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  • Topic: cramps' tune in volkswagen commercial

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    • November 4, 2011 4:15 PM CDT
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      holy hell!!  I'm Cramped shows up on my television as music in a new Volkswagen commercial.  That's just crazy


    • December 15, 2011 4:46 PM CST
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      hmmm? i recall a certain someone singing "your future dream is a shopping scheme"....

    • December 15, 2011 6:15 AM CST
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      It's I'm Cramped, dude.

      Mitch Wilwerding said:

      I know the cramps tune but cant think of the name can anyone help me out also i was in ace hardware the other day and domino came on over the PA i thought that was cool


      Here for the stir

    • December 15, 2011 6:14 AM CST
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      I guess Hitler never saw that coming! Get cramped in your grave you shitball! Haha!

      (FYI: Early VW models were produced under NS tutelage)


      Here for the stir

    • December 15, 2011 6:05 AM CST
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      Haha, it's a Volkswagon after all!

      Matt said:

      I think its hilarious that they chose "I'm Cramped " for a car commercial.... I like roomy cars.

      Here for the stir

    • December 15, 2011 12:56 AM CST
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      All I know is someone, I think buick, used a Screamin' Jay song in a commercial and my heart sank.  Oh well, I guess his 70-some offspring can split the licensing monies.

    • December 14, 2011 9:51 PM CST
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      I know the cramps tune but cant think of the name can anyone help me out also i was in ace hardware the other day and domino came on over the PA i thought that was cool

    • December 14, 2011 9:22 AM CST
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      Great song.
      Great ad.

    • December 14, 2011 3:47 AM CST
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      i think it just a remix it just seems they made the fuzz more prominant

      The Raw Cuts said:

      Saw that 'Human Fly' commercial here in Finland, too. But it's not the Cramps original. It's some lame coverversion.

    • December 11, 2011 4:10 AM CST
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      Yeah, maybe 5% of the people viewing the commercial actually recognize the song, but isn't it a good opportunity to exposure the remaining 95% to some decent music? Especially since the commercial isn't going to affect that 5%...

    • December 10, 2011 2:34 AM CST
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      Saw that 'Human Fly' commercial here in Finland, too. But it's not the Cramps original. It's some lame coverversion.

    • December 7, 2011 3:25 PM CST
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    • December 6, 2011 6:42 AM CST
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      we were close to have one of our song for a car commercial but they took Dick dale instead ! haha

    • December 4, 2011 6:45 AM CST
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      human fly is on a nother car advert not sure for who

    • November 10, 2011 4:25 PM CST
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      Mat , It WAS amazing.

      Mat said:

      Aw man, that sounds amazing!

    • November 10, 2011 4:23 PM CST
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      Aw man, that sounds amazing!

    • November 10, 2011 4:18 PM CST
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      About 7 or 8 years ago (Maybe less , I forget?) we had a great AM Oldies station that did'nt last a YEAR...tHEY PLAYED ONLY 50'S AND EARLY 60's songs , their cutoff point was 1964 !

      They played the Rock 'n'Roll hits , but , also the Country and Pop crossover hits . Anything that was a hit , so they played a LOT of songs the other Oldies stations would'nt touch , like "I've Had It" by The Bell Notes, "Tell Him No" by Bud and Travis , I even heard Sal Mineo , who , it turned out , cut some good Pop - Rockabilly sides. On Sundays , they had a 2 hour show hosted by Jerry G. Bishop , a Cleveland and Chicago Radio legend , now based in L.A.

      He was friends with Ernie Anderson (Ghoulardi) , and picked up a lot of his gimmicks when he became Chicago's great Horror Host of The 70's , Svengoolie. He opened every show with "Rumble" which was his theme song as Svengoolie.He used alot of funny sound effects (Including one of Elvis laughing.) and still hada quick with , as he did in the 60's. Like Krispy Kreme ,it was too good to last in Chicago.

    • November 10, 2011 4:08 PM CST
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        Oldies radio is terrible. Maybe it's better in some markets. I listened to it a lot in the 80's in Dallas , because I did'nt have a big budget for records at the time....But , the station , there , used to play the "Nuggets" hits - Dirty Water , Psychotic Reaction , Too Much to Dream , etc. , as well as "Call Me Lightning" and "Over Under Sideways Down", and , even ,sometimes , SEE EMILY PLAY ! They played choice 50's cuts , too...I even heard "Save It" by Mel Robbins at about 10:30 at night , once. MAYBE some early 70's stuff , too , but THAT was the cutoff point. NOW , they play 80's music , probably even early 90's music on the Oldies stations , just because it's 20 years older or more....But , you're right , younger people may learn about more cool sounds on TV. Crazy , innit. In the 80's , they were glued to MTV , which was only allowed to play anything worth a damn after 10:00 pm on Sundays.

    • November 10, 2011 3:47 PM CST
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      Weird, but awesome. I still remember that I got into Jim Reeves and Buddy Holly when I was in elementary school from commercials and oldies collection paid programming - if mainstream radio stations (even the oldies stations these days) don't play that much good music anymore and kids spend more time watching TV and listening to iPods anyway, then TV, I think, is a perfectly viable way to expose the public to real rock & roll that I love and, yes, pays royalties, that's cool.

    • November 9, 2011 3:37 PM CST
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      I'm no great fan of Henry or even Black Flag (Heresy in my country , I know.) , but , when he gets  it , he nails the fucker on the head , and he sure did , here. The Stooges tours are reaping millions (Not , I don't think , so much because a song or two appeared in a commercial.) , and I say , RIGHT ON !!!! But , to get back to Henry , it's true these songs we're talking about were , as Iggy put it , "Not originally commercially concieved",but there are all kinds of monies unaccounted for , from the sales of Punk and proto - Punk records. If that Artists can get back what's rightfully theirs , and collect a sweet chunk of interest , besides , then , why not ? the monks would have been no more , no less , popular , today ,  had "Monk Time" not briefly appeared in a commercial. They still had to get out there and WORK , as they were'nt getting younger , and , sadly , two of them are gone , now. They did'nt even have the previous popularity of The Pistols , Buzzcocks , Fall , Stooges , Cramps , etc. , so , I think it's great that someone had thought to include them in an ad , if only briefly. It does'nt change things so drastically , except , yes , for a change , the Artists are being compensated. Bands like The Creation , featured in a commercial , and a major motion picture , their status has'nt changed that much . They were in the midst of being rediscovered , anyway. They played here , two nights in a row , a monday and a tuesday , something the so - called "Promotor" was against , because  he did'nt know who they were. When they sold out both nights (Which does NOT happen  in Chicago on two weeknights in a row .), the guy who fought the booking tried to take credit for it. The record industry is no different. Does anyone really think The Stooges or The Sex Pistols have'nt earned gold , maybe even platinum , records by now? Ask the surviving band members where said awards are , now ?  They're doing better than that. Take the cash , Take the K.A.S.H.

      edmur said:

      As usual, Henry Rollins succinctly sums up this concept and argument:

    • November 9, 2011 3:01 PM CST
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      The first time I can remember a song I realllly loved being used in a commercial was a Range Rover ad with the Sonics "Have Love, Will Travel". I didn't bother me in the least....but even having such a kick ass soundtrack still wouldn't compel me to buy one of those awful SUV's.

    • November 9, 2011 10:12 AM CST
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      I also heard the Creation "making time" in a beer commerical Monday night.  I think it was Miller Lite

    • November 5, 2011 12:54 PM CDT
    • Untitled

      I don't imagine that Jello Biafra was lamenting the band for selling out, but songs do get 'ruined' after hearing them a few too many times, even the best songs. It's why they used it as a form of torture in Guantanamo Bay, although I think they were using mostly rubbish songs to begin with.


      My opinion is use the coolest music you can in the adverts and I'll more likely buy the thing. They played the cool song while the plastic car is being driven around the store and had the dorky guy talking while the product they wanted to sell was being displayed. Big failure, now I want to buy the plastic car.

    • November 5, 2011 10:19 AM CDT
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      John Glover said:

      >=oO that should not be


      What shouldn't be? Poison Ivy shouldn't be allowed to make any money from their music? More people shouldn't be exposed to the great music of the Cramps?

      I could never understand why people have a problem with cool music being used in ads. it's like they want the music to belong to them and no one else! I'd sure as hell rather watch this ad than one with hamsters and some lame-ass hip hop. Like John said, as long as royalites are being paid (and they are), then where's the problem?


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • November 5, 2011 10:14 AM CDT
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      That actually might be the point. The kids look pretty cramped drivin' around those tiny cars, then the music stops and they show the roomier VW model. But the point would've been "driven" (ha!) home more if they'd used a little bit of the vocals, too.

      Matt said:
      I think its hilarious that they chose "I'm Cramped " for a car commercial.... I like roomy cars.

      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

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