I used to meet people in my own neighborhood with similar tastes.....But , we had a great record store , which helped.Now , there's no small business , because the University (Fuck you , Loyola.) has taken over everything , no sense of community. It's all college students. I don't begrudge them , but , it's a REALLY square environment. Even Goths or Hot Topic Punks ARE A RARITY .....a FEW YEARS BACK , THO' , I was making some flyers , at a Kinko's driven out by Loyola , TWICE , when a young guy asked me if I knew about THE (fIRST) Nuggets box set. He asked if I thoughthe should buy it.....I said , yes , because it took years for me to find those songs , and now you and I can have them all, with GOOD sound.......I told him , he's lucky to be around now , when there's so many great re-issues . Then he asked me if I liked Hank Williams , Sr. I told him ,there's only ONE Hank Williams.