I agree , it must never be a question of gender , or the idiot notion that the differences between us are somehow bad..... Also , guys who try to discourage women from playing music need to realize , they will , regardless. Besides , I'm sure they'll find women who like men with little coctail wiener thingies.
Ghislaine Korb / THE PUSH-BACKS said:
haha yeah!not here to bitch about ,but to dennounce a vast male population of music towards chicks with instruments.Jsut last week,i was inquiring about the hourly fares for some rehearsal rooms here iin Montreal,and the guy goes''for vocals,it's $15 an hour''--assuming i am NOT here to play any instrument.Pheeeeeew!
i have many times shut some guy's skills on guitar and music generally.No later than that jam early November last year.The guy was desperatly trying to put me down--criticizing my sound,my amp,my guitar,trying to get others to change the structure of my tune,ect,but when we got to play 30 minutes all together, he stopped playing the guitar,he was so unconfortable.Yiikes!Fucking miserable.Yeah,still a loooooooonnnng way to go.lets keep the fight goin'on.Hard.Art is by no means a question of sex gender.