First off you guys do do a top-notch job and of course if you've got members leaving due to a perceived low quality of discussion threads then this will lead you to consider removing them, but perhaps the better course of action would have been to set up an "It's all fun and games" group where these threads could have been moved to. That way those who want to continue the chain reaction or post what they're listening to at the moment are free to, while others do not have them cluttering up the main thread. This is something that you do with other types of posts and works excellently as you can discover discussions that would ultimately be lost under a pile of "What's your favourite animal related song?" posts. (Rocky Racoon for me). In doing that, when future members join, you won't be shutting down more posts by those who do not realise that you have set certain standards as by shutting down posts of newcomers you risk them leaving immediately and not engaging further with the community and with those posts that you do want to see more of. The danger is that now you've set a precident and I'm sure you'll be shutting down more posts in the future in the name of quality control. I'm all for raising the bar, but everyone's gotta be able to jump it.
The other discussions, such as the selling out one, when they turn nasty of course you have to step in and shut that down. This is the problem with internet anonymity. I was a little pissed at the time (not at you guys, at those who'd turned it nasty) as I had spent a few days considering the issue and had a whole response planned about pride, clique behaviour and group dynamics (it's the social scientist in me!), but found it locked when I went back. That would certainly be a discussion I'd like to see again, but a reasoned discussion where people back up their arguments, respect others' points of view and not start slinging shit. As my granny used to say, "It's an opinion, it can't be wrong."
Hey Alison, I sure understand where you're coming from, public discussion is always good and needed. I was just trying to point out that the Hideout has a good history of community stuff happening and where else do you get to address the folks that run the bunny directly? Yeah, sometimes it can sound scruff, but 97% of the time it comes off fair and good. Hell, we're punks not the Zuckerberg army :)
As your "what's happening in your scene" discussion shows, there's even very good places to throw around videos AND making sense, while picking up on fun stuff. So there you have it.
I believe Axel (I know it could have been any of the members that had their thing closed) is a relaxed enough dude to maybe repost his thing to his Blog. Although I thought it was funny too, I wasn't gonna contribute, I have a hard enough time catching up with everything else here, haha.
Whoaaa. Seriously, did not mean to offend you guys, and I certainly do not have an "intense problem" or feel there is a "conspiracy." I very much appreciate your hard work with this site and your podcasts. So I do intensely apologize if I have put anyone in a "bulls eye" because that was not my intention. I have a very teasing, silly nature so my post was meant very tongue in cheek - of course I do not actually think Gringo Starr is a fascist. It is just in my nature to challenge authority, and like it or not, as moderators, you guys are the authority here so you will have to expect push back sometimes (I also hope at some point you will see that push back can be a healthy thing).
I can understand how you can often be in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with moderating. Perhaps there could be a more democratic, communal way of handling these situations so you won't have the pressure of being the bad guy? Some sites have ways for members to flag comments and posts so they will be removed after so many flags. I don't know what the solutions is, I just think it warrants further discussion amongst all the members which is why I didn't just email Kopper about it. I think it would be good for the group to talk about what type of posts they like or don't like.
My point about the caveman, cavewoman thing is that people often don't always analyze why they like something, they just feel it in their gut and want to share it which is probably why people often respond to discussions with videos, which is not the same thing as being a troll or an asshole, or even trying to play a game. I'm not saying it is good or bad, just what's been happening. Now that you have stated you want to raise the bar, you will need to he more descriptive about what your expectations are.
Anyhoo, I will qualify my earlier statement with, don't take me so seriously. Just take care and keep up your good work.
Well, that's what I call a good set of responses by the moderator guild here. I'd say, about 200% better and nicer than what you would get on any "web 2.75" site that really takes itself too seriously.
Believe me, these guys are as far away from being a bunch of squares as anyone can be. No one was ever asked to kiss any rings here & it's not gonna happen in the future.
And it was stated that you can be silly whenever you want to - Blog posts or chat or yer buddies profile comments - whatever, hell you can even have Blogposts that only your friends see. Silly/stupid/fun games on those should bother no one.
The Hideout for what couple of 1000 users it has, is pretty damn diverse. A lot of different tastes come together and that's freakin amazing to me. There's quite few assholery going on and it always sticks out and gets leveled with some personal care, when it comes around. It's a "PLACE FILLED WITH EXCITEMENT" - I love that, cuz the internets filled with enough shit anyway. But it's growing bigger and that just takes some doing-to.
The guys operating it, believe it or not, do it for free and have kept this up and running in various stages of mutation over the years - that's a lot of work. Haven't heard them put up a discussion titled, "APPLAUSE FOR MEEEEE, ME & ME!" ;) We're here now with some moderating and some changes happening in the general discussions board. So yeah, cool with me, it's just a means of handling this monster, not pissing people off.
There's no conspiracy going on - So cut the whole thing some slack, pleeze?
What was the original post that was taken down?
Well, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't, right? If we DON'T take all of this "a bit too seriously" then the Forum can get bogged down or riddled with mindless game posts/threads and flame wars that piss people off and cause them to leave, or if we DO take it seriously and keep the forum moderated, then we risk pissing people off for not letting them post their silly games and getting their panties in a wad over ridiculously stupid shit. That puts us in an awkward position that requires us to try to agree to (and stick to) a certain standard. I understand that there's a bit of an issue with attempting to "raise the bar" when you're dealing with, as you put it, cavemen and cavewomen, but we're honestly above that sort of mentality, aren't we? "Cavemen and cavewomen" shouldn't be synonymous with trolls or assholes, after all. Just because you like your music primitive doesn't mean you should have primitive brains.
Alison said:
I get it, but I think you might be in danger of taking this all a bit too seriously. We aren't intellectuals dissecting prog rock, we are "mindless" cavemen and cavewomen searching for that perfect primitive beat. Garage punk hits us on a visceral level. Anyway, feel free to encourage more (and post more) thought provoking topics, I just think its a little heavy handed to suddenly start shutting down people's posts. You pretty much started a "game" the other day with your worst video you've ever seen post (great find by the way).
....No Ghoulardi , No Cle - Punk.
I forgot one...When I first heard "I Wanna Be Well " by Los Hermanos Ramone, I thought it went "I Wanna Be Whipped" . I had a tape of some songs from The Ramones' 1977 show in Ft. Worth , and Joey says "WEEEEEELLLLL....AFTER EATING AT PANCHO'S (Gross "Mexican" Buffet.) ....I WANNA BE WELL !" . It was even funnier that I thought he meant the food was so bad at Pancho's , he should be whipped for even eating it....
Definitely NOT the '60s. That's modern production. Don't know the song, though, sorry.
I downloaded this years ago from Napster. It was listed as the Kaleidoscope and the song as Leaving Here.
This is not a song I believe is actually recorded by either band named the Kaleidoscope (US or UK) from the 60s. This sounds more 90s production to me. Anyone have any idea who this is? I love it, just don't know who it is.
Wait, fanny packs are still cool, though, right? <phew>
oh, come on.....BROWN HAIR? hello, fashion nazi!!!! also, wtf is wrong with vox guitars???
Alison said:
Uncool: paisley, ruffled shirts, bell bottoms, wallet chains, neckerchiefs, mailman, velvet, guns, matching suits, hippie, tambourines, brown hair, rockabilly, turtle necks, goatees, space suits, brown vests, wrestling masks, CBGB t-shirts, polka dots, cocktails, Beatle boots, Beatle hair, scarfs, spy theme, fat guys, Vox guitars, 1980s version of the 1960s
You're s'posed to be using Feedburner, remember? *bangs head on wall* I'll shoot you a DM. Check your inbox for further instructions.
Try and reconsider The Seeds (and being hyped! ...errr when?) The Seeds are the only band I could listen to forever (sad but true). They like Bo Diddley felt their groove so strongly that most every song/album is based on one or two chords.
Sure Sky's voice is whiny but he is a magician of subliminal psychedelic messaging transforming into your trip guide by harnessing the primal power of the animal, plant and fungal kingdoms. I hate to push drugs on you but with psychedelics the Seeds are better than 99.66% of "psychedelic bands" they Pushed the envelope..... They were one of the first, IMHO the Doors ripped their entire act and sound ....
"Pushing too Hard" should be a standard ....
dying slowly said:
i can never get into the seeds i guess they got to hyped up for me
hicksville hogwash said:
Hogwash's research has uncovered that thee "garage" standards should only be tunes that are covers of another cover, until the original artists versions tune, lyrics, timing is lost in the confusion.
So under these conditions thee standards should begin with: Louie Louie, Surfin' Bird/Pah Ooh Mow Mow, Empty Heart, Suzie Q, Summertime Blues, Gloria........
Bob Wayne, 357 String Band, Goddamn Gallows (recent), Wayne the Train, Hank 3? Or is that stuff too recent?
Hey Anna!
Sorry, it's a classical NOT-reply from me. Can't help...
But maybe Marty from Pacification can be asked, he did print some posters digitally if I'm right. Haven't seen them in the flesh, for how they looked printed. I guess it was in the NY area, where production happened.
Anybody know any decent, affordable poster printers? Not silkscreen, cos it's a 4 color job. Any info would be awesome. Thanks!!
electrocute your cock said:
...Hell if they wanna fart into a top hat and record it then by god they will fart into a top hat and record it! Bring the fucker on!
I can understand some people being a bit wary about a band getting back together and putting out a new record fifteen years after the last one especially when Play 9 Songs was such a great way to go out but the way I look at it is those guys have put out a shitload of great music since then so I an't see them suddenly fucking this up. It's not like they've been away from music all these years. Hell if they wanna fart into a top hat and record it then by god they will fart into a top hat and record it! Bring the fucker on!
i need to come here more often.......best news i've read all day! nay, YEAR!!!!!
Also in St. Louis, the Nevermores have a new LP coming out on vinyl very soon... I posted this video in the Video section recently (it's just a promo vid, nothing special, but the song is very cool!):
Kustom City Sounds 2/24/12
Kustom City Sounds
Hour I
The Damned – Neat, Neat, Neat
Sleater-Kinney – Combat Rock
Freddy & The Four_Gone Conclusions – I Can’t See You
Doctor Explosion – Everybody
New York Dolls – Jet Boy
Rocket From The Crypt – Drop Out
Seger Liberation Army – Get Down On Your Knees
The Death Set – Chew It Like A Gun Gum
The Escatones – Hello Lucy
Get Lost – One Way Ticket
The Black Hollies – Benevolent Beacon
Suicide – Rocket USA
Dirty Beaches – Horses
Moon Duo – When You Cut
Joy Division – Dead Souls
Black Pistol Fire – Where You Been Before
Carl Cherry – The Itch
Road Kings – Hot Headed Gal
Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas – Drug Lists
Hour II
The Black Keys – Lonely Boy
Darkside – All That Noise
Dead Weather – Bone House
The Gun Club – Sex Beat
Little Barrie - Surf Hell
Imperial State Electric – Sheltered In The Sky
Light Bulb Alley – Eye In The Sky
The Satelliters – It’s Not True
Johnny Sandon & The Remo Four – Lies
The Lyres – We Sell Soul
Urban Junior – Sweet Johnny Suicide
Little Walter – Lights Out
The Fleshtones – Ride Your Pony
The Orbits – Mr. Hard Luck
EATER – Public Toys
G.B.H. – Time Bomb
New Bomb Turks – Snap Decisions
Ernest – Shot My Paw
Satan’s Pilgrims – Soul Pilgrim
Glaze Of Cathexis – Cold Fusion (stereo)
The Breakups – Everybody’s Girl
The Dolly Rocker Movement – Falling Home Again
Defectors – C’mon Shake!
The Strange Boys – Should Have Shot Paul
The White Stripes – The Hardest Button To Button
Velvet Underground – What Goes On (closet mix)
A.C. Jones – Oh Baby
The Performers – Mini Skirt
Hour III
Johnny Paycheck – I’m Barely Hangin’ On To Me
Joe Stockton - Coffeyville
Wayne Hancock – Double A Daddy
Jo Ann Campbell – Wait A Minute
Deadbolt – Whereabouts Unknown
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Shuffle Your Feet
The Modern Lovers – She Cracked
John Lee Hooker & The Groundhogs – I’m Losin’ You
The Splash Four – Nut Cop
The Monkees – Porpoise Song
The Milkshakes – Grim Reaper
Johnny Throttle – Waking Up Alone
Muck & The Mires – Last Time
A Place To Bury Strangers – Ego Death
Radio Birdman – New Race
The Broken Vinyl Club – One Way Street
Elmer Fudd
The Compulsive Gamblers – Stop & Think It Over
Spectrum – Mary
Plasticland – The Glove
Jesus And Mary Chain – Teenage Lust
Acid Baby Jesus – Tyrannosaurus Rex
The Escatones – Hello Lucy
Beetlejuice – Qualifications
Hour IV
Ansel Collins – Nuclear Weapn
Desmond Dekker - & The Aces – Israelites
Thievery Corporation – The Richest Man In Babylon
Black Mountain – Druganaut
Led Zeppelin – We’re Gonna Groove
Boss Martians – She Moves Me
No Bunny – Blow Dumb
Shutdown 66 – Gone For Bad
Emmanuel Laskey – The Monkey
Hard On
Buddy Howard - Take Your Hands Off Me Baby
The Heavy Eyes – Iron Giants
The Main Street Gospels – Won’t Be Stayin’
Two Gallants – Fail Hard To Regain
Gene Vincent – Crazy Beat
The Fall – Big New Prinz
Ingredients – Please Don’t Leave Me
The Maharajas – Repo Man
The Solid Soul Disciples – One By One
Great thread. I came across this link today. Conan O'Brien gets to check out George Harrison's guitars. His reaction is hilarious!: http://www.gretschguitars.com/blog/lifestyle/conan-checks-out-george-harrison-guitars/