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    • June 19, 2012 9:02 PM CDT

    • You're so right. I don't know what happened to her.....She was playing in a very small club once , years ago , and I could'nt get it together to get down there in time.

      Go to "Chic A Go Go" on You Tube and see if her performance of "Rock'n'Roll Santa " is up.
      Alan Creed said:

      What would be a "worst video contest" without Jan Terri?

    • June 19, 2012 8:59 PM CDT
    • HA HA....Well put. The Vodka advertisement is probably better.  Steven Tyler ....aping Alice Cooper ? SAY IT AIN'T SO.  The kid at 1:04 , he's a relatively well known actor , now. He's the guy from "Pecker" by John Waters. I did'nt make it thru the whole thing. Even lifting from The Yardbirds could'nt salvage this song , tho'.
      Ghislaine said:

      Alice cooper revisted by Disneyland or Starbucks hahahaha

      The Ultimatemost High said:

      First video that pops to mind is....

    • June 19, 2012 8:49 PM CDT
    • No , I have'nt seen that , but Dee Dee signed a flyer for me . If I thought I was going to meet him , I would have brought a record. But , he was glad to sign it , illegible scribble and a big cracked coconut smile on his face .
      Rev. Norb said:

      Have you seen Dee Dee's hand-written lyrics to "Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment" in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? They are written like a fourth-grader would do it, with his name and the date in large, childlike printing flush left at the top left corner, and the rest underneath it. You get the feeling he never quite moved past the horizontally-blue-lined pieces of paper with the dashed line in the middle for lowercase letters on which kids do assignments in elementary school.

    • June 19, 2012 8:46 PM CDT

    • That's pretty funny.
       Dalevis said:

      According to Dee Dee's book, which I'm sure to some extent is based in reality, he wrote Warthog for his therapist who gave him the assignment of writing a love song. I always liked that song even better after reading that.

    • June 19, 2012 11:29 AM CDT
    • Have you seen Dee Dee's hand-written lyrics to "Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment" in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame? They are written like a fourth-grader would do it, with his name and the date in large, childlike printing flush left at the top left corner, and the rest underneath it. You get the feeling he never quite moved past the horizontally-blue-lined pieces of paper with the dashed line in the middle for lowercase letters on which kids do assignments in elementary school.

    • June 19, 2012 11:26 AM CDT
    • Word.

    • June 19, 2012 8:54 AM CDT
    • According to Dee Dee's book, which I'm sure to some extent is based in reality, he wrote Warthog for his therapist who gave him the assignment of writing a love song. I always liked that song even better after reading that.

    • June 18, 2012 10:52 PM CDT
    • Rocco , Yeah , I first saw them on the "Too Tough To Die" tour , but , not because I had'nt tried to see them , earlier. It was a good time to see them , they seemed to have a new lease on life. I always figured the lyrics to "Wart Hog" were'nt transcribed as a joke , since they're almost utterly unintelligible. "Mama's Boy" is still the bomb....or whatever kids say , today.

    • June 18, 2012 9:40 PM CDT
    • I saw them on the ''To Tough to Die'' tour,pretty badass.DeeDee had a short spiked hairdoo and they kicked mucho ass.''Wart Hog'' always killed me and the lyric where not on the lyric sheet cuz the record company thoght them to offensive.''Mama's Boy''is fun too...

    • June 18, 2012 9:37 PM CDT
    • Wow. This sounds great. They could have released this for all us fan - geeks (Gooba gobba , one of us !) , just clean up a couple of rough edges....Or , not even. But , after "End of The Century" did'nt make it (Well , I don't mean in Europe and Japan. They love American music.) , the band was being further demoralized at every turn. Sire withdrew all promotional items (Barring those little LP size posters that were popular in the late 80's.). Gary Kurfirst was busting their balls because Talking Heads were selling so many more concert shirts than they were ( I have this on a VERY good source , and I'm hardly surprised.), and then there was getting billed below Metallica and Soundgarden on the Lollapalooza tour. Those bands sold more records , but , they both owe a substantial debt to The Ramones. Even Dust , with Marc Bell (Marky Ramone), was beating Metallica to the punch by more than a dozen years , by combining proto - Speed Metal with Spaghetti Western embellishments.  The Ramones seldom had to open for anyone (I saw them open for Iggy , but , I THOUGHT they'd be given equal billing , same set length , same access to sound and lights.) , but , it was pretty clear , Lollapalooza was their last tour , barring the brief stadium tour of Argentina . The three bands could've had equal billing ,if that was the only way to satisfy everybody's ego , AND give the elders their due respect.  
      John Battles said:

      sOMEONE POINTED THAT OUT , EARLIER. THAT "TOURING" DATES BACK TO THE "PLEASANT DREAMS ERA....JOEY POINTED OUT THAT HE LET A RECORD COMPANY USE THE SONG FOR A GIRL GROUP or Spector OR DOO WOP tribute (I forget which )project , and they changed it to "Doreen" , about a girl who loves to travel. "Doreen , Doreen , she's never boring". Joey was'nt too thriled. But , it's probably the thing that motivated him to release a version by The Ramones.
      Rev. Norb said:

      That demo was floating around the internet a few years ago...i had it and it wound up getting deleted. There was a bunch more to it -- songs like "Touring" which didn't see the light of day til "Mondo Bizarro" in 1992 were on there.

      Tyler said:

      Someone uploaded the pleasant dreams demo in almost its entirety. Nothing new, but it's really cool to listen to it altogether to get an idea of how it could've sounded with some punkier songs, rawer production, and a couple less experimental tunes. Might've been their definite  album ever. (it's missing the demos "kicks to try" and "stars in this town" though that were included on the rhino reissue.)

    • June 18, 2012 8:53 PM CDT
    • Thanks for posting this. I forget , which among these tracks I have or have'nt heard.....But , the demos included on the Rhino reissues more than suggest what a monster a lot of these albums could have been , or , a bigger monster than some of them already were
      Tyler said:

      Someone uploaded the pleasant dreams demo in almost its entirety. Nothing new, but it's really cool to listen to it altogether to get an idea of how it could've sounded with some punkier songs, rawer production, and a couple less experimental tunes. Might've been their definite  album ever. (it's missing the demos "kicks to try" and "stars in this town" though that were included on the rhino reissue.)

    • June 18, 2012 8:49 PM CDT

    • sOMEONE POINTED THAT OUT , EARLIER. THAT "TOURING" DATES BACK TO THE "PLEASANT DREAMS ERA....JOEY POINTED OUT THAT HE LET A RECORD COMPANY USE THE SONG FOR A GIRL GROUP or Spector OR DOO WOP tribute (I forget which )project , and they changed it to "Doreen" , about a girl who loves to travel. "Doreen , Doreen , she's never boring". Joey was'nt too thriled. But , it's probably the thing that motivated him to release a version by The Ramones.
      Rev. Norb said:

      That demo was floating around the internet a few years ago...i had it and it wound up getting deleted. There was a bunch more to it -- songs like "Touring" which didn't see the light of day til "Mondo Bizarro" in 1992 were on there.

      Tyler said:

      Someone uploaded the pleasant dreams demo in almost its entirety. Nothing new, but it's really cool to listen to it altogether to get an idea of how it could've sounded with some punkier songs, rawer production, and a couple less experimental tunes. Might've been their definite  album ever. (it's missing the demos "kicks to try" and "stars in this town" though that were included on the rhino reissue.)

    • June 19, 2012 3:02 PM CDT
    • SG hands down. I like a really fat sound

    • June 19, 2012 11:06 AM CDT
    • The Trip! June 17th Show! 
      Here it is:

      The Setlist:

    • June 19, 2012 9:59 AM CDT
    • Also The Vicious... even more punk

      Jon S said:

      And Masshysteri is a great punk band.

    • June 18, 2012 2:46 PM CDT
    • cool! thanks.

    • June 18, 2012 11:48 PM CDT
    • i MAY HAVE ALREADY SAID SOMETHING HERE.....Younger men , take comfort in knowing the MEMORY is first thing to go.... I'm a writer , "Musician" and sometimes visual artist , based in Chicago. Before that , I lived in Dallas and Arlington (Or Dullass and Arlingfun as we used to say....), Texas. Lived in parts of Illinois prior to that , too. I write and illustrate for Roctober magazine -   , and worked with Bad Trip , Black To Comm , Psychotronic Video , and others. I've got a piece in the recent Roctober retrospective "Flying Saucers Rock'n'Roll" , and in the Roctober - released or related "A Friendly Game of Poker", "T.V. a Go - Go" , and a book of interviews with Dan Clowes ("Ghost World" , "Eightball" , etc.) . I'VE BEEN PLAYING MUSIC , OFF AND ON , FOR 30 years. BUT , i'VE REMAINED A SOLO ACT WITH JUST A FEW SIDE PROJECTS (Inc. DAS VOLT , FRONTED BY BRYAN McMAHON OF THE ELECTRIC EELS. ) .   You can see my one You Tube video , my version of "Six Days on The Road", at totallybmx (That's not my page , so , show some respect.)......It'll explain why my report card says "Does'nt Play Well With Others".

      Oh ! Music .....Rockabilly , Garage , Psych , Country , Blues , Early Hard Rock , R'n'B , Punk , Instrumental Rock , other stuff.


    • June 18, 2012 9:58 PM CDT
    • Greetings Earthlings!

      Just joined, and I'm enjoying looking around. I'm from Melbourne Australia, and played in bands during the 8s and 9ts, including The Reckers (Psychobilly), Unclean Spirits (garage punk) and the Daredevils (garage punk). Looking forward to kickin' back and enjoying the distortion....!

    • June 18, 2012 10:38 PM CDT
    • The Misfits piece (Which is very good.) reminds me of a Guerilla Interview session between The Late Brad Stiles (Hugh Beaumont Experience , The Eat.) and The late Wendy O. Williams.

      Brad: Do you like Texas?

      Wendy : Yeah.

      Brad: What kind of soup do you like?

      Wendy : I dunno.


      Wendy: HUH?!!!

      The interview , as it were , appeared in an issue of Throbbing Cattle , a xerox zine put out bythe members of Ft. Worth Teen Punks , The Hugh Beaumont Experience. Because they actually WERE teenagers , the zine had a more personal touch , including contributions by my good friend , the Late Keith Kaski. The HBE broke up after recording one amazing Psychedelic track and a funny Funk/Rap spinoff on the cool "Steel Rok Presents" cassette compilation. Drummer Jeff Coffe turned up , as King Vitamin (Already his stage name.),  in The Butthole Surfers , and Stiles RE-EMERGED , years later , with a great funny Hardcore/R'n'B BAND WITH A CONGA PLAYER CALLED THE EAT.  They quickly disapeared , which was too bad. I really wanted to do a show with them. Several years later , still , Stiles commited suicide.

    • June 18, 2012 5:25 PM CDT
    • I was on my sojourn through the metroplis when I spotted a tramp selling "The Big Issue". What caught my eye was the cover had a cartoon of Paul Weller, which, being a fan of The Jam, made me take notice. It was a really interesting feature where Weller talks about being a father and how it changed him, as it really was an eye opener on topics like how what happened after Red Wedge and its affect his songwriting, among other things.

    • June 18, 2012 1:54 PM CDT
    • Misfits Interview from 1983

      Tour Dates Live Recordings Media Appearances Recording Sessions Time Line Song and Name Information Merchandise Fan Club Sources

      CRETIN BULL, 2/83

      [This interview took place on 1/29/83 and features several photos
      by Bill Daniels.]


      Like a tidal wave of white noise, the Misfits overwhelmed the throngs
      of anti-punk humanity Saturday night (January 29th) at the Ritz.

      The evening started out with the Droogs doing an unusually hot set.
      They left the stage, however, on a seemingly angry note. The
      Offenders took over next with JJ in prime form. His uncontrollable
      animalism and maniacal mongoose energy reminded me of Henry Rollins.

      Les Big Boys did their Big Boy stuff next. By this time the hall was
      packed literally to the rafters, so the crowd got really jumpy when
      the brass section made their first appearance in months.

      And then, after all that, the aforementioned Misfits came on and took
      over. Robo, ex-Black Flagger, pounded away with Roman Centurion
      peacock pride. The Only brothers (Doyle and Jerry) thundered away at
      their guitars, churning out the horror rock stuff that they're so
      proud of.

      At first, the terrible rhythms and anti-melodies were totally
      indiscernable from one perpetual blast of droning thunder. But later,
      as the ear became used to the onslaught of musical TNT, everything
      fell into place, making for an excellent show.

      The Misfits performed an extra long set with enough energy for seven
      bands. It was the first time we've seen the Ritz in operation for a
      while; I hope we get to see more of it soon. I hope we again see the
      Misfits soon too.

      Talked to the bassist Doyle Only after the show. Check it out:

      Bull: How do you like playing in places like Texas?
      Doyle: Tonight was great.
      Bull: I heard that ya'll met in a gymnasium: is that true?
      Doyle: Well, uh...
      Bull: We want to know how much you can bench press. Do you bench?
      Doyle: No.
      Bull: I thought for sure...
      Doyle: No. The last time we went on tour, the police down in New
      Orleans stole all our weights. We had weights in our truck. They
      stole that and our cameras.
      Bull: Tell us what happened in the cemetary in New Orleans. Are you
      planning to go to the graveyard here?
      Doyle: No, we're not doing that anymore. (general laughter) It cost
      us 300 bucks. We made 300 bucks playing in New Orleans and we had to
      give it to the cops. We got good publicity out of it, but fuck that,
      you know...
      Bull: How did ya'll run in with Robo?
      Doyle: Well, we were just in the market for a drummer. We were on
      tour two years ago and our other drummer, Googy, he said that we was
      going to split the band. He didn't get along with Glenn so well. They
      didn't hit it off, so he said that after this tour he was gonna
      leave. We just put out an APB for somebody and Robo called and said
      "hey, it's Robo..."
      Bull: When did ya'll meet the Big Boys?
      Doyle: The first time I met them was when we played the Island last
      time in Houston...
      Bull: Ya'll seem to hit it off pretty well...
      Doyle: Oh yeah, they're all great. Pretty much everybody that, you
      know, is in the scene...uh, Black Flag, everybody...we're friends
      with everybody. Except the Dead Kennedys; we hate them.
      Bull: Why?
      Doyle: They're a bunch of assholes; Jello's a jerk.
      Bull: What do you say to people who say you're imitating Kiss and
      stuff like that?
      Doyle: Well, that just show the state of their knowledge of music.
      Bull: How do you find Slash?
      Doyle: Slash does nothing; they're a useless record company. Anybody
      who deals with Slash is out of their fucking mind. We came to them
      with a tape, the album cover; we gave them the whole thing in a
      package deal. We just brought it right down, put it on their desk;
      and all they had to do was have it made. They didn't kave to do
      fucking nothing. And, you know, how they come up and tell us "hey,
      you guys owe us money..." We owe you money? What the fuck are you
      talking about? We almost tore up their office on them and stuff...
      Bull: I noticed you got some bad press in California for a little
      mishap or something; care to comment? (Notice the skillfull manner in
      which Jake 2000 avoided actually naming any of the unpleasant
      Doyle: Well, we don;t take shit like a lot of people take shit...
      Bull: What happened?
      Doyle: We were up there, busting our butts for the crowd, you know;
      and then they start target practice with beer cans...People throwing
      full cans of beer at you; eventually it came to the point where we
      said "yeah, fuck you..." And...we handled it.

      (Bull note: The tape ran out strategicall, but Doyle apologised for
      what happened.)

      by Jake 2000.

      The Misfits have managed to assemble almost everything I dislike or
      avoid -- their shells are huge and muscular, the result of much
      he-man efforts, their rude leather and spikes lavishly expensive,
      their live shows deafen the ears for about 30 hours, their daddy
      flies them home after every weekend, they even beat up a kid in his
      feable attempt to empathize with the band.

      However, despite all these bad points against bad eggs, the Misfits
      are still fun to watch; they transmit so much energy that you can't
      help but enjoy their shows, (assuming you weren't part of the mass
      exodus who fled with pained ear drums).

      This is no horror rock as everyone claims it to be. This is just
      loud, fast metal played with subtle danceable rhythms. Their music is
      barely even disguised to conceal it's true nature -- heavy metal in
      used leather drag. But it's good metal nonetheless.

      But what they do conceal beneath their devilish appearance is the
      fact that they're really nice guys with regular jobs during the week
      who probably wouldn't ghoulishly rape you on the first date,
      (assuming you would ever date a Misfit). This image I am
      extrapolating from Doyle, the bass player, who was eager to talk,
      friendly, articulate, a good egg.

      We bombarded him after the show with questions, all asked at random,
      hardly allowing him to answer. So it's a little jumbled and not much
      is elaborated upon. Cretin Bull again exceeds the limits of

      by the Sister.

    • June 18, 2012 10:03 PM CDT
    • I'm glad to know i had a positive influence on someone back then.I remember the first night that we did a long rave up to I'm a man in fingers were bleeding by the time we loaded equipment and got back in the pictured Madd hearse.I contacted a VERY talented garage band from the Netherlands a couple years back called "The Madd" told them I too was a left handed guitar player in a U.S. band in the early 60's by the same nameI .heard no reply.I'm sure they thought the poster was photoshopped.Odly enough I went on their myspace music site and the logo on the drums and keyboard are almost an exact copy in lettering style that's on the old rusting Madd hearse. LOLNice to be in contact again after half a century Craig.

      CRAIG MOORE said:

      MADD didn't make a record, to the best of my knowledge they never wrote a song, but they were the ultimate garage cover band. SO good, they knocked us out totally. We were still beginner's in the Pagans. I don't think we had met Rex & Brent yet when we first saw MADD, and I had only been playing bass for a couple of months. Barry the bass player looked like McCartney & played a Gibson EB-1 violin shaped bass left handed. He was amazing as were all of them. I asked him how long it was going to take me to get a handle on bass and he told me "oh about 6 months and you'll start to get it, start to 'hear' things." We were practing & learning songs and listening to records 24/7 of course, and I literally watched the calendar and at that 6 month mark 'viola!' I started hearing octaves and such on the records, started to decipher the 1 from a harmonic note, etc. Still had a LONG way to go but that remark was magic. MADD did "Rain" letter perfect when it was NEW, at a time when most bands could only listen in awe to the record. The organist was Casey Foutz who eventually left Ottumwa with Phil Jones (Enoch Smoky) and were founding members in LA of Crabby Appleton, "Go Back" etc. MADD evolved into THE UPSTAIRS PLAYGROUND in 1968 and got very very psychedelic, California acid drenched, guitarist Mike Sexton was beyond fabulous as a guitarist & vocalist, last time I saw him was 1968 or 1969 and he looked exactly like a taller version of D***ie Peterson (Blue Cheer). He's either a highly paid session musician with a huge ranch in Montana, a rocket scientist, born again, or dead. I have no idea. David Bernstein the drummer was one of the greatest unknown shit kickers you could imagine. We did LSD together once, I think David got a little wierded out by that scene. I heard some vague rumblings about him in the early 70's but never knew where he ended up. I hope he's fine and I hope he never lost his love of music, he was great. But MADD's bass player had a huge impact on me personally, and the band was idolized thoroughly by The Pagans and GONN, and in fact they inspired both the spelling of our name AND the fact that we adamantly enforced the "no 'THE'" rule, as did MADD. The fact that we had our own hearse was as close as we could get to being as cool as MADD, in our minds. Until we made a record, anyway.  I saw this hearse ad about 6 months or so ago and sent it out to Phil Jones just as a reminder of the good old days back here in the midwest.  I saw Casey back in Ottumwa about 1983 when my band Ready Steady Go was playing a club there. He had been playing with Pacific Gas & Electric in LA and had a heart attack, moved back to the home town to recuperate and get his head together. It was great to see him, he always reminded me of Gene Clark, but he seemed pretty down and not very happy. I was pleased that he remembered me and the band and all the times we hung out with them. Not too long after that I heard he had another heart attack and died. Very sad. So all you fans of records by GONN, you need to say a 'hail Mary' for Casey and never forget there was a band called MADD that maybe didn't make a record but their impact is with you still, every time you hear GONN or hear another story of the Iowa scene 1965-1968. There were the ultimate Iowa garage band. 

    • June 18, 2012 9:43 PM CDT
    • Playlist for 6/18/12.  Streaming and archived at  Bands:  If you'd like to submit music to WMSE, contact me or snailmail to our address which is included on the radio station master list in this group.


      Throw It Away - Joe Jackson

      On The Lift/Fake News - The Oops

      Concerned Citizen/Your Problem - The Consumers

      Sock In My Mouth - Cheeseburger

      Yeah Yeah Yeah - Teengenerate

      Beneath The Shadows - TSOL

      Borrow & Bomb/Toxic Box - Off!

      Young & Bored - Wasted Youth

      Du Solftest Schwingen - The Moo-Rat Fingers

      Don't Stop Partying - The Mean Jeans

      Watcha Gonna Do About It - One Man Show Live

      On Target - The Skulls

      Punk Rock Girls - The Snazzy Boys

      Beat You Up - The Spits

      Teach Me To Kill - Gas Huffer

      Cheap Beer, Fast Cars & Girls - The Spites

      Ya Ha Be Be - The Happy Kids

      Smart Patrol/Mr. DNA - Devo (Live 1981 Seattle)

      Gates of Steel - Snapcase

      Take My Time - Cococoma

      It's My Pride - The Evaporators

      Dead End America - The Pagans

      Rock-n-Roll Show - The Bobbyteens

      Victim 29 on Highway 45 - Texas Motherf***ers

      Revhead - The Scientists

      Building Z - Guitar Wolf

      Howlin' for You - The Compulsions

      LOCAL SIZZLER: Do You Know What I'm Doin' ? - Ramma Lamma

      Story of Love - The Saints

      The Future Is Now...(and it stinks!) - JJ and the Real Jerks

      Hot Sody - The Screamin' Mee Mees

      Shut Up! - The Fall

      Bow Legged Woman - Feast of Snakes

      Staring Into Midnite - Zen Guerilla

      Real Cool Time - The Stooges

      I'm Your Man - The Mashers

      Stuck On You - The Jade Idol

      Blue Surf - The Patents

      Fuzz Face - El Sicko

      Rat Fink/Don't Tread On Me - The Mono Men

      Help You Ann - The Lyres

      Temptation Inside Your Heart - Velvet Underground

      Guess I'm Falling In Love - The Diaboliks

      Bustin' Outta Tights - The Beguiled

      Scatter - Link Wray

      Private Idaho - Chum

      Caveman - The Cramps

      Louie Go Home - A-Bones

      Get Out of My World - Sugar Shack

      Bird Bath - Los Shains

      You Outta Know By Now - The Gentleman Callers

    • June 18, 2012 8:41 PM CDT
    • Stream or download the entire June 15 show right here.

      Alcatraz – The Hayseeders
      Escape – Herbie Duncan
      She’s My Alcatraz – Mr. T. Experience
      No Escape – Thee Headcoats
      Great Escape – The Forty-Fives
      Goodnight, Alcatraz – Roy Loney & the Phantom Movers

      Hear You Talking – Beverly Jones with the Prestons
      Little Ann – Johnny Knight
      Bad Neighborhood – Ronnie & the Delinquents
      Why Ain’t Bo on My TV? – Hipbone Slim & the Kneetremblers
      Walk Through that Door – The Satelliters

      Ghost Train – Creeping Ivies
      Luv Me True – New Kind of Mambo
      Teenager in Love – Roky Erickson & the Aliens
      It’s Just That Song – Charlie Feathers
      Degueu Burger Radio Ad – Bloodshot Bill
      I Saw You Crying in the Show – Bloodshot Bill

      Taste – DMBQ
      Blackout – Trash Emperors

      Local Lunchbox
      Summer Vacation – Couch Flambeau
      Forbidden Harem – The Nelsonics
      Date with Danielle – The Nelsonics
      My Head Hurts – The Spanic Boys

      The Governor & His Daughter – Life Size Pizza
      Loathsome Blues – Chicken Snake
      Tombstone Hymn – Rev. Tom Frost
      No Big Thing – Holly Golightly with The Brokeoffs
      So You Wrote Me a Letter – La Bastard
      Girl in White – Delaney Davidson

      Footsteps Part II – Outer Minds
      Untitled (The Dream) – The Future Primitives
      TV Preachers – Heavy Cream
      Pixie Dust – Hellshovel
      Summer Shake – Nice Face
      Lock Me Up – The Flip Tops
      Jackie & Donna – The White Wires

      Don’t Take Your Bad Trip Out On Me – The Electric Mess
      I’m Spent – The Routes
      Thank You – Mary’s Kids
      Simon Simone – The Figgs
      Let’s Spend the Night Together – Los Straitjackets feature Sarah Borges
      Hillbilly Bop Rhythm & Blues – Million Sellers

      See the Other Guy – Mother’s Children
      Turn Up the Gain – Shotglass Killers
      Get Outta My Way – The Meltdowns
      Let’s Have a Party – Lyres
      100 CC’s – Lyres
      Evil Eyes – The Phantom Keys
      Jump Inside – The Smoggers

      She’s Gone – Left Lane Cruiser & James Leg
      I’m Moving On – The Pleazers
      I’m on This Rocket – Tav Falco & the Panther Burns
      She’s So Sweet – Harmonica Lewinski
      Little Tiger – H-Bomb Ferguson
      You Don’t Love Me – Jay Swann

    • June 18, 2012 2:42 PM CDT
    • So yeah, this song was posted to Youtube late last year.

      ...along with this message on a few sites:

      "Mr. Crypt RecordsTim Warren, posted today on his Facebook™ that Teengenerate is currently remixing a clutch of UNRELEASED recordings from a 1994 sesh at Egg Studios. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! I'll post more info as it becomes available."

      Hopefully this still happens!