I love me a good Fez!!!
pistol*b said:
I love me a good Fez!!!
pistol*b said:
WTF????? ummmmm...can you show some pictures?
Matching genitals is the funniest thing i've heard in ages....lol....
Thee Genitals 4 said:
We all dress like matching genitals.
Does that count?
Our theme for "Northside Garage" is Garage - work shirts with names and hats. The upside is I never have to think about what to wear. Guess that's a little lazy too ;)
Mask and capes are MANDATORY over here and the occasional denim vest.
I have always enjoyed watching bands that dress up. There are some people that will say that Punk is an attitude and it doesnt matter what you look like. I think thats just laziness. We are in the entertainment business!
What's your style, Mod suits or t-shirts and jeans, Cavemen or Spacemen.
Bands who look great get my vote everytime. Who are the best dressed and the worst dressed bands? Do you even give a shit?
Fuck Hot Pockets.
Man, I wanted to befriend Hot Pockets, but he seems to be gone. Seems his garage was not producing the right lead ladened carbon monoxide poisoning gas emissions that your garage does. I think his opinions were valid. Surely, garagepunk is and was always a fuck you genre of closed minded backwards looking idiots and being the coolest, ineptest, loudest, cheapskatiest, combo in your area is the pinnacle of uber-fuck-y'all-mainstream-sheep. I kind of agree with the "what are these old dudes doing pretending to be all teenage angst" sentiment of Mr Pockets.
...and I never listened to the oblivians till today. I too like my old 50's and 60's shit and past there few bands make the mark for me so I don't even try anymore. At least Hot Pockets had seen and heard these guys play.
Best news I've heard in AGES.
Hey folks,
I'm Doug, a 21 year old student. I play guitar, and drum occasionally. I'm mostly into punk, rock'n'roll, and garage, but I dabble in hardcore. I run a music blog at http://waxtrash.tumblr.com/ - I post reviews and whatever I'm into musically. I'd love to review your band; follow the 'feed me music' link, and I'll be able to get some stuff put up on the blog about you.
for the amout of members here this forum is kind of dead, so just talk about the elements of the 50s/60s sound and why do you love it so much.
I love R&R ,rockablilly ,blues ,garage ,psych etc because as a guitarist i love the tones and techniques of the guitarists.
any one got any advice on a psychotic reaction type lead tone on a tight (very tight) budget
I think rudi got caught up in that whole 'only garage revival band on a major label' buisness and decided this made them the best and most important, to be fair i do like the fuzztones and the LA years particulaly
I have never heard a Fuzztones song. That's all I got.
This is just so typical Rudi on so many levels. He fails to understand the importance of so many other bands from the 80's wave of garage greatness that played in Europe in the '80s. His band was just one of them. The Fuzztones and Rudi in particular have ruined any kind of a legacy he might of had these days because of big-headedness like this. But this is certainly not news to many of us here. Bad news travels fast indeed.
The Cramps, The Milkshakes, The Sting-Rays, The Nomads (Sweden), The Chesterfield Kings..... I know there are many more, but in Europe these cats came before..... hell, even The Undertones (a more garage than punk band) was covering Nuggets songs before The Fuzztones donned their black leather and bones and took the garage clique to a ridiculously almost metal pinnacle.
I liked that first album a little bit but for some reason the above always held my ears interest for way longer.
What an arrogant, lying bastard. He's fucking delusional. Or insane. Who cares, anyway? The Fuzztones suck.
So this email was forwarded to me by a friend. It came from a journalist friend of his from the UK after his son stumbled upon a video of The Fuzztones on youtube. I just had to share!,
For the record, even though I was once in this band... I side with the kid on this subject!!
My son was logged on to you-tube and he ran across the Fuzztones and he asked me and couple mates of mine who work for Mojo and NME if we had ever heard of them. My son showed us this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96Bo5rFjIG4 and we could not stop laughing after listening to the lead singer, i forgot his name, tell the crowd that he was the first to ever introduce Garage music to the European audience. My son was very angry and so were my 2 mates when he nothing good to say about the Strokes, Hives and White Stripes. All 3 of those groups are my son's favorite. All 3 of those groups have made front pages of Mojo, NME and other music papers. 30 years in the business and they are still playing empty little clubs and they never get media coverage. Are they mates of yours? The reason i asked, aren't they an LA band? Was Kim Fowley ever the group's manager/producer?
My answer: No Kim Fowley was not the groups MGR or producer. No they are not an LA band. They were for a while when we were in the band. Nowadays, the Fuzzclones live in Berlin.
So when you hear this kind of stuff, don't be mad at me. I'm appalled too.
Just saw that THE STANDELLS are playing sxsw
Sat Mar 17 2012 at 08:00 pm
Venue : SXSW @ Buffalo Billiards, 201 E. 6th St.
"The Standells are scheduled to perform at the SXSW Festival on Saturday, March 17th. The group is currently working on their new album, and several of their new songs will be performed on stage for the first time. We can tell you that the group is really excited about the new material, and judging by the reaction from those who have heard one of the songs, you’ll be every bit as excited!!!"
Nice from a guy who plays in Thee Genitals !!! haha
Thee Genitals 4 said:
Keep playing with heart.
Anyone familiar with the Outlaws? Not the country rock band but the Joe Meek produced lot? I own a few singles and also have the excellent cd:Back to the West.