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  • Kicks From the Boot #14

    Dusty, Rusty and Lusty.... Swingin' in the sixties and dancing with the pixie. What you hear is what you get. DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | SUBSCRIBE TO ALL | FACEBOOK | TWITTER Playlist: The HUMANS - Warning HARA KEE-REES - Let me feel NOVAK's KAPELLE - Doing that rhythm thing The FAB - I can only...
  • Kicks From the Boot #13 - Italians Do it Worse

    Kicks from the Boot episode 13, don't be superstitious and get into the Italian boot underground of wild garage punk bands. 20 Italian boot kicks, all in one show!! ...DIG THE BOOT...   DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | SUBSCRIBE TO ALL | FACEBOOK | TWITTER Playlist: The INDUSTRIES - Little baby (Don'...
  • Kicks from the Boot #12

      Kicks from the Boot episode number twelve. Virulent and dirty infected grooves from Australia, United States, Canada and of course from the Italian boot with Tito & the Brainsuckers, The Woody Peakers, I Mitomani, The Cavemen. ...GET YER KICKS...   DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | FACEBOOK | TWI...
  • Kicks from the boot #11

    Eleventh episode for Kicks from the Boot, nervous and rude, straight between the eyes with no time to view it. The Nevermores, Atomic Suplex, Lamps, The Parents, and more. From the Italian boot: The Rippers, Nicotine Spyral Surfers, Miss Chain & the Broken Heels,The Chewing Gum,The Intellectua...
  • Kicks from the Boot #10 - My baby likes scary movies

    First Halloween for Kicks from the Boot... Happy to celebrate it with you, dear monsters and victims... I know you're not afraid to die,if you're not yet... Anyway.... DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER Playlist: The DEFECTORS - I want bloodThe URGES - Salvaje The GOLDSTARS- Hallo...
  • Psychedelic Weekend Overdose

    "Psychedelic Weekend" è stato un rave virtuale tenutosi il 9 e 10 ottobre 2010 sulla pagina FB "We Harvest", dedicato all'ascolto della psichedelia vecchia e nuova, con una particolare attenzione alle sonorità legate agli stati alterati di coscienza e ai lunghi viaggi. La psichedelia non è un gen...
  • Kicks From the Boot # 9 - Invasion of the Monobandas

    Episode #9 is dedicated to the One-Man Band underworld, wild and primitive, trashy or traditional, lonesome cowboys or show men, the choice is yours. There's no doubt it is the cry of a man against the world!! DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER Italian reviews "Invasion of the Monob...
  • The CRAMPS - Live @ CBGB 13-1-78

    The Cramps - Live @ CBGB 13-1-78 DOWNLOAD PODCAST 1 - The way I walk 2 - Love me 3 - Domino 4 - Human Fly 5 - I was a teenage werewolf 6 - S.A.D. 7 - I can't hardly stand it 8 - Uranium Rock 9 - What's behind the mask? 10 - Baby blue rock 11 - Under the wires 12 - I'm cramped 13 - TV set
  • Kicks From the Boot #8

    Episode number 8 of Kicks from the Boot.... Sick and psycho sounds by Telescopes,Omens,Speedball baby, Cramps,Mortals,Silverghost.... A cure for your pain with no anesthesia.. Italian boot kick by The Industries,Aratari,The Leeches,Asteroidi. ..DIG DA BOOT.... DOWNLOAD PODCAST PLAYLIST: S...
  • Garage Weekend Overdose

    Eng/ Weekend Garage Overdose was a virtual rave held on September 25 and 26, in which a collective of friends has shared listening to garage music. This is the list of the songs heard in those days. Ita/ Garage Weekend Overdose è stato un rave virtuale tenutosi il 25 e 26 settembre, nel quale un ...