One of these days Mell.....when you least expect it I'll sneak up on you!!! Just to get even for all those facebook pokes!!!
in person? never!
Well ,they , and others like them , are entitled to what they can get.They've worked their balls off. From what I can see , Iggy's not hurting for money , but his little toe works harder than most of these younger , supposedly cutting edge bands , and people like him should be celebrated for staying in it for the long haul.
I admit , I have'nt listed to "Loco" in quite some time , but he never went away and he's never looked back , yeh < "Don't Look BAAAAAACK !!!!" And , I'm not referring to the SHAME of Boston , but , the PRIDE OF BOSTON'S SONG BY THAT NAME....
MzAmar said:
I just saw Willie Loco Alexander play last night, he's 69 and he still looks and sounds great. Decidedly rocking. (I actually just looked up his age, I'm shocked!) Iggy Pop is 65 now. It's funny to think of he and Willie Loco trying to figure out Medicare Part D.
I don't think anyone is too old to rock. It's in your soul. And I think rock keeps people young. Rock is a wonderful thing.
Y'all know I have a website devoted to this very topic, yes? I have spent a lot of time thinking about how rocking and age are not mutually exclusive.
I have seen some people who are old and no longer rock (shall we name names?) and who should hang it up, but I salute those who keep on keeping on, despite how it gets harder to do as time goes by. Nobody says about an old Blues or Jazz guy "aren't you a little old to do this?" but people feel free to say it to rock musicians who are just on the brink of middle age. It's absurd.
Nice site, Mz A. I just read the Brokaw interview. I've seen him play a few times with Evan Dando. Great player.
I just saw Willie Loco Alexander play last night, he's 69 and he still looks and sounds great. Decidedly rocking. (I actually just looked up his age, I'm shocked!) Iggy Pop is 65 now. It's funny to think of he and Willie Loco trying to figure out Medicare Part D.
I don't think anyone is too old to rock. It's in your soul. And I think rock keeps people young. Rock is a wonderful thing.
Y'all know I have a website devoted to this very topic, yes? I have spent a lot of time thinking about how rocking and age are not mutually exclusive.
I have seen some people who are old and no longer rock (shall we name names?) and who should hang it up, but I salute those who keep on keeping on, despite how it gets harder to do as time goes by. Nobody says about an old Blues or Jazz guy "aren't you a little old to do this?" but people feel free to say it to rock musicians who are just on the brink of middle age. It's absurd.
Dude, you didn't have time to get old...
I saw the Sloths a couple of months ago at the American Legion Hall in Highland Park. They're old AND they pretty much brought it. Now, they rocked in a different way than the Shag Rats that evening, but they rocked none the less.
Show #373: "The Eggman Collection #113"
Every 3 weeks I do a series of shows called The Eggman Collection which is a big potpourri of every song I've ever liked in my life...EVER! It's literally a huge mixing bowl full of songs written onto tiny pieces of paper. Over 15,000 songs that I've been compiling for the past 20-plus years of my life. Every song I've ever liked has gone into this bowl, and every three weeks I draw them out one-by-one and play them for you in no particular order. A mix of everything and anything I like, no matter what genre, era, style or year of release...if I like it, then I'll play it! No repeats of the same song ever! Tune in tonight (Friday) at 10pm EST for the 113th installment of The Eggman Collection and hear bands and artists like: Ekseption, Hapshash & The Coloured Coat, Gun, Traffic Sound, Blonde On Blonde, The Tubes, Lighthouse, The Association, The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, The Beatles, Montage, It's A Beautiful Day, Serge Gainsbourg, Quintessence, Erkin Koray, Norman Greenbaum, Episode Six, Lord Sutch, Miller, The Who, and many others!!!
***To stream The Metaphysical Circus live via the web click this link: ... to listen to past shows, view playlists and more, fan the show on facebook: ... 50?sk=wall … or check out my website (to be updated someday):
Live every Friday night at 10pm to 1am EST on WSCA-LP 106.1 FM, Portsmouth Community Radio!
Watch my playlist unravel before your eyes LIVE here:
Alright my name is Wayne, I was born and raised in Thunder Bay On. Canada... I am 35 and have myself a happy little family.
For fun I do a radio show(couple times a month) on the local campus/community station on Thursdays 10-Midnight eastern standard time
I play in a band called Reverb Bomb we just put out an album...
I also play bass in a Space Rock/Psychedelic called Murray!
Frankenstein 5 !!!!!!!!!!!! Only total 60's garage punk band to come outta sleepy London Ontario in the late 80's!!!!
Just added a bunch of audio files for episodes from April, May, and June 2003. Check 'em out!
As far as I can tell, that's ALL of the CD-Rs of my show that I recorded. They're all online now. I still have a good stack of cassette tapes to go through, though, so watch this thread for more audio files to be added hopefully soon.
I just posted this article because I thought some people might find it interesting. I was expecting the reaction to be mostly negative.
As for the whole idea of resurrecting CBGB, I'm not too keen on it either. CBGB was one of those things that happened during a specific time under a specific set of circumstances, and trying to revive it in our time just sounds too weird. Most of the people who remember it will never accept it, and I don't know if it will catch on with a younger crowd. BTW, I liked your "Pet Semetary" analogy:) I read that book, so I know what you're talking about.
BTW, just a few doors down from where CBGB used to be is a really cool venue called the Bowery Electric. I say let the deceased venues rest in peace, but support the new venues, because they really need it.
melissa scott said:
MikeL: since you posted the piece, what is your take on the announcement of CBGBs Mach II? You must have had a reason for posting the article link.
Some of use here -- gut reaction -- was clearly negative, but I was wondering if you or others on the Hideout have a different take on it? Is any venue better than none when it comes to the music scene in NYC? It's been a while since I've been there, so that's why I'm asking.
MikeL: since you posted the piece, what is your take on the announcement of CBGBs Mach II? You must have had a reason for posting the article link.
Some of use here -- gut reaction -- was clearly negative, but I was wondering if you or others on the Hideout have a different take on it? Is any venue better than none when it comes to the music scene in NYC? It's been a while since I've been there, so that's why I'm asking.
I also have the DVD which I got for my birthday a few years ago. I think you can still get it on Amazon. I have to say, ended up putting it on and it brought my party to a halt as we all sat around excitedly watching. Fun! It is a great movie, and interesting to see the bands they picked who became giant and those that didn't.
I got one of them and it is pretty cool! It cuts a lot of frequencies on the low end but it has a nice lo-fi sound with a little clip if you turn the volume you got on the mic itself.
If you put it trough and old tube preamp then you got the kind of "Sonics" vocal sound!
Obviously since it cuts frequencies once you can't go back to a normal vocals sound once you have recorded.
I really suggest to by one if you like that sound a telephone capsule might be too extreme!
I'll post some mp3's once I got the song mixed down...
Apologies if I missed some kind of announcement but what happened to the Rock n Roll Suicide podcast? It was one of my favourites and I'm missing my lo-fi rock n roll fix! Shame it's ended so close to 100 episodes too.
If it has indeed gone for good can someone recommend one of the other current shows that plays the same kind of stuff? (I'm already a fan of 'House...' & 'Flying Saucer...')
This one's weird.....Kind of , well , VERY grusome , so if you're easily grossed out , please ignore.
OK , i got 'em now.....
Screamin' Jay Hawkins' "Feast of The Mau Mau" - I always believed it to go (And still do.)
"Pull the skin off your friend with a razor blade"
Wait. It gets worse....
Someone swore that it went "Pull the STEM off your friend with a razor blade."
I said , "Stem?" , she said , "Yeah ,you know , dick !". Either that , or Jay greatly enjoyed Australian bands. But , his comments on touring with Nick Cave would suggest otherwise.
1. Anything released by the Chesterfield Kings
2. The Bleach Bloodz - "Pure Rock N Roll"
3. The Mojomatics - "Don't Pretend That You Know Me"
yeah vintage american guitars are pretty over the top all over the world i think. bit better here due to the dollar at the moment
Winston Texas said:
Yup, probably why the dude is re-listing for the 3rd time. I don't know about where you live but American guitars have an outrageous mark-up here in the UK.
Well spotted :) i was told it was some kind of special edition or something but never found any more info.. oh the wammy is around and yes i should get some strap locks instead of tape!
G. Wood said:
The only thing I know about that Jazzmaster is the whammy bar is missing, and if it were mine, I'd get the tape off it. And it looks like you're playing an E.
The only thing I know about that Jazzmaster is the whammy bar is missing, and if it were mine, I'd get the tape off it. And it looks like you're playing an E.
If anyone cares... It came out on Burger Records. I picked it up a few month ago, it's decent but not as raw or catchy as their mix tape cd from a few years back