Radio What Wave Playlist Jan 17/2013
On this show, there were a few screwups due to technical issues and my usual pressing the wrong buttons....but it was all for fun!
1. The Vindicators...Thinking Of Birds...from the Time Machine CD on Stomp Records from 1996. This is The Vindicators from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, not the French band of the same name. This song was also on the LP Mr Garager's Neighbourhood on OG Records from 1989, an LP we put out with OG.
2. The Regulators...Sherry Share It...recorded live at The Polish Hall, London Ontario 11/2/79. Early London Ontario punk combo heavily influenced by The Velvet Underground.
3. The Regulators...What's In The City...from their only 7" from 1980. I was supposed to play the other side of this one, but screwed up trying to get the turntables working.
4. The Regulators...Brainless Wonder...from the cassette that comes with What Wave 24, the cassette is called Slippery's Club Hits. The title probably refers to me on this show.
5. The Mystics...Wasting Time...from their self titled CD. Hamilton combo who will be playing at Kissin' The Carpet, Jan 25th at This Ain't Hollywood in Hamilton. An all garage party night.
6. The Mystics...ESP...recorded live at This Ain't Hollywood 9/26/11.
7. Pow Wows...Plastic Factory....from their LP, Nightmare Soda on Get Hip Records. Toronto combo who will also be playing Jan 25th at This Ain't Hollywood.
8. Captain Beefheart....Plastic Factory...from his Safe As Milk LP and the original of the Pow Wows track.
9. Magic Shadows...Sunburned...demo from this Hamilton combo who will be playing Jan 25th at This Ain't Hollywood.
10. The Rosy Red...Cloudy Day...demo from this Brantford combo who will be playing Jan 25th at This Ain't Hollywood. So it'll be 4 bands playing for the all garage show called Kissin' The Carpet. And there will be a garage sale starting at 8PM, bands at 9PM. See ya there!
11. 905's...Tension...from the Break Out CD. 905's play tonite at Mitzi's in Toronto.
12. Marvelous Beauhunks...Kickin' Around...from their Do Not Resuscitate CD. They will also be playing with The 905's tonite!!
13. catl...I'm Goin' Upside Your Head...from their very first cassette. catl are playing their last show with their present drummer on Sat night at The Horseshoe in Toronto, then taking a hiatus. If you can, you should check this show out as it'll be a Killer!!
14. catl...A Pickup Killed My Ford...from their very first LP.
15. catl...Working Man's Soul...recorded live at Call The Office 9/29/11.
16. catl...Get Outta My Car...from their third LP, Soon This Will All Be Gone. A Hasil Adkins tune they used to dedicate to me when played live! They also covered another fave, The Gories.
17. catl...Don't Drag Me Away...recorded live at Call The Office 3/16/12.
18. catl...Cards...from their second LP, With The Lord For Cowards, You Will Find No Place. Such great LP names!!
19.T.H.E....Grilled Cheese...from their only demo. Local youngsters who are playing tomorrow night at Brennan's here in London.
20. NFG...Cowboy Rock...from Slippery's Club Hits, the cassette that came with WW 24. NFG will be playing Jan 26th at Call The Office as part of the Ontario Independent Music Archive showcase happening that night. OIMA is a brand new project to create a database of original music in Ontario.
21. Fucked Up....David Comes To Life...from the Hidden World CD. Fucked Up are at Call The Office tonite!
22. The Reply....The Reply....from their brand new CD, Downtown Soul. Had to fade this one out as hockey was about to air on the radio.
Thanx for the call-ins, emails, requests week we'll be doing a show called Canadian Garagepunk Sandwich. It'll be all Canadian garagepunk, the first 90m will be 80's to current, then Ryan takes over with his Freakout and brings you 60m of all 60's garagepunk!! This'll be a killer diller show, so be sure to tune in next week, Jan 24th!
Here's a link to the podcast: