WELL SAID, JOSH! If they think it's "uncool" that a band reunites, tours, releases an album, well then, LOOK THE OTHER WAY! No one's putting a gun to your head to pay attention to ANY of it. If a person thinks bands like the Oblivians doing this is "stupid", well, they have the simple option to just get over it. Let the fans enjoy it instead of pissing all over the "good news" for a lot of us. This thread was supposed to be a positive thing, by the way.
Josh Gladwin said:
Just two posts in and it's painfully obvious that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Your "facts" and "legitimate criticism" stem from shit that is completely made up in your head. For starters, to groan about nostalgia suddenly appearing in a music form that is itself built on pillars of nostalgia is mind-numbingly stupid. Garage Punk, or whatever you want to call it, has always looked backwards in order to recapture a neglected strain of weirdness or to reassert the raw essence of rock'n'roll. To be okay with nostalgia being part of the whole but not okay for a part of that same whole is flat-out dumb. The only litmus test for the Oblivians or any band playing maximum R&R is really, can they bring their "A" game or not. I've seen the Oblivians quite recently and I know they can. This isn't me looking back with rose-tinted glasses, pining about the "summer of '69" or "the day the music died." The Oblivians delivered the goods which is more than I can say for the recently reunited Gories which to me felt like Mick Collins dragging along two bundles of dead wood. And as for your insinuation that this whole new album thing is just a bald-faced cash grab- are you nuts? How much cash do you think is floating around under the garage umbrella to make selling-out even a viable option? Get real. If these guys make enough to square away some bills off of this venture, they'll be lucky.
Hot Pockets said:It's not whining. It's legitimate criticism. What the hell do I care? I'm old, too. And what the hell do I care what get's passed off in the mainstream? I'm talking about a fact. Nostalgia. No one would like them now if they weren't popular then.
This kind of shit is starting to piss me off. Garage turning into just another genre. I always loved it despite it's obvious inadequacies because it was the closing thing to just music. Simple songs, guitars, retardation. What more could you want?
Take that away and it's mostly just bad music.