Gotta respect a man who knows his limit.
Gotta respect a man who knows his limit.
I was kinda forced to give up drinking along with most foods by stomach problems. Its not so bad but I do kinda miss the social aspects of it. Occasionally I'll have a bourbon and coke. Sometime I'm ok and other times I pay the price. It is funny going out sober and watching all the drunks. I'm sure I never acted like that! :D
I've never been a hard drinker, but recently I also rather stick to water or soft drinks than to beer. Makes everything easier when we're playing gigs: We don't need a driver and still can wake up in our own beds the next morning. But a good beer, some port oder whisky from time to time, once a month ... hmmmm!
But, G. Wood, kudos, 1994, that's quite a while!
Cheers, Doc Sanchez
Line 'em up and suck 'em down! There's nothing quite like a couple of shots to get yer night moving!
Name some of yer favourites here! Be sure to add the recipe so we can all enjoy them!
The Chin:
This little beauty sounds disgusting when you find out whats in it but it packs a punch which is kinda where it got it's name from. The taste is not dis-similar to drinking a very small Gin and Tonic with a massive blast of Chilli.
Gin; Gordon's or use another mid priced Gin, expensive Gin actually tastes really bad in this one.
Chilli Lime Cordial
Find a shot glass (preferably a clean one)
Fill the shot glass nearly to the top with the Gin.
Add the Chilli Lime Cordial, just poor it straight in don't worry about trying to layer it.
Lift shot glass to mouth and drink it in one hit.
Repeat process until happy with effect.
I have to admit that as much of fan of Ice Hockey that I am I've missed most of it this season due to it being on to late at night for me to watch and my work commitments are just to full on at present. Well... that and it's right in the middle of the Super14 rugby competition!
I'm not much of a football fan really, but I can appreciate the beauty of the game when played at the top level. Anyone got any thoughts about who's gonna take it out? Who the bolter's will be from the smaller nations?
I think I'm going to try holding off on charging a cover charge for new members, at least for the time being. We'll see how it goes the first six months or so, and if we just aren't getting enough donations or ad revenue, then I might try it out, but I don't want charging new members a dollar or two to dissuade folks from signing up... which I'm afraid it might do.
I'm sober now and will try doing it with paypal. Probably for the best that stuff with my card doesn't work when I've had anything to drink. kopper said:
Well, since I'm not *in* Germany I'm not able to replicate the issue, but I can say that I know PayPal works in Germany as I have sent payments to people in Germany before with it. You'll just have to check the site (possibly the FAQ page) and see what you can find. Normally a bank transfer or credit card will due, same as anywhere else. Good luck, and thanks!
Mike Humsgreen said:Hello, I love surf and rock podcasts, am currently drunk but cannot get the payment to work so that I can donate a silly proportion of my wage to this site. I'm not sure how long I have left until the magical juice wears thin but judging from my spelling not very long. My bank account is German, might this have something to do with anything?
Well, since I'm not *in* Germany I'm not able to replicate the issue, but I can say that I know PayPal works in Germany as I have sent payments to people in Germany before with it. You'll just have to check the site (possibly the FAQ page) and see what you can find. Normally a bank transfer or credit card will due, same as anywhere else. Good luck, and thanks! kopper Mike Humsgreen said:
Hello, I love surf and rock podcasts, am currently drunk but cannot get the payment to work so that I can donate a silly proportion of my wage to this site. I'm not sure how long I have left until the magical juice wears thin but judging from my spelling not very long. My bank account is German, might this have something to do with anything?
This isn't my car (mine is a different color blue and has 17" wheels, not 20"s), but here are a couple of photos I found on the Mooneyes site:
Do it. Then go run it on the salt!
kopper said:Call me crazy, call me stupid, but I totally want to put Moon discs on my '07 Dodge Magnum.
I'd love to have that mooneyes car to run on the street.
Do it. Then go run it on the salt! kopper said:
Call me crazy, call me stupid, but I totally want to put Moon discs on my '07 Dodge Magnum.
Picon is a liquor made of orange.
Very tasty with beer...
Is Picon a Liquer made from grapes? A friend brought a couple bottles back from Chile with that spelling or very close to. Plum not sweet is only way to have, if sweet- sugar was added-urrhhggggggg
if you still have your equipment, buy some grains and get at it!! i've been locked up all year with a broken leg, haven't brewed since december 28th, i'm almost ready to go at it, probably within a month Matt said:
I want to get back into homebrewing again so bad... hopefully I'll be able to again soon.
Bill Ballweber said:here i am
i'm a semi-regular poster, usually in the homebrew segment
I want to get back into homebrewing again so bad... hopefully I'll be able to again soon. Bill Ballweber said:
here i am
i'm a semi-regular poster, usually in the homebrew segment
traditional VHS-kilju
30l of water
bag of fast brewing yeast(dont know what its really called in english but we get it from normal markets in finland)
6kg of sugar
mix sugar with water(warm). add the yeast. wait 24h. get drunk as fuck with your 30l of piss tasting 12-16% kilju!
There were a ton of different "Creature Features" & hosts'.
Ooo! Always wanted to try anchor steam, but we don't get that out here. Alex said:
In no particular order...
Anchor Steam
Dogfishead 90 min. IPA
Three Philosophers
Stone Arrogant Bastard
Allagash White
Stoudt's Fat Dog
1, Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar
2. Goose Island Bourbon County Stout
3. Bell's HopSlam
4. Dogfish Head - Indian Brown Ale
5. Sierra Nevada's Bigfoot Barleywine
6. Chimay Blue
7. oskar blues gordon
8. Rogue Dry Hopped Red Ale
9. Oak Aged Yeti
10. Homebrew and any other beer I haven't tried
- cheap shit I like hamms, high-life, schlitz cans, stag
I also love anything that comes from Fantôme... that guy is nuts
Do they still brew Fat Dog? I used to love that freakin' beer then they told me it was discontinued and I never saw it again! Alex said:
In no particular order...
Anchor Steam
Dogfishead 90 min. IPA
Three Philosophers
Stone Arrogant Bastard
Allagash White
Stoudt's Fat Dog
I just watched Precious a few days ago, and I must say that fat bitch mom is pretty darn evil!
Another one done with what was on hand is Jack and Lipton Sweet Tea. Can be dangerous though cuz you can't taste the whiskey. If you wanted to get fancy, you could add a dash of soda water and a lemon....
Van Winkle is fantastic..a little more expensive, but a truly great bourbon. kopper said:
OK, I remember now... Van Winkle. Ever had that?