On a roll here. Japanese madness. Check'em out live. Lovers of Hawkwind would love'em!
On a roll here. Japanese madness. Check'em out live. Lovers of Hawkwind would love'em!
Not too shabby either. Check out Sleepy Sun.
Yeah. Dead Meadow are great. Brilliant live. never always came across in their albums, but raw as fk. Have you all heard or heard of Black Mountain???
Show #403: "The Eggman Collection #128" playlist:
Genesis - "Musical Box"
Strange - "Hey Mr. Lonely Man"
Santana - "Soul Sacrifice"
T. Rex - "Rip Off"
Man - "Would The Christians Wait Five Minutes? The Lions Are Having A Draw"
Cheech & Chong - "White World Of Sports/Basketball Jones - Featuring Tyrone Shoelaces"
The Marmalade - "Is Your Life Your Own"
Ro-D-Ys - "Winter Woman"
Nektar - "A Tab In The Ocean"
Strawberry Alarm Clock - "Sea Shell"
The Savage Rose - "Evening's Child"
George Gallagher & White Trash - "Dawn"
The Association - "Funny Kind Of Song"
The Flower Pot Men - "White Dove"
The Shades, Inc. - "Who Loved Her"
The Castanets - "I Love Him"
Blops - "Locomotora"
Bodast - "Nether Street"
Nils Lofgren & Grin - "Soft Fun"
The Higher Elevation - "The Diamond Mine"
The Sidewalk Sounds - "Gas Hassle"
Zen - "I Want You"
Unicorn - "Ain't Got A Lot Of Future"
Rare Bird - "Iceberg"
Click here to stream this show now: http://eggmanrulez.com/m3u/403.m3u
or to download: http://eggmanrulez.com/streams/403.mp3
***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: http://portsmouthcommunityradio.org/listen ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show by "liking it" on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Metap ... 6748511750
Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!
Show #403: "The Eggman Collection #128"
The Eggman Collection is basically a big potpourri of every song I've ever liked in my life...EVER! It's literally a huge mixing bowl full of songs written onto tiny pieces of paper. Over 20,000 songs that I've been compiling for the past 20-plus years of my life. Every song I've ever liked has gone into this bowl, and every three weeks I draw them out one-by-one and play them for you in no particular order. A mix of everything and anything I like, no matter what genre, era, style or year of release...if I like it, then I'll play it! No repeats of the same song ever! Tune in tonight (Friday) at 10pm EST for the 128th installment of The Eggman Collection and hear bands and artists like: Genesis, Santana, T. Rex, Man, Ro-D-Ys, Nektar, The Savage Rose, The Flower Pot Men, The Castanets, Blops, Bodast, Nils Lofgren & Grin, The Higher Elevation, Zen, Rare Bird, Pink Floyd, and many others!!!
***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: http://portsmouthcommunityradio.org/listen ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show by "liking it" on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Metap ... 6748511750
Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!
Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here: http://wscafm.radioactivity.fm/
WoW, very cool Bees´s buzz!!
I guess you´ll like this one, John! :) (on record < 1:30)
John Battles said:
The Bees - Voices Green and Purple. The new , authorized , 45 reissue is available in the new Ugly Things. One of the great , early "Bad Trip" songs.
The Bees - Voices Green and Purple. The new , authorized , 45 reissue is available in the new Ugly Things. One of the great , early "Bad Trip" songs.
I have'nt seen it , but plan to , ASAP....it got three stars , and a favorable , front page , writeup , in The Chicago Tribune , and the Chicago Reader gave it a pretty good review , noting it's "Not as fun as "That Thing You Do"". I'd be pretty disappointed if there were nothing dark about it.....Like how young bands got bullied and pimped out by Gangsters , and harrassed by The Police , at the same time , here in Chicago , and , I'm sure , other major cities. And , God forbid your hair was one strand past the acceptable ,if anachronistic , length. Lots of bands got stomped on for that , or the obvious fact that chicks dug 'em.
Just saw the trailer for this. Has anyone seen the movie? Obviously a heavy Sopranos/Little Steven influence w/ David Chase directing. Thoughts?
Anyone mentioned 'the soul' yet? Lets face it we all know when a song is bullshitting us. When the soul and the gnarl are in perfect harmony then we gotta groove!
You can get a head start on the New Years celebration by listening to the Jeff of the Future Radio Show. On Saturday December 29th, I’ll be playing the usual garage-punk from 1:00-3:00PM EST on 89.7 WITR-FM in Rochester, NY or streaming live at http://witr.rit.edu
Radio What Wave Playlist Dec 27/2012
This is an all 2012 show, meaning everything played tonite was released in 2012. Not a best of 2012, just a bunch of really cool stuff that was released this year. Next week we continue with more from this year.
1. The Scenics... No Sleep...from their latest, Dead Man Walks Down Bayview, their first brand new recordings in 30 or more years.
2. Agent Twang...Ghost Train...from the latest GaragePunk Hideout release, Garage Monsters.
3. Evil Farm Children...Brain Buffet... as above.
Evil Farm Children at This Ain't Hollywood Aug 1/2009
4. The Ills...Zombie Boys...from their latest, Tuning Out.
5. Los Chicos Problema...Secuestrado En Otro Planeta....a demo from this Mexican 2 piece combo.
6. B10...Thighmaster...from a split 7" with BitchLove. Local loco punk rock.
7. Dynamite Pussy Club...Deep Fried...from their Radio WW session that aired Nov 1/2012. Bath UK combo who mix punk, garage, soul and stupidity to come up with this amazing sound! And DPC were the very first combo to do a Radio WW session and they've opened up the doors for other combos to do the same.
8. The Hook Up...Burnin'...from the Call Up The Devil CD. The Hook Up will be relocating to Hamilton Ontario in a couple of days.
The Hook Up at Grooves Records, Sept 8/2012
9. Bloody Diamonds...She Ain't Pretty...from a live to air on Radio WW 9/27/12. Halifax combo who mix goth, punk and a bit of psychedelia who took the time to set up and play live on air. The full session from that evening is on the Radio WW Soundcloud site.
Bloody Diamonds live to air....Sept 27/2012
10.Black Frame Spectacle...Bust Out The Boogie...from their latest CD, Grady Sessions II.
11. Kensington Hillbillies...Guns Of Brixton...from their latest CD, The Crooked Beat, which is an all Clash tribute.
12. Dr. John...Revolution...from the Locked Down CD. This guy has been recording over 50 years and can still release a great product.
13. Andre Williams...One Eyed Jack...from the Night and Day LP on Bloodshot. That's The Sadies providing the back up on this one.
14. The noble Savages...Fire In The World...Hamilton Ontario garagepunkers that have finally recorded some demos! And they are hosting the first ever garage night at This Ain't Hollywood on Jan 25th!
The noble Savages at Brennan's, Apr 21/2012. Their first live show!
15. Johnny Terrien and the Bad Lieutenants...Enigma Machine...from their latest split 7".
16. The Evil Eyes...Good As Gold...from their 4 song 7" EP. Yet another garagepunk combo moving to Hamilton Ontario.
17. The Living Deadbeats...Lost...from their only LP. Vancouver combo who played London twice this past summer on their cross Canada tour.
The Living Deadbeats, Call The Office July 23/2012.
18. The Zellots...Blades...from Slippery's Club Hits, the cassette that came with What Wave zine 24. This is the all London issue and has the band family trees, lineups etc from the mid 70's up to the early 90's. And all of the recordings on the 90m cassette are from London Ontario bands between 1978 and 1992.
19. The Enemas...Joe Wyatt...as above.
20. Uranus...Motorbikin'...as above.
21. NFG...Cowboy Rock...as above.
22. Carbon Manual...Winter Comes...brand new from The Barracudas frontman, Jeremy Gluck. And watch for a brand new Barracudas single now out.
23.The Reply...Better You....Toronto mod/soul/gospel combo finally release a CD, and you'll be hearing it lots more on this show!
The Reply at Brennan's, Apr 21/2012.
24. The Bloody Five...New York City...Toronto combo with a re-working of The Demics anthem.
25. The Barbacans...Little White Lies...from their No Hits For The Kids CD.
26.The Pulsebeats...Song For Cecilia...from their CD that came out earlier this year.
Thanx for all the phone-ins, emails, facebook messages etc. Back in the new year with another 2012 show!
Here's a link to the podcast:
Forgot to mention that Cold Sun has a FB page. You can listen to the entire Dark Shadows album there http://www.facebook.com/ColdSunAudioAndVideo
swt said:
Cold Sun is working on a new album. I just played at a gig a couple of weeks ago here with Billy in Santa Fe. He was backing ex-Angry Samoan Gregg Turner. That's Billy on autoharp below.
Divine Horsemen is a good call. They were'nt that popular in their day , but , they put on a GREAT show. Their singer was Chris D. From The Flesheaters , and their Bassist , Robyn Jameson from the same band (a version of the band.), and their early Guitarist was Cam King of The Explosives , Roky Erickson's primary band , tho' not anymore.....Their other singer , Julie Christenson, was married to a member of The Conqueroo before she married Chris D.
They combined Country with traces of Punk and even Metal , not as The Flesheaters did , tho' , it was far more subtle....
If you like the Texas Psych oriented stuff , I URGE you to check out Cold Sun , an early - mid 70's "Psych when you could'nt give it away" band , very dark , led by Bill Miller, who later went on to Roky Erickson and The Aliens. It's some mindbending shit , but , it won't come cheap.
I'm not here for your amusement. You're here for mine. Johnny Rotten
"Punk is the last music with soul"
I cannot remember who said this. But when I remember, it should be epic
Not as controversial as what I THOUGHT it said, and I was'nt alone (See "Frequently mISHEARD LYRICS)....."hANG ON tO yOURSELF" WAS A BLUEPRINT FOR tHE RAMONES AND THE uk Punk bands. Glen Matlock admitted he got the riffs to "Anarchy in The UK " FRoM "hANG ON tO yOURSELF" and "Fire Brigade" by The Move. Heavy Cochran.
Andy Climax said:
Well she's a tongue twisting storm, she will come to the show tonight
Praying to the light machine: David Bowie, Hang on to Yourself.Maybe a bit controversial here, but i love Bowie
You must understand , Question Mark's ego is in overdrive. He loves to takeshots at better - known performers , like calling Justin Bieber "Justin Beaver" or Lady GaGa "Lady Caca"!
But , I think he and Iggy are on good enough terms , but , when he does a cover , he has to tell you why and how he gave in more "Attitude".....Like , when he did "Don't Give it Up , Now" , and he drops an "F" Bomb.....Jeff Connolly could have done the same , but "?" can take those words that are no longer shocking , and give 'em some venom....Iggy , did , after all , learn from the best - Question Mark , Mitch Ryder , Non - suck Bob Seger, and Scott Morgan , before he arrived at his own thing , that ATTITOOD !
I´m with QM.... but Iggy has not Attitude? which year did he said that? No comprendo!! ?
John Battles said:
"When I did "Girl (You Captivate Me)" , I changed the words to "Girl , You MASTURBATE Me " , because everyone was havin' love songs , and life is a little more REAL than that. When I did "Loose" by The Stooges , I changed it from "I'm burnin' to you , straight from Hell" to "I'm FUCKIN' to you , straight from Hell." , bacause , you got to give it that ATTITUDE , and Iggy ain't got no attitude !!!". Question Mark.
I like this one, alot!!
thanx Henry!
dave said:
Henry Rollins
As long as I tell the truth I feel that nobody can touch me.
My Top 10 list (plus 10 Honorable Mentions) appears in today's Santa Fe New Mexican. You can read it all on my blog http://steveterrell.blogspot.com/2012/12/terrells-tuneup-best-of-2012.html (plus there's a Spotify playlist there with songs from 16 of the 20 albums>)
By all accounts , this is (Pre- dullsville) Jimmy Page. Page (still in The Yardbirds.) and McKay met in Texas , and Mckay sent the master tape , minus the guitar parts , to Page in London , who dubbed in this screamin' fretwork.
Mckay (A former Pianist with Gene Vincent's Blue Caps.)appeared in Larry Buchanan's 1966 Schlock Horror TV movie , "Creature of Destruction" , doing a killer version of Little Willie John's "All Around The World (Grits Ain't Groceries ) ", and a great original song about "Batman" (Making certain the opening riff was'nt TOO similar to the TV theme , lest he be sued within inches of his life.). McKay , largely unknown in his day , put out an impressive body of work. I'm sure there's a couple of cool comps on his 60's recordings , but , not living in England , I don't fancy that I'll ever see any of them......
Oh, the Hazelwood -- :D Some jerk deleted that vid clip from BoobToob...
Here's some nice dirty noise for y'all
Scotty McKay Quintet
John Battles said:
Oh , but , I have a soft spot for (I believe) Lee Hazelwood's first production on his own label , LHI. "It's a Nice World To Visit (But Not To Live in)" finds Ann - Margaret screaming her lungs out to an intense , Cramps - worthy Fuzz/Psych/ Proto Punk backing. And the lyrics are just as fulla piss and vinegar. "Nobody wants to hear what ya got to say ....Unless you repeat what they said from yesterday, and if you talk about something new , they just say you're CRAZY ! AND IF YOU DON'T WORK 9 TO 5 , YOU'RE A NO GOOD LAZY....yeh....Why can't people leave my life alone , and think a little more about their own? Let everybody find his thing and DO IT !! Yeh. Nice world to visit ,but not to live in !".
SOME OF THE TRASHIEST , MOST FUCKED UP 45s I can think of , now , include "Zoo's Blues" . AN INSTRUMENTAL by The Lincoln Park ZOO.....SCREAMIN' , FUZZTONE OVERLOAD , FIERY , and, yes , FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE FLIP IS A MACHO SLICE OF GARAGEROCK/CRACKER SOUL with tuff screamin' vocal and more excessive fuzz , with tasty lead Guitar lines. Obviously , it was the "A " SIDE.
By now , I guess , many of our friends , here , know "Fireball " by Mercy (Flipside of the wimp - rocker "Love Can Make You Happy".). It sounds like Travis Wammack and Davie Allan beating the SHIT out of each other. A Fuzztone Instro that GOES somewhere!
Oh , but , I have a soft spot for (I believe) Lee Hazelwood's first production on his own label , LHI. "It's a Nice World To Visit (But Not To Live in)" finds Ann - Margaret screaming her lungs out to an intense , Cramps - worthy Fuzz/Psych/ Proto Punk backing. And the lyrics are just as fulla piss and vinegar. "Nobody wants to hear what ya got to say ....Unless you repeat what they said from yesterday, and if you talk about something new , they just say you're CRAZY ! AND IF YOU DON'T WORK 9 TO 5 , YOU'RE A NO GOOD LAZY....yeh....Why can't people leave my life alone , and think a little more about their own? Let everybody find his thing and DO IT !! Yeh. Nice world to visit ,but not to live in !".
The flip is more romantic , even contains some acoustic Guitar , but bears a similar screaming lead break....."You turned my Head Around" , written by Hazelwood , bears some strange and beautiful Psychedrlic lyirics.....
'i watched the sweet smoke fill the room. My eyes were blind ,til you turned On the moon....
We were three shadows in the night , doing what we thought was all right , then melting til we were just one , and one , and one.......
This amazing record appears on "I'm Gonna Destroy That Boy ' (Virtually all - killer Gurl Garage Punk) , and a recent 45 set of LHI records.......
Not a new Band, no new Songs..
but I just discovered this band tonight and they are (in a way) actually from the same Volcano I´m from. Full of vim and vigor, their live! :)
I didn´t know them. I´m a fan now!
This is Something I L o v e to dance!!
Thanx "Dale Rocka and the Volcanoes" for this beautiful night!