Just wondering who else out there uses Twitter... I kinda like it. It's sorta like a mini-blog that can also work like a kind of chat interface. You only "follow" (or receive updates from) people you know or like or otherwise want to follow, so it's not like you have to follow everyone's updates (because many of them are really geeky and boring). Plus, the updates are short (140 characters or less). And if you get a few friends to sign up and use it, it can be kinda fun. It's taken a while, but it's really growing on me, despite the fact that most people I know aren't using it (yet).
It's also very useful when you're out and about because you can quickly check it from your phone to see what everyone's up to. For example, I know someone who was doing this last year at SXSW and they were able to find out where all the cool after-parties were instantaneously (while they were out trolling around town), just by getting the Twitter updates sent as text messages directly to their mobile phone or instant messenger (although I haven't done this yet myself).
I have two accounts, one for myself, and one for GaragePunk.com.
My record label:
Noise Annoys:
"Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy