You might also try changing the values of the pots (but keep the old ones in case you ever want to change it back...).
But 7JDH14 is right, the SG wont sound like the GL, but it might sound pretty nice!
You might also try changing the values of the pots (but keep the old ones in case you ever want to change it back...).
But 7JDH14 is right, the SG wont sound like the GL, but it might sound pretty nice!
Swapping the pickups will change the tone, but it's not gonna make your SG sound like a Legacy. There's a lot more to the Legacy tone than just the pickups.
You can put single coils in the SG. It might look strange, but I've done it before and I kinda liked it. You can either just put them right in there using the existing pickup rings, or you can use these adapters:
Either way, there are humbuckers out there that sound like single coils. Just search online and you'll find them.
There are humbuckers pick ups, that are splittable to single coil, so you could have both sound on same guitar or blend 'em, and don't need to change them both. For example Seymour Duncan distorsion, try it in bridge position.
Does this make any sense to you?. I got a beautiful Gibson SG Standard which I don't wanna sell away. The only problem is a don't like the sound of the guitar as well as my G&L Legacy(fender strat). Than I got this idea, to buy fender pickups and put them into the gibson. Or do you know about some nice bright sounding pickups who will work aswell as fender pickups? Please share your information!
Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking...
John Battles said:
No idea....Sounds like an early to mid -80's Post Punk thing (And , by that , I mean stuff like The Minutemen as well as experimental bands from London that only 50 people ever heard until recently....). Maybe not. The singer does'nt sound familiar. Somebody else might recognize it , tho'.
No idea....Sounds like an early to mid -80's Post Punk thing (And , by that , I mean stuff like The Minutemen as well as experimental bands from London that only 50 people ever heard until recently....). Maybe not. The singer does'nt sound familiar. Somebody else might recognize it , tho'.
Sorry Kopper. Newbie mistake. Here is the song:
You do realize you can simply attach the MP3 to your discussion post, right? Just use the "Upload Files" link. No need to make everyone download it from Mediafire...
A friend asked my help in identifying the following band/song, but I'm stumped. Does anyone know who this is?
J'etaime Le Pere Bloodshot Bill , and , Hell , he does'nt even live here !
I'm out of the loop. The weather's been shitty (Tho , mild for a Chicago winter , I grant you.) , and The CTA is slower than ever....I recently saw Tutu and The Pirates and The Mentally Ill do a bill together. Everyone came to see Tutu (Popular late 70's comical Punk Band) , but , while they were GOOD , just predictable , I thought The Mentally Ill blew them off the stage (Figuratively.) . Mentally Ill were based in Deerfield , Ill. , released two singles ("Gacy's Place " being their calling card.) , and did their very first gig almost 30 years after forming (The C*nts , arguably Chicago's first Garage revisionist group , kept a comparably low profile for years , as well.)....
Quite honestly, I've had a bad sinus headache all day long, and I didn't sleep too well last night, so death is looking pretty good right now.
Time For Tiffin said:
A tad harsh to wish someone dead cause they don't share your love for some bloke ain't it?
Feathered Apple Records said:You better drop it anyways, because you don't even seem to be capeable to spell my pal's name correctly, and because you've already spoiled it anyways! It makes no sense to clean wash afterwards, better drop dead!
A tad harsh to wish someone dead cause they don't share your love for some bloke ain't it?
Feathered Apple Records said:
You better drop it anyways, because you don't even seem to be capeable to spell my pal's name correctly, and because you've already spoiled it anyways! It makes no sense to clean wash afterwards, better drop dead!
That's what I call a good sport!
MikeL said:
Hey, I'm cool with it, and I can understand his position. I've been in the same position myself when it comes to Little Steven, so now I'm getting a taste of my own medicine;)
Gringo Starr said:Ha ha ha! Easy does it guys! No need to fly off the handle. Right?
Hey, I'm cool with it, and I can understand his position. I've been in the same position myself when it comes to Little Steven, so now I'm getting a taste of my own medicine;)
Gringo Starr said:
Ha ha ha! Easy does it guys! No need to fly off the handle. Right?
Ha ha ha! Easy does it guys! No need to fly off the handle. Right?
You're the one who brought it up, and I'm just responding. I was actually hoping you were going to shed some light on this issue, and that is why I read your post. BTW, I sometimes spell Prevost's name with two "g's" because I get him and Kostelich confused. As for dropping dead, that's going to happen sooner or later anyway. Feel free to giggle if you happen to read my obit.
Feathered Apple Records said:
You better drop it anyways, because you don't even seem to be capeable to spell my pal's name correctly, and because you've already spoiled it anyways! It makes no sense to clean wash afterwards, better drop dead!
All I did was repeat something that someone else told me, and a few other people have told me similar stories.
I'll admit that I've never met Gregg Prevost, and maybe he can be a nice guy, and I'm glad he's been so nice to you. I'm just going with my gut instinct based on what I've seen of him, and yes, I may be wrong.
As for Kostelich, don't take it so hard. He has vendettas with a lot of people.
And I do hope you noticed that I gave the CKs their due, that they are a great garage band.
Feathered Apple Records said:
How could you ever write such a total bullshit?? The Chesterfiield Kings were offstage even cooler than they were on stage!
Greg Prevost has always been one of the very BEST and by far coolest buddies for years and years, and years! I've first got in touch with Greg by mail after the first C.Kings LP came out in ca. 1983, because I've liked his band and fanzine. He undoubtably has got one heck of a great knowledge about 60s bands (more than possibly anybody else on this forum has got!), and is close pals to many,many other bands/musicians!
By the instant I've got his first letter back, I was realizing from the spot what a great pal he really is! He was always acting like the best old friend to me, I think. Even today I would still say that Greg has always been like the best of all pal's!, anytime!
I've even got signed copies of the Kings "Stop!" and "Let's Go Get Stoned" LP as present from Greg without even asking! He has sent them in as a surprise! What a fantastic pal he really is! Something that I have never received from any other band, and I've used to work with a couple of bands during the 80s and 90s already!
I've also met the Chesterfield Kings a couple of time in person too, before/after some gigs in Germany, and France. They've always been super cool, and most friendly!
I'm sure that they have more friends than like the cynics, this is especially now after people on this sometimes lousy and not very garage forum have heard about how Gregg Koestlich of The Cynics and Get Hip Records thinks about other bands like The C.Kings..
Bon appetit!
The Chesterfield Kings were the first and also the best band to play in the authentic 1966 garage style! 'nuff said!MikeL said:
Yes, I've heard stories from a former drummer of the Cynics that the CKs can be real assholes, especially Gregg Prevost, but it doesn't change the fact that they made some great music.
Hi Rob. Whatsupp?
Alright man!
Thanks for the fotos & reports and all. Hope you get better soon and swing out of the hospital as soon as you can.
swt said:
I've been out of commission since I got back from SXSW (Had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. Still in the hospital. Sucks getting old!)
But here's my daily blogs from the festival CLICK HERE My photographic evidence is HERE.
Among the garagepunk types I saw: The Gories, Kid Congo Powers, Thee Oh Sees, The Spitz, The Hickoids, Glambilly, The Grannies ...
I've been out of commission since I got back from SXSW (Had hip replacement surgery on Tuesday. Still in the hospital. Sucks getting old!)
But here's my daily blogs from the festival CLICK HERE My photographic evidence is HERE.
Among the garagepunk types I saw: The Gories, Kid Congo Powers, Thee Oh Sees, The Spitz, The Hickoids, Glambilly, The Grannies ...
I agree! They probably made this video after painting in an unventilated room. I wonder if anyone has the heart to tell them they're not cool?
No kind of big deal.
No Carnegie Steel.
Actually, an awesome collection. Brings back good memories.
The Damned followed by the Ramones. Mostly because they both have released so many damned (get it?) records and 7" sleeve variations etc etc that sucker a collector nerd like me to buy. No picture of me, but a set a photos I'd snapped for another forum. I have to give credit though to an old friend who sold me his entire Damned 7" collection back in the 80's. I knew it hurt him, but he knew it was going to a good home. That's where a good chunk of my Damned and Capt. Sensible singles came from.
Ha! A blast from the past! I lived in Manchester from 1988 to 1992 and can remember the Madchester scene well. Fond memories.
I shared a house with 4 other blokes and was the only one NOT to go to the legendary Stone Roses' Spike Island gig because I was a musical snob/dickhead - to busy with my mod/garage/psych stuff. Bitterly regret it now. I did see the Inspiral Carpets in the very first week I moved up there - their early stuff had a definite garage feel to it. The keyboardist Clint Boon had a cool 60s bowl haircut and used to wear the Paisley shirts.
Eastern Bloc Record Shop was where I bought all of my vinyl Pebbles comps and I managed to get a near mint copy of The Seeds 'Future' album, complete with inserts, in a second hand shop on the Oldham Road. Think it might have been called the Vinyl Exchange. That album cost me a months rent.
Ocean Colour Scene are still going - they had a strong 60s feel. I still love Supergrass - the first 2 albums are punk/pop classics. Anybody remember Shed 7? They knocked out a couple of classic mod-punk tracks. And Elastica blatantly ripping off Wire!
I've only got two rock 'n' roll claims to fame. They're both very sad and pathetic, but both revolve around the Madchester thing. I once literally crashed into Shaun Ryder of the Happy Mondays as he careered across the street whilst having a barney with someone outside Manchester Central Police Station. Also, if there's anyone out there who's old enough to remember the infamous 'Madchester' TV documentary, there's a section where the TV crew are outside Eastern Bloc Records and for a tiny fraction of a second, if you freeze-frame and look very closely, you can see my Converse All-Stars walking into the shop.
Sad I know, but fine times.
Our look used to be white shirts, bootlace ties kind of gentlemanly cowboy look..because we didn't sound anything like that!ps. feel free to download the album: