Alice cooper revisted by Disneyland or Starbucks hahahaha
The Ultimatemost High said:
First video that pops to mind is....
Alice cooper revisted by Disneyland or Starbucks hahahaha
The Ultimatemost High said:
First video that pops to mind is....
nahh I was talking about kopper's video.
in this video its only the chick/dude singing..
you are definitly right.
I was thinking today whilst listening to a prisoners live tape that what with vinyl sales up and all that it's time to re issue the prisoners lp's and 7"s etc.
There has been some awesome vinyl re issue's available of late but no prisoners...even the cd re issues aren't all that available to the average record shopper.
There may well be a reason as to why this is that I don't know, but I'd be keen to if there is.
If there's not, please, let's get these records back out there.
With the recent renewed interest in garage and vinyl, I'd bet that there's a bunch of listeners out there who like I did (all those years back) would flip there wigs at first hearing one of the greatest garage bands.
The Magnetix
The Mummies, The Spaceshits, Les Sexareenos, The Morlocks, Thee Milkshakes, The Mortals, The Kitchen Cinq, The Spits, most of the 60s comps. If I think of any more, I'll add them later.
Tunnel of Love on Black Gladiator Records is pretty damn good and pretty damn gnarly. Recorded on a way-too-far-in-the-red cassette 4-track.
Have you tried compilations like Highs in the Mid-Sixties, the Big Itch (more wacky/instro, but still essential), Back From the Grave, I was a Teenage Caveman?
Get Hip or Dionysus have online catalogs, as does Crypt. John Battles will have plenty o' info for ya, as well.
Not pure Garage but a lo-fi fav:
The Clean plus most of the other Dunedin Bands. Check out the Flying Nun Compilation!
Has anybody mentioned Jay Reatard beore?
Oh , The Damned did a whole album as Naz Nomad and The Nightmares , "Soundtrack to "Give Daddy The Knife , Cindy" " , a fictional 60's AIP - type Teen/Drug flick , mostly covers of Nuggets - era faves...I'm not saying you did'nt know that , but , if anybody did'nt , it's a good parody , the music actually works , and it even fooled the compliers of "The Acid Trip" book , who mentioned The Damned , separately ! (The Damned performed as Naz Nomad a few times , too...).
I met Vanian and Jugg when they were touring with Dave Vanian and The Phantom Chords . Roman Jugg was a super nice guy. Dave Vanian was cordial , a bit standoffish , but , pleasant enough. We were talking about the fact that his Birthday was coming up , and I noted that Bela Lugosi's Birthday was in close proximity to his. He said , "Yes , I know. I'm the same year as him , actually....... I mean , I was BORN in the year that he DIED.". FOR A MINUTE , i THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO TRY TO TELL ME THE VAMPIRE BIT WAS'NT A PUT - ON .
Dead Boy said:
Also, Vanian released "Tenterhook" with Roman Jugg, and as Naz Nomad And The Nightmares released "Just Call Me Sky" on a comp. "The Whip".
Both are cheap garage tunes.
I agree , Mudhoney was closer to the "Garage" side of the coin , than the stuff Sub Pop became famous for , or famously sold to bigger labels , but , I saw them once , on the strength of their first Sub Pop single , and walked out about 20 minutes into it. It did'nt move me at all , and they did'nt acknowledge the crowd , once . Personally , I try to make eye contact with people I'm playing to , so they'll know I'm paying attention to them , and trying to get a feel for what they might like.....You can't do that with your eyes permanently shut , and your hair over your eyes , besides , something Cobain raised to an art form , later...The bassist , to his credit , moved around a lot , and kept his eyes opened ....Staring at a blank wall to the left of the stage. I liked the "Sonic Boom!" book for the most part , and I knew Grunge would get a lot of coverage , that's OK , but , giving Fred Cole and Girl Trouble one sentence each ?! Makes you wonder who's minding the store....
KK Dirty Money said:
This is great! Good subject, good question, good responses. Thanks!
I guess I'll chime in as the "grunge guy""...
I always thought Mudhoney was a pretty cool band from the latter part of that era, along with some of the other Sub Pop bands from back then.
Look into the Sub Pop label for that Seattle slice of this pie.
For a while noe I'be been listening a lot to The Church Keys- Work With It, & Tav Falco & the Unapproachable Panther Burns- Songs For Deranged Lovers. I'm really excited for the new Chrome Cranks album to come out next.
Tony Jonaitis said:
The first Modern Lovers LP! Or...the first Velvet Underground LP...or The Soft Boys "Underwater Moonlight...or....hey, this question is too hard to answer!!!! You tell us what you would suggest!"
hmn... if it was just one I would pick The Gories - Houserockin' and if I could expand to just three then I would add Supercharger's self titled and probably The Mummies - Never Been Caught
The first Modern Lovers LP! Or...the first Velvet Underground LP...or The Soft Boys "Underwater Moonlight...or....hey, this question is too hard to answer!!!! You tell us what you would suggest!"
i was born punk.Honest.So the first time i heard a punk song it was like a shock it was so new yet so familiar!!
Some of my metal friends, who were into punk, invited me to see Bikini Kill with Sleeping Body playing in someone's garage some time around 1989. There was a zine library, a vegan potluck, a record distro, music trading plus a general vibe of friendship and support. After that, I just got the idea that punks had it going on and metal heads were a bunch of immature tossers who couldn't get laid and tried to act tough when the reality was they were anything but. When my metal friends were only good for landing in jail or dying young, it wasn't a hard choice to leave metal in the dust.
with my bands SOnic Angels, we are going to tour in Us next march 2012. We have yet contacts around the country, but still looking for shows and gigs to do.
our tour will be in 5 weeks :
start in New York - Detroit - chicago -
go down to the south by van : Memphis, Louisianne, Austin
flight to california
up top the north
and New York again
I know its a long way but we love to drive and be on the road....
We never been in Us, so we don't know how its work, we just know its dificult to be paid even for the gaz sometimes and there is no food, no drinks, nothing sometimes....., anyway we have some friends everywhere who can give us a place to stay.
just want to have fun and do some promotion for our band, trying to not loose too much money.
if somebody can give us contacts or can directly book us a gig....
facebook event :
Bandcamp :
Check out Norton Records they have some great reissues on 7" and LP. So do Ace, more on CD with them.
Download anything by Otis Redding and/or the Smokey Robinson.
This past year my appreciation for early R&B and Soul skyrocketed... I couldn't stop playing it, searching for it, and dancing to it. I got a bunch of comps now... Shakin Fit, Whip It On Em, Show Me What You Got you know the Candy Record label releases, also All Night Soul Stomp, Pow City, Downtown Soulville.... any other must have Comps, tracks, albums?!?!
the original Turn Right To Open is dead, well obviously for anyone that ever went there... sorry I got lazy :( plus comments slowly depleted which sucked as well (though might come back someday, who knows!) (also many of the links STILL WORK) ... anyways now I have one of those hip Tumblr things! Whoo!
sorry its not as cool though, mostly music tracks and music videos of songs I like. sometimes I put personal mixes to download. Check it out if you want. Follow if you want. comments suggests appreciated.
It doesn't matter who is playing on the track as long as whomever holds the publishing rights agrees to the terms... IF I decide to use the track, that is.
Ghislaine Korb / THE PUSH-BACKS said:
Hi Kopper!i would love to submit one of the songs i've uploaded on my playlist,but as Rat Scabies(Damned)is drumming on them,i dunno if that'd be an''issue''....Can you tell me???also,those tunes will be played by the (new)Push-Backs,but those versions were recorded some time ago,is that a problem to feature on a Hideout comp???(even if they stay current on my project's list)??
Anyway i should record as a solo artist some newer shit soon-that is if you ''accept'' solo artist stuff that isnt yet in the process of being performed live(as i am re-recruting new members for my band at the moment)...Not wanting to sound un-proffessional,just wondering-thanks for aswering:)
with love from Jolly England! Featuring living British legend! drummer BRUCE BRAND! The Dustaphonics
Here's the proper download link:
whatwave dave said:
Playlist Jan 5/2012
The first show of the new year, called "London Ontario Is Once Again In The News....EMD Workers Locked Out" and here's the facebook link for this show's event:
The quick rundown, company gets millions from the federal government in tax breaks approx 2 years ago and one of the deals is they can't close/move the plant. Caterpillar (which just recently bought the company) decides to cut all workers wages and benefits by 50% during union contract renewals. Union and workers refuse the pay cut, the company locks the workers out and looks like it will move the equipment to another plant, in Muncie Indiana. London has almost the highest unemployment in Canada and recently lost a Ford plant putting many others out of work. The federal government won't step in because it says it's not in the business to settle labour disputes, yet recently got involved when Canada Post and Air Canada were in contract negotiations. The media is watching this story as it could set precedents in future union negotiations.
So this show, is songs about working,labour, jobs, bosses etc....we had TONS of phone-ins during the show with lots of great requests and support for the workers!
1. Ray Condo and His Hardrock Goners...Greenback Dollar...from their first LP, Crazy Date from the late 80's.
2. The Demics...Factories...from the New York City CD on OPM. Played this song last week and a regular listener who was employed at Ford called in to talk about how many of the Ford employess got screwed when the plant closed down. He talked about guys that had been there for years, but weren't old enough to retire, hence have to find income to pay their mortgages, feed the family, and pay the bills. This got me thinking, hence this week's show.
3. Subhumans...Big Picture...from the Incorrect Thoughts LP from 1980. The Subhumans are a highly political punk band, listen to just about any of their songs and you'll get an honest look at a situation that you may not even know exists. These guys put a lot of thought and effort into their songs and they've been among my fave bands for many years. They were the last band that i saw at legendary Toronto club The Edge, days before it closed in 1981. They also played London on that same tour and the Ford worker mentioned above, happened to make an audio tape of that show which occasionally gets some airplay here on Radio WW. The Subhumans have done 2 reunion tours, in 2006 and 2010, both times playing at Call The Office here in London and they haven't lost any of the anger/energy/intelligence they've always had!
4. Blue Peter...Factory Living....from the Test Patterns For Living EP on Ready Records 1980.
5. Johnny Cash...One Piece At A Time...had to play this from a crappy mp3 download...just couldn't find a decent vinyl or CD copy...sorry for the poor sound quality, but this is a song that just had to be played. The ultimate rip off of the company whilst working at an auto plant!
6. Washington Squares...D Train...from their self titled debut LP from 1987. This song drips with anger about working the 9 to 5 thing....Washington Squares played at a place called Kiplings here in London 4/24/88 and it was a CHRW presentation. We did an interview with the band after the show for What Wave zine and that was published. In the same issue we did an interview with Teenage Head's Dave Rave. Coincidentally Lauren Agnelli from the Washington Squares (based in NYC) and Dave Rave (based in Hamilton Ontario) who didn't know each other when the issue was published, ended up in a band together called The Dave Rave Conspiracy (later Dave Rave Group) and whenever we saw them after that issue was published, would say it was us that brought them together....weird coincidence or something.
7. The Vogues...5 O'clock World...from the LP of the same name.
8. The Subhumans...Modern Business... from the New Dark Age Parade CD.
9. The Ramones...The Job That Ate My Brain...from the Mondo Bizarro CD from 1992.
10. DOA...Liar For Hire...from the War On 45 EP from 1982. Another politically charged punk band and like The Subhumans (who they've traded members with over the years) call Vancouver home. A couple months back, prior to DOA playing at Call The Office here in London, lead singer/guitarist Joe Shithead gave a talk/solo performance at Grooves Records and talked about his days listening to protest songs prior to submerging into the punk scene.
11. Flying Squad...Brian Mulroney....local combo recorded this as a demo in the early 80's and the above mentioned Ford employee just might be doing the vocals on this one. For those that don't know, Brian Mulroney was the Prime Minister of Canada several years back...he was a 2 faced fucking liar as this song points out.
12. Jimmy Reed....Big Boss Man...from the 1980 LP Upside Your Head...probably recorded in about 1962.
13. New Bomb Turks...Mr Suit...from the Destroy-Oh-Boy Lp on Crypt Records from 1993. NBT's played London a couple of times in the mid 90's at Call The Office.
14. Woody Guthrie...Talking Dust Bowl Blues...from 1940 and one of the first white protest singers. An outspoken, ahead of his time, intelligent person that we could really use right about now.
15. Porter Wagoner....11 Cent Cotton...from his 2007 CD Wagonmaster.
16. Deja Voodoo....16 Tons...from the 1985 LP Cemetery.
17. The Zellots...On The Dole...late 70's demo recorded in Vancouver. The Zellots story is told in the latest issue of Mongrel Zine available locally at Grooves and Hot Dog.
18. John Lee Hooker...Want Ad Blues...from one of his many Greatest Hits LP's,
19. Leadbelly...Nation Defense Blues...from a Smithsonian Folkways CD.
20. Wayne Kramer...Something Broken In The Promised Land...from the Dangerous Madness CD from 1996...'some motherfucker is pissing on my grave, how much irrigation can i stand" opens the song and you KNOW that Brother Wayne is FUCKING PISSED OFF!!! Easily my fave Wayne Kramer CD and blows me away every listen!
21. CRASS... System....from The Stations Of The Crass double LP.
22. Dead Kennedys...California Uber Alles...from the Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegtables LP from 1980 LP.
23. Leadbelly...There's A Man Going Round Taking Names....some calm before the next punk assault.
24. Sex Pistols...Anarchy In The UK....from the Never Mind The Bollocks LP.
25. Steve Earle...Time Has Come Today...from the Side Tracks CD. Steve's been politically motivated for years, and this one brings out some anger.
26. DOA....General Strike...from the Let's Wreck The Party LP...a great way to end the show as this may be what it comes down to....remember to excercise your right to vote in the next election.
Hope you dug this show and big thanx to all of the call-ins and listeners who sent emails about this one! We might play a few more songs in this vein next week so tune in to find out.
Here's the podcast link to the show: