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  • Topic: Garage Rockers who DON'T smoke

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    • August 27, 2012 8:51 AM CDT
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      Been awhile since I've been on here so, hello!

      Anyway, tomorrow is my "quit day" after about 10 years smoking and I was wondering if anyone knew for a fact a rocker who didn't smoke.

      I know it's lame to do something just because someone else does (I'm determined to do it either way) but it would be cool to have a postive role model and most of the celebs that have quit are destinctively uninspirational.

      Ones that quit when they are middle-aged don't count haha! cause loads of people give up by then anyway!

    • September 29, 2012 10:57 PM CDT
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      Just quit and I've been chewin toothpicks 24/7... If the oral hand/mouth fixation is part of the addiction for you then toothpicks work wonders!
    • September 29, 2012 10:32 PM CDT
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      We quit cold turkey about a year and half ago. It's the best way to go, you go through viscous withdrawal for a week (3rd day is the peak and then it wanes from there), then about 3 weeks of mild touchiness and then its pretty simple. Pick a day and throw everything away, try and take day 2-5 off of work if you can.

      -Erika and Danny

    • September 20, 2012 3:34 AM CDT
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      Just quit. 7 days in and counting. So far no big withdrawals or cravings, but going through plenty of gum. Onwards and upwards...

    • September 19, 2012 3:58 PM CDT
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      I stopped a couple of years ago; patches on prescription. It's easier to separate drinking and smoking thanks to the smoking ban in pubs, so by that point you no longer sat down and lit up. I'm happy, and I can go a bike faster too! D.

    • September 19, 2012 2:39 PM CDT
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      I don't smoke.

    • September 11, 2012 12:01 PM CDT
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      Congratulations to anyone who quit smoking and succeeded.  For those struggling to stop, my best wishes and don't ever stop trying.  For those who don't care to stop.....wake up.

      Pains me to see anyone stuck on this habit.  Don't let the cigarette companies control your minds with their addictive product.

    • September 7, 2012 1:05 PM CDT
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      I'm a lifelong garage nut and lifelong advocate against smoking. I don't know off-hand of any on-smoking garage icons, but that's probably because that's never the type of info I read about them. I'm sure there are plenty. In punk its easy, but in garage specifically there have to be some... I mean, since it's all about rebellion and not giving a shit about what others think and what-not to some degree, and in corporate rock smoking is the norm, there just has to have been some.

      As a teenager, I made the decision for myself but then found The Modern Lovers & Minor Threat who helped validate my feelings on the whole thing. There was a lot of smoking on my Dad's side of the family, but luckily he never did and is still here and healthy.

      I'm only 31 but have already watched too many friends and family get sick from and die from cancer and other smoking related damage & diseases. What a waste of money, too!

      Kudos to you!

    • September 3, 2012 12:36 AM CDT
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      I smoked my 1st ciggy at the age of 13. 40 years later I am still smoking. Besides the health issues (which I don't have any obvious ones at the time) Everyday I wake up automatically cost me $6.00 because I smoke a pack a day. I think Ozzy said it best "I quit the futt'n heroin, but couldn't quit the futt'n fags"  Crazy something that contributes to death daily is sold at every store on every block. Yet cannabis is illegal. My advice is to anyone is never even try one. A complete waste of money, time and health.

    • September 1, 2012 1:03 PM CDT
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      I quit smoking about 14 years ago. And it was pretty easy... I suddenly feld too dependent of my sigarette. When I did something in the house I thought that I deserved a smoke. And I suddenly realised that it was taking a lot of time. I vacumed the room, sigarette, vacumed the hall, sigarette, vacumed the kitchen, sigarette etc. So I decided to ask myself each and every time i usually would take a smoke if it would be really neccesary or if i could wait a while. And that day, instead of something like 25 sigarette I only smoked 7. The next day it was only 3 (and not a whole sigarette at a time, but like 3 puffs and putting it out again to wait till the next time) and the third day I threw out what was left of my sigarettes and never touched it again. I'm no longer a slave of my smokes! I got way more time in a day, have a much better health (only weigh a lot more...) and have more money to spend (sigarette are pretty expensive in the Netherlands; over $8.- a paccage of 20!). So there's hope for you I'm sure. But I think most important is you have to want it yourself! Smoking isn't cool; making up your own mind is! Good luck.

    • August 30, 2012 9:10 AM CDT
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      A lot of my friends stops smoking after reading "The Easyway to Stop Smoking"
      of Allen Carr.

      I've read some pages and is really well written and convincing.

      Give it a try! 


    • August 30, 2012 8:04 AM CDT
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      Rockstar who dont smoke ? The dead ones maybe... I'm kidding

    • August 29, 2012 7:39 PM CDT
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      Right after the ban in Chicago , some guy actually lit up a joint at a New York Dolls show. No one is smoking cigarettes , and the initial smell of years of (Legal) smoke is largely gone , so , everyone could smell that guy's joint , and he was carried out in a hurry. I thought clubs could have bought licenses to have  smoking and non - smoking areas , but , surprisingly , I'm not reading or hearing many complaints after the ban.
      Agent D said:

      Non smoking R n' R'er here too, I used to love the gaspers before the smoking ban here in the UK, and even though I hated the ban at first, it made quitting easier. Loads of my mates quit, and soon it felt like I was the only dude outside the pub shivering in the rain smoking.. so the social aspect of it kind of died a death. I knocked it on the head mid December 2010, after a long period of cutting right down to one a day.

      Now I have more money for records and films! win!

      Good luck man.

    • August 29, 2012 7:34 PM CDT
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      Nothing lame about that. You look after your kids , and yourself , and you can buy something like music or movies instead of something you don't have after you've used it once. 
      The Blue Giant Zeta Puppies said:

      .....I quit when I found i was going to be a father.....didn't want my kids breathing my smoke....and just quitting was easier than smoking some places not others....

      Sounds pretty lame, but I added up what I would have spent on ciggies and IF (IF!) I stayed off them for a month, at the end of that month I went and blew the money on anything I wanted.....Like I said...sounds pretty lame, but I found it worked for me....

      Good luck...hope you make it....

    • August 29, 2012 1:08 PM CDT
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      .....I quit when I found i was going to be a father.....didn't want my kids breathing my smoke....and just quitting was easier than smoking some places not others....

      Sounds pretty lame, but I added up what I would have spent on ciggies and IF (IF!) I stayed off them for a month, at the end of that month I went and blew the money on anything I wanted.....Like I said...sounds pretty lame, but I found it worked for me....

      Good luck...hope you make it....

    • August 29, 2012 11:58 AM CDT
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      Non smoking R n' R'er here too, I used to love the gaspers before the smoking ban here in the UK, and even though I hated the ban at first, it made quitting easier. Loads of my mates quit, and soon it felt like I was the only dude outside the pub shivering in the rain smoking.. so the social aspect of it kind of died a death. I knocked it on the head mid December 2010, after a long period of cutting right down to one a day.

      Now I have more money for records and films! win!

      Good luck man.

    • August 29, 2012 11:16 AM CDT
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      That's me been almost 48hrs without a cigarette folks!

      Juicylungs I feel your pain, I like a drink too and I think that is going to be the hardest test.

      I've got some herbal non-addictive smokes to try at first and I read somewhere else if you know you are going to smoke when drinking... buy cigarettes you do not like, the taste will limit how many you smoke at the time and in the morning your throat will be so sore it will hopefully put you off for good!

    • August 29, 2012 10:49 AM CDT
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      I only smoked for a couple of years but man when they cranked up the tobacco taxes in new york I just couldn't afford it anymore. It made quitting a lot easier.

    • August 29, 2012 10:01 AM CDT
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      I know how you feel.  My Dad lived to the age of 67, but he always scared the shit out of me with his coughing fits, which he had his whole life.  That's why I never had any desire to take up smoking.

      John Carlucci said:

      I'm 55. Never smoked & never will. I lost to many family members because of their smoking habits. My Dad passed away from a heart attack when he was only 57. My Mom passed away last month from Lung cancer. It was hard to watch her suffer. When I was in the 8th grade, my uncle came to live with us after his bout with throat cancer. He had his larynx removed & had to breathe through a small hole in his neck. That scared the crap out of me.

    • August 29, 2012 9:53 AM CDT
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      I'm 55. Never smoked & never will. I lost to many family members because of their smoking habits. My Dad passed away from a heart attack when he was only 57. My Mom passed away last month from Lung cancer. It was hard to watch her suffer. When I was in the 8th grade, my uncle came to live with us after his bout with throat cancer. He had his larynx removed & had to breathe through a small hole in his neck. That scared the crap out of me.

    • August 28, 2012 5:39 PM CDT
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      I've finally joined a quit smoking program.   I'm trying hard.  I have a quit date in less then three weeks.   My biggest issue with quitting and I have posted this on the programs site is...How to quit smoking when I love drinking so much.   It's a trigger, it has triggered me to start smoking on two different occasions after I had quit.   But the thought of not being able to get shit faced from time to time(or weekly depending on the season), simply terrifies me.

      Any help?  I cant think of many rockers.  oh, I believe Billy Childish is a nonsmoker.  And his past bands fucking rock.   

    • August 28, 2012 12:17 PM CDT
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      It's not just cancer or emphysema, but smoking (along with high blood pressure, stress, etc.) can also lead to stroke, which is the leading cause of death in the U.S. This just happened to a guy I knew here in St. Louis (former singer of a punk band and radio show host at KDHX, Tim Mize). He had a sudden, massive stroke and died a couple weeks ago at the age of 45. He smoked, too. Way too young to go. Quit while you can, people!


      "Go read a book and flunk a test." -Iggy

    • August 28, 2012 11:41 AM CDT
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      Why I don't smoke but I still have no money to buy a lot of records or other similar stuff? 

      Maybe I can start and then quit if it works :-)

    • August 28, 2012 10:41 AM CDT
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      Amen MikeL. Lung cancer sucks! Mouth and throat cancers? Nightmares. I'm a confirmed EX-smoker. I loved smoking, loved cigarettes, the whole deal. But after trying to decide which I'd choose -- not being able to breathe in or breathe out (emphysema choices), I decided it was me or the cigarettes.

      To get me through each day, I say -- I am a non-smoking smoker. It's a choice, like a lot of other things one chooses to give up for good reasons. In my perfect world chocolate cake and cigarettes would be healthy for ya. As IF.

      I consoled myself with an account of the $$$ I saved -- and treated myself with that $$ when I was sure I was finally off the cancer sticks.

      There's nothing cool or rock 'n roll about a smoking. NOTHING.

    • August 28, 2012 10:25 AM CDT
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      All I'm going to say is "Please stick with it."  My Dad died from lung cancer after smoking almost two packs a day for God knows how long.  The pain and suffering caused by cancer is bad enough, not to mention all the personal indignity involved in the care and treatment.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

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