35, Living in Pittsburgh, Pa (USA)
listened to metal until I was @12 or 13 when a friend turned me on to the Misfits, Agnostic Front, 7 Seconds etc... It was all downhill from there...
The Cramps really turned me to a life of sin at a young age... I have lived for booze, drugs (gave these up because of the junkies I had to spend time with), sin, & rock & roll ever since...
Got married in Jamaica to a super hot punk girl, too much of living the life led to several minor arrests, her putting guns in my face on a regular basis, getting held hostage by a local crazy, etc...
After a nervous breakdown (I noticed somebody else mentioned this happening also) I'm back on the mend these days. I lost a 20 year record collection, all my guitars & clothes... Recently got a new turntable, started my record collection over (it sucked losing it, but it really is fun starting a better one.)
Started school to become a machinist last week & it's great, been writing songs again & waiting to see what state/city I land in next to start a new rock & roll band.
As far as my music taste these days, anything on Voodoo Rhythm, everything I heard from Burger Records, everything I have heard from Douchemaster Records, Get Hip, Velocity of Sound... Big Nobunny fan, big Spits fan, really into punk, oi, old rock & roll, r&B, doowop, Mark Sultan, 60's garage & psyche (off the top of my head.)
Probably way too much info, but I blame that on the medication & the booze...
Cheers kiddies!