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    • May 30, 2012 12:10 PM CDT
    • Aren't the Screaming Dizbusters actually the Nomads? Thought I read that somewhere before (never heard 'em, though)...

      whatwave dave said:

      Here's a few more......The Creeps (1st 2 LP's only), Union Carbide Productions, Backdoor Men, Wilmer X, Shoutless, Wayward Souls, Bottle Ups, Cornflake Zoo, Livingstones, HighSpeed V, Screaming Dizbusters...and there's lots more.

    • May 30, 2012 11:46 AM CDT
    • Here's a few more......The Creeps (1st 2 LP's only), Union Carbide Productions, Backdoor Men, Wilmer X, Shoutless, Wayward Souls, Bottle Ups, Cornflake Zoo, Livingstones, HighSpeed V, Screaming Dizbusters...and there's lots more.

    • May 30, 2012 11:40 AM CDT
    • One band I played on my most recent episode of "40 Oz. Nonsense" are the Gravel Guts. Over on their Bandcamp page, they've got 3 albums available for download, and all free. Here's the link:

    • May 30, 2012 9:46 AM CDT
    • The Hives, Dee Rangers, Backyard Babies, The Stomachmouths, The Nomads, The Locomotions, The Strollers, The Maharajas, The Satans, The Hellacopters, Sons of Cyrus, The Sewergrooves, Henry Fïats Open Sore, The Wylde Mammoths, Crimson Shadows, The Maggots, The Blacks (Savage Records), The Heartattacks... that's all I can think of right now! As you can see, there are tons of great bands from Sweden. Good luck!

    • May 30, 2012 9:10 AM CDT
    • I have a comp of swedish garage punk with one of the bands as the Klunk's Klan.  My mind sometime plays tricks on me to read it as the KluKlux Klan and I say "what the" but then I am corrected.

      I probably have tons of swedish bands on comps I don't realize are from Sweden but could pull out from the online comp database....but I will only mention one because I was listening to him last week  Little Gerhard, maybe a little rockabilly because he was earlier sixties but I love his Go Go Groove.

    • May 30, 2012 7:06 AM CDT
    • I need some new fresh Swedish garagepunk (wild, psych, hippie, beat...) bands for a mixtape.
      so please give me some hints. (also old "evergreens" are welcome.) 

      thank you!

    • May 30, 2012 5:04 AM CDT
    • I have to say chime in with The Creeping Ivies, The Mobbs, and this summer's heavy rotation platter is Peter Molinari for that too hot a day, coffee in hand, Dylan feel.

    • May 30, 2012 12:21 AM CDT
    • If you want psych, Baby Woodrose put out a new album earlier this year on Bad Afro Records.

      The new album from Thee Vicars is pretty solid.

      The Dynamite Pussy Club is some good raucous stuff.

    • May 29, 2012 7:35 PM CDT
    • Sure, just go to the Slovenly Recordings store.

      Also, don't forget about Puerto Rico's Davila 666!

      Fanático De Garaje said:

      Alison, I discovered spanish garage rock recently and I'm going nuts for it! Stuff like Los explosivos, wau YLos Arrrghs!!!, Doctor Explosion, I heard a couple of songs from Los Vigilantes and really like them but having hard time find there music. You know where I can get there records? Thanks!

    • May 29, 2012 5:48 PM CDT
    • Yeah, i thought so too, and while I didn't care for the lyrics of his "Jeff Beck" number, I thought his delivery was good though, better than how he sounds on record these days (unless it's rerecorded vocals of old unreleased 70s numbers.  He sounds pretty good there too.)

      Alison said:

      Did you guys see Jagger on Saturday Night Live last weekend?  He played a with the Foo Fighters and Arcade Fire and sang a silly song with Jeff Beck on guitar.  Pretty entertaining.

    • May 29, 2012 2:41 PM CDT
    • I like The Beatles, but love The Stones! I feel The Stones have a bigger impact on garage rock. I love every record up to Emotional Rescue. Even there stuff after that is still cool. The Beatles in my opinion were too goodie goodie in the beginning then got very random later. I know the Beatles changed rock-n-roll (and I do like there records) but so did The Stones and I feel The Stones stuck to there roots. I'm more of a minimalist when it comes to rock. Prob why I love garage rock. Straight forward Rock-n-Roll baby!

    • May 29, 2012 8:23 PM CDT
    • For all the old "farts":

    • May 29, 2012 7:09 PM CDT
    • I think that whole 'doing everything together' actually was a result of and came straight out of "A Hard Day's Night", that made a major league impression on just about every aspiring musician around the world. Garage bands weren't so much just 'a band' as we were a bunch of gangs with guitars thanks to The Beatles!

    • May 29, 2012 7:06 PM CDT
    • Yes we have one or two, I'll see about that. Something else I recall about MADD, by the time they became UPSTAIRS PLAYGROUND they had a band house and lived together, the first such thing I had heard of and it sounded like the ultimate lifestyle to me at the time. As MADD they did everything together and went everywhere together, and GONN did as much of that as possible. It wasn't too hard since Fort Madison & Keokuk were only 21 miles apart and we went back & forth continually. But no GONN band house! But in those days that would have been like locking the Irish & the British in the same house anyway. Ha!



      kopper said:

      Great story, thanks. Craig, if you've got any photos of the GONN hearse, you should post 'em here!

    • May 29, 2012 5:13 PM CDT
    • Hearses rule, especially band ones.

    • May 29, 2012 4:43 PM CDT
    • Great story, thanks. Craig, if you've got any photos of the GONN hearse, you should post 'em here!

    • May 29, 2012 2:43 PM CDT
    • MADD didn't make a record, to the best of my knowledge they never wrote a song, but they were the ultimate garage cover band. SO good, they knocked us out totally. We were still beginner's in the Pagans. I don't think we had met Rex & Brent yet when we first saw MADD, and I had only been playing bass for a couple of months. Barry the bass player looked like McCartney & played a Gibson EB-1 violin shaped bass left handed. He was amazing as were all of them. I asked him how long it was going to take me to get a handle on bass and he told me "oh about 6 months and you'll start to get it, start to 'hear' things." We were practing & learning songs and listening to records 24/7 of course, and I literally watched the calendar and at that 6 month mark 'viola!' I started hearing octaves and such on the records, started to decipher the 1 from a harmonic note, etc. Still had a LONG way to go but that remark was magic. MADD did "Rain" letter perfect when it was NEW, at a time when most bands could only listen in awe to the record. The organist was Casey Foutz who eventually left Ottumwa with Phil Jones (Enoch Smoky) and were founding members in LA of Crabby Appleton, "Go Back" etc. MADD evolved into THE UPSTAIRS PLAYGROUND in 1968 and got very very psychedelic, California acid drenched, guitarist Mike Sexton was beyond fabulous as a guitarist & vocalist, last time I saw him was 1968 or 1969 and he looked exactly like a taller version of Dickie Peterson (Blue Cheer). He's either a highly paid session musician with a huge ranch in Montana, a rocket scientist, born again, or dead. I have no idea. David Bernstein the drummer was one of the greatest unknown shit kickers you could imagine. We did LSD together once, I think David got a little wierded out by that scene. I heard some vague rumblings about him in the early 70's but never knew where he ended up. I hope he's fine and I hope he never lost his love of music, he was great. But MADD's bass player had a huge impact on me personally, and the band was idolized thoroughly by The Pagans and GONN, and in fact they inspired both the spelling of our name AND the fact that we adamantly enforced the "no 'THE'" rule, as did MADD. The fact that we had our own hearse was as close as we could get to being as cool as MADD, in our minds. Until we made a record, anyway.  I saw this hearse ad about 6 months or so ago and sent it out to Phil Jones just as a reminder of the good old days back here in the midwest.  I saw Casey back in Ottumwa about 1983 when my band Ready Steady Go was playing a club there. He had been playing with Pacific Gas & Electric in LA and had a heart attack, moved back to the home town to recuperate and get his head together. It was great to see him, he always reminded me of Gene Clark, but he seemed pretty down and not very happy. I was pleased that he remembered me and the band and all the times we hung out with them. Not too long after that I heard he had another heart attack and died. Very sad. So all you fans of records by GONN, you need to say a 'hail Mary' for Casey and never forget there was a band called MADD that maybe didn't make a record but their impact is with you still, every time you hear GONN or hear another story of the Iowa scene 1965-1968. There were the ultimate Iowa garage band. 

    • May 29, 2012 5:59 PM CDT
    • I'll second SFRI, Telstar and Boom Boom of Renton (& now I know why I never got my last issue or 7'' from the Fang

    • May 29, 2012 4:50 PM CDT
    • good to know.......thanks!

      Alex said:

      Certainly Estrus, Rip Off, and SFTRI.  By the way, Crypt isn't defunct.  They still put out new records.  Just put out an LP by Atomic Suplex a few months ago.

    • May 29, 2012 3:56 PM CDT
    • Wormtone

      Golly Gee (which, despite the name, was a pretty good surf label)

    • May 29, 2012 4:37 PM CDT
    • Nope, I never did see that site called Bunnybass, but it sounds like something I would've loved!  And the Bomber Boxx, it's one of my favorites, and it's cheap.  I get so pissed when I see NEW fuzz pedals selling for well over $200 or $300.  It's like an insult or something, I can't quite put my finger on it.  I built a few pedals over the years, and the components, unless they're rare NOS, are so cheap.  The BB used to sell for $110 brand new, but I'm not sure what Sean sells them for lately.  The cool thing is, it's his own circuit design as far as I know.  Totally original