Powerpop is very big in Japan at the moment. The Rubinoos recently played here. I've seen the Fast Cars, the Boys and Nikki Corvette in recent times. And in fact I'm going to see Paul Collins live in Tokyo tonite! There's also a powerpop revival happening in Tokyo spearheaded by bands like Firestarter, The Raydios and the Tweezers (all with former members of Teengenerate).
Some powerpop 45s I've recently found include the Troops (from Australia), the Boyfriends (the '78 UK band not the indie rock band) & The Features (again not the indie rock band), and how about the Cigarettes?
Don't forget the Barracudas!
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy
I would strongly recommend Manda and the Marbles, who were a mix of power pop and new wave. Several of their songs were used in a recent indie film called "Nail Polish," which takes place in the 80s, and those song fit in so well with that era that you would think they were recorded back then. Their two best LPs are "More Seduction" and "Angels with Dirty Faces." Unfortunately, the band is now defunct.
Another recommendation is the Takeover UK, who put out one full length LP, "Running with the Wasters," before calling it quits. They are a great mix of power pop and brit pop, with a touch of punk thrown in for good measure.
The Boys are my fav right now and are still rockin out!... Its a real shame about what happened to the kids in The Exploding Hearts. They were right on with their music and soooo fucking young! I'm going to see Paul Collins Beat this month and can't wait.
Check out my band TV Tramps, we're a classic punk rock/power pop inspired band from NJ.
For anyone in Brooklyn, we have a gig tonight @ Hank's Saloon with Psycho Charger and The Vermin.
As a fairly obscure suggestion I think I'll add The Kickz...fun former 77 punk revival/powerpop band I saw play a few times when I was in highschool.