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    • August 4, 2012 3:41 PM CDT
    •    I gotcha. There are a lot of movies, like "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'' , that are so loveably putrid , they need to be seen in such a setting , but , may not fit the bill ,as they're not Horror or Sci - Fi related. Of course , you could say "Mars Attacks" fits the requirements , though it is'nt that old.  Looks great  on paper , but , a colossal waste of time on the screen......

       If there's movies that can't be found on film , but would be acceptable on DVD , Laurie's Planet of Sound is a very good source.  

    • July 30, 2012 9:00 PM CDT
    • It IS the same thing - they've been hosting it at the Norris Center at Northwestern for like 30 years! 

      Such a great time - 24 hours straight of bad movie goodness with constant audience participation and general mockery.

    • July 30, 2012 8:13 PM CDT

       I'd suggest you try to get (drumroll , please) mummy and the curse of the jackal , A*P*E ,

      Dracula Vs. Frankenstein , The Alien Factor , others....Sorry , I'll think of some more.

    • July 30, 2012 1:15 AM CDT
    • The guidelines are pretty much set here:

      This is likely the longest-running existing festival of bad film that exists. At least of the 24-hour marathon category open to the public. I've gone for the last 12 years and never been disappointed. Last year we sponsored Ted V. Mikels' 'Astro-Zombies', which, much to the audience's chagrin was played 3rd in the lineup. So hot.

      Anyways... I want to select a similar caliber film to sponsor for this coming year, and although I have several potentials in mind, I'm open to suggestions. If you happen to know of a source for film rather than DVD versions, I would be greatly appreciative. A huge part of the charm of B-Fest has been the reliance upon film prints, not DVDs, although they recently acquired the tech for DVDs. For me at least - anyone can get a DVD, to watch a film takes real effort!

      Thanks to anyone willing to contribute thoughts.


    • July 31, 2012 10:24 AM CDT
    • That's cool! I'm so happy to see guys like him harnessing the power of the web to create projects on their own terms. 

      Mixed opinions? Regarding the man, his work or both? I had no idea.

      I'm dying to know how it was that you got to hang out with John K *and* his Dad?!?


    • July 31, 2012 1:19 AM CDT
    • If John K didn't have a part in shaping your childhood, you missed out.

      If you don't know him or quite remember him, he's the creator of Ren & Stimpy.... the twisted and hilarious cartoon that definitely stuck in my memory as the best thing to come out of the 90's. He re-invented cartoons, during a time everything on tv was bland and lifeless...ugly.

      He didn't quite disappear though after Ren & Stimpy. He did the more mature spin-off "Ren & Stimpy : Adult Party Cartoon", and "The Ripping Friends" ..among other projects.

      Anyways, he's pitching one of his ideas on Kickstarter.... hoping to raise money to make another cartoon, through the idea of having no networks involved. Its a George Liquor cartoon called "Can's Without Labels" ...i would explain more about it, but he does a pretty damn good pitch about it here:

      I was lucky enough to first meet him last December, while he was up here in Ottawa, Canada visiting his family. I also met the man George Liquor is heavily influenced by, John's dad (who John said was on his best behavior at the time...because i was surprised to find that he was actually a REALLY nice man)

      Anyways, check it out! :)

      here's his blog as well..

      p.s. Are there any fans in here? I always hear mixed opinions on the guy... what do you guys think about the man and his work?


    • July 31, 2012 9:07 AM CDT

      In The Knockout Artist, the second book by Crews I am reading, the main protagonist is a mite bit more sympathetic. He sends money home to his dirt poor family for instance. But most of the other characters or marginal or just crazy. There is a clash between the affluent and educated and the common sense of the working poor. I guess Crews inhabited both worlds as he was from humble beginnings in south Georgia. In any event, most of the characters are cutthroat and I suspect that some of those who are not will come to a bad end.
      Bibliodiscoteque said:

      Most of Crews' work is about the bottom tier of society. People who are just surviving and with limited loyalty to anyone but themselves. Remorseless is the word I would use. Utterly Remorseless. 

    • July 31, 2012 7:55 AM CDT
    • Most of Crews' work is about the bottom tier of society. People who are just surviving and with limited loyalty to anyone but themselves. Remorseless is the word I would use. Utterly Remorseless. 

    • July 24, 2012 10:10 AM CDT
    • I don't like the story very much, but I might give it a try when I get my toes in the sand this summer:):)

    • July 24, 2012 8:54 AM CDT


      Yeah I couldn't find the documentary on amazon. There are a lot of clips of it on youtube along with other things. in one clips crews says it is easier to become a renowned brain surgeon than a renowned novelist haha

      not sure how to post this clip so here is the link in case it doesn't work.
      Campbell McInnes said:

      it's one hell of a book aint it?!  i know there is a documentary _ the rough south of harry crews... but it isn't readily available.  in fact i think its only available from a university over there in the US. 

    • July 23, 2012 5:52 PM CDT
    • it's one hell of a book aint it?!  i know there is a documentary _ the rough south of harry crews... but it isn't readily available.  in fact i think its only available from a university over there in the US. 

    • July 23, 2012 1:05 PM CDT
    • I first heard about the recently deceased author Harry Crews in The Bookshelf. According to The New Georgia Encyclopedia online Crews was born in Bacon County, Georgia. He is known in part for the 1973 novel The Hawk is Dying which was made into a film in 2006. His work is largely in the southern gothic tradition. As a cult author, Crews is popular in Europe possibly because of the old world agnostic cynicism existant there. He was known to wear a mohawk or shaved head and had a skull tattoo underneath which was written the e.e cummings line "How do you like your blue-eyed boy, Mr. Death?"

      I read Crews' 1976 novel A Feast of Snakes. The main protagonist is an ex-high school football star involved with dog fighting and moonshine in the mythical town of Mystic, GA. The novel features adultery, castration, a yearly rattlesnake roundup, and insanity. There are almost no sympathetic characters. It was quite a harrowing read.

      Does anyone have any insight on Harry Crews or any of his works? I know this is primarily a music site but I have gotten some of the best book recommendations right here. 


    • July 30, 2012 8:02 PM CDT
    • ......I was cleaning up ( HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!) , getting ready for a lady caller to visit (NO , you're not supposed to laugh , here.) ,when I found a DVD I forgot about. It was a movie I found in Mexico , something about a Psychedelic Hippy cult that holds these people hostage in an old house.....I'll look the name up. I don't remember much about it.....It would'nt be very 60's if I did.

    • July 29, 2012 7:15 PM CDT
      John Battles said:

      Watching The Sopranos , seasons 1 - 6 1/2. Going thru 'em like water , too.

      Munsters , Season 2 , watching it very slowly....

      Maybe someone could redo The Sopranos with The Munsters as The New Jersey Family and The Addams Family as The New York Family....But , of course , then , it would have to be a MUSICAL , OR NO ONE WOULD INVEST IN IT..... Eeeuuuggghh......

    • July 29, 2012 7:11 PM CDT
    • Watching The Sopranos , seasons 1 - 6 1/2. Going thru 'em like water , too.

      Munsters , Season 2 , watching it very slowly....

      Maybe someone could redo The Sopranos with The Munsters as The New Jersey Family and The Addams Family as The New York Family....But , of course , then , it would have to be a MUSICAL , OR NO ONE WOULD INVEST IN IT..... Eeeuuuggghh......

    • July 21, 2012 6:14 AM CDT
    • So after the controversy of the Olympics in China you would think it's safe to say that the London 2012 Olympics would show how the West does freedom.

      Well it seems that London has more military personnel on the streets than Beijing. It's a known fact that the UK has more CCTV cameras per head than any other country in the world. But it seems that our free market capitalism is also not as permitting for individual freedom as people might have thought.

      London 2012: Outrage over artist banned from Olympics from the BBC

      Police arrested actors for spilling custard, say Olympic protesters from the Guardian

      If you find any stories that show democracy in action over the Olympics then post them here. UK residents might have to refrain as they might be arrested without charge under suspicion of terrorism which may cause them to miss the Olympics altogether. 

    • July 20, 2012 10:42 PM CDT
    • Yes , and I had a chance to buy a VHS copy , and I did'nt. I saw it when my family first got cable , in the early 80's. There was also a one - shot "Archie" pilot in the 70's that did'nt get picked up , as well as a short - lived TV version in the 50's. I do have teh one you're talking about.....It may have worked better if Archie and his friends had some REAL problems , years later.....That did'nt help "Leave it To Beaver's " spinoff shows , though....
      Joey Fuckup said:

      I have never heard of this, nor seen anything remotely similar. The only "live action" Archie film I've seen was a really bad "reunion" TV movie of the gang, being older, and just being boring. Maybe the filmmakers did get sued, and that's why it's such an obscurity now?

      John Battles said:

      DID ANYBODY EVER SEE THE UNAUTHORIZED , R-RATED VERSION OF "ARCHIE" ? I'm not kidding. It was called "Hot Times" , and it used to air on cable , sometimes , in The 80's. It was made around '73. It was basically about Archie and the gang in sexual situations. They were all called by the same names as in the comics , except I think Jughead was called "Mughead".

      I don't know how the people who did it did'nt get sued out of existense.

    • July 20, 2012 10:33 PM CDT
    • I was'nt aware of that earlier Spirit TV movie , and did'nt bother with the recent movie. I think The Spirit would have been a great Film Noir with a hint of surrealism , but , only if made in the 50's or early 60's. I feel like it's too late to get it right , now. But , it's NOT too late for Lloyd Lewellyn.

      Highly recommended is the Donald Glut "I Was a Teenage Movie Maker " 2 DVD set , WHICH COMPILES ALL HIS 50's JD/Horror films and his 60's Superhero FILMS. One , "The Adventures of The Spirit", in serial format ,  features the title hero , aided by Superman , Captain Anmerica , The Green Hornet and others against monsters like The Wolf Man and Frankenstein's Monster , played , for the very last time , by Glenn Strange.
       Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      Being on a budget during the 80s, I didn't buy Watchmen comics so I didn't see that movie.  I also skipped out on the Spirit as it looked too much like Frank Miller wanted it to be the same visual style he had for Sin City.  I preferred Will Eisner's comic.  There was a very corny 90's TV movie for the Spirit and watched that.  Kind of fun but still not as funny as Will Eisner's comic.

    • July 19, 2012 4:09 PM CDT
    • Zombie Fete here

      I'm afraid that the facebook page was the only link I could get. But this looks fucking awesome I had to share it. A zombie festival with movies and workshops. I'm debating about whether I could make it down from Blackpool from the Rebellion Festival in time to catch the last day. Hmmm so tempting. This is from the facebook page:

      When there’s no more room in HELL, the dead will walk… up the escalator at Angel Islington, turn left, left again and head for the Islington Metal Works.

      Zombie Fete
      Amy Grimehouse presents the Zombie Fete: a 12 hour homage to all things undead, from George A. Romero to Buffy, Zombieland and beyond. It’s like a regular fete, but X-rated, uncut, with bloodier bunting and more detached body parts. Eyes down for a Lucio Fulci full house!

      Get your ghoul on, practise your best wonky stagger, lose a limb and get legless at this one-off, round-the-clock party in celebration of all things undead. Channel your favourite classic zombie or dig up a deceased pop or fashion icon. Dress up is ESSENTIAL. Dead royalty will be in attendance for a bit of ribbon cutting…

      Fete highlights include:

      Back to back 12 hour Zombie Movie Marathon

      Learn how to get your gash good and bloody with an SFX makeup tutorial.

      Rip your art out and throw it at the wall: Zombie art therapy and living dead drawing.

      Dead flower arranging: Floral tributes direct from The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue.

      Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things, but there’ll be plenty of zombie games with prizes. And stuff.

      Check out the fiercely ruling zombie walk-off and beauty contest for crypt-kicking reading and realness. Throw some shade. Or a half gnawed forearm.

      Explore your inner zombie with an acting workshop.

      Buckets of blood, gore and utterly delicious food to make those on a raw-organ diet green eyed with envy.

      Booze! Booze! Booze!

      And… the funk of forty thousand years: The Back from the Dead Disco, with recently reanimated DJs Victoria & Albert and Goryia Estefan, playing trash, alternative and loads of other stuff by your favourite dead and not-dead-yet stars. Some stuff you know and love, some stuff you can’t quite put your severed finger on, but will dance to anyway.

      “They’re coming to get you Barbara!!!...”

      TICKETS £15
      (early bird tickets are now sold out)

    • July 18, 2012 8:09 PM CDT
    • Absinthe is also distilled in Alameda, CA at St. Georges Spirits. They've been distilling it for 5 years now. (same place as where the Hangar One Vodka comes from) I'm curious to give any of it a try. 

      I was told by a friend that the only place where you can get the actual mind-bending absinthe that was consumed by Parisian artists and writers back in the day, is in France. I figure Alameda's got to be a close second.

      I'll look it up later, but I also believe it's not that difficult to make your own. Yikes! Or at least some demented rookie version.

    • July 18, 2012 11:02 PM CDT
    • Johnny Legend showed "High School Confidential" at the old Hawaiian Gardens (former porno theater) here in Hollywood (next to the Florentine Gardens dance club). AMAZING.