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    • June 20, 2012 10:46 PM CDT
    • I will take Obama over Romney. But, only because that's our only choice in this democracy. in the defense budget of Dec 31 of 2011, Obama "reluctantly" allowed a provision within the bill to pass, which would allow the U.S. government to pick up any persons anywhere in the world (including U.S. citizens) who are suspected of "terrorism" and detain them indefinitely without due trail. Pretty scary to think about. Look out Occupy __. Not that we haven't already been doing it, but now it's legal! Plus his massive drone attacks in sovereign nations, which have killed multiple civilians. Started by the bush admin but amplified by Obama's. But now that he redefined basically any male with in the vicinity or somebody on his KILL LIST as a terrorist, it should cut down on the civilian casualties. Plus it eases the burden of sending them to GITMO.

      So, yeah a good president? Hardly not, but as bad as Bush or Romney, nah. Not much of a difference though. I think this election is going to come down to whoever has the biggest sooooooper pack.

    • June 20, 2012 3:01 PM CDT
    • With the corporate media i.e. Fox and MSNBC in full campaign mode, and with only mere 140 or so days before we go to the polls, who is the better choice?  Romney the flip flopper who can't seem to take a real stand on an issue. Or Obama the one who has in 3 years taking this country a direction where I can only describe as better than when Bush left it.  I will point out that Obama has broken some promises to us, by not closing Gitmo like he said and basically keeping the Bush tax cuts.  But lately the presidents stance on gay marriage and allowing those illegal immigrants who came here when they were young, under 30 and are contributing to society to stay.  Maybe he's trying to shore up the gay and Hispanic vote, but then again it's not like the Republicans are doing anything about it.  They the Repubs are so focused on taking a women rights away with abortion banning bills, instead of focusing on the real task at hand, getting Americans jobs and keeping American jobs here.  Romney on the other hand hasn't given Americans anything that is worth listening to.  Every speech he has given is so vague and full of misleading "facts" that it reminds me of that jerk off Dewey. He was so vague in his speeches, Americans bought into his lies.  I can give you two examples of Romney missing the chance to make history.  One is non answer to The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 which grants women equal pay for equal work, and second is non answer to the immigration policy shift.  Then again Romney is in favor of illegals to self deport.   So as the campaigns whine down and the power to vote is in your hands.  Ask yourself this if you want 4 years of progress or 4 years of Bush part two?  The choice is yours. What say you?

    • June 20, 2012 7:52 PM CDT
    • I think that the root of problem is basically this globalized economic model and , at the bottom line , the whole capitalist system (at least its ultra liberal version were living today).

      Of course austerity isnt working for the countries economies , but its working fine for the imf and all the market sharks that own part of the countries bonds.

      Let me tell you how things hapened in greece , where i live.

      In the 80's , not many years after the dictatorship the "socialist" goverment built a huge dysfunctional state mechanism and started giving away money and public servant jobs at the people. Greeks were convinced that they would live milking the state cow and left the corrupt goverments party.

      The 90's came and economic scandals were emerging but we were surely witnessing just the tip of the iceberg since the corruption was really deep into the media too.For example buisnessmen owning the big tv stations and newspapers , were the same that took the biggest construction jobs for the state. so it was (and still is) all pretty much concieled.

      Of course modern Greeks (having pretty much nothing in common with their far ancestors) would only get into politics or syndicalism when they would have some personal profit.

      Things went on like that and then came the euro. And the whole consumer culture wich came along with the banks giving away credit cards and loans like they were beans.

      Thats one part of the problem and i gave this brief , and highly superficial retrospective so that you can understand what happened when Greece started its great journey with the eu bank and the imf...

      Because as these were happening greeks were forced (or convinced) to practically quit producing.The agricultural production was destroyed , Greeks would import oranges when the greek oranges were rotting unsold because they were not cheap enough. Of course the liberal capitalist goverment let this happen.Thats a liberal ecomony.Alongside they let the dealers cartels control the prices of the goods. I dont know how you call that....       At the same time retail prices were going up as hell....

      Of course stupid Greeks didnt care. The eu fund for the agriculture would make up for their losses and allow them to live the "euro dream" , with nice cars and bouzouki entertainment and the easy money from the banks gave them time to focus on real national issues like the eurovision song contest , the euro football cup and the olympic games.....

      The olympic games were practically the beggining of the end. Huge amounts of money spent on useless infrastructure , but even more taken "beneath the table" as bribes.

      The rich industrial countries of the north and their industries were making huge amounts of money (call me siemens....) Money that they couldnt be making if there was a true economic , and not only monetary union. But who would want that?

      The bedt crisis came and everything burst like a bubble. Except corruption which kept strong on the (not so) underground.Greece went into the imf. They help us , with high intrest rates , so that we have the money we need to pay back the interests. Nice deal huh?

      So now all europe is debating on austerity or development. Thats no debate for me. Because in this globally corrupt system , development is going to happen with the exact same way. Giving away whats best in a really cheap price , offering cheap labour to multinational sharks , destroying whats left of the enviroment.....

      Its time for the people to start building their own.Creating structures with no help from anyone. Collective working and (re)building society on a different basis. Now is the time for us to do it , but dont fool yourselves ,this is coming to a country near you , maybe you own... 

      We have to educate ourselves ,and act locally but think globally....

      p.s im no political or economics specialist (as you propably understood from my post) and my whole analysis was highly superficial. I could write a lot more but i already feel bad for the lenght of my post (and its partial irrelevance to the topic). I consider this to be an intro.I'm really into discussing the situation. Share your thoughts and ill be back. 

    • June 20, 2012 2:24 PM CDT
    • It seems to me the German austerity isn't working. Britain has so much debt I'm surprised that they are still functioning.  Ireland is a good example of how austerity is not working.  They are suffering with 14% unemployment and 30% unemployment with young adults.  The German chancellor won't give up this stupid idea of austerity. I give some more time before Germany will single-handedly destroy Europe without having firing a single bullet.

    • June 20, 2012 3:13 PM CDT
    • I made my daughter watch it last night. She rolled her eyes because there weren't any zombies. I said there could be one in that space suit, you just never know with zombies. She agreed. Thirteen year olds. Sheesh.

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      ....Still Brilliant.....

    • June 20, 2012 3:03 PM CDT
    • ....Still Brilliant.....

    • June 20, 2012 2:56 PM CDT
    • Glad you found the one you were looking for!....I had forgotten all about "....Saucermen" 'ril I read your I Really want to see it again!......

      Mind you...for sheer classic special money is still on "The Giant Claw".....

      MikeL said:

      The one I was looking for was an ultra low budget remake from 1965.  However, I did find a trailer on youtube for the original movie that you made reference to, and it actually looks better than the remake, i.e. a slightly bigger budget for alien costumes that are slightly less ridiculous looking:)  Thanks for your response.

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      The bit with the Teenagers destroying the aliens with car headlights sounds like "Invasion of The Saucermen" (aka "invasion of the hell creatures")...but the aliens in that have 2 eyes....

    • June 19, 2012 9:27 PM CDT
    • Director , Larry Buchanan , out of Dallas , was commissioned to remake several 50's Sci - Fi Horror films , for Television ,  with even drastically lower budgets. "The Eye Creatures" WAS his remake of  " Invasion of The Saucermen". The one to look out for is "Creature of Destruction" (I don't even remember what it was a remake of.) , as it features Scotty McKay (Ex - Gene Vincent's Bluecaps) doing both sides of his boss single , "All Around The World (Grits Ain't Groceries)" and "Batman" (An original song, the show TV was going big at the time.).
       MikeL said:

      The one I was looking for was an ultra low budget remake from 1965.  However, I did find a trailer on youtube for the original movie that you made reference to, and it actually looks better than the remake, i.e. a slightly bigger budget for alien costumes that are slightly less ridiculous looking:)  Thanks for your response.

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      The bit with the Teenagers destroying the aliens with car headlights sounds like "Invasion of The Saucermen" (aka "invasion of the hell creatures")...but the aliens in that have 2 eyes....

    • June 18, 2012 2:31 PM CDT
    • The one I was looking for was an ultra low budget remake from 1965.  However, I did find a trailer on youtube for the original movie that you made reference to, and it actually looks better than the remake, i.e. a slightly bigger budget for alien costumes that are slightly less ridiculous looking:)  Thanks for your response.

      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      The bit with the Teenagers destroying the aliens with car headlights sounds like "Invasion of The Saucermen" (aka "invasion of the hell creatures")...but the aliens in that have 2 eyes....

    • June 20, 2012 11:49 AM CDT
    • Being a "Star Wars" fanatic as a kid (I was 6 when it came out), this was pure cheesy fun that I watched over and over on HBO. Having seen enough of "The Waltons" in my household, it was kinda odd to see him in this, but I went with it. George Peppard was great, and at one time, I think there was a rumor that there would be a sequel (back then). That could be possibly due to a TV(?) film project that Richard Thomas was going to star in called "All Quiet On the Western Front". I thought "Cowboy is alive!" After all, did they actually show him die? Didn't his ship crash or something? And how could you forget Sybil Danning? Didn't her star freighter look like a set of fallopian tubes? I remember a soundtrack album was released, maybe from Starlog Records? Could've been a cool toy line at the time...

    • June 19, 2012 9:34 PM CDT

    • What a  cast....I don't know why I never saw this. As a kid , I probably thought , "This does'nt look as good as "Star Wars" , but , I'd go see it". I mean , I did see "Starship Invasions " , what a turkey , despite the presence of  Robert Vaughn and SIR CHRISTOPHER FUCKING LEE , ALL BOW BEFORE THE BLACK KNIGHT.
      MikeL said:

      Glad I jogged your memory:)  I especially liked Robert Vaughn, George Peppard, and John Saxon in their respective roles.  And it had a great theme song.

      Rockin Rod Strychnine said:

      I forgot all about that one.  So derivative, even in the title.  AND it even features John Boy Walton!

    • June 20, 2012 9:49 AM CDT
    • Yes, Andy, it's Derek!! Glad to see you're into good music and good movies, too!

    • June 20, 2012 9:43 AM CDT
    • Sounds cool (Derek, I'm guessing?)! Sadly, I have never seen the movie despite being on the lookout for it. The book is really fun to read.

    • June 20, 2012 9:39 AM CDT
    • I'll check the "Devil Thumbs a Ride", Andy.  Seen that movie!  I also refer sometimes to   Immoral Tales: European Sex and Horror Movies 1956-1984. Cathal Tohill and Pete Tombs - it's more Euro sexploitation than just good old horror and trash, but there are some occasional crossover titles...

    • June 20, 2012 9:17 AM CDT
    • Yeah, I still always trot out both those Psychotronic books more than any other film books  (and then Barry Gifford's short but vital The Devil Thumbs a Ride for the crime movies he covers.)

    • June 19, 2012 6:14 PM CDT
    • Thanks for the heads up, Andy.  I have and really like the "Psychotronic" film book, always something to discover in there - or when I watch something B-ish nice to consult it.  And my wife gets the New Yorker here but I NEVER read it, so finally something to check out...

    • June 20, 2012 2:15 AM CDT
    • Hey Stevel! Good to see you round again! Shaky Kane is Boss, thanks for hinting at that new BC series, how could I miss that?

      Stevel Knievel said:


    • June 20, 2012 2:12 AM CDT
    • Dave, good to hear you fancy this and you're welcome of course! There is so much stuff going on comicwise, I should be up to adding more things.

      dave said:

      Thanks for the books, man! I thought that John Battles and I were the only fans of comics here. Always read anything Bagge makes.

      Hope ya post more often.


    • June 19, 2012 9:42 PM CDT

    • zakarythax, I must have just overlooked your message . I hope you're recovering well , and keeping strong. Which Naschy films have you been watching? I'll have to watch this , when I have a chance....I love the lesser known (In America) British sitcoms.

      zacharythax said:

      I just got out of the hospital for quadruple bypass surgery. I had my family bring me my laptop where I watched a few Paul Naschy movies plus a hilarious U.K. sitcom called 'The Thick of It.' Hang on with this clip until the end.

    • June 19, 2012 9:18 PM CDT
    • OH , NO ! I did'nt hear about this. She was great.....There was a very good interview with her in Psychotronic Video. I did'nt know that creepy narration in "Wizards" was hers....Back when Midnight Movies MEANT something. Someone give Grandma her shotgun....TURKEY POINT IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS !!!!

    • June 18, 2012 2:58 PM CDT
    • From:

      I really liked this bold, unusual actress who appeared in a ton of cult films, always adding a deranged, off-the-wall presence playing crazies, hookers, and grotesques. A self-proclaimed “Hollywood gypsy” and outcast , Susan Tyrrell could elevate a mediocre film like BUTCHER BAKER NIGHTMARE MAKER or add her own eccentricities to serious movies like I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN and John Huston’s FAT CITY (for which she received a supporting actress Oscar nomination in 1972). Her unique allure was tapped by directors John Waters (CRY BABY – as Johnny Depp’s grandma), and Paul Verhooven (FLESH + BLOOD) and she even narrated Ralph Bakshi’s WIZARDS. She’ll live forever in the minds of cult film fans for her portrayal of Doris, Queen of the Sixth Dimension, in the Richard and Danny Elfman musical FORBIDDEN ZONE (1980) and as the perpetually put-upon Mary in ANDY WARHOL’S BAD (1976). In 2000, Ms Tyrrell had both legs amputated at the knees due to thrombocythemia, a rare bone marrow disease so her death at age 67 is not a huge surprise but her singular rebellious spirit will be missed.

      Update: in an odd coincidence, Turner Classic Movies will be running FAT CITY tonight (6/18) at 7pm CT. See Susan in her Oscar-nominated role!

    • June 19, 2012 9:13 PM CDT
    • i'VE NEVER MADE IT THROUGH ONE OF HIS FILMS....I REMEMBER , YEARS AGO , THEY SHOWED "THE RATS ARE COMING! THE WEREWOLVES ARE HERE !"ON TV  . How bad could it be , right? I lasted 10 minutes.  I did want to check out "The Man With Two Heads" , but , a friend that was SELLING it urged me not to bother .....

    • June 18, 2012 12:06 PM CDT
    • dave your a gentleman.