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    • July 18, 2012 7:52 PM CDT
    • An excellent use for paint young squire.

      I use to go to a Greek restaurant in San Francisco with a couple of friends and they'd always order a bottle or two of Retsina. It's a greek wine that has the distinct tast of terpentine. I finally found out that some 2000 years ago the Greeks use to seal their wine containers with some kind of pine resin. Which of course leached into the wine. And they decided to keep the "flavor".

      by the second bottle.... the taste ain't so bad.

    • July 10, 2012 7:38 PM CDT
    • hahaah!...4 bucks!!.cant drink tequila anymore..would kill me in a ugly way....

      Spite Classic said:

      Oh well...Great Label!  I bought a liter bottle of Mezcal in Mexico once for $4 US.  You know that fun feeling where you're just starting to get drunk and really having fun?....That was not included in the experience...just total loss of motor control...followed by a hangover that could be measured on a Richter scale.  You may have stumbled on something:  Bad Booze = Good Art?  Worked for Van Gogh!  =)

    • July 10, 2012 8:23 AM CDT
    • Oh well...Great Label!  I bought a liter bottle of Mezcal in Mexico once for $4 US.  You know that fun feeling where you're just starting to get drunk and really having fun?....That was not included in the experience...just total loss of motor control...followed by a hangover that could be measured on a Richter scale.  You may have stumbled on something:  Bad Booze = Good Art?  Worked for Van Gogh!  =)

    • July 9, 2012 10:07 PM CDT
    • bottle of 'something' i found..2 for $20...smells like something you clean up oil stains on the driveway with..

      so!...painted over the label and gave it to my best mate at his 40th!...last saw him having shots of it and cringing...

    • July 18, 2012 4:07 PM CDT
    • That's really cool. I bought his "Horrorble Horror" comp on Goodtimes (Trademark of QUALITY - HA HA HA HA) at Woolworth's 20 - odd years ago. Still have it. It's a keeper , if you eve rsee it.
      zacharythax said:

      I never saw Zacherle on TV but I did hang out with him at a horror convention. He's a really cool guy. 

    • July 18, 2012 4:02 PM CDT
    • Going thru Sopranos box sets , that I finally found cheap , like water. I GOT seasons 5,  6 and 6 1/2 on DVD WHEN THEY WERE RELEASED , BECAUSE MY HBO GOT CUT OFF , AND THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY I COULD SEE THE (THEN) NEW EPISODES.).

      METOO IS SHOWING TWILIGHT ZONE , NIGHT GALLERY , AND EVEN THRILLER, BUT , THEY'RE ON PRETTY LATE.....   Also watching Honey West ,Dobie Gillis ,  Andy Griffith Show , Burns and Allen and THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM.     MeToo and MeTV are changing their schedules around.

      NAT HIKEN (Fuckin' GENIUS , man.) Dept. - Phil Silvers Show (Don't know if it's still on...) . Munsters (Watching season 2 ) , CAR 54 , WHERE ARE YOU? is on VERY late , now ,along with Dobie Gillis and Honey West.

    • July 18, 2012 3:43 PM CDT
    • @ Andy

      Love the roadster, any update photos on that 5 window conversion?

    • July 16, 2012 11:24 PM CDT
    • I forgot about Beat Girl, saw that years ago I remember enjoying it.  High School Confidential was great!  You gotta love any movie where Uncle Fester is a dope pusher.

    • July 16, 2012 10:03 AM CDT
    • "Repetition is death..." my wife still recites that line to me...

    • July 16, 2012 4:53 AM CDT
    • Beat Girl, High School Confidential has one of my favorite beatnik scenes ever (with Philipa Fallon), The Bloody Brood, The Prime Time (the first film by Herschel Gordon Lewis)...there's loads more, though Bucket of Blood is my favorite...

    • July 15, 2012 1:32 AM CDT
    • Yes ! "Beat Girl" has it all. The kids in that movie are almost Mods . They're still Beats , but , they would have been mods , probably ,a year later , were this real life . Adam Faith doing minimal , Cochranesque Rockers for The Beats , looking like a Mod. Too much . "Violence is for Squares!" Preach on!  Sadly , the commercial versions of said tunes are buried in strings !! Then you've got the badass John Barry Soundtrack , KING Christopher Lee , young Oliver Reed , and I forget ol' Beat Gal's name , but Va Va and Voom !!!

      'SOMEONE DOWN THERE LIKES ME !".  The Dark Knight .

      "High School Confidential " , of course , depicts Jackie Coogan's Heroin operation being run out of a coffee house , with , um , whatshername , doing a sultry beat poem , "Tommorrow Is a DRAG!" , WHILE THE UNJUSTLY IGNORED JOHN DREW BARRYMORE (WHO'S BETTER KNOWN TODAY FOR MAKING GOOD GIRLS......THAT GO BAD!) Does a great recitation about Christopher Colombus, comparable to Andy Griffith's "Romeo and Juliet" , but , even though he plays a Southern boy , he 's no hick.

      Related : Maynard G. Krebs , of course , King of the Beats , and probably the first counter - cultural character on a TV show.    The "Happy dAYS " EPISODE , where Richie befriends some Beats. iT'S STILL FUNNY ; "There are no jelly donuts for you , little boy. ONLY DEATH."  Strangely enough , there was a "Dennis The Menace " EPISODE , based on an actual Hank Ketchum (I think.) Dennis story , where Dennis's Dad has a literal mass home invasion , because everyone thinks he's having an openhouse , including a Beatnik couple. The woman looks like a Picasso , and the man has shades , long(For then) hair and the prerequisite goatee, and he calls Mr. Mitchell "Dad". His character was replaced with a Joe College type. But , seek that out , and "Kookie", a Beatnik comic book that was actually very well done , if you feel like it.

      'Bucket of Blood" , ONE OF CORMAN'S BEST.  Can't go wrong with Dick Miller , and this is one of THE only times he nabbed a starring role.

      CHAS D said:

      The Christopher Lee / Adam Faith movie "Beat girl" aka "Wild for Kicks" was pretty cool. I agree with hyou about "Bucket of Blood." Nothing can top that one. Brilliant art scene satire.

    • July 14, 2012 11:25 PM CDT
    • The Christopher Lee / Adam Faith movie "Beat girl" aka "Wild for Kicks" was pretty cool. I agree with hyou about "Bucket of Blood." Nothing can top that one. Brilliant art scene satire.

    • July 14, 2012 8:00 PM CDT
    • I love how B-movies portrayed beatniks and jazz hipsters in the late 50s and early 60's.  Some of my favorite "beatnik" flicks are:

      The Beat Generation

      Bucket of Blood

      The Rebel Set

      All night Long  (not really a beatnik flick, but a great jazz themed movie from the UK)

      It Won't Rub Off Baby (another jazz themed flick)

      Got any faves you'd recommend?

    • July 15, 2012 2:54 PM CDT
    • You made it sound so British until you said it could only have been made in France. But then again if it had been a British movie the chavs would have probably kicked someone to death somewhere in that plot synopsis and they would have left out the nympho.

      I'll check it out though. 

    • July 15, 2012 1:40 AM CDT
    • This is fucked up....Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    • July 15, 2012 1:15 AM CDT

    • I'm know , in a masculine , noncommital sort of way.
      kopper said:

      Changed my mind and emailed Stang and told him to change it on my card to Dr. Kopper Feelgood. Couldn't shake that one! Once I ran it through my head a few times it just stuck. Thanks again, guys! You rule.

    • July 11, 2012 7:54 AM CDT
    • Changed my mind and emailed Stang and told him to change it on my card to Dr. Kopper Feelgood. Couldn't shake that one! Once I ran it through my head a few times it just stuck. Thanks again, guys! You rule.

    • July 9, 2012 1:08 PM CDT
    • I went ahead and just used Rev. Kopper, although I gotta admit that "Kopper Feelgood" is pretty damned funny. Thanks for the suggestions!

    • July 10, 2012 7:51 PM CDT

      To be honest, having 2 jobs, a "day" for me can stretch out to 3 or 4. But the book is great. You do a lot of "prewriting" and character development at first. And the 90 days just points to a first draft not necessarily the final version. I am getting to the point where I almost feel I kinda know what I am doing, haha
      Zachary Griffin said:

      Thanks for the tip about "90 Days..."

    • July 10, 2012 6:39 PM CDT
    • Thanks for the tip about "90 Days..."

    • July 9, 2012 9:47 PM CDT
    • WARNING: In case you actually give a fug, this review contains spoilers, not that it matters.

      The review of the original in the Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film goes like this: "Better than 2001." If I were to make a one-sentence entry on this remake my first impulse would be "More soporific than They Saved Hitler's Brain." Like the remake of Planet of the Apes they squandered the opportunity to make a version really faithful to the book--but that would have been waaaaaay over most people's heads. Instead they boiled it down to the whole doomed romance angle. 

      Admittedly, the special effects are better, the guy's dead wife is hotter (she looks like Jane Seymour, but we never get to see her naked. They DO chose to show George Clooney's buttcrack, which I could have done without, but whatever) 

      Psychiatrist Chris Kelvin (Clooney) gets talked into going up to the space station orbiting a sentient planet. Once up there he finds blood on the wall, a mysterious little kid running round and Jermey Davies, acting no different than he does as Dickie Bennett on Justified. He's spaced out, twitchy and seems like he's been on meth a LONG time. George falls asleep, dreams about his dead wife, wakes up and she's there. Knowing that she's just a creation of the intelligent planet from his mind (just like a million Star Trek plots) he sticks her in the airlock and blasts her out into space. The next night he dreams about her and she comes back.

      This time she figures out who and what she is and, facing an existential crisis drinks liquid oxygen. She wakes up, though and demands that the ship's physicist shoot her with a disintegrator gun. She gives a very bland goodbye message on the video, then Kelvin finds blood on the ceiling and moves a grate to find Dickie Bennett's corpse. It turns out the guy they've been talking to the whole movie long is an alien replicant. He advises them to haul ass because the raygun has increased the gravitational field of the planet [it shoots ANTI-Higg's bosons--you'd think it'd make the planet lighter (!?)]

      They take off and we see Clooney back on earth. He cuts himself and it heals instantly. Then there's a flashback to the takeoff from the space station. The REAL Chris Kelvin got left behind and the one we're seeing cutting up the zuccini in his kitchen is a copy. The dead wife appears again and it ends happily.

      Don't miss the original! Don't bother with this one...unless you have severe insomnia.

    • July 9, 2012 7:54 PM CDT
    • You'll probably laugh , but , did anyone see "Hugo The Hippo"? IT'S A CARTOON FEATURE , It came out , probably ,in 1976 , but with  vibrant , anachronistic psychedelic visuals  , comparable to "Yellow Submarine". The ads said "It's  PHANTASMAGORICAL !". Have'nt heard anyone mention it since it came out , tho'.

    • July 9, 2012 5:58 PM CDT
    • Harryhausen's book, "An Animated Life", is pretty good......well worth reading if you are into his films.... 

    • July 9, 2012 1:53 AM CDT
    • Yes you do. Gotta dig Pam the most.

      sleazy said:

      Gotta dig black Draccy:):)

      John Battles said:

      Soraia said:

      Another all time favorite, though not so much a creature, is Blacula.  Why exactly his eyebrows and sideburns got extra shaggy when he was in vampire mode i'll never know, but i like it!