Salv-8Track Army
Weirdonia said:
I'll form the rival church, Our Lady of Cassettes
Old School Hero said:Who wants to start the Born Again Vinyl church with me?
Salv-8Track Army
Weirdonia said:
I'll form the rival church, Our Lady of Cassettes
Old School Hero said:Who wants to start the Born Again Vinyl church with me?
This scares me, I'm usually trying to avoid all this stuff like smartphones just because I don't think I like the idea about being connected all the time that it becomes hard to stop. Although I think a lot of new cars come with USB ports so I think even people like me should still be able to cope in the future world of driving.
Nevertheless CDs were a good way of having portable albums that you could hear in the car. MP3s do tend to make you want to mix your own stuff and so completely skip over things you didn't think much of the first time but might have given a second chance had the been on a album you're spinning.
kopper said:
Just saw this news:
Automakers shedding CD players
CD players in cars look set to go the same way as the dodo bird, according to a report in industry trade publication Automotive News.
With content and computing power migrating to smartphones, which can now channel music, navigation and other applications to relatively simple and low-cost onboard infotainment systems, CD players are becoming increasingly irrelevant in cars, the report says.
Automakers also want to get rid of optical drives — that is, CD or DVD players — because they are expensive and appeal mainly to older motorists, according to the report.
Indeed, the 2013 Chevrolet Sonic RS, which debuted this week at the Detroit auto show and will go on sale in the United States this summer features an optional MyLink infotainment system that lets motorists make hands-free phone calls, listen to MP3 music and get route guidance by linking their smartphones to the vehicle's infotainment system. But no CD player, Automotive News said.
“We asked potential Sonic and Spark customers what they were looking for in infotainment,” Sara LeBlanc, MyLink's global infotainment program manager, told Automotive News. “They were very worried about cost. They said to us: ‘Get rid of the CD player. We don’t use it.’”
Just saw this news:
Automakers shedding CD players
CD players in cars look set to go the same way as the dodo bird, according to a report in industry trade publication Automotive News.
With content and computing power migrating to smartphones, which can now channel music, navigation and other applications to relatively simple and low-cost onboard infotainment systems, CD players are becoming increasingly irrelevant in cars, the report says.
Automakers also want to get rid of optical drives — that is, CD or DVD players — because they are expensive and appeal mainly to older motorists, according to the report.
Indeed, the 2013 Chevrolet Sonic RS, which debuted this week at the Detroit auto show and will go on sale in the United States this summer features an optional MyLink infotainment system that lets motorists make hands-free phone calls, listen to MP3 music and get route guidance by linking their smartphones to the vehicle's infotainment system. But no CD player, Automotive News said.
“We asked potential Sonic and Spark customers what they were looking for in infotainment,” Sara LeBlanc, MyLink's global infotainment program manager, told Automotive News. “They were very worried about cost. They said to us: ‘Get rid of the CD player. We don’t use it.’”
Meant to thank you on this, Spite! I've downloaded all 16 volumes and talk about a treasure trove of music! Sure there was stuff on there I already had, but there was also quite a bit I had always wanted, but couldn't find it.
Should be soon! Peter Aaron of the Chrome Cranks is a member here... maybe we can get him to chime in. Here's the previous discussion on the topic:
Davi Rodriguez - ORANGE DISASTER said:
Any idea of when is the next Chrome Cranks' out?
Bobby said:For a while noe I'be been listening a lot to The Church Keys- Work With It, & Tav Falco & the Unapproachable Panther Burns- Songs For Deranged Lovers. I'm really excited for the new Chrome Cranks album to come out next.
Tony Jonaitis said:The first Modern Lovers LP! Or...the first Velvet Underground LP...or The Soft Boys "Underwater Moonlight...or....hey, this question is too hard to answer!!!! You tell us what you would suggest!"
ALmost forgot to mention - those are all brazilian bands.
Davi Rodriguez - ORANGE DISASTER said:
I don't know if I should do this, or if I am being anything but new...
Check some of these guys out:
Damn Laser Vampires -
Olho Seco -
Orange Disaster -
Lixomania -
Ulster -
Human Trash -
Hino Mortal -
Replicantes -
BTW, Orange Disaster is my band, but all others are truly and pure admiration. So forgive me for my self-propaganda :P
Brother Panti-Christ said:hey guys...
yeah yeah yeah... for sure this is getting interesting.
SWT: thanks for the tips, will be looking into those...
Howie: I just checked out pics of you in your record romper room, wow! I've had the pleasure of some of my best friends having collections like you. And you are right, it's usually the best source to find something wacky and weird for sure. What I would totally dig from you is just a tip or two, just point a few weird records out. Maybe some South America Samba gospel garage jazz sampler that recently came out...
Stig: Thermos Malling is one of the true great artists and one of my biggest inspiration! The Spectral Light & Moonshine Firefly Snakeoil Jamboree sounds interesting, gonna dig around for that one right now, thanks!!
Is anyone else here taking notes??
I don't know if I should do this, or if I am being anything but new...
Check some of these guys out:
Damn Laser Vampires -
Olho Seco -
Orange Disaster -
Lixomania -
Ulster -
Human Trash -
Hino Mortal -
Replicantes -
BTW, Orange Disaster is my band, but all others are truly and pure admiration. So forgive me for my self-propaganda :P
Brother Panti-Christ said:
hey guys...
yeah yeah yeah... for sure this is getting interesting.
SWT: thanks for the tips, will be looking into those...
Howie: I just checked out pics of you in your record romper room, wow! I've had the pleasure of some of my best friends having collections like you. And you are right, it's usually the best source to find something wacky and weird for sure. What I would totally dig from you is just a tip or two, just point a few weird records out. Maybe some South America Samba gospel garage jazz sampler that recently came out...
Stig: Thermos Malling is one of the true great artists and one of my biggest inspiration! The Spectral Light & Moonshine Firefly Snakeoil Jamboree sounds interesting, gonna dig around for that one right now, thanks!!
Is anyone else here taking notes??
I don't think German country attempts should be allowed to count because that is mainstream aweful. As for Kopper's video, I was trying to work out if it was a parody or not. It seems a bit unneccesary all that violent hardcore dancing when there's no one around. Also they keep making tit gestures as if their song was about large breasts. I DONT KNOW IF YOU HEARD OF THIS GUY... BUT HES KIND OF A BIG DEAL :P
Mine is the Fuzz/Tremelo combo on many Cramps records ....Best exemplified by The Animals "Don't Bring Me Down" . A hit , yes , but still an underrated sound on that record. Of course , a lot of Garage Punk 45s tried for the kingdom , if they could , using the same sound.
DON'T BE TOO SURPRISED IF BUBBLE PUPPY TURN UP , THEY'VE REFORMED RECENTLY, AND SOUND GREAT. Kenny and the Kasuals usually turn up . The Ponderosa Stomp should have a great show planned , as usual. The MONSTER gigs usually are'nt promoted (Stooges , New York Dolls , Rezillos , Saints , Blue Cheer , and so on.....) , or , barely are , but a million people will find out before any of us would , I hate to say. Follow any and all leads
Andrew , reminds me of a very early score at 2nd Hand Tunes (Where I think you and I might have met...) Some guy had first dibs on THE FUCKIN' LOLLIPOP SHOPPE LP !!!!!! THEY PLAYED ALMOST THE WHOLE RECORD , WHILE THIS GUY DECIDED IF HE WANTED IT OR NOT....It was TORTURE !!!!! But , I talked to the guy , friendly like. He was'nt showing his cards. I finally offered to pay him more that he'd have paid for it ( Hey , Seuss ! It was only $3.50.) , but , he saw it first , it was his call. Finally , he said it was annoying , and I could buy it. I shook his hand. God bless you for not having a clue !).
dave said:
Hey,John, I remember listening to a CD (shh!) at Sound Exchange one evening, and seeing this guy come up to the turntable w/ a battered copy of the 1st Dolls LP. After a minute or so, he took off the headphones and I said, "Hey, man, nice score! You don't see that used too often." Wow, the look he gave me, it wasn't like he was a hipster, it was like he couldn't figure out why anyone would give 2 shits about that album. Like you said, "Whatta douche!"
"You passed Pere Ubu live for Poison Idea?!" - Curses . Foiled again.They figured me out.
The Ebay segment is funny.
I smelled a record the other day , because it looked water - damaged. I got a bit self - conscious about it.
The bit about Heroin addicts who once supported a more noble addiction , sad but true....OK ,not sad if you got some great records , cheap , but , still......
I don't really know what I say , because it's really a private pursuit. Sometimes I'll tell someone if they're considering something really good , that they should....
Once , I saw an English guy with a stack of CRAP Disco records that he's sure to make a huge profit from , back home (Nothing against my English mates. They KNOW it's true.). Separate from the stack was Moby Grapes' first LP (Yes , with the finger! But , I learned , recently , that's the lesser rarity of the two.)....I HAVE IT , BUT MINE IS A BIT BEAT....I gave him the thumbs up for finding it , he sneered. What a douche. Nothing against his nationality (My internal workings are partly English , too.), but , what a douche. He's have probably gone straight for the "Dance" section in the glory days of Wax Trax Records.
Whats funny is , I meet these English know - it - alls . I don't judge all British record collectors by them. I met some Londoners who told me they saw Arthur Lee and The ELECTRIC pRUNES , AND BOTH SHOWS WERE SHIT. Whatever, I saw Arthur at least 5 times , and The Prunes , once . Goes without saying each and every show was a gem to make your best girl's fanny ****TWINKLE!*****. tHE FACT THAT IT COULD'NT BE 1967 WHEN THEY SAW 'EM HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT. yes ! Lighter fluid - What the Hell? I do know someone who uses it , but only on his dollar records. We've all suffered prats , twats , prannies and fannies , right? I met some English Rockabillies , and told 'em I like the early English Rock 'n' Rollers . He goes , "Oh ? D'yer like Cliff Richard?". I thought it might have been a TRICK QUESTION , BUT , I told him , "Yes !" . He said , "Good ! So do we !". It's like being too cool to like Ricky Nelson because you could have taken him home (And watched him make off with your Sister , if she was half as hot as Lorrie Collins.).
"ugh re-press! I hate re-presses!"
One of the funniest things for me is unspoken... when you find that perfect gem, and you look around like someone is going to fight you for it. You walk towards the counter convinced that someone is going to tackle you and take it. Then when you pay for it the guy at the register looks visibly pissed, probably because he didn't work the day before and missed the record when it came in. Too bad for them!
Hey,John, I remember listening to a CD (shh!) at Sound Exchange one evening, and seeing this guy come up to the turntable w/ a battered copy of the 1st Dolls LP. After a minute or so, he took off the headphones and I said, "Hey, man, nice score! You don't see that used too often." Wow, the look he gave me, it wasn't like he was a hipster, it was like he couldn't figure out why anyone would give 2 shits about that album. Like you said, "Whatta douche!"
"You passed Pere Ubu live for Poison Idea?!" - Curses . Foiled again.They figured me out.
The Ebay segment is funny.
I smelled a record the other day , because it looked water - damaged. I got a bit self - conscious about it.
The bit about Heroin addicts who once supported a more noble addiction , sad but true....OK ,not sad if you got some great records , cheap , but , still......
I don't really know what I say , because it's really a private pursuit. Sometimes I'll tell someone if they're considering something really good , that they should....
Once , I saw an English guy with a stack of CRAP Disco records that he's sure to make a huge profit from , back home (Nothing against my English mates. They KNOW it's true.). Separate from the stack was Moby Grapes' first LP (Yes , with the finger! But , I learned , recently , that's the lesser rarity of the two.)....I HAVE IT , BUT MINE IS A BIT BEAT....I gave him the thumbs up for finding it , he sneered. What a douche. Nothing against his nationality (My internal workings are partly English , too.), but , what a douche. He's have probably gone straight for the "Dance" section in the glory days of Wax Trax Records.
I still laugh at the elitist stance that they (we) exhibit.
"Oh, that's out-of-print. You can't find it anymore."
Just uploaded a track too. seems to have worked fine. *fingers crossed*
Just uploaded it (im pretty sure). Hope we make it. And major respect for even taking this on.
James Mess
See my reply posted above from this past Saturday...
Derek Kosky said:
Hi Kopper,
Is there still time to submit a song for possible inclussion for either the forthcoming comp or a later one?
Hi Kopper,
Is there still time to submit a song for possible inclussion for either the forthcoming comp or a later one?