted it!

    • January 15, 2010 4:30 PM CST
    • lol for real? I just read it! and then I tweeted it! Mal Thursday said:

      Please click on the link -- I get paid by the page view!


    • January 15, 2010 4:13 PM CST
    • Please click on the link -- I get paid by the page view!


    • January 15, 2010 4:10 PM CST
    • very cool movie

    • January 15, 2010 3:34 PM CST
    • Hell yeah! I never get tired of watching this one. This and Vanishing Point... two GREAT race movies.

    • January 15, 2010 3:44 PM CST
    • Yeah, I've seen it like - a million times. Here's my review of G.G. on my blog. It's so creepy - it becomes funny. The total Comedy/Tragedy package.

    • January 15, 2010 3:13 PM CST
    • what a scary creepy documentary!

    • January 11, 2010 2:23 AM CST
    • Yeah, I saw "King Boxer" when I was a kid and it definitively changed my life !!! (Who's laughing in the back ???) "8th diagram pole" and the "One armed swordsman" serie are great too. I like a little less the "5 deadly venoms". I'd highly recommend "The boxer from Shantung" by Chang Cheh. "Killer clans" and "Clans of intrigue" by Chu Yuan are cool ones too. Oh, let's add "The blood brothers" by Chang Cheh and what about the "Human lanterns" by Suen Chung ? And so on, and so on...Someone stop me or I'll make an endless list !

    • January 7, 2010 8:29 AM CST
    • Five Fingers of Death is great. I am also a big fan of the Five Deadly Venoms. Definitely an influence on Kill Bill. Also Eight Diagram Pole Fighter and One Armed Swordsman. ixnayray said:

      Yeah John Woo's HK stuff was amazing. My personal fave would be The Killer. It's a shame he never made a decent flick in the USA but I guess that was to be expected...

      For the great HK Kung Fu flick I highly recommend King Boxer aka Five Fingers Of Death.

    • January 6, 2010 1:28 PM CST
    • Yeah John Woo's HK stuff was amazing. My personal fave would be The Killer. It's a shame he never made a decent flick in the USA but I guess that was to be expected...

      For the great HK Kung Fu flick I highly recommend King Boxer aka Five Fingers Of Death.

    • January 10, 2010 2:36 PM CST
    • yes, im glad your cool, unlike colombo i hate mystery. i did like clue though. work in 9 hours so bye for now. Mal Thursday said:

      I liked Columbo when I was a kid, but watching it years later, I always rooted for the villain-of-the-week to kill him and shut him up. Falk revived the series for ABC in the early '90s, and it was even worse.

      Still, I feel bad for anyone who's Alzheimer's. And Falk was great in HUSBANDS, MURDER INC., A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE, THE GREAT RACE, and IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD.

      I don't like cats, either. But I thought about giving the flea-bitten stray in our neighborhood a tin of salmon when the temperature dropped this week. I don't like tinned salmon, either...

    • January 10, 2010 2:14 PM CST
    • I liked Columbo when I was a kid, but watching it years later, I always rooted for the villain-of-the-week to kill him and shut him up. Falk revived the series for ABC in the early '90s, and it was even worse.

      Still, I feel bad for anyone who's Alzheimer's. And Falk was great in HUSBANDS, MURDER INC., A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE, THE GREAT RACE, and IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD.

      I don't like cats, either. But I thought about giving the flea-bitten stray in our neighborhood a tin of salmon when the temperature dropped this week. I don't like tinned salmon, either...

    • January 10, 2010 12:27 PM CST
    • does he remember he's got a glass eye? i cant beleive any one reads the "SHIT" i write ,never mind , has an opinion on the "SHIT" i write, but thank you. has this really got you mad? how come come you know so much about him? if your a fan or related to him, then i apologise, i dont want to upset you mate. but.. if you are a fan, then ive given you a chance to show just how much this means to you, or are you simply having a rant back (simular to mine, nasty in word form, but not a direct act of evil, i dont like cats, but i dont kick them, yeh?) im not sure what Americans get. i hope you are.just fireing back. talking shit is fun! because you cant loose. even if someone says or even proves, what you said was so so wrong, then it doesnt matter because your original statement was bollocks anyway and not not not well not anything! but please let me know either way.

    • January 10, 2010 11:35 AM CST
    • At least Peter Falk used the loot he made on the series to finance Cassavetes films. And I'm sure the residuals from the reruns are keeping him in comfort now that's got Alzheimer's.

      Also, he has a glass eye...

    • January 10, 2010 11:23 AM CST
    • i cant believe colombo is on again, i know ive said this before but... how many of those fuckin things did they make? and their allways the same. he says to some shifty looking fucker" thanks for your help" starts walking away, stops, then says. blah, blah, blah, de blah, oh and just one last thing, you did it ,did it, did it, did it, you devious little shit, now your under arrest ! its more obvious than his novelty pencil eraser eyes..

    • January 10, 2010 11:37 AM CST
    • I thought it was pretty great. American Tabloid's still the best of the trilogy, however. Hopefully, it won't be another 8 years until his next book.

    • January 9, 2010 4:57 PM CST
    • Terry or Eric for me.

    • January 9, 2010 4:43 PM CST
    • It was Eric Idle, but then I found out what a dick he was to Neil Innes over The Rutles and a switched to Michael Palin instead. Terry Jones used to be one of the more annoying ones for me, but then I discovered he was also one of the smartest and knew History pretty well too. John Cleese is OK, but tends to be a bit too smarmy for me. He was also the first quit the TV show too. I like Terry Gillaims animations, but he is a bit to anal in his directing habits on most of his films. Ever see the "Hamster Factor" documentary about "12 Monkeys"? His animations crack me up though.

    • January 8, 2010 4:09 PM CST
    • Accidental Genius: How John Cassavetes Invented the American Independent Film by Marhsall Fine. It's a pretty decent overview of Cassavetes' life and career. Makes me want to sit through The Killing of a Chinese Bookie again.