I think "Crazy Horses" was also done by Redd Kross but I'm not sure.
John Battles said:
YEAH , EXACTLY. THERE WAS ALWAYS A CONNECTION BETWEEN BUBBLEGUM AND PUNK/NEW WAVE /WTF. The very first song The Cramps recorded was "Quick Joey Small". Slaughter and The Dogs did it later. Talking Heads did "1-2-3 Red Light", MANY bands did Yummy , Yummy , Yummy , of course , Like The Nervebreakers and even The Residents , but , Lithium Xmas ' Heavy Psych version of "Green Tambourine" must be heard too be believed. The Osmonds' departure from their stereotype BUBBLEGUM IMAGE, "Crazy Horses" was covered by Alexander Harvey , James Last ( of course) , Demented are Go , Tank , and some outfit on Wax Trax records. Wax Trax was one of the greatest record stores in the world , but , you invariably had to hear Industrial Dance music from their label.
Once , an employee tried to scratch a record along to a Gene Vincent and The Blue Caps album. I looked at him , and said "Sacrilege" . He stopped.
Rockin Rod Strychnine said:The Ramones did more than their fair share of bubblegum covers when starting out and also recorded a couple of classics (Indian Giver, Little Bit O'Soul) and a lot of decent 80s garage bands threw in a bublegum song or two into their set. There's a lot of good stuff out there whether or not it's by studio musicians. Sometimes it's the song, not the singer that should be listened to.