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  • Topic: Let's Talk About Amps!

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    • January 25, 2011 11:36 AM CST
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      twin reverb ftw! new spring reverb.

      g&l legacy and gibson sg standard and very old gibson accoustic guitar from the 40tys or 50tys.


      some yellow mudhoney overdrive, vox wahwah, peace of shit fuzz from beringer

      and more peace of shit petals that aren't worth for mention.



    • January 22, 2011 11:36 PM CST
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      Hideout Admin said:

      I had a great amp at one time... back when I was briefly learning guitar. An Ampeg Reverberocket. I loved it... but since I never got serious about playing, I decided to sell it. But that thing had GREAT sound.

      And it looked like this:

    • January 22, 2011 11:33 PM CST
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      Anybody like the Traynor YGM-3. I find them hard to like. Piercing treble at low volumes and flubby bass at mid to high volumes. Should I swap the speaker? Anybody know what speakers it likes? Or should I just trade it for a Fender Deluxe-amp?

      I thought this amp should have sounded better than it does. I can get good sounds out of it but it takes to much tweaking the dials.
    • January 22, 2011 11:26 PM CST
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      Whats the best 1x12 speaker to use with the Orange Tiny Terror. The Orange 1x12 w/celestion 30 sounded like mud. Ive tried one with a 4x12 loaded with greenbacks, but I'd like to use one with a 1x12 cab as a practice amp, for 70s punk to get old marshall sounds from a small package. I don't want any heavy metal distortion just overdriven 70s marshall sounds. Anyone have experience with this?
    • January 21, 2011 7:57 AM CST
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      I had a great amp at one time... back when I was briefly learning guitar. An Ampeg Reverberocket. I loved it... but since I never got serious about playing, I decided to sell it. But that thing had GREAT sound.

      And it looked like this:


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • January 20, 2011 10:35 AM CST
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      About six months ago, I picked up an amp that I never knew existed and have been in love ever since. The amp is a Peavey Blues Classic from around 1990. This is pretty much the same as the Peavey Classic 50 from the time period but has a single 15" speaker in it, rather than the four 10" speakers. First of all, I only paid 200 for the amp. That price alone would make any tube amp sound good to me. On top of that, it has all the qualities of that great Fender sound but the fifteen inch speaker really beefs up things quite a bit. I would compare the tone to a cross between a late 50's Bassman and a Twin Reverb. This amp, combined with an Ibanez Tube screamer and the Boss FRF-1 reverb pedal, really gives me an amazing and dirty surf tone that I had long been searching for within my price range.
    • January 17, 2011 5:40 PM CST
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      I play through a Peavey Bandit 65 from around the mid-80s; got it off a guy in Southie for about $50, needed something to tide me over until I could get the money for what I really wanted(Fender Bassman), but after getting it cleaned up, I think this'll stick with me until it dies.
    • July 17, 2010 6:01 AM CDT
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      I'm still playin' with the Fender Pro Jr. and I've recently changed the speaker choosing an Alnico Jensen 10"..
      It sounds amazing for me,just need to change the pre-amp tubes model,if you need more clean tones,but overdriven
      it's quite loud and warm for 15 W power.
    • July 17, 2010 4:08 AM CDT
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      recently made 2x12 100 watt fender solid state. i am not a weight lifter or tone whore, i just want something loud and reliable.
    • July 13, 2010 2:30 PM CDT
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      The only amp I will ever use to jam with my bandmate is my 1987 Peavey Backstage Plus, it is extremely weathered from sitting in an Albuquerque garage for 10 years of its life. It's developed this really thick and saturated fuzz tone, it sounds incredible.
    • July 8, 2010 9:56 AM CDT
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      I always liked my Epi Vjr in to a double-cab, 12" carvin and a 10" eminence. That 5 watts always kept up with the drummer just fine. If I needed more OOMPH, I ran an A/B/Y to a Peavey Transtube 40 watt 1x10. Always sounded great to me, and easy as cake on the back..
    • July 7, 2010 12:16 AM CDT
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      I prefer my Silvertone 1484. The amp is from the 1960s and breaks up real nice. I went to Nashville some months back and on the way back I found her in a Cleveland guitar shop. Ever since I got her, my Fender Twin has been all by her lonesome.
    • June 14, 2010 2:22 PM CDT
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      I know our guitarist uses a fender twin reverb deluxe amp. we fucking love it except for one annoying ass noise what we are finding out is called the "blast spot" or something, basically the amp sounds fucking GREAT until you stand like directly in front of it about 15 feet away (exactly where the crowd is supposed to be) and then you just hear loud SHIT almost, i mean you can still hear everything really good through it but then you still hear the shit. some recording guy said that we have a wonderful amp and will just have to deal with the "blast zone" or whatever it is. Dan Donovan said:
      We don't have a bass player and at live shows folks always say 'who's triggering the bass lines'. The answer is there's no bass lines being triggered it all comes from my guitar sound. I use no effects pedals, it's pure and simple. All our recordings are done with this set up, no overdubs just one performance. I play drop D tuning and set the graphic up real heavy on the Trace Elliot.
      SICK! we also do something similar to this, although we just use the amp, no extra trace elliot though. alot of people tell us they never notice the bass missing and whatnot because logan puts out that low shit to replace the bass, i think its pretty genius and im glad to see were not the only ones who use this :), although we figured there were PLENTY before who did this (the ventures had three guitarists at one point I THINK)
    • June 1, 2010 3:50 PM CDT
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      FENDER FENDER FENDER.I use a fender frontman 212 r.I use it in my house,can carry it to the studio and i have even used it in a gig.It's pretty cheap and awesome.but i guess that's not what you are lookin' for.
    • June 1, 2010 6:32 AM CDT
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      I'm currently switching between a 65RI Fender Twin Reverb & Hot Rod Deville. I use a Blues Junior for mostly home use. The Deville has a pretty sweet clean and the gain channel is decent, reverb is very sturdy too. I find my Twin takes pedals a lot better then the Deville, I've used a fuzz face reissue through all three and it sounds like a completely different beast through the Twin. I always prefered the NYC Big Muff but after plugging in that fuzz face holy shit. Obviously the Twin has the better reverb and the tremelo is nice but honestly, I don't think the cleans are THAT much better. Not for the price anyway. Luckily I got mine cheap and only ended up paying $500AUD more for the Twin. I'm contemplating buying a AC15/AC30 though for that invasion/60's garage type sound. Then I might buy a bassman, man you can never have too many amps !
    • May 19, 2010 12:51 AM CDT
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      Those Ampeg's are really great amps. A lotta people seem to over look their guitar amps probably because their bass amp are so good. I would love one of those. kopper said:
      I used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. That thing was awesome. Wish I still had it!

    • May 18, 2010 12:11 PM CDT
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      I used to have an Ampeg Reverberocket. That thing was awesome. Wish I still had it!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • March 18, 2010 11:16 PM CDT
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      We play really crappy distorted surf trash...the new g-spring tank may make us reconsider, but I doubt it ;) The Vintage 30's were cheap and available at the to have an original Fender cab but they are getting hard to find and $$$'s FREDDI said:
      I guess you play surfy style.. :-)
      But you choose vintage 30' instead of Jensens or there's another motivation?

      The Dirtbag Surfers said:
      '68 Fender Bandmaster, 2 X 12 vintage 30's, Gomez G-Spring reverb tank
    • March 18, 2010 11:11 PM CDT
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      I guess you play surfy style.. :-) But you choose vintage 30' instead of Jensens or there's another motivation? The Dirtbag Surfers said:
      '68 Fender Bandmaster, 2 X 12 vintage 30's, Gomez G-Spring reverb tank
    • March 18, 2010 3:47 PM CDT
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      '68 Fender Bandmaster, 2 X 12 vintage 30's, Gomez G-Spring reverb tank
    • March 13, 2010 12:24 AM CST
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      It's a Roland VGA-5 that I found at Mars Music (remember them?) when they were going out of business. It had been dropped off the truck and wouldn't turn on. I gave them fifty bucks, took it home (with the plan of cannibalizing the speaker), and found out the on/off switch was the broken part.
      So. . . it's either not at all garage rock or extremely garage rock. It's a modeling amp, but I tend to just turn it to a basic "Tweed" setting and play. Any day now I'm going to get an amp with some glass in it, probably a Blues Jr.
    • March 7, 2010 11:10 AM CST
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      Yes,I like all those little valve-heads as Tiny terror,Night train,Marshall haze,Epiphone,it seems the last moment trend,but I think it might be better than having just one amp.For live playing,a 30 w is more than enough.Once I had a Marshal 100w 4x12" and I never run it more than 3 volume level! Wasted. So I'd like to get one good cabinet,a 2x12" but having different kinds of mini-heads to stock. High Lord Mardy Pune said:
      I'm using a Fender Blues De-Ville circa 1996 for live playing, I run a two by 12 J-Bin under it. When I'm at home I've got a Epiphone Valve Jnr. Great lil amp for the bucks.
    • March 5, 2010 3:05 PM CST
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      I'm using a Fender Blues De-Ville circa 1996 for live playing, I run a two by 12 J-Bin under it. When I'm at home I've got a Epiphone Valve Jnr. Great lil amp for the bucks.
    • February 17, 2010 4:12 PM CST
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      Real god of thunder sound!! Something similar did it Josh Homme in Kyuss stuff; he gets into a bass amp but I read somewhere he tunes all strings two steps below and drop the E string down to C

    • February 17, 2010 6:40 AM CST
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      I play through a fender deluxe/hot rod 40w 12 inch then take a line from pre-amp out into an old trace elliot 7 band graphic 15 inch. This gives me a fat dirty sound with loads of bottom end. We don't have a bass player and at live shows folks always say 'who's triggering the bass lines'. The answer is there's no bass lines being triggered it all comes from my guitar sound. I use no effects pedals, it's pure and simple. All our recordings are done with this set up, no overdubs just one performance. I play drop D tuning and set the graphic up real heavy on the Trace Elliot.

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