If you haven't read it yet, try your local library. We enjoyed it, but not enough to add to the permanent collection. Still, it is amazing what your library can get on interlibrary loan for free.
joey fuckup said:
Thanks for your recommendation on this. I've literally picked this book up twice at my Barnes & Noble here and debated on whether or not I should get it. I did read a review on it in either Shindig! or Ugly Things (can't remember), and it was mentioned that there was a large focus on Levy. The impression I got, though, was that it seemed to be more about him than Tommy James himself. Even though Levy played a huge role in James' career, what I'd like to know is do you feel like you get any insight into Tommy at all? I do like his music, especially his non-hits that oldies stations never played. (Do real oldies stations exist anymore?) I don't doubt this is a good read, but it may be one I'll be waiting to see if it hits the discount table.