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    • January 17, 2012 5:34 PM CST
    • Click here for story:

      22 years ago Lookout Records was my favorite label around. The Queers, Screeching Weasel, Crimpshrine, Operation Ivy, Mr. T Experience and Pinhead Gunpowder were all fave bands of mine, and I dug Green Day in their early days, too. The "Can of Pork" and "Thing That Ate Floyd" comps got tons of spins at the Kopp household. Then later, after my tastes started moving into wilder, noisier, and trashier territories, I was reminded of how cool they once were as they put out records by the Donnas, Hi-Fives, Smugglers, Groovie Ghoulies, Go-Nuts and Phantom Surfers. I hadn't really paid much attention to the label over the past several years, so I was unaware that they'd ceased releasing new stuff back in 2005. Cathy Bauer, one of the owners, was from St. Louis, and booked punk shows alongside myself and others at the Bernard Pub and other local venues.

      Sad to see them go. RIP.

    • January 17, 2012 3:52 PM CST
    • BBurns Bison 62, Eastwood Wandre, or Jag HH would look the part...

    • January 17, 2012 3:29 PM CST
    • Radio Birdmans "Rock 'n' Roll War" and Cure @ Ontario Theater, Washington nov 16:th 1984.

    • January 17, 2012 11:26 AM CST
    • What is your favorite live/bootleg you have gotten over the years? Mine are Tales from the Crypt by The Mummies and Prime Directive Exterminate the Whole Ruman Race by The Misfits (even though the sound quality is complete shit.)

    • January 17, 2012 2:43 PM CST
    • Kool! & I can read it all! (cos 'Google Translate' automatically popped up on my browser!)
      Gintaras said:

      I think pretty much everything here fits the description)) unfortunately the forum's in russian, but just click on any topic to witness the mad creations of soviet engineers.

    • January 17, 2012 12:57 PM CST
    • I know the guys who own this place:



      Most of the pricing is for collectors but once in a while...

      I've visited a few times and got a Realistic (!) violin bass at a reasonable price.  It plays great, looks cool, and the sound!

    • January 17, 2012 2:31 PM CST

    • Here's some updates with

      Recently repressed Episode 13, which was DJ Zorch's debut on the show. Most recently in episode 80, he phoned in for another guest DJ session to plug a record party in SoCal. He brought another record geek alongside of him (Astro138) and they played lots of 50's and 60's wax. RnB, Garage, Instros, Exotica kind of thing, not too much on the 'billy, though. Figured it was appropriate to bring Ep 13 back as well.

      Episode 79, we gave away tickets to see a killer surf band called Thee Cormans. There's also a review posted of the gig in the brand new REVIEWS section. Soon to get fatter. There's an old post from this forum re-hashed as a review also, regarding The Curs and Dr. Bizarro's Victims. A review of a recent Reverend Horton Heat/Supersuckers gig is to be published later this week.

      As far as social media is concerned, found a new site strictly devoted to beer. Cool site where you "check in" to a drink and rate them from mobile. Figured I drink enough beer that I might as well get an inch of promotion out of it. So, now you can be friends with Zorch Radio on Untappd.

      You can subscribe to the blog and podcast here:

    • January 17, 2012 1:03 PM CST
    • Yes great find for me....:):)

      Mina said:

      ^ Haha you found it? :D

    • January 17, 2012 3:44 AM CST
    • right now: 

    • January 17, 2012 12:10 PM CST
    • Worst show was not a punk show, but New Order on their Low Life tour. Coulda just stayed home and listened to the LP, and they had zero stage presence. Still like Warsaw and Joy Division, though.

    • January 17, 2012 11:51 AM CST
    • Alison:

      Saw that same band a coupla years after you did, with my kids as they wanted to see the band. The best part was the songs they played in the intermission before this band started early Damned, early SLF, Ruts, and lots of other cool 77 punk sounds. It was a great leadup to a HUGE disappointment as the band appeared about as bored as i was watching/hearing them....zzzzz.....

      Alison said:

      Fall 2001 -  I hear there is this new New York band, supposed to be amazing, supposed to be all "garage rock" but also influenced by two of my favorite bands, The Velvet Underground and Television.  Get to the 40 Watt, see 5 "outifits" and 5 "haircuts" preening around the stage, a sonic commercial for Urban Outfitters, no edge, no sex, no dirt, not even reverb, the crowd of pretentious Athens hype hounds nodding with encouragement. Left after two "songs," embarrassed, blasted Sister Ray in the car ride home in an attempt to erase my mistake...

    • January 17, 2012 3:10 AM CST
    • The Black Keys right after Magic Potion came out. It was at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia. it pretty much showed me that I would probably never like them again. The show was full of drunk bros yelling at the band to play certain songs. They were pretty boring as well. The Black Angels also played that night so half the show was tolerable. That was 2006 mayber 2007 I can only image what their shows are like now, headlining Coachella and all. 

    • January 17, 2012 12:02 PM CST
    • wowwww!!!! amazing tune Mina!

      Mina said:

      If you cut out the laughing at the end, this counts as a 2 min. song. :D

    • January 17, 2012 11:48 AM CST
    • Funny no-one mentioned WINO yet:):):):):):)!!!


    • January 17, 2012 7:47 AM CST
    • More favorites:

    • January 17, 2012 5:27 AM CST
    • drunk by jimmy liggins (this could go on forever...i have done 2 completely different 2 hour radio shows of these records, and still not played em all...

    • January 17, 2012 5:12 AM CST
    • Beer Bust Blues by the Scotsmen gotta be a garage classic! 'Well its Friday night an thats my time to howl!' Rawk!!!

    • January 17, 2012 3:49 AM CST
    • songs about beer, liquor, drinking, etc.

      I'll start off with:

    • January 17, 2012 6:32 AM CST
    • That looks cool (Randy Rampage sure looks rough from his pretty boy DOA days).

      That Chicago movie looks good too altho I guess it's been out for a while since it says coming in 2007.  Anyone seen that?