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  • Topic: Too old to rock?

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    • May 8, 2012 6:15 AM CDT
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      Hey Matt. You might be surprised by the age of some of the members I'm 50 this year & garage/surf is a passion I developed in the last 5 years, I can't get enough, listening to podcasts on this site feels like it did listening to Beefheart & Roky Erikkson as a 14 year old with my pal who is 54 & still my pal. We msg & fileshare 2 or 3 times a week all obsessively about music! I'd do dumb dad-dancing if I could too but my knees can't take it any more!

    • May 5, 2012 12:03 PM CDT
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      I like what you guys bring on here lately.

      URGENT FURY said:

      Dude, you didn't have time to get old...

      John Carlucci said:

      I'm 55 and I played Coachella last weekend. In 2 weeks I fly to France to headline the Cosmic Trip Festival. I've been playing in bands since 1972 & I've never had a time that I've not been in a band. In fact, at the moment I'm in 2 different bands.


      Here for the stir

    • May 4, 2012 6:36 PM CDT
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      Too young to Roll!

    • May 4, 2012 11:50 AM CDT
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      You're never too old to rock!!  All the Lizardmen are in our late 40's or early 50's and we still kick ass!

    • May 3, 2012 9:24 PM CDT
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      dang, i used to be all up in those mosh pits

      Scott_hn said:

      At 48, my slam-dancing days may be over, but the concept of "too old to rock" does not compute. Fuck that shit.

    • May 3, 2012 9:18 PM CDT
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      i might still be listening to slayer when i'm a wrinkled grandma, shonny!  ; )

    • May 1, 2012 12:50 AM CDT
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      I'm 55 and I played Coachella last weekend. In 2 weeks I fly to France to headline the Cosmic Trip Festival. I've been playing in bands since 1972 & I've never had a time that I've not been in a band. In fact, at the moment I'm in 2 different bands.

    • April 30, 2012 4:18 PM CDT
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      My band (original spirit-of-66 style stuff) includes a 65-year-old guitarist, a 46-year old drummer (ahem), a 33-year-old bassist, and a 22-year-old keyboardist. It's not the years -- it's the mileage. (Although I use earplugs now -- trying to save what I have left.) I expect to keep playing as long as the body holds out. The spirit remains willing.

    • April 30, 2012 2:57 PM CDT
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      At 48, my slam-dancing days may be over, but the concept of "too old to rock" does not compute. Fuck that shit.

    • April 29, 2012 7:15 PM CDT
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      Old dame? I see old dames that look as good as Ronnie like I've seen Kid Rock or Axl Rose carry a tune in a bucket....But , yeah , it is the original Mysterians. Robert Martinez was their first Drummer , but , he joined the Army before the band had a hit. So , he's back with them , now. But , "?", Bobby Balderrama , Frank Rodriguez , also all founding members. Frank Lugo was their second Bass Player (Who , along with Rodriguez , knew his number was coming up , so they enlisted on the "Buddy System".) , but, the first one , whose name I forget , was'nt with the band that long. So , yeah , they've got a right to say "Original ?ATM."
      swt said:

      Yes, Question Mark! When I saw him in New York last year, all the Mysterians, allegedly,were the originals and they were full of crazy energy. Here's a video of them playing "96 Tears" with an old dame named Ronnie Spector:


      kopper said:

      There are lots of bands still playing out with members in their 50s and up. The Fuzztones, D.O.A., The Cynics, The Fleshtones, The Chesterfield Kings... I'd bet all those guys are in their 50s. Nikki Corvette is still rockin', too. Take a look at the lineup for the recent Norton Records fest... The Real Kids (they ain't kids anymore!), the Great Gaylord, Andre Williams, The Sonics, ? and the Mysterians, Randy Fuller (Bobby's brother), Flamin Groovies, etc.

    • April 28, 2012 3:44 PM CDT
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      I met someone on myspace 6 years ago who spent almost all ten years of the 60s in Vietnam so he was mostly just familiar with what he heard on Armed Forces radio.  He spent the 70's through the 90's listening to a bunch of corporate stuff but in '98, he specifiacally asked for a copy of the Nuggets boxset for Christmas wanting to start a collection of 60s music that he missed when being overseas.  Since then, he's also collected other garage rock collections and revival bands as well as 70s and 80s punk bands.  Only band he didn't like was the Mummies.  Oh well.

    • April 28, 2012 11:59 AM CDT
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      I think the key is too unhealthy to rock as G. Wood says below...age seems to have little to do with good musical taste or the ability to rock at any age! I just turned 55 and if anything, i'm getting more and more into this as my kids are now older and i've given up trying to get them into rock'n'roll.

      G. Wood said:

      I'm 57, for another few weeks. I've been rocking since I was about 10, I guess, the breakthrough moment was Meet the Beatles. My band, Undercover Bonobos, was on Hideout comp #3. There may come a time when one is too old, or maybe too unhealthy to rock, but I'm not there yet, just completed a series of recordings with my 58 year old drummer, and a youngster in his 40's. 

    • April 28, 2012 9:41 AM CDT
    • Untitled

      I'm 57, for another few weeks. I've been rocking since I was about 10, I guess, the breakthrough moment was Meet the Beatles. My band, Undercover Bonobos, was on Hideout comp #3. There may come a time when one is too old, or maybe too unhealthy to rock, but I'm not there yet, just completed a series of recordings with my 58 year old drummer, and a youngster in his 40's. 

    • April 22, 2012 9:50 AM CDT
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      To Old To Rock? What the hell is that? I played with Tonto and the Renegades back in the 60's, I am currently 62 and my band today "The Trails End" plays almost every weekend. I suppose there may come a time in a persons life when the body is to old to Rock, but the mind is a perpetual 18.

    • April 18, 2012 1:37 PM CDT
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      We're 50 and about average in age for the audiences at the shows we go to in NYC. But hell, we'd still risk the moshers at an all ages show if we really like the bands.  A friend turning 51 is having his birthday bash at a skate park with 5 punk bands playing.  Age ain't nothing but a number.

    • April 18, 2012 11:21 AM CDT
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      Never too old. You decide when to age and get old.

    • January 14, 2012 12:35 AM CST
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      OF COURSE , I SEE YOUR POINT. Sadly The REAL KIDS DID'NT GET TO PLAY NORTONPALOOZA , I heard John Felice has Corporal Tunnel Syndrome.
       How many original , surviving members would have played , or will , if they ever gig again , I don't know. I saw them once with John and Howie , and once or twice with John and later member , Billy Cole , is that his name? They always KILLED , EVEN ONCE WITH A PICKUP DRUMMER.
      kopper said:

      There are lots of bands still playing out with members in their 50s and up. The Fuzztones, D.O.A., The Cynics, The Fleshtones, The Chesterfield Kings... I'd bet all those guys are in their 50s. Nikki Corvette is still rockin', too. Take a look at the lineup for the recent Norton Records fest... The Real Kids (they ain't kids anymore!), the Great Gaylord, Andre Williams, The Sonics, ? and the Mysterians, Randy Fuller (Bobby's brother), Flamin Groovies, etc.

    • January 13, 2012 10:56 AM CST
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      I also play in a project wth a 25 year old guitarist. The vocalist is also my age. I have read band classified ads where younger musicians only want to play with other youngsters, but that's not the case in this project. When I was in my teens and 20's I actually sought out older musicians and wanted to be "schooled" by them. I have always idolized the music of an earlier era and felt closer to it when I payed with those who experienced it first hand.

    • January 13, 2012 9:48 AM CST
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      Never too old! I am in a band with members in their 20's, 30's 40's and 50's. We should be called "The Generations" but were not. haha

    • January 13, 2012 8:47 AM CST
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      I'm nearly 49 and still actively play punk and garage based music. There are two musicians that I frequently collaborate with who are 57 and 59. I don't feel that I truly "found myself" musically until I was in my mid 30's, though I've been playing guitar since I was 6. I fee as though I learn new tricks and grow all the time.   

    • January 3, 2012 4:02 AM CST
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      57 today...still rockin'...

    • January 2, 2012 12:52 PM CST
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      JJR would have the dead dancin' too :):):)!!!!!!

      Foxhole said:

      I've seen an elderly couple dancing at a Jim Jones Revue show. I wanna be just like them when i'm old.


    • January 2, 2012 10:51 AM CST
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      I've seen an elderly couple dancing at a Jim Jones Revue show. I wanna be just like them when i'm old.

    • January 2, 2012 10:12 AM CST
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      .....and wherever there are young people to keep the TRUE UNwimpy rock flame alight, I'LL BE THERE MAN :):):)!!!!

      URGENT FURY said:

      Yeah man!! Who would know what real kick-ass rock'n'roll IS, if not for the people that actually LIVED through it, experienced it tasted it mashed it up!!! You'rea fountain of rock knowledge, m'man!! Younger people just haven't lived it...but they want it...

      here I am rockin with my band URGENT FURY!!!


    • January 2, 2012 7:55 AM CST
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      I'm having a helluvah time reading all the crazzzeeeeeeeeeeeeee posts here......rock on folks:):)!!! R'n'r has always and will always be associated to rebellion, sex and come-what-may....but HEY, who said you can't be a rebel at 53, hehehehehheheheh :):)


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