"Having an Intellectual Discussion With..." and , later "Eyeball of Hell" (Electric Eels.) , "The Modern Dance" (Pere Ubu) , "The Day The Earth Met Rocket From The Tombs", and a recent Mirrors collection - I forget the name.....
The thing about the earlier bands , they did'nt have many places to play , much less , a visible following beyond friends and the few who'd had it with cover bands. and a lot of them LOATHED each other , or at least , individual people did. I've spoken with enough of them to know. The Electric Eels played a total of five times. I doubt that Rockets played too many more times than that , but , I could'nt tell you , one way or the other....
The Dead Boys had to defect to New York City to make a name for themselves , as did Pere Ubu , and The Cramps , who were'nt all Clevelanders , but , of course , Lux and Ivy were based there , as was later member , Nick Knox (And much later member , Mike Metoff , his Cousin , from The Pagans.), before forming The Cramps in NYC.
Michael Weldon (Mirrors , Psychotronic Video magazine.) told me recently , "I've got all these people asking me for interviews about the early 70's Cleveland scene.....It was'nt even a scene !".