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    • January 13, 2012 9:12 AM CST
    • I've always wanted to see them, so according to this, Jason Ringenberg's still got it. How about a full review?

    • January 13, 2012 8:47 AM CST
    • I'm nearly 49 and still actively play punk and garage based music. There are two musicians that I frequently collaborate with who are 57 and 59. I don't feel that I truly "found myself" musically until I was in my mid 30's, though I've been playing guitar since I was 6. I fee as though I learn new tricks and grow all the time.   

    • January 13, 2012 8:44 AM CST
    • The Mods Revival in Japan solidified in 1981 with a big scooter run and festival called Mods Mayday (taken from the '79 comp). And they've been going strong every year since. A lot of the bands have been quite a mixture of garage punk, indie pop, shibuya kei, ska, along with some more pure Mods groups like The Collectors, The Fave Raves, The Neat Beats, The Shamrock... There's a 25th anniversary comp full of this stuff. There's also regular events connected to these organizers like March of the Mods. This site poorly needs updating, but it's done by the Mods Mayday people:

      Some of currently popular Japanese mods bands include:

      THE MINNESOTA VOODOO MEN (suits with a garage edge)

      THE BAWDIES (Beatles influence, huge right now, will support The Sonics this year)

      THE MERCIES (like The Bawdies but all girls and much raunchier!)

      THE SHALLOWS (Mods sound with a touch of GS)

      THE SCARLETTES (from Osaka, Who covers and such)

      And a bunch of girl groups come to mind SHANGHAI BABIES, THAT'S A NO-NO, SIX, THE PHANTASMS...

      Some others mentionable are The Playmates, les Cappuccino even Pizzicato Five, known for mixing Mod fashion & sounds with Shibuya Kei electro-pop.

      I'm probably missing a bunch but these are the ones that mind at the moment.

    • January 13, 2012 3:46 AM CST
    • Yep , I like the more Garage orientated Mods i.e,The Birds,Creation,Who(early stuf) & as you say those Dutch bands had the right idea.. as for revival stuf , anything thats not too self concious(I'm being very un mod here, probably cos i ain't) Dr Feelgood, Stranglers, yes the Jam(they had the tunes)...when it comes down to it most 79 era revival guys it just sounds like Power Pop... dunno what do you think?

      hicksville hogwash said:

      Ahhhhh fuckin' Modz.  I was one '79 ish ....yeh  a revialist, powered by thee jam.  Quadraphenia movie's out.  Every dickhead Jimmy wannabe riding round gardens at drunk'n parties, wardrobes pushed outta bedroom windows, pill popping.... anyol'shit the pharmacists son could steal.... incuding cod liver oil capsules.

      What turned me off mod was when God - Bo Diddley came to a city 12 miles away.  I and 2 friends went on scooterz.  (I expected the place to be full of suited coolsterz but nah those mods had no idea, other than thee who, quadrahenia and motown).  I shared Bo with greasy ol' long haired biker rockerz.  It still is the best live experience ever.   A small pub backroom and Bo backed by an eager young rock n' roll group.

      I'd suggest checking out dutch mods -

      any q65 material 

      de maskers - sensations in sounds album.

      and bo diddley. do you embed vids?......

    • January 13, 2012 3:11 AM CST
    • The Movement are a cool mod band from present. They're from Denmark, I saw them live at the Ruhrpott Rodeo last year and they were well worth seeing.

      Here's their website

    • January 13, 2012 7:41 AM CST
    • Social Distortion - Lude Boy

      X - Suck Suck

      Buzzcocks - Breakdown

      The Damned - So Messed Up

      The Crowd - Modern Machine

    • January 13, 2012 7:15 AM CST
    • Squad car by Eddy and the showmen :  1:59 !

    • January 13, 2012 7:13 AM CST
    • We Bite by The Misfits !

    • January 12, 2012 11:59 PM CST
    • Short Songs by dead Kennedys, AckAckAck by the Minutemen, The Acid commercial by Country Joe & the Fish, Wasted by the Circle Jerks

    • January 12, 2012 11:47 PM CST
    • The Black Jaspers - I wanna be your razorblade.

    • January 12, 2012 9:50 PM CST
    • ack.......there are too many!!! here's a good one, though:

    • January 12, 2012 7:21 PM CST
    • That's tuff , I'd have to go back and check all these songs that'll turn out to be over 2:OO , Anyway...So I'll take the easy way out -    "Talk , Talk " The Music Machine. Says more in 1:58(?) than most full albums.

      Runners Up - Jim Basnight "She Got...Fucked".

      Ramones : I Can't Be.

      Vomit Pigs : Baby's Playing Games .  No known recorded  version is two minutes long.

    • January 12, 2012 6:01 PM CST
    • I'm feeling A.D.D. right now. Gimmie your favorite songs that are 2 minutes or less in length.

    • January 12, 2012 7:48 PM CST
    • Austin Showlist has most of the free/punk/garage sxsw shows listed. Me? I stick to the 'eastside' (east of I-35/east of downtown) - everything is free, off the radar to the 'douche badges', walk or bike to most of the venues, no lines to get in or to get a beer. If a band is playing an 'official sxsw thing' odds are they're playing free on the eastside on another day.

    • January 12, 2012 1:35 PM CST
    • I think you don't need a Music Badge. If the show you want see is not sold out by Music Badgers you normally can pay at the door. And there are many many shows that are unofficial. You wouldn't get in there with a badge.

      Shtbird said:

      So I checked out the website (Never attended a music festival of any sort). Lineup looks pretty fun, I've seen a handful of them on little west coast tours.

      But 675 for a Music Badge?

      and Hotel Rooms at 150+ a night?

      We're talking at least 1500 (including travel, food, drinks, etc.) I don't know about you guys, but I'm dirt poor working class. I can't afford that shit.

      Does anyone know of a cheaper way to do this?

    • January 12, 2012 12:37 PM CST
    • Sure. It's on Thursday March 15th and it's a day party with free bbq, booze and awesome bands. It's at the Elysium. We'll have one stage with more loud rockin' stuff and we'll have another small stage with stuff like James Leg, Joe Purdy and acts like that. Show is 21+ definitely. 

      swt said:

      Elel, Lemme know details of your showcase

      Elle Diabla said:

      I have a showcase down there again this year. I'll be doing it at The Elysium. One of the awesome bands I'll be having on is the Riverboat Gamblers!! I'm so excited for it. We're gonna have a pig roast and free beer. This year though I'm taking the nanny. I'm a mama and it's tough dragging a baby all over SXSW!

      My fave shows are house shows or outdoor BBQ's and stuff. Maybe I'm just old but watching 1000 wasted kids run around isn't so fun anymore. 

      If anyone knows of any killer bands looking for a showcase, send them my way! I'm taking submissions now and making decisions at the end of them month. 

    • January 12, 2012 4:29 PM CST
    • Oh , and I kissed Lorrie Collins about 15 years ago .There's a notch in my belt. "I don't mess around , boy.". Seriously , Record Nerds IN TRAINING say things like , "I have the vinyls" , I'm not kidding , they do. Or they'll say , "I have vinyl of that.". Saying "I have the record" or "I have it on vinyl" should be in Record Collecting 101. I HAVE LITTLE OR NOTHING IN COMMON WITH JUNIOR HIPSTERS , INC. , Just like I have nothing in common with Dance and Hip Hop DJs , except that we all buy "The Vinyl", however , at least the Junior Hipsters and myself , WE LISTEN TO THE RECORDS!!!!!! 

      John Battles said:

      Whats funny is , I meet these English know - it - alls . I don't judge all British record collectors by them. I met some Londoners who told me they saw Arthur Lee and The ELECTRIC pRUNES , AND BOTH SHOWS WERE SHIT. Whatever, I saw Arthur at least 5 times , and The Prunes , once . Goes without saying each and every show was a gem to make your best girl's fanny ****TWINKLE!*****. tHE FACT THAT IT COULD'NT BE 1967 WHEN THEY SAW 'EM HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT. yes ! Lighter fluid - What the Hell? I do know someone who uses it , but only on his dollar records. We've all suffered prats , twats , prannies and fannies , right?    I met some English Rockabillies , and told 'em I like the early English Rock 'n' Rollers . He goes , "Oh ?  D'yer like Cliff Richard?". I thought it might have been a TRICK QUESTION , BUT , I told him , "Yes !" . He said , "Good ! So do we !". It's like being too cool to like Ricky Nelson because you could have taken him home (And watched him make off with your Sister , if she was half as hot as Lorrie Collins.).

    • January 12, 2012 2:24 PM CST
    • THE REAL KIDS self-titled LP.

    • January 12, 2012 12:36 PM CST
    • That was a while ago- I don't even have my Beltones shirts anymore.  I think we did two different versions of the gun shirt.  I had one we did for the "Fuck You Anyway" song, with a little punk kid giving the finger.  If you ordered other shirts from TKO, it's likely I was the guy who printed your shirt.

      All of the guys in The Beltones were fun. My buddy was in a band called Terminus City and they played together a lot.

      Jason Feldmann said:

      That's awesome. I ordered a shirt from TKO back in the late 90s... all white with the Beltones logo and a M-16 (or M-60) across the chest. Still wear it today, despite the stains. You gotta any of those T-shirts lying around?

      But the really cool thing is how I was introduced to the band.... saw the Swingin' Utters play Des Moines, Iowa in the summer 99 when I was living out there. Ended up drinking beers with the band afterwards and talking about music, sports (big NBA fans) and old SNL episodes. Anyway Johhny Peebucks and I struck up a friendship of sorts as we talked about a band called the Strike. I told him I'd send him their latest LP on casette tape. He returned the favor with a tape consisting of the Beltones, Workin' Stiffs and the Real McKenzies. Good stuff indeed!

      Dennis Guthrie said:

      The Beltones are great.  I used to print their t-shirts when I worked at my buddy's shop, Crash & Burn (in Atlanta).

      Jason Feldmann said:

      Everyone should know, love, appreciate and emmulate the Beltones. Their On Deaf Ears EP collects all their early 7 inches onto a CD. Only 20 minutes. But 20 minutes is all you need to have your life turned upside down!!  I love this goddamn band.

    • January 12, 2012 1:52 PM CST
    • Hi James,

      the plan is to come around the friday 23 of march, im still looking for a gig in San Francisco, do you have some contact to help ?

